A rr"" 1 () i.i U,m oer M.l,. hrn l'! I'l'i is iliiiint i,( ,. , ''"I Hill l ili M-ouLitiiii',1 i( not i t u.'ivcl with in -4 m . -m . J VOL.0 r 7 .A 1 i S! j n Likln.N. C, Thursday, July 21, 1919 MAN HUNT" IN Till: NATION S CAPITA I Washington July 10. The n: t ion's- capital is going thru lh novelty of a man hunt. A lung scries of daylight hold- np.i and robberies, topped off by four attacks on while women hv negroes, has wound up with citi zens taking affair:; into their own hands to the extent of form ing a vigilance committee and by private subscription:' raising a reward fund which now total.-, nunc than two thousand dollars. One negro under airest has been identified by two of the white women, but the police say their evidence again.-1 the man istiiily circumstantial and they are noid.ng hmi while making I'emocrat, of .Missouri, announc- lurther investigation.-;. The ne- ne would offer a substitute gro made one futile attempt to tllilt tou,tl ,,e t'nfoired "without escape wl.il, under questioning Z leltitwe of $50,- . 'n i . , , . U(,'v'b. 'and without a stand ins at police headquarters during army." which he denier! his guilt. There is no provision in the I he man hunt has proceeded W 1,111 enforcement of the in the most fashionable part ot?JMr does it define MONT PARKS IS nOUND i"- my ana ciose ny uie homes 'A,1"""i ouui.s. ana persons OVFR TO aitpct rm-i.n r.f H1..I.1. i. r,. Jmanufactmin.r vn; ; vi,k iu Al dl ST ( OIKT ....... j ..vii niiinii lill'll. VJIIC I . "-'""Si llll.iui-l . assault which took place not far tlnk' or cxPrting liquors would Wilkes Journal r a ... I t ..i -..t . : ..-4 a a. .... .1 'ra ?hy o;. v 3 Zl: '"l Tuesday rternoon and Wed ...i.-v K-uut aroused ir.e y ' ' " """"'fin. iur me .i,,, ,.., men of th v.Vmit i first offense. nesday morning were consumer Maryland and they formed . Thpre Was thc utmost confu- in the t, ial of Mo,lt I'aikl' who searching parties, raised a re- slon ;,t times """lintf the day and ncI1 on lm? charge of the aileg- wanl fund and placarded that OIien n7' a dozen were asking U'd murder of Cotumbu 1 ui me my wmi descrm- v" "" nu "'inn ciauer JJottom.H which occurred on FH uie negro. . " 1 ' unipminca mey , ,.. Tllno .,0fu .. .(Ill ft-K-V ...t .i At I . . . . fc.w Vii. Ill ai .-tii.iiiv ATTEMITS TO MODIFY I'lJOIIIIJlTION LAW FAIL Washington July 19-Att;u ks on drastic provisions of the pro- nmiuon eniorcement bill i'tll lown again today in the house while the dry forces, still in su preme command, romped thru Uie measure section by section and put the lid on debate at n nod from their leader. It was a great field dav for the drys. They took control at the start, refused to permit house iders to take out five minutes for consideration of an impor tant money nxtuire, and kent on at work tonight in an effort to pass the bill at one sitting. hHe the house was knocking lown amendment after amend- ment designed to liberalize the measuie. Kern esent.;.t v T,r,w, 13, SOON THIS MUST BE MADE A HARMLESS ISLAND 1- " - ;- . : - ; I -V r . . . . ;, i sV v. v .". . MEXICANS non KOAT OF 'nr'A,r'l,t' AMERICAN SAIIX)"S. NW York, July JO.-IVedict- Washingto"n7Iily 19 T,T, "J, ha "the .MM,,0(H, people most neriou.s f e n t ly ; ;t -.. ung w,l, never surren- growing list of atta 'i-'-'-ion;' Americans in Mexico came to II. h Rung, and T. II. Ifu. li.-ht tt-,.. 10 Chine. e dclee-.-itrw r.,,, . .'.'. . wu.iuoau or American sail I t I ) ir hl'rviM A a 1 ,mi' l P'i'o con- ors from the If. S s ru l('M a statement , ,(, m.uu.,, ' ' kv. l-!ared that ,he U-vcott J "".U,mC81 mer' Janata u , . .. "v ",,ies st Of the - i'llou,"!Ulll UK i'lovince was the piclud,. to ;, possible "uprising." "Sli.'intimg ha; sent tens of thousands (,r us citizens to Ku I't'I'e.'to heli) win the war," said j I . I uie statement. ".Many live, were sacrificed. Now the'i ev.ard ri this .service is to turn Shan- i t lungs economic am as a immediately Thin I. rl.n llrt ..i. ....... i. . hi oi jioiL'o uiiil. thi ni-i.ii r ,.,. i i ar cloHi-d. Aci-wrrtlnit to the tr, iv r... ' " ' " '"""' tl... Noril, ... w ' ..ii.