VOL, 0 L!Mn,N. C, Thursday, June 10, 1019 No. II SIRAICHTAWAY CLEAN CUT FLIGHT IS MADE IN 16 HOI KS 12 MINUTES nineteen persons are DROWNED IN AI.AISAMA Inalmi, June 15. -(Ily A spo liated 1'ic .)-' !h- I.!..,! jr.);,! of the ambitions which Hying men have Ventured to diea ,t since Wright brothers first to: ' from the earth in a heavier than air machine, was realized this morning when two young I li lt-i.-.h officers, ( 'apt. John Alok Mid Lieut. Arthur U J'.rown, landed on the Irish coa t alter the (list Drill-.' lop flight a'lo.s tlit Atlantic ocean. Their voyage was without a"- ciiifiii arid without union ci-n incident, so far as can bo learn d. It was a strightawa.v, clear cut, Ihgl.t ac hicv ! in Hi hours jind 1 minutes - from Nev, foundiaiid to Clifden, Ii land, a distance of nioii l.'.MM) JliileS. It.... I I' I 1 I . I i. ui uie onei ami monesr oes- Tiisfa!ooa, June 15. Nni" (ein per dim are known to he di owned, while re cue parties, aided hy powerful searchlights JTi! tonight drawinir iu War rior river near Tuscaloosa for the bodies of 12 others who are mU.ing from a pleasure party of 5:5, who were cart into the water at 5:15 o'clock this afternoon, when a gasoline launch turned , :.. i . . .... .i mil oi nuu-Micam near the manufacturing suburb of Holt Tlie l.oat, the "Mary Francis, was owneq i,v ,-sam Alston, a Tuscaloosa capitalist, w ho had l-eeii giving woekly loat rides to the children of the city. AU than ton was rescued after he had ex hausted himself in the water on dcavormg to save his guests r - t I: (i) .11 i I ! t r-' - u r, i . 'V. L. . : " r .: ' . :' I -A 11 m .: ' " N; f ' -,)' . f ' zi "(3) ' Jr-jroa int. M-nnAVLirs llttfu TO KL'li'KNEI) SOLDIFIW Dr. I.. H. Mdlrayer, director f the Stat,. Hospital at .Sanator ium, iv ues the following letter io returiM d .soldiers: it is .now fklt iii at thi: ih'ns wil hu;n Paris, June l.Tlie changes in treaty which Cennany will l-e a ke( to hum will not he com municated in a Dieliininarv wnv We (!,,!,(. to call to your at- to the smaller powers of the iri. U iili(,n th wonderful opportuni- torallied tonference. The coun ties oirer. d vou lv vour ltovci ii- c,J "f f"Ur' hnvi x" rtceived this ln,.nt ' ' afterroui the delegates of Po land an.i tzecno.Mavokia in the oil W jis need, ruM two hm.-ill.M- u( ...., ..I.:, u.. i ....... , ' .. .. , , .mn.T Mm miei- "i ii hy the millions when lie ested and outlined to tln-m tha said that you were Mck with tu-1 totiru il s detel minations. iii'vciitosis ma) he not very hick o far as you could tell. I hit r i n.ie .iu .said you were too sick to join his armies. 2. Need in jr men as he w.v. and having the tuherculodt e pertx of the Fiiited States at hi. fliiitifiti vt K if It r.m. ft-.tn iVn ai. men at Clifde,, tells of an ad- ' P;'""' wlaifd tonight that ..-iiturous and aniazinirlv hazar- is in serious mental condi tion. intMprisc. Fojis and mists tion as a result of the tragedy nunw over uie nortn Atlantic .Mo,t of the .ictims were CHATHAM AND VO(H) .. ... u.e ickci s- .my plane wonu.n un(, chidrcn 1US Hre p,,lC. , WIM, (JO TO KCftOPK iiirr.HM, and uiove. nmrgiwl to .:,...,.. .... (h mii;iin(r An oxtrie; te herself from the folds crowding of the launch is riven Pail' or ineaiipiane swort enemy. h the cause of the accident, Mr. II. (5. Chatham will to oi.it . uc m i i ,ooo , Wi wo,p. t, h the U).d SUI)r(1S(,(1 Washington in the next few days eu dow n almost to the .su.Tace haU, a paSM.njr(.r ca,Tyi capa. for n conference on details of u. un- set, ana ai umes me iwo tity of C() the trip to L'urope to he nu.de ..a )i;.uo, s ,ound memeives ny- Amo hmc h() hy a KlHH:ia, commi,sion to stlI(Iy ' K u slm,? ll'nvn oni-v cued was Sam Clal.auKh, post- Post-war trade and financial con- " . ma.ster of Tuscaloosa and former anions. .Mr. Uiatham was in to earth near Hem,ta,v ()f Congressman at rVl.ruary nppointei a memher of , , . ;"l,u"-V- 1-irjre John W. AlH-rcromhie. He llR' ,i;itl0'1-d commission to le v.,i ii .mus amm.N HaH iauK.