J A I'I'iK', ni;ii, i '. i Ml Mi!) HI s i h ,i ! miir Mil. r li . t,i s i ri ;il.oi-t l'i pi it. mill will lie ill trim 1 1 MiH'il 1 1 . mot ceiH'w I'd within ;so il ii s. i !J 1 ' 4 H i r.i 1 VOL. 8 Elkin, N. C, Thursday, May 8, 1919 No. 12 t 1 damees crges sinking entire german feeet. Iondon, May 15. (I!y the As sociated Tress.) The greatest moral lesson of the war would bo to sink t ho entire German fleet with proper ceremonies, Joso- phus Daniels, American secre- .ii y of the navy, who recently t" visited the captured German vessels at Seapa Flow, declared in a statement today to the As sociated Press. "The German fleet should be sunk, in the opinion of American and I'.ritish technical experts in Talis," the secretary said. "Those who are not technical and who view the situation en tirely from the moral side have the same idea and bi l; -ve that the ships should lie sunk with hands playing and flags Hying to keep company with the mer chantmen the German navy de ployed. "I think the greatest moral lesson of the war would he the fr!3i.kin)T of the whole fleet with an unforgettable ceremony. These ships, which I recently viewed, are magnificent craft, 0) hut virtually ut-le.s as a part of the American navy. In the fir.-t place, you would never induce an American sailor to live in the cramped and unhealthy quar ters, even of the later types, and none lias hunker space sufficient for our needs. The shins un ,i ,.i t.. n.. i...;u r. .. i',, ,l,t uuudiciii.v "lit. mini iwi niii- injr in the North sea, and not for Ion? cruise as is necessary in " our navy. Their armor, how ever, is hetter than the Ameri can or Hi itih.' The secretary said there i. nothing approaching a conceit of opinion ;is to the size of the international naval police force or as to what I o.-poiisibihty each ally is willing to accept, lie ad ded that "all mtit he worked out when the league of nations begins to function. Tut with so many problems to face the na tions are willing t' leave that one until later," SHOOTS P.ROIIIER IN-LAW ON CROWDED STREET. O Columbia. S. C. May -Filing three or four lir.es from his revolver while standing on one of the miet crowded coi in is of Main street, slioitly alter I oVIiM-k t!ii afteitumn. Jo eph W. avi- yo irlife! Germany never Staub. a pressman in th e'l-ldd any harm to yon; all the ploy of a printing house heiej new p.iper tales a:e w rnng were piohably fatal'y shot his bioth - 'l-m-l.lW, Ui.llles I tlKeV. a discharged soldier, (hie of the hulfcts accahntly hi! Mi-s Sara Owings. who was on the other side of the street, in the lie k, painfully Mit nt M iioudy in Jlllillg her, M.llkiV, ill i oj ding to iH.i! ho p.t..! to - lliliht. is m a pliC.ilii-ils it re!.- tiotl. two bullets haitig taken etfiMt. one in the .Julomeit ae.d the other in the leg. It I alleg.sl that Matky ha. Insen causing tmuh tii-wb'e at the hoioe o M.upi's pan nt'. Mr. anil .mi s. ,io e;ih ,. Mauii. w hcie tf: 'ir d.iiik'hter. th wife of .MHlkv. is st..ing itlid that he tliieateneil lit,' lib Slant th m V i I al Malkv has Urn tile. I b the Re - t order scvci.d limes and tined fol making ih tlllhaiu es at the St..tili hon.i-, the lat time, Wel - liestlaV llight. he telloli.'ed the family and was put, unihr a jH-arr !mk;, by lltcnrder Ki-kiI, Malkv, who Was a top set -grant at hospital A. m-d i J de p.o tnielit. Camp Jark-on. Wiis tiHlst"l'd r It of the service in December. Ite ong nally tame fiom Nov Yolk ritv, whne. ar- roitbng to hit employer heie. Giot ge W. Collin, he lnaste of having the fiten id ip of "I fty Iniie." "D.igo Fiank" and the other notorious gun'nen v!io were executed for the ruinler of Herman Rosenthal, in which crime however, he disclaimed having pai tiip.t d. lie t . lied the xi-ter of Slauti aU'tit a vcar ago. The shooting nfTiay omnied on tlie romer of Geiai and Main tiTets diiictly in fiord of the state capitol mul wa wit nessed by scores of Jteople. Mnrkey, after l ing shot walkeil across the street to the Munici pal building, wheie he fell pitne on the sidewalk. Staub sur rendered to a patrolman