-i u'-iivijflii Tup li!ii! in furllfliHlloim. rtiutio nluc the Tor two days searching nar- d,d not know hat the house In " T " . ties combed a wkU immn,i;.,f,. I "as doing. Several amendment J " ir-UIcn In Newcastle l.v at the entrance of the Na- otrcl t! h' Chairman Volstead 0f tmvnshiP an(i nr the Wilkes- tional Z.Klogical I'ark, where the l,ie Ju,,",:'iy committee, in I Irodell County line. The hear negro was said to have been seen i!?a,'e of thv w nct through, ing was held in the mayor's of. fli.liiwr T,n :. Tile hoUSO also nrrontnA I... ? ... . . . " home. ii.il K'll.lin M10I . " ""K Mil- I r.i I'll . liiruresarem .nibv tors issuing whisk v oi psri in. 1 "e 11 lal brought a large num Meanwhile, other attacks on tions ilt fl,l,f stores offices to ,or of w 'tnesses here and also a wnue women by negroes took ."'-""laintd sucn office for numner of citizens interested in place and i ...... viu.i aiMiui lioi Uie liquor is really needed as a med- iaiOS M',tnS1'4 testified. icine," said Mr. Volstead. T,le evidence pmluced at the rt'i . It me noue defeafei thr ncarmjr is n Kint n f,.!i,.-... r.-wvtmgs at v.hirh the jwlice were denounced for inefficiency. There were threats if the negio should !e caught the seaithers would take justice into their own hands NEW FIRES J1REAK OFT, INCREASING ALARM. amendment, but later, upon Mr. Ahout 2 o'clock Friday after olsteads motion., it amended . .... . ""' tvi.ii i ui.ens iiv riL' lidiv.' i ne jMHiee have counseled 'm ""n io make it "unlawful lho vu respect for law and order, and for "ny 101'0n to dlink ''quor L 1 citizens living alon road saw Lum Hot- maintained that congress docs .as M average or to Ik; intoxicn- . " u" " m'nK ' ""ng in not appropriate enough funds to u'il "n a conveyance. "Is hum' to which was hitched make policemen enough avail- ,h? Sl,;"'h and seizure s-ction his mule. The deceased was rid able to lldeoilntelv n.Ur-., 1... l'lsCI iU-d as the liill'H loost di;i. I imr ulfl, i I J i vuj. roiiceoiiiccrs are mc mum i-." ". asapprovei with solemn ,. a ..i J: .... .i . i i.T.i . i . ... i . : n i oisiance E.v a vote of 73 to 70 nn ,Khind him was Mont Vui amendment designed to protect ;i house in the same building with a More in which liquor was was defeated over thc pro- to charge the crim,- wave large ly to the lesults of IrtN-tlegging by negrois smce the dry laws Uvame iffcctive. So far :ls is known the assail ant of at least three women is uu.u'ioumeti lor. ine man held . io.i pioiui.uion. Ls charged only with the assault ,t,l" w,s" thcie was dan AIR MAIL LINE WILL HE ing in thc same direction. Fail stopied at a house on the road a short distance In-hind Hot torn and made the statement that he ix-lieved he would stop a few i- u.s uiere weje snnv Iople that he did not wish to ifle close to. pn-.urr.ahry Ect- toms. After ta k n to another MM CUT m (IREENSF.ORO c n who ha1 fom' O'.tn the ,v ., , v. direction in which Uith he am .es. r.ottoms wei. f ..i; i...t. lll"i .11 n S was upon two. There has been .some vl' ( trre.s going to far talk of a congressional invest ig.t. lion of the police. The sixth att;wkofthekind in four weeks was Kpoit.tl to the Do!. re e.nlv t!;i. m. ,..;.... woman enmlv..,r t,.,i 'A ('wnsl-ora w ill make an ef.h-tailed for his home and engraving and pi ihtir.g. tl.o fn 1 10 i0 r,arl 0! the pit.)o.sed not ,ual d f,0,n until after Hot- plant where the l-ovi i nm,m "" "'ail route throueh the Knt, .s UttS uUni his makes stamps and currency, re- according to