(j flom lhe r , present North Carolina l.y Gov M-eMiiir u.e .M.st ,Vo to rcacn Um.e itUe ir whQ wc t.,.nor 1:k.ktttf U1(, imnu.(ii;tt(.v the earth hut no. Mi.t.dde ground IH.rl HVvjmmm after receiving the notification was round so he thane, d it in a T,,c kriown dtf,M, are. from (;oveinor Hickett he was if" . , . ,r , , Tom Clahaujrh, five year old to "ttend a conference in the of- The wireless . staff rushed to K()n of VoimiMvr cial.ausrh: "ces of the U. S. Chaniher of me i n uie aviators I hoy J:in.rji WVir. koh of A. S. Weir. Commerce at Washington to dis uun., ...oui uae '"'' aicik'K niau.ieei' for S. II. Kress and plans for the commission ill U ti - m m . - . . l ,T, a-0n.piny of (Wm.n frontier t(mM m anion r-.r IIIr.. -S,.,mtor P. C. Kn. ho L peac trraty l" Ton oi jno iogti or iatl,m rovi-nont m tLt ... aieued m l)K' r,,mii:iIlv. . v.., cunu , U i!L in ecent V Covenior P.ickell foiceof the impac . As vhii as Holn-rt Clear, a Ix.y; Hell All- asked to appoint another hey were nUe to he escort ed to (jri;rht Nlwt(in A,j,,ri ht ndults mvmr of the commission fmni the wireless statmu they ele- FmJ ,.ish ftnJ foU. chj,. No. th Carolina and Mr. Word 11. Sfln iVu1 'r . n:Mi.Manraret McC.uire; Wl. native of Vf-,.on-Sa. lilllllK tlnn h:i(l III o.il; I 'if . .. . . v. . ' I . "That is the lest wav to crt.ss I.uther .Mctiehee and t h d: I'L a pronuner. ' usmess I In,! ni' 1...... .... I mil it t rh)irlnt fn m ' niw.it. t... il,. 1 1 . . 'I ! . .1 .il..-.,l , a mil MIW , U1 . I - - .' "n,. ..j'r.iuin iiiv .iLiiiiti, iavuuiia.il Waddell and child: Miss h the .second niemler. Mr. in- n.iu l.iirn. v- i, l,.:,r...l. 1.1 l . U iuul u nrn. , i.kI ,.f H... An.,.,.: iu .ui nil UI u , .Mi.Vt liia.lCne I I v...v.n vi nu-ninui' Hu'-kner; Miss ( 5 race Shelton: C!in Trust Company, of Char Joe SUirman. a 'ov. lotto. The trajredy t(K.k place alKiut Chatham ytate that the live miles from Tuscaloosa he- tentative plan is for the hirh Uecii Holt and Uiverview. It commission, to ji.iil for Kur(pe was witnessed lv several ner- a,K,lt Auiaist 1, and that he is sons siandinir on the hanks of niaKinjf nis pians to so. ihey the river, which is approximate- vv,!1 'K' 0,1 foreign soil aUmt ly a quarter of a mile wide at thirty to Mty days, visitinp the principal r.uropean cities and trade ceiiters, and gatheritijr da ta and information which will le ?100 FINK I'OIt CONTKMIT eml-Klied in a -voluminous and nil ! t n iti r i-nttni-t 4tt.l t-itl I... , . . , ivuhxiuviiiii n jjui b tltikt III I'V .um.ni Any, june ia. jonn ni..I., nol.lir rti. ir, ,oi,i, r j , V klt. Itlllll The landii.p was made at 9: l' ti'tlock, llritish Mimnur time. In takinj; the pround the machini' . a 1,1 .'I.. I . I r . miuck neaviiy and me niselape ploughed into the sand. Neither of the occupants was in1 tired. Much of the I'.ipht was made throuph u fop. w ith an tKca.sion- nl drizzle. This hampeied the nu-nien considerably during t"j)at pujnl .ajt Alc.K k explainej tl si- WINSTON I..WVVKI! IMVEV lence oi lii.s lailai iiistruimnt tlurinp the trip l.y sayinp that the wireless propeller Mew olf .. . ... .. n ... n . . .. t i i-. x ' ii' ii .i . ... . ' a in1 a MHioaue, meaupianeieii Aew- v. Mo.ue. p.om.neni mston- tU commission fmm nl.i-...