and f n locked in the city jail. The condition of Mi Owing vai icjMirtcd favorable tonight. MUM' EROCGHT HOME from Tin: great war. Daily Sentinel. Anion;,r the relics of the war brought home by Mr. Hugh C. Tollard, secretary of the Fidelity Insurance Agency, in the Mason ic Temple, are two interesting' circulars which were dropped from enemy airplanes over the American lines, as a part of German propaganda with which the enemy hoped to break the morale of the American fighters, "They were dropped at different points while we were at the front," said Mr. Tollard, "-uid in great hatches. Ther must have been thousands of them distri buted along the lines." One of the circulars was dropped near St. Maurice, and read as follows: "The T.etter Tart of Valor." "Are you a brave man or a coward? "It takes a brave man to stand up for his principles. Cowards stand behind leaders and die, imagining that by so do ing they become heroes. "The motive of an act is its mea-ure. If you think the war is hell and that you as a citizen of the Tinted States of America have mi business to be fighting in France for England you are a coward to stay with it. If you had the courage to face criticism you would get out and over the top in no time to a place ivhi-re there is some likelihood thrit you may see home again. "What business is this war in F.urope to you anyhow? You don 'i want to annex anything, do you? You don't want to give up your Hie for tie ab-tiact thing humanity.' 'if you believe in humanity and that life i- precious save Jo ii own life and dedicate it to the m i vue of your own country ami the v ouis.lt who deerve it ol you. "Lot-, of you A lio.vs are stay ing with it b'V.uiM' ou ;m too cowardly to protect, to fU crt your own will-. Your wills are the be t JU Ik'e of what is best I'm you to do. Don't ask any one's opinion a to what you would Utter do. Do it and ! pnnti d to inflame xou to the lighting pitch; tluy were lies you know j osi r.iii'l beli-ve any thing oti lead in the iaH-rs. "If nu May with the outfit ten rh. teres n oe.e s-11 oil get eu! tf it Wi'l be a to'::htere i?i ' Fi e," J Th s-oi.e of the ( ,u iil.r li- - f. i d to Hi the pie.- d. -patches j pl!-!'4'ed in The Sentinel .i-t i IU ol r. h having In-ett scattei- ed b elleinv ihi I s over the An ei it an set toi s on the allied flout. Another riiciil.tr drop ped upon the Ami i ictis l At gonne asked: "What aic we tkhtmg for?" Then followed the l'u'1 text of not es v xchai ig- of ou!ig!ed ly Piesidetit W ilsott and the i rasititi . r.ei m.tn !mp-ii.d Chancellor fob Slowing the Get matt lequest for j Wi!on to ai range for an artnU- . le t-, dated Oi'IoUt S. The I'll s( iiiote wa wtitt-n b M.,x. piirce i ! of Hadi U. the!! chain ellol ; Hu ll follow S'-entary Itiisit;' t ply for the Pre i.h t.t and in which inqiiu v U ma le a to what s e,,...',' in the appeal, the imhtaiv leaih'i of Germain ol Ihe Gi'io'an p.snjile, and aUo the statement that the l. S. gt em-f-el t iIih's Hot feel at hlu'lty to piopoe cessation id altns to tts alli -s mi long as Hie ccntial JxWts WCe Upon tlieir sod. Concluding the n oly to this note bv Sei'f, Get man Sect clary of Son ign i.lTaii s. nrreptirg tenos j n'Hi.(d by Pie ih nt WiNnn pM- iicinai v to an aimaistice. is ttptir.tcil and at th" I Kit torn in huge type the question "W hy ate we 4iS fghting?" It was by tin's method that the centtal power succeeded for a moment in hi caking dow n the Italian mot ale, but they quickly l allied and tbove the enemy back after nnalyiitsf the condition which had iM cn exaggerated an I falsified by German propajrand-i-t. The continued and more deadly attack vas the reply which "American loy. among them the U .llli Field Aitilleiy, gave their indi cu t enemy. r:. a '.r.a-s ' r ; 1 x r . : -i A TiA : - ' -- , , . AT.' . i '1 L ?MK ivU t;fi.-- "r'- . !cAV.; - Tin rtti'.Hh Inrimtry In ili Ht;eliiim nf i'lly rolli-a--. N"w Vrnk, In In" l r:itrI l.y (m-iktiiI J'nllar.lrl (in b-tiHlf if Hn" Kn-in h Ki.'niiiM iit. l.'iitlmi of tin- p. are i f. r.-mv In - -.-t I n tin J.