Garland Daniel, scc- 1hhh1 she had len scied by ,rt;u of the chamlK-r of com- two negroes at a stun t corner, '"''i. who said yesterday that but leat them off with her urn- active steps looking to the ac- brella and alarmed them with 'I'l'-'tioii of a lan.lmg field for her sci earns. planes here would Ik set under. As part of the police crusade w'a" witliin the next few days, to meet the situation, nrders There is every indication wen given today to round up all l,iat the Ecnlmw farm will he negro loiterers on sticet corners ' ha-en as the site for the who rail to give satisfactory ac-M"een.sloro landing field, if sat counts of themselves. isfactory aiii.ngcments can be Spokane Wash., July 1'.). RH. pidly rpreadinjr forest fires in northern Idaho, western Mon tana and east em Washington, covering many thousand acres of cut-over and Virgin timber ana new hies reported almost hourly, caused much concern to day to the Federal forest .service Afl',-!. I . I "iHwi.ii.-,. Apneas or tn..n i ht the forest f.res have been made and every man who could qualify for the arduous work of "gnting the (ires in the nmm. auious regions of three states were employed. They were sent immediately to the end r the railroad and then by trails io the .scene of the fires. TJw. fore.-t service was handicapped in fiplitimr tl. ii a .... f....i " - . i " -u i.auiif- n.iKe Creek, northeast of Mis- souri. Montana by agitators urging the file fighters to strike for fourteen hours' pay for twelve hours' work Twenty men quit in rc-jw.nse to the agi tators" appeals. The town of Newport. W-.sh was lighting tonight a Cut' that covered eighty acres and was a mile from the town' limits. The wind, however, wiUs blowing away from the town nd little fear was felt that the V would reach there. New fires were re ported almost hourly. In statement issued today. Cover nor Davis of Idaho, blamed the I'ctiera! government far the files IxH'ailse of its faiane to imlml umt-er on the public domain and M-quested additional l'tind for me light mg pinpo,es in Idaho I he govcrr.or will go to Wash ington tomorrow to confer with secretary of the interior rn the situation. YADKIN IS IIICIIER THAN since (;reat 191 r, flood Winstoii Journal. The Yadkin river and several Kma.ier streams emptying into it 'i are higher than they have he fast since the disastrous flood ih ,t the swept eve July of vi iampico, and the sailors vere robbed. The American flag was living from tjK, K)at ftt th( time. Closely resembling the attacks n American sailors which led to -he occupation of Vera Cruz in 'M. the state department did 'i"t hesitate to regard it ... i-j . i ... DOI l C.I I JT.IVO nil ..it I lights over tn .!,.,.,., in.., i ... - I'v'iue. :imni.n Jiinanese entf.etnij-l ''hing, they were on official 'iuty bringing in food for their ;h)p, and the American flag fly. mg from thr Imiit i .l. "TU- (.-1 . I -..t. uv-iiutvu inai 1 he Shantung settlement has li "as official business "'d a new issue in the far IVeliminary reports of the nt. Japan is satisfied wit!, tack, reaching the ...:n . ln ... ... - ' ""' to '."ilie: ese miners -' vi uieir own propei ty. Can we expect these men who have experienced the terror of war on lunopean battle fields to rest satisfied? i-disastrous flood that "'a"e and will attempt to mt on July 7, did not go to the yeryth.ng before it in Ci'"-V (n,t 'wt the Chinese peo- ate department until today 1 .!(, just altfjul tluee 1,lL' V'1 m-u'1- acquiesce. Our " hen it promptly was given out years airi. Iiwoole h-iv. nv i .t v v.viii i in i'i inn 1... I Vhl iII .Iia I j. ti. i . i ., . , - on- i i i i""nuii a.- maue lor th Ihe almost cont nimn ctv of l m I . Ll..i.... T..J... r. . ' . lllB ...v- ..'