VOL. 0 Euin, N. C, Thursday, July 31, 1019 series or race riots in nnrA;o on sfnday Chiraga, July 27. A scries of riots in the negro !i trict late today resulted in tho drowning of one ti gro, the reported drowning of a white man, pro bable fatal injury to another ne- gro, the wounding of a police man and injury to a score of whites and I darks Iry bullets or missiles. Police tonight said they had the situation well in hand. The trouble started at the Twenty ninth street beach, where whites and Macks are segregated, and spread to S' ate street, the main thoroughfare in the heart of the liogio ili-tiic'.. which extends about-five mile-. Shooting stalled near the beach. There was also some shootin.r hi tin? vicinity of State street. Al though ill feeling between jf.vhitcs and black on the south side has extended over a period of months, emphasized by lone explo.ns, some shooting ,uid numerous fights, today'.-, riot seem to have had their start in petty quarreling at the beat h. Ecjtorts that negroes wandered across the dividing line t" I lie white section of the In-adi. and that whites amused themselves by throwing small stem-.; ne gro bathers appeared the mo 4 plausible cati-e. Soon alter the lighting stalled a negro lied, mil sued bv a nuniber of whites. He took shelter In-hind a build ing and I Kan shooting at a po liceman who had joined the pur suit and who returned the the. - The negro finally ui tcndi'i e. During the light one la-git) wa; probably fatally wound, d. Twenty-ninth Mite! was mk.'i packed with white, and black, the latter pn-iK.snin.it n.;. Moic lighting oocuiled. and a fi a, ihots weie fired as some of 1 1. negroes t!ed and patrol w agor, loaded With. bhioco.it .s t U( t 1 to the scene. A fre broke out in a small building and I le appata ltlwa Mocked by the tlion.'-, 4 Negioe an sa! ' to hae tied to drag the liiemen In in thou seats. During the fighting iotk-. brick and other misii.s were hurled loth at the U wh and at Various ioint a!--re 2'.'.h tic ' and along Mate stint. White men weie ft j i nt'y heaVn ., ' State street, the poln e s. 11 I At the lach whee i-u.-il w cie flying a tH-gro on a I aft w a s ic,il1ed t have U. ri stunk wnh a nk and huilrd into the lake. Liter th: U-dv of a !( gru was taken J rem the A white man. a swim: ,. r, a! Wa f.Ot ted bit (Old lim.M.td Willi the jw.lier' t.tnin t nipt. id of lenive and score, of ohf! lU-acd f r"iih tmd --t M t vt.ttio'is, Ar'.'l';' ( h rf i! 1 " i: ift A) Cock ot del eel rcl) a a.l.J '( j!iccman on duty to pnvtrl further oiitbie.k. The -m,..'.; armv of cnn n acnd 1 at bringing a!a.t a fa.i sen ,bl. tin of order, Late toteght the Miu t of th. distiat whcie d: oidcis occurr cd weie t :l fan fy f.ll. d with pet .pie, but Jx.lul' kept tie crowd n inv'. I'ohce vei" a'.ie to m Ae a'! rMimate of the number inii.ied. iKC.ra-e in the many MVtimi-h--namen of the injiinsl could ii; Im leaimd. Lt' h' -plt.d iolt' shikWi-t! one ini'in pieb.i". .! fa t in the ;h V l--r. IV"r ! : person, includ'.nir "'" lute woman, weie inji.icd by mi mIov A lif.e be.'.!, t fiied by a la jria;! the foichr.ul of a whife man i-itt'nur at the upper win.lm of his hoine. lie f. ll out of th. window, but :i oidy l.:htl injured. The tiesrro. iino:'!,! ,' to Sp.H l.itO! h. had . t !rd th l i;le at a !nTrr,..n, but a by. slander stunk tli vu.t n t;i ward. Tie' l e-io r.-rap. d. The ncgio di-tl ii t haU'-n !t a.iii inciva, ins in recent yar with the influx of southern r. ;! who rame to wmk in i 'da tl ial plan's. ''The black !.'it," n it i know ii in Hi!a o t in ! :, t ry roro-piir-cs aji ioxirnatrly 2't .'p;.u niiles and unhides only a in pu ativt !; few whit? "!:!. melita. ih dsi'ktii urges that troops occupy mexico WVhinjrton, July 20. Out standing eveloiin( nts today in the .Mexican situation can be rurnaiarized as follows: Redoubling of efforts by the Vfoveriinient to jreent s.mug J4 1 i n jr of arms aci'oss the Ijorder :nd a warning