-mi -l 11 1 ! i.Ii.ik of KrmirH to il.-l.-nn'.iie tlx Itnl.-iniilMri. .'t- l.at.-nt .lnilnr:iih ft I'l.-iiiitT Pieli-tv U of I'olnn.l, iinule In I'url. wtitre be prf--iiiiii I In- claims 1 hi- i-niiiitry f-ir UuuAx. ' KI'l'OKTS l!KIN(i MADE AT PARIS AND ROME TO PiRING ITALIANS I5ACK. l!y the Associated Press The Italian question ag.ru has come to the fore in p -ace con-fer'-nre circles as the time ap proaches for the peace treaty to be handed to the German pleni potentiaries at Versailles. Signs are increasing in Pali that strong ttlorts are being made there and in Rome to bring the Italian delegation back to ) to the hand of the a:iarcl.i-t. the Freni h capital in time for Colli t it and federal agents the signing of the c-neian I -re on the rene gra cing and . , -, ,. . i . Hollowing evci v possible chin treaty, if possible, or. at least. . . . : , , ,. t .' , , . , : that might lead to a Milutlon of in time lor the hand:ng of a!. (.aU. nf t(i(, MM,u0(,ni treaty to the Au trian delegates ' uj; , lv ,n iu, (,, f ,,f a w ho are expected in Pai is short-; l.ir.ian lie ,,nd in damage to ly. Indications are that pio- j property of tl " com pany anl I of gress is being mad to adjust the 4 situation, although the other' powers apparent! v still are un- willing to give I mme to Italy. Chinese Issue Statement. The aMitude td til council of thiee legardii g I iume i., torn-' paled by the Chinese delegation! in its .statement with the repot t- i ed solution of the Shantung prob,em by w liH h Japan is to get ; the loimer (erm.'.n tights tin ie and later i to hatal tver the. teilitoiy li China. The Chinese ! statement ays it is intimatnl ! that the tlicisiott favorable to I Japan was made in order to :.ave 1 th"1 leagU" of tat ions, If h ,i',o pointed i.ut in the staVmeiit that I h i e was a .si ft I al i I.m lit l'I wei a the ... lies to si!jijrti t Japaii'.- t t.iim tf w hit h China had fu knowle Ige. China elain that ( ! m nv 's fight lit Sh.itll II teie alilo- 1 stleet. The Vtiies Well- about gated w hen China dix lai e-l w at , T"i fu t in lei.gth anl at one again si Geimany, joint Uin weie siitiou united tin man to Meet 1od.iv. i a if a l.atU iV I ad In n con Another meeting with thet .( t. d . -t. .-. I, ; . rlo ? to the German -t will U- held Sun-lay at ! phu-e wl,i the tn.n is -.uj ks,h! sjulle wliett the coilfel enre ' to haV e stm w), if t he W as one. riedetitial rommittie vtsll dis.j An off.cial of th Texas O l ctls the i-,telioti of t icih ntiaU (ii :vp am- staled to a lipicM iila with the German. The conn- live of the D.ui Nt w , 1 1 t cil of three t upoilcd to have'that hitcoirpmy had futf.i he-l leach. is an agieemer.t on Get -; oil j.nd ga to the goei t;ment. man fionliet s, in .bai e and ' w Inn it was bad y iuisl-i Ur lotiaine to Fiance and ptohib- fie I on y, p mid ither w ar acti iting Ciemian-Aiisli ia n-m jo.n. v .ties. ,nn it w. poss:,,. that llig Geniiaiiy. SalllldaV the , ,.!);, tieo.V of the government rotttu il rtnitimied ronsith-ialiot: ' :i- tisin; this trethml of gel- of the tJenn.Ul rallies qi;c-tan an,) al .o roil nltist with 11).- Im - iMi-Tt m nisi-i imd - .-o of state. On their r.istetn fiont Ihelorv lisi, i k i ate tctiting in liisor del. it is tctmiled. after Im ng ih fe ated by Silinian fom-s, Thei e have been ho tletaiSs of tr-j the ej 'o-a v., a two im ti had oited captuie of IMiogiad I i it in the y at d for several mln the Kin. 1 tiles, hut had ot rnteted the The Rumanian an I ('- r) o-; he M.ng. H id thete Ucn a fie Slovak govcitimatit have leftt--rd thlie Mfer of the llongaiiati communist to toake tei i i',m ia! conressim in tet ut n for an at -luisttce. Their nnnic continue to march on !udatet. Southwest of Vienna the Ita lians aie leomt'sd to have t( ti pied a btidge over the river Drave in nn advance hoitheas. watd. In the same region the Jugo-Slav who have been fight ing the Austrian, in Catinthia ate said to lie continuing their attack tow aid the Vienna rail way lin which is held by the Italians. i i e : .9 . r . P 'VJ AGENTS WORK ON THEORY Til T ANARCHISTS DID IT Greensboro Daily News, That enemies of the govern ment, or of the Texas Oil com pany, were nv-ponsible for the teill'ic evplosit.n of je.