.nes-1, usiikk-i -'.. uMiay secretary Dan. luring the- capture of U u. I els asked for f..nu vein irene ra in tin .w . - ...... vii. 11 for the past four dav shave coni- pa'K'iy saturated the ii. . ui. u seem ireneia m ti.ic i I how. Thev wi'l m.i I... Thn Inrlx,.,. : . . . . le.-iHiii-i vuiviu is leiraruea n lrroutull " ,,K au aciion h..e t-.i.. inosr sorimu ;.n ,.1,... 1 and i.iovid,.,! mm,.;..,. i,.. n.:.. v"a,Keu wun u-,1. . . m .M.ipius I-"" leiiuory is invaded I'" -Mouiues because the Canan- .Ue, to carry most 0f the Jlu-.r property robU-d." forces are in full control of si cams over their banks and The envoys said that not onlv Tampico districts, especially the 'ii out into the Ultoms in was Shantiimr reinir.hwJ ...' citv und u-,i,. ..i... ' . 'l ed territory" because nf ih.. I because it romr v. i: i-ninese civilization lo a long series of n-..nt .,f v "fc Rk' 'birth of th-lMdkin river bridge was the.e. but that its ,H,,ple- WftuM tacks on Americans, all of which i ! its banks yesterday even- n'1 it to be dominated bv have been made the subject of late and wa.s st, II ring. ac ' foreign power In-cause of their increasingly urgent lepresenta- many places. Ti e Yadkin river at the ? m s.vth-Yadkin river hridiro was ou i ing ,UIUII, lo nc report of Mr. C.ar- r,'h'e r J!itice i,nd de on oi u,. Winston-Sahni-Yad r'H-'htcnnination KinviKe motor inc. I!.. , .,i. this trin tw ice d:ii!e ,. ,.,... c... AMERICAN HOY Sprv r i.v. since the EUfi (KkkI lin,i ;J SIX YEARS IN d'ERMANY authority for the statement that the Vadkin and other streams aie nigner than at any mce that eventful flood. Paris, July 1'.). (Ry Associat ed Press.) AH.. r .. t umc i u,i., ,. ; . "w" "i ieiuianv, i.i-ve;ir- old HeilH'i t Seidel re.iehe.1 i,-;t The Iogan and I orbush ' H l- l'"M rrlml 1 a,i" t-k along the road i Yadki ' W,,,lW ?y to Vwi V ur.tv u...... ... ......V. V las. here he will re.oin his . t,- th.;; o,d t :l ;; r -te. T., u had im.hj; nun oi.s giaiiimioih- I'Uggv on the side of the road nl he was ancstetl on tb. """m m uiiigmg auiui ins death. ATfE.MPT LON;i;sT AIR r I.KJIIT EVER PLANNED W; AJJOIT DO EN DROWNED IN WEST VIRGINIA I LOOI) pro!- .!.! mule with the owner, and it was -ai. je-terd ty this was highly Wheeling. W. Va. July 10. Hot ween nir.e and H pei.-ons itportel to have Imii dixiwnrd tonight when a residence was swept away by the watt is dur ing a heavy rainstoim at Wegee Creek, on the Ohio side, 10 miles south of here. The home of Stove Moxie, according to rc iMirts, was washed from its foun dation and demolished again.4 a bridge. Rescue parties have licen mnhle to reach the scene, as the roads are impassable. i-hingttn. July 2d. The air semi e announces that it uiii The murder is yet a deep my.s-H,o' attempt the Ion ire st tliid.t tery and the preliminary hear- kver planned by the army of A ing did not accomplish much, distance of 7.Si. miles. Thin v. practically all of the evidence U- states, including North Car ing oi a circumstantial nature. o"n,i. w ill ln traversed by Lieut However, Justice of the Peace Col. p s. 11 art T. w ho u ill ha Tumer felt that it was his duty Mai tin himbing plane. Colonel to commit Parks to the jail in 1'ai tr will have with him two Wi!keslort) w here he will remain tVs" ve pilots and a mechanic until his trial at the Ausriist The first Ian of the iH,l term of court. h"JT aiound the cirri,. ui!l i. from Wa-hsrgtcn to Miami. Fla lane will then go across to rMitoiiio, tlume to San Die I-'-', -iiiif, I'UIUII. AUirti.t.i chh com HOI I i I h -i T II. . . i .....i iiii me i.i.ssi the c o i ii in t Ii.. I-, i . 1 1 i ......... .'.'....a i.. . r... ... ... ... seen. Mill creek, on the IVth , , '"aVn- 'v romplete- ia road, alnnit six mile- west of ' l0,l'!'m!1 t," hm th" city, is reported to Ik- from 'Ut 'V1'11 ,w'a' Aineri- a quarter to a half a mi!,, u U, ' 1 i,,,XM,,,s 10 W to the the water has so spread over tin- , Mnt.os-. U.ttom.;. . "'t is the s, All of the loads ladi son of Colin Seiirt. Carl Js. i.I..I l... msy fun I.i .... . ,l" j- ... - " it i.i i .i ............ .. i i . ironi ihis city are m-imu led to l " i,n -uu' n m bad sharie. havintr been ' '"T 1 ' S-'d-l aked l.v 1 1... .. ..re- .. , .. .. ' W v Mir n.uuc nue me roaiPn-ds are soft from the lains. ii. . .. i. . i ni-:.ci.s oi a more iu,inii; i i frame of min-J are predicting Amei iaen R,v Cm to patnate his .son and after months cr negotiations through 1'iigadier (.eiieral Ctorge II. Han is, of the inter-aliietl com mission for the repatriation of warpiiM-iiersat P.ei !in, the Her man government consented to h..it..'l ll. .1 'I i . incessant rains, the height . ?' ,:ui "'nim io leave, after ' .i. . .. . ' . the me sue.'uiis a re.i.iv ii,.. it. ....i ......... .... , ., ...... mi- inni u, a ics'im in tnese rains, will approach that of three years ago. ba.-ing tin jr pit-dic tions on the four davs of almost reached bv and the unabating of the down IKuir, with little prosxTU last night of relief. surrender of all his food raids and the presentation of !ajH-is establishing the fact that he was Uin in the I'nited States. Lieut. George Dunagin. of the American jn-ace commission statf, brought the Iwv from iw. liss Dixlge lin to Paris and turned him over It was reaha.l that those cit- vim i.-ii nTV xni'Viiv ti which have rstablishiHl land- ,n u ip,, Vv J J he ? ing fields will l dven prefer- ,N M,I- PM San A mail eie.e nueii an ail" through the south come to be Elkins wa dro-vned ! t I rL . bark to Washington. It (-tab,shed. Put it is also real- newi miHThurld .v 1h ,V """"'"J that the l!,Kht w,l izod that the field must le TnuXr of h, , 'f ,n tho inWlvA of lruitinjr. .'"Muate for the big plan" s to ton0t ' ftcXr!' of route.and tho lali land in. and then take off again The m. t I, tint m,n, P lin Xl" Md A Al' What it means to have a field ZA m 2U mL.! ver.d in the PnnnlnIU-;,-.f .. ' """ iim'lMl III too small for the larger nlanes the d,m ynA " . " .Z'' M;uo OI or" Carolina and th ran , illustrated by the rxper- where the r ' in. - nee one souuiem city has had. over thn rl ,m .. , i.V .. "V 71 P-s over or . . . . . I - nv ....ui, 1 1 1 -1 1 lit. was ..i . . . . ... P.eoo.ts from Wrren r.oei : :;, ; . ?. . " ,.rn,iea w rM under. His ...n iii.iru ii a topping pomi e fragmentary due to the fart Th, i.,l ,.. '.. , near the fo ovvinir cities l.eautnit, I.urgaw-, George aie nngmemary due to the fact Th.o tn. Il,t ..II -...v.. t "I'll 'S io... leiepnone wires nr so three acca iown. i nice IkkJics, recovered field was not n-oni me wrccKeii house, were brought to liellaire. Ohio,, at 10 o'clock toniglit. A half hour later a report was received here to the effect that 10 additional iKKlies had leen recovered. Mo;t of thc dead are children. anes followed, and al- but could not. It is I ull ThTn )UhtmtXm cidents, biK-ause the that one of the vl L 1 I T The flight," it is rtated. "will m , ! I V I U 4 Willi in one of the accidents two men U-m-v ....,. t l .1..:.. -.. . . loeir uves, ana one each wa.s killed attempting the other landings. The result of this was the dicision of the army authori ties to send no more planes to that city. iue anu came wi v.irv nri-m-,?, t :,i .... rtsing his own hfe h i;nn a i . i . . nn r!To, t I,. . I . . ." -.'"ou.u.s iu i.e ac tor. .. .-". . iu ,-.it- i n n mrniniF ni nn. !...", I i,., '"""en o.v - i.o.ow-1 iiartz. I II . . ..I !. . The body hM not been found, fliers will pas'. It is estimated that the army iy mountain ranges, 27 railroads. gulfs, bays nen ul nntiA,l ,.lil. .i.. . .1 the young man. fiM, nnA Hii rt TWLN t lTY CIRL TALKS (E RED CROSS SERVICE P.o . ton. July ID. M - .... , I " - lunitM 11 ii (I T , " "'""-Hi-m, r. l:.. 