-.t r ii . i . ... i i . i . . i i I "oa.i.i. .i.e.o i.ijei. mime a nine nil- ti, l',,iin.l vt-,..a rh-.n,!.,... r.( ..if i . . . I : ... . . . . . . I m.h , . ., e we.e mucn jammed hy piuiupe io .mouiu Airy jester- Commerce. W;Lshinpton, I). C. stronp wneless s,kM.a s not m- day. and went away a much and Southern Co:nmctTC Ccn tended for tu. he added. peeved man after havmp laiidinl ,.. : e..i im . i ii . . V uui IllllH.MI ill nen worn was reeeivel here ' me lecoruer s court, w here lie hh ,mmi.ri,i t...... ,.t i. r : i .... .-.i i- . . i iiu ..... t .. . ... ii " " l,,v v""' o. o,-mvuieot io u,e mar.une y w one .or romempi. mij4sion lhrouirh Kuro)C. and the in laooio .iiiaiiKcnienis wcie ' au.Rc. w uu a pauy irom ur.t. f ,1,;;,. Vl:n i. . .. . i, ,, . ! I "w ' ivinii,i.-ii'u in inaue lor nuKnaincs u leave toe roisyin meiix'noii.s. w;ls . ., .: t ... : i: . i... i .. i i. .1. . , ..1 i.n.un- mim-i fu'nn M IUU" I .'. . .. . u c um n w m n Lsion of the national chamber of w I r -): i- 1 ... . 1 ; I. .. 1 ii-tu 1: .1. I ww. v v. iimu limit- 110.11 vmoe.i mis ".in i.'-w m ensf 011 men auio- Thiu (.nmmii.imi it !u lu.lni.ul afternoon that the pilot and the mobile. He halted the party 0lUi wi be lm,ivtH', cvelJvwheiT navipaior 01 me i.ipiane were and mane inquiry aimui lhe 11- ; p., ;n. 1 ..,..,1;.,!,.. i.-.Mii.K ii w.uuay wnence eosc ioi ntf p. eseiu . ear w nen nit n-..lrm1,.. 'All .',,.-,w. 1 Lieutenant Urown planned to Mr. Wallace assured him that, ,i,iv i.wl. ;n.r ir'a.i c," ,u travel by train to Ixintlon. arriv- U-inp a lawyer from Win.ston for yml assi.stuIH.c in tlu, p'0iSt. inp there on luesday mo.nmp. he knew what he was alK.ut, and war representative commission v,aiam .iietKk. now ever, hopes essa,.np 10 po on. fiurry s ...p j, to Ku, wUh th(. fu to iKJable to Ily to Umdon m the sheriir, who has had some endorsement of the I'nited machine which made the word trouble enforcinp the automo- States povci-nment and with the Il.pht as s.H)h as ,t could 1-e re- bi e law, M.ppested he also knew f ff0Vl!rnment backing will be paired, it was planned to have what he was alHuit. and took the ....u ii nr tho h ,i., tn him pive an exhibition over Ix.n- party up to Judpe Tiiley's court. Llirll ,,,;.. ilfv, ti, .1... : il... 1.:. . it . :ii. Mm... :..!-- .. 1. t r ..... I " "".' uun 1.1 vol lo.uome, 11 possi-ue. oe juupe, w no is hiiown lor a rnmnii,iftn t..0u., : ine aeio tiuu received a hies- r,-and cool oinciai, lei Uu par- ,.ina nf v ,i Vn. sape from Clilden not lonp af- ty oif with the payment of the lun,i ui, ,. nf, ntntmn it tor the transa lant.c Ibpht had costs. Ihey protest some- is anticipated, and the memlK-rs ended, s.pned by. the airmen what and one of the party sup- win ,(0 the c,nter of intcns0 in. which mere syte da Ih astdt. IIl pe.-Vnl that if that was the way lcrC!;t wherever they sojourn ... ... ...V.V..V .ui u ai m f, f.e KOH.K to oe ueateu on thl,ir trip ,,m, Knrv ,a. con., .eieu me lupin in 10 mey wouia "Mil" "urp no Thc inip01.tance 0f the com .,0,, u..t i: ...nmcs. 111 , 1 ui. uuupc uuey expiameu mksion's V0l-k nt this Clitica re.uesie(i msi-ticuons irom me thai he was oniy iryinp io en- in th(l nnn,iMl H b,.,i fAi'n. tlirt l'iu i'Vinifiinnn if i I , . . . . . ' . .....v ...... .. .. . . iv 1.' n.ica HKlnrv r.! thn tini'T.I iu 1 .1 I . . . . I ..... ... .. ... ... ."V...T .... .w, , uu. "VI hi, I-. in reniy me cirieieirraThe(l said mat Wallace retorted with :.i ... i Captain AlcwkW some feelinp that the court was 54, r,nH;n(Ta ; m..,.,f Kwp machine intact until ob- "rotten." Judpe Jilley fined him mcasui.c tL fu"ture business 10- . . . 