-terday morning, is the gl ow ing belief j among llio e who have ineii studying the cau-e of the explo sion and the file which resulted. Evidence of a circum.-tantial, but convincing nature, has been uncovered and points, ;t is be lieved, which um iring accuracy : scores of citizens n the vi:inity. Deputy h uaiicc Commis- sion t . ,. : ' o'. ! . who lu.ppen- ed to I.' in the city ystei day. immediately began trving to n t out the ai.se of the explo-, j i t ially the breaking of glass so . ion, theie 1m irg o; intense ! far from the scene; also that it ton., ".ion an I torn u - !n. follow- would have to im carefully plac ed a'r.o t in p iceplibiy by ex-jttl to have caused so complete plosions and concussions of !-! destruction of the building, sci voluire a1-1 e:fert. It w.ts Deputy InMwance Coinmis the fir.-1 whrh tote th build 'ioner S ott yeMerday asked the in into ! . i d ) i It-red dist;.?jt. the t i a'ii all' i MM it hue-j :1 peiuliai win- jr'a s hall a t s h In it paw log hne y.-.ste'.iay men found a m and Mr. S ett's imtni d. tlriv cal atieniioti vt.is l to il. This i est! .li eiy s"',il ; w i! , w an! la. piix.f n .-lit i . h h I w :th water 1 b be t-f 1 lid tV'ih-lii! fiolii hi .il J the desttoVed b Lag to the 1 raltoad tt arks a I wound inid- I j I the tietle ai d dnwit latluai I ting cv ;t. The ! mi; V the I niir. . ' s!,-.t!,'(-. nd the iM-)t!i!tr riTttM- s- ii- the o-cur- fence add si ret- th to this the- l'.en" i-s ,.., Jsrott stated la t lerht that I e w.r of the 1 1 p nioit l!iea wa tin (lie until of y'i ii i! ki net.4.d i h,t i il v to have r.rTirier.-y of v. oi g i it vc i'd have l,n not iced by the ee n ; U'-ide it was con tended that tin ie w n no g.i in-:-e the d dtoyel btiiMing, othr than m i1 Iv a drum of ket i t ". 1 h js net a in flammable a ga oUne nnd a t i II greater heat Would li.'V- hin raYe -sai y. Tlietv w ci e vat imit lheii ie advftnceij during the dav a to the ra i e. but the finding of the wiie bloiked each one that had been advanced In forehand. Each of the-e were traced down by t ... Mr. Scott and each appeared on investigation to have no foun dation in fact. The explosion, following close ly the sending of infernal ma chines to prominent people in various parts of the country, In ought the matter forcibly to the attention of the public and all day and until late last night it was the subject of general conversation on the streets. Kveiybody was expressing the hope that the matter might be thoroughly sifted to the bottom and the perpetrators of the deed brough to justice, in the event it was ascertained beyond a doubt that the explosion was deiiU-rately planned and execut ed and not accidental. Whether the explosion was catted by dynamite or T. N. T or whether it was some other high explosive is a question. Experts quest'oned regaining the nature of the explosion slat- ci thai il Hmiw have taken a huge qiiantitv of dvnamite to fcr-;have caused the wreckage, i ' D ady News to call attention to ;tU. f.ut that the Heople living in the vicinity of the explosion yesterday should ! can ful in building fires. Some of the flues wete hula l.imagii ana it tsi piob.tble thai other were more fty jes v:tVeft lM!,od Mil" tl'i'lf- fan in .-urn a condition that l ie a'e hkelv to if suit. Mr. Sotl s.Ci s 1, Oiii shi'uld Im especially cai efl.Ilv tli.-pit ted. the kitchen flues. 