10 i;tii 1 ro.s. w hich will send the Ii in) months lad to the rniteI States immedi has been doing canlii-n woik for atcly. The Ihiv was we-uing a the American Red Cix-ss in Cnman army cap and a siut v' wmi. u i i s inn 1 1 maiie irnm n m-m on the P.ohemian after an eleven garments. H. discarded he had enough to eat in Cermanv. but "IU"U mi.u riunusuism over ire foi I'ons io me (.arranza irovern. meni. Since President Wilson lefn.n. from the peace conference he has turned his attention a great leal to the Mexican situation. Various reports have In-en circu lating in sources in touch with Mexican affairs that the Ameri can govei nmenfg policy - had undergone a change but there had been no official indication or innouncement. It is known however, that the American troops along the Inir der have a new set of orders which wa.s evinced by the prompt manner in which they crossed into Juarez and cleaned t'P the fighting there when it menaced El P.Ls0. The extent to which the military establish on rt h.i., Ihtii pn-pared to meet a situation in Mexico has not fully been disclosed, but there are evidences that the govern ment is taking measures to he prepared for any eventualities into which it may I forced. It was an incident at Tampico n 1014 v hich brought on the oc cupation or Vera Cru A I mat from one of Admiral Mayo's diips was detained, a paymns ter was arrested and jailed, and at oilier times messengers front the ships were menao-d a.shora. 'General Iluerta refused to apolo gise and salute the American flag and the occupation of Vera Cruz followed. Officials here fcc in the inci dent of July 6 the making of a more serious situation. Official Statement. The state department issued this statement: The department of state has American chocolate, which he i ,l H'C" a',VIse1 that on Ju!y C had not tasted for several ve irs H f,om h" V' S- s- C,1f,'" ' occupied by enlisted men of days passage from LiveijHHil. With Mi..s Ch-nii on the IUdie mian, besides ten casual officers, were 01 Red Cioss woikers. Ss women and six nun. who hailed from all parts rf the fnited rained all the tin .,Ti m,...- ..." fhilt ve"cl w,1 W tn a fish- States and represented every ao heat in the tent. The food ranch of the overseas f ervice of for the canteen was rooked on a he American relief organic- field range made out of brick. iU. tl ,,. m'1 I'ie of old tin sheeting Al Lyons, I-ranee. Mi.s V. enn Wo p:.vh i,n i i . , . ..; in... .1 ., . . I' "- "n.Masi jor ui.h mm- arm iwo nuier ITU S v rent niea 1 1 ... e.vcl 2.000 men a day, chiefly dinner cost 75 centimes (fifl American troops, in a canteen cents.) It ..!... . ......:....!.... . . ' . i f.i. ui in h i.iige uiii. ine can- ner too." teen was Kept open day and n ght as the troops were con- Lyons Mis, Glenn helped dMri stantly passing through on their bote food .-md rtnti,;,,,, tn t.-... i. w ay to leave area, farther south, refugees and entertained con va- i-uMMi.i l nne missed wot k- lc scent American soldiers .wi iiir i.eu V..IOSS ior a mil- Red Cross hospital hut mil iioiMiin, viiout'n I nearly died and teen din- in mg trip, was held up on tha Taim-si river, near Tampico, hy aimed men. The sailors were roblied of person.-U cfTects. "Urgent representations have Ik-CII made l)V the dminHmnnt ..... ... i ... llv v, state to Mh the local Mexican authorities at Tampico and to the fedend govemment at Mexi co City, and the authorities there have promised to investi gate at once." THE PACII IC FLEET ON t WAY TO WEST COAST Old Point Comfort, Va., July mill l: fl tllfl ItllnnH.iJ J'l a of cold," Mis, Clenn d.H-'l ned . t , f x V nuin? 1,10 1 -c,fic "cct WM cll ny France' to you. At Lvons it kn l Ulnan voyage to the west coast.

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