1 ? i . it 1 1 - - server .arrives. inai 101 coiuempi, ana aeciaies i.,jn,,a i1(fu.iwi ,un vnu,, inemir mimsuy siaien mai inai 11 win nave 10 te paid un- cfnt .m,i nt.,w!,,n.. ....u 1 .... 11.. i i.!.i . 1 ' ' ... v,,, ,Viu,. w i nc iii uii iin ...yne. cou n. ievoKes iu nnd the countries of wai-tom i. pia.ie a isew lounuiaiui w men no appeal was laKen irom, me .,',.., . 1 rr.-v.ii.. - 1 ...Aii'. .11.. . J.' - - r . i . . . i i .1 . 1-UIU,JC. ii.usi ne oiiiciauy Kieniinca ny a necision oi me junpe win as io j conimis-ion'.s tour of Fu m.mber of the royal air force the contempt and the automobile rope will be directly towards the before the fhpht is declared to l.eercse. establishment of closer and more nave i.ecn o nciany compie ed. satisfactory business relations u wsw said ai me ministry that repaired before several davs had hotu or-n th.. fir.il Vnivmn it was probal.lo one of its ofli- passed and it was thoupht loth While the commission is repre cials would leave Dublin in nn aviators would proceed to Enp- sentative of ull sections of the un piane io leueve aicock and land by train. United States, as understood Hrown. It was hardly believed Aicock and Hi-own stood tho Viafn tf ll'ill mmnn.'nll.. .1,'....-. ti. ... . . . . wwuw. v-.v. , nt , i . i l. n ii: r.uii i.uiv iiii.-i'i liv ... II ' " club. merit of the interests of the Huth in L'urope, the Southern Commercial Conpres.s, as .stated, bt-iiip one of the chief backers of the plan, with the full appro val and backinp of the povern ment of the United States. The Charlotte News hays: (lov. Lickett wrc.e -Mr. Wood a formal letter Ial week, inform inp him of the appointment of himself and Mr. Chatham as the North Carolina members of the national commission. In his let ter the povernor tated that de tails of the jounuy would Ik communicated to Mr. Wood and -Mr. Chatham by the I', s. chamber of cornn;cicc within a few days. 'We expect,' said Mr. Wood S nt unlay, to receive a let ter from the United States chamber of commerce dm inp the next two or three d.iy.s, brinpinp with it more detailed information about the visit of t he commission to .'mope. I ix- MTt"thr.t the Marl will be mad-' about Aupust I. and it i prt I'.ible that thirty t(h sixty days will be required to complete the work of the commission.' "The honor thus conferred ti. the hvo North Carolina business men Vas cntiieiy unsoupht by them, and the announcement from the povernoiV office last week was the first that the delo pates fixmi this state had con ecrninp their apii!tmei!t on the romnii .sion." HUNS WILL SOON KNOW FINAL TKKMS OK I'LACK ni LLLTs a in: fam.ix(; on tiii: amkkican side lielpiuiii, for Kou.t' n a.ion, was :iot npie.ented. The four had 'cl'ore this placed I heir appioval an the new financial clausen and ill" ler.iaininp .s.atio.i.. ol tho treaty, and had s nt the reports thut apj.joved to tlu- drattinv ommitt.i. whi It w iil woik all l-ii iin..roA... 1 . til. ''.mn.ah.l. and i.sinp them, it is , ' I" """" . " ........ h . ' srood part of Mond.tv i... n.n nif not hKeiy tfuil he made any mis- the reply to the Ce.nuns. take about it. The communicati. a will con- 3. Now he oilers to pive you s'st of i letter of transmission treatment of the lest and most ?f St,K,ut ,,r)0() wt"'ds. explaining approved kind, pay all the bills ,n1(1,'tail tj'e niotives of the coun- , ..... , cil and pivmp a dttaied state- ' .. aiilll,'n '';'' J'ou th'rty ment of all changes made in the dollars a month while you are oripinai draft, takinp the treatment. It is doubtful whether the 1. Not only tha1.. but while complete new text will be in print in time to be handed to th& (Jermans, when Secretary Du- tasta or one of his aides poes to w... ..: . . .. i ... . . . i.siu.ipioii, june i.. ice ports of fighting between rebels and government forces in Juaiw ou aie taking treatnent he fur Mexico, directly across the Ilio "ls',l's 011 teacher, who in ad t. ran. le irom l.l J'aso, were scan- l" ll"K i ou me mings i Versailles to transmit the reply ned closely tulay by .Mate and 1 al W11 ,H? ni0st MpCi'1 to you to Von Hrockdorff-Kantzau w ith I... I ; i. , .. l-,.i ...... r i war t eiiaitment oHie s Thr. "iwiiaiiics .agncuilure. handi- "Ul oi mai ceremony fact that boiled hmi r .!i work or in lKikn. makes a .studv he Avilay period accorded s" . ' iii. f .w ... .1. . .i .1. ... , .. . . f,r inin- ....,...,.. I ..... r I i,i nutit.1 lllvluue. llil Kilt" me mc.ican M.ie oi lhe u.rtler. " t. iur- !ln.irif.llf inn ,,,;,.,. r,.,. . i . . ... . I mil. I, in. .. .r I. ' n.i..i.per.ng American hie and " ' " oi your denunciation of the armistice.. ,'i-i.p.Tty led to the belief that i",-,MC;i1 conilttmn. then takinp The latest confidential reports -ome action miL'ht be ordered bv a" this with your past exper- from Ik-rlin are distinctly more the United States government H'nce CVt,'' "t tivity, he plans "Ptmustic reg;irdinp the chances -" - ' '-""I ... ; ' "ir"-.:1'-1" 'Tr ffir ,!.": . , , ... . , , rvni.unv iui iuu ai.Cl Ill-I ' " "j. ..villi. in o,.h at me naie department rangon for vou to uet it Mr statesmen have abandoned their no steps had been taken. At Hyde is doing this work in the earlier attitude of uncomnromis the war department it was iei- North Carolina Sanatorium and inJ' refusal to sign the terms un tended that Major dn. Derosey ;l ms il,,0,u,ui work it is. Icss rmiically altered, and am rou cant pet anv or this I""" ' "isieati oi we worn education except in the sanator- sl,rn un'-s the far n.ilder ium until the doctors assure the ftn( more reasonable, "we will government that you are nhv.si- r1?". ,f tally well enough to take it lhe council ol four has not without detriment to yourself hnimted all the concessions the but ... ... . , . i aim anxious io ir ve vou I he I 1 ni'-. imc vum: i.u nnmuiii i.Mn jiuiiwiii u;ji otlock ..,... n.i.. r i ... n ... i li i uiineiii inai Will make VOU I ..v ivhiiv uu inv v. i ,n physically fit. mans to climb down grai.-efully C. Cabell, commanding the Ixr- der guard, had instructions to deal with the Mtuation at he saw- lit. Dispatches to the state d,. partnu-nt said Villa Uwv at- 1,1,1 t'" government is willing ta'imans have nippcstcd. . . . and anxious to give you the I Pfi'napA nave pone far cm this morning and reuiiiineil there that the machine could be trip well. J work to a study and develop- past few days, (Germany will know probably within the next JS hours the fi nal terms on which she nui.