1IIUKE DEMTIS IN PARIS DISORDERS. P.tlls, May J. Two hlllidied ..tei bftv (mlicenien Weie lull t i-ihI one seigeatit v, as st.t1.Ud diiiing vesteiday, accoulnig to an .ililaiuncemcnl made to the pit fi t lute of oiue at midnight. Apparently only one ersou was killed, a Vollllt ll.'Ulli I loilie who, a ctiiding to icpoit hot I au thi iitit .ttctl. was struck by s,-v-ei.d leVolver bullets. The pet miii who hied the shot i h.tal to have Inen arrested but his idenlitv has not let n establish, ed. Pai is. 1 Inn m!.iv . Mav 1. Il wa noited tonight that time death had ietllted fiont the ilisordei incident to the May Day olebiatioit in tlii city to day. Thete weie. In-side twenty-six pel son seveiely wound ed, slightly injured aial 1 ai tested timing the demonstra tion. Ameiican ambulance. did efficient wmk in picking up the wounded, the American Red Cuts attendant living cheered by the ciowd. One of the incidents of the day occurred tit the Invalide Pudge wheie an Ameiican lieu tenant, colonel and two juriio'r officers weie Mopped by tlra giKirt, when they Attempted to cms the liver. After a pai ley the Ameiican-. were charged upon by some cavalrymen and in the melee some shot were fired. During a clash l"lween the police and a crowd in Ihe Place de la Piaslile, in which twenty persons were wounded, a police- 15IG THRONG WITNESS GRKAT VICTORY TAtJEANT New York, May 15. One of the most novel and spectacular parades ever held on Fifth avenue, a "panorama of Vic tory" staged by the army in the interest of the Victory Loan, Ihrilhd thousands today and brought heme participation in the great war. For more than four hours over five miles of march there was unfolded an ever-changing, vivid pictuie of the marvels of the mighty army America raised to help vanquish Germaiiv. Every branch of the military service from the front line fight ers to the organizations that loolicd after health, food weap ons, transportation and hun di ds of other necessary lines of endeavor were represented.. Scores of tanks, great and small, "crawled" over the as phalt. Squadrons of airplanes in battle formation and giant diri gibles followed the piocession overhead. More than :'!!) cle verly devised floats .showed many of the army's activities in a way never before under stood by the layman. Trenches, machine g;n em placements, dugouts, camouflag ed artillery positions, signal .stations and lookout posts. HI manned by fully equipped doughboys, were shown. On some of the lloat Germans in the field grey uniform and scuttle-shaped trench helmets' were depicted. From another float, men hurled the Stokes t rem h mortar bombs, laying down a smoke barrage, a "breath of death," around Ger man machine nests. Others de picted the different military period in Ameiican history. '01 O. JED ROY VICT I.M OF A PAINH'I. DE VI II. - I.oni Davenport, it color-i' noy 12 y eai of age. and the - i n of Simon Davenport, who livei in the ea -tei n part of the i ; y, was le'im-l to death in KvV. Earlier Shop Wednesday aiu' lioon about ! -.".0 a a result o, ;,e, explosion of a mixture of ;a o lt lie and kerosene. The unloi lunate IkiV had been employed at the baiUr shop as .t shm shne for thiee week, and for some naon went to the loom in the back pail of the .-Imp and was gone only a short while when the sound of an ex plo.sailt If. ii lied I-e lower, a co!i led bather who wmk in the shop, and nihil piecht, Row ci immediately wchl to the back loom and found the I toy en veh ij c in flame. At ltrt it wa impo-siLIc- to leach the hilt mug boy who vva reeling around and around, until lie fell near the (i-r lea-hng into the b.uU r shop. Thin .-.n ov i at w a throw n over the badly bunt ed body but ujti examination il w.i, ii ad.lv seen that life w.t extinct. man shouted to the mob: "If you want light go to Versaille and light the Gentian.." The mob took up the civ of "On to Vciai!les" and a divci sioti wa mated whuh aVeited mote ser ious lighting. I'm t weie pionuiunt among those engag ed in the hmonti at ton and lice dec dale tonight thai viltuab ly evety other leader in the crowd wa,s either RUssiaii. Spanish or a u,emler of .some other alien lace. Indignant Over Incidents, Palis, May 2. Socialists aial the leader of labor union aie exticn.ely indignant over ye today's incident. The gener al laUir federation It as iHurd a pu lest and a committee will meet tonight to consider what steps will lie taken a rt lesult of the disonlei . The managing committee of Ihe socialist patty and the socialist giotip of the c handier f commeice a1o vm!1 mint. Deputy Marcel Cachin, witt ing in llumanite, chtim the day was a "magnificent demonstra tion of the jHiwer an I discipline of the lalioi ing classes nnd was matiTd only by th- brutality of the ferociou police." He em phasizes the fact that the sol diers ued no violence and that there was no trouble where they were on duty. EXPLOSION OF OIE TANK AT GREENEEOKO, N. C. Greensboro, May .'!. The finding late this afternoon of small insulated wires 7.") feet long, leading from the plant of the Texas company here, which was destroyed by an explosion and fire this morning, across the railroad and to a point some distance down the street, is strong evidence in the opinion of Deputy In.-ui ance Commis sioner W. A. Scott, who i.; at work on the case, that the pro perty was delilieratelv desliov ed. The explosion caused the lo.s.-, of but one life, Harry Shallm-i, a negro employed at the Slate Normal college here, was killed while passing Ihe place on hi way to work. Officials of the company here are unable to give even an estimate of the loss. Greensboro, May .".. An ex plosion in the warehouse of the Texas Oil company's sub-station here at 7 o'clock this morn ing caused the death of one man and a large loss to the Texas, company. For several hours a tremendous fire fed by large quantities of oil contained in two tank cai and stationary tank of the company, and the volume of smoke exceeded anything ever seen at a file here. The tro-tle over Eithia street sub way was burned and all morn ing southbound pa.ssenger trains were delayed several hours. I tt i! thi afternoon the name of the man burned to deatlt had not lit-en ascertained. He could not he identified because the body wa so badly burned. Thi' body, found on Eithia street in the buim-d aiea after the fire had been gotten under control, was partially identified this afternoon a that of llany SrlmfDior, a negro youth. 17 veal of age .ail employe of U. laundry department at the SI..I. Normal college. whoe ptogic s to his work would have I.J.i -i hint to the area of the Soiitln-ifi railway yards in which the In. raged just aliout the time Ih. explosion occtli led. J ii s I a. th,. clock weie .Ink ing the hour of seVell pu j.le oi the city were statt .1 l-y Ih lioi.e of the explosion and Ih--rattling of dooi and window Gin-e. thai il was an exp'o i i or eaithquake Were .mhi an swered by the sounding ol Ih fite alarm and the sight of a trcmchdou volume of smoke rising at the plant of the Texa company, which i on the in. mi line of the Southern iaibv.iv near the State Nonnal col'ege. Thousand of pMp!o w t nt v. il lull a shoit distant e ol the ihttnes. but oal v In l inen wuit vety dose, for the reason that elhci tank wen heal .til l tni.hl ex plode. A pipe that tenanted two big .-l.it.i 'i..: y t.'.nks halted and thi tuttnd h..n died' of gallon of oil tqi'll the sriound to built. I'm Inn aleU . however, hosn of the other lank exploded. The loss to the Tex. i company i cotisuh i.ible. Many dwelling ate iieatby but wen- not M-rioiisly damaged At one place the ml ran down the treet for a Mock and hie covered the sheet for the en isle block. Window weie broken in the train front Win-t.n-S.i!em, which had just pa. id the plant and was only a Mock awav when the explosion occulted. Many panes of gl.is in window and door of hut e fitrnt one to five blinks away weie shattered by the foice of the xpl'i imt. Ktiemett did the IhM work they could under the cucum stanre and thi w tik wa im itar.t in saving adjoini g pn petty and making it pnsnhle- tif ter two hour, to g. t to the cut i:T valve of the stationary tank and shut ofT the (low of oil. Water wa of very little value in I'ghting tins type of fur. ex cept a it piotected adjoining pivpoily. It is Itelieved thai the linn who lost his life was on hi way to vvotk and was passing" the place just as the explosion oc curred. Sometime affer the fire stalled his lody was found ly ing on the i ail load bank, and il had evidently been thrown thrte by Ihe force of the explosion. Ihe IhkIv cove icd with cd and the clothing afire.

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