-t make paie i-r f.ae a fuitlui- in vasion of her territory by tlu allied armies. Indications in l'aris Katmday were that the terms would U- given the (lermans Monday. If they are delayed Monday, which appears unlikely, the (Urmans will receive them Te.e.alav. Meanwhile, the woik of putting the terms in shaje is being push ed rapidly. After receiving the terms. the (lermans will have a maxi mum of five days, it is indicated, in which to reply. The ( lermans themselves, it is .said, .'jre partly responsible for Hie brevity of the time in which lo consider the final terms. " Nothing authoritative has come from the (lerman side its to the (lerman attitude. The con vention of the majority socia lists, or the administration par ty in Cerman, made no clear statement on the peace situa tion. The convention, it is re torted, will continue in session at Weimar until the peace con ditions are received The supreme allied blockade council met Saturday in Paris to consider measures to be taken in case the Germans decline to sign. The five neutral nations nearest Germany have declined to participate in an economic blockade should the allies re quest it. Military plans for a forward movement from the Khine, should the Germans refuse to meet the final terms, were com pleted several weeks ago. There arc no indications that any ad ditional measures have been taken by Marshal Koch in the possession of the town two Ii. And then the government ail(' actTPt such concessions ai hours U lore M ing driven out l-v " ill send you to a colleire of me- they have obtained. the Carranza troons imd. i- r:,.n J dicine, law and literary colleire. Count von Uernstorff. for ex- 1 I i . . . . I . ....... i . : . 1 1 ei d Con ,!, Thn ...,.!,.. mechanical or agricultural col- '""!". P''icu as humming ,..; .... lege or high school or where- h t.ermany can sign it ad th.ni.rt vt. .v I.,,.;. .- i ,.i I ever you can go and lonefit mt.st I mdted to the league of nations, s,nv,..,! .,.....;. ; i.-'i M.Jf'nsidering your past advan-U'ven it-presentation on the re ,r .1 In,..., I ... I... i: ... lilKl'N JOUI Oesill'S I or IOC in- e"""'" vu.ni.i..i..un.ii miu " I.HVI U.spai- l-rnnlnrt n r.1..tiiu-it.. in ll... .Ii,- hi-a fnii, ni-,l...t ih rU II OUIl-IIIIU IUUI IHItSICMI COIllll-I K "fr- " v.n- " ' ,v .iiiwuau imu.v ,. ., - . . I,i ,.:... . r- .1 i .... .. :..r i .i . . i tion. i nev win nav ai vour mi-1 He.iu himim h mv niMnn ..11 lllllllllll-ll llllll 1 KI'U --tf---- I . . .... i,. . l. ... . . . 11 ..., I . , tion ana pay you sixiv-nve aol- "- ars per month, which is intend- 11 l!l tnought in conference cir- . . ... l-i.... t !... : ... . .... ii . cu io rover your irnard and p1" unu mai vo.uvs juhh on me clothes. first two points are suilicient to 7. At the North Carolina San- P'i-mit the pivsent government atoriuin Sanatorium, N. C, they to swallow these sections of the are cutting all ml tape of their treaty, though with n wry face, own and the government's and ,md that thc grant of a plebu idmittihir vou niomntlv on re- cue in Silesia but in West Puis- I . ceipt of a statment from you sl or Danzig may ultiniely bo that you desire to accept their accepted on the principle of half advantages and that vou will o!- 'oaf is better than n bread. serve the rules of the Sanator- Mathias ICralierger, head of the S7 dead, three wounded and 15 ,um "na ine " you .. hmkb cu...... ss. .,, may ie seni. And al lhe ana- aoueti w on nernsioiu a torium they make application three points, two others, Iwaring for vour war risk insurance, on the surrender of the former your iKinus or anything else that Ceiman emieror and Germany' your are entitled to from the acknowledgment of her guilt for government. . the war. Hut the objections on S. Who ever heard of so many these points of honor are not be advantages offered to any one? "cved to le insuperable, And all you have to do is to nc- The reports indicate that thv ii.... ... ... ii i... i... ii,' CCJll 11. Ilieuiy ni out iiu Mgoen n.v nej 11. If vou are interested. German delegation as it is at still controlled the important sections of Jttarez. The telegram said a Jap..he.-e li.al been ki'.'n and a Mexican woman woundei in Ll P.i.so by buIii Ls fioin the Mexican sid Genera! Apuilar liead of a spe cial Mexican mission to Wash ington, tonight made public J ! mt. r nspaicn irom JUawz saving that in the battle early today it has been officially reported that the Villistas suffered lo.-ses of prisoners. Among the dead, the dispatch said, was Jose Castro, said to be a general in the Villa army. Another officer, Jesus Ilillo, who was severaly wound ed according to the dispatch, was said to have had in his pos- session valuable plans and let ters belonping to Villa AMKKICAN TKOOPS CROSS HOKDKR INTO MEXICO' TWO TRANSPORTS I5RING MKN OF TIIK Kl DIVISION write us or consult the chair- present constituted, but that man or executive secretary of this his delegation will be re Charleston. S. C.. June 15. the nearest home service section presenting the three majority The transports Santa Malta and of the American Red Cross. parties m the parliament. Suwanee arrived here today br- 1. The above applies to inging units of the 81st (Wild- white .soldiers only. We are cat) division from overseas. endeavoring to make iw same lhe Santa Ma.ta brought 1.- arrangements lor colored sol- y p;iso junG ir,.The 21th h.K) officers and men and the d10rs " "c fnad to render jnfnntrv. fourth battalion, rross Suwanee l.DSG. The troops from assistance possible until Lj the international lxrder to the Santa Malta, which came in sm"h arrangements arc made. juarez at 11 o'cloci, tonicht at daw n, were sent during the The fifth and seventh regiments lay to Camp Javkson, Columbia, AMLKK ANh I5LAT Tllh crossed at three fords east of S. C, for disinfection Wfore be- GERMANS IN THE AIR m paso. ing distributed among other A battalion of the 92nd artil camps for demobilization. The W ashington, D. C, June 16. lery crossed east of tha stock- suwanee did not arrive until late Amcrcian fliers inflicted upon yards. There were apuroxi in the day and was tied up at the Germans double the loss matelv 3.G00 American troops on . i . i .... . i - - the port terminals tonight, they suffered in airplanes and Mexican soil ten minutes after ready to unload tomorrow. balloons. An official report to- thev were ordered to make the Iroops on the Santa Malta day announced that 755 Ger- crossing consisted chiefly of men of the man planes and 71 balloons had Troops patrol the entire El "OGth cngineci-s, attached to been destroyed, while the Amcr- Paso waterfront to prevent Villa the Hist division. lo details lean losses were .7 planes and raids. .... - ai... ..i ii. r ' . in l.. -i- i as io me soHi.eis aiioaru me cu- !. uanoons oniy victories The reinforcements are ex- wane other than they- were which have been absolutely con- nected to arrive tomorrow. Thev l, : rl.. m..i ,1 - r j i . i;i . j ......... . . ,. . . . . iiui-uy o.M uivisioii noops were tirnieu ue.ng crcu.ieu io Amen- will be used tor patrol duty avaiiame. can niera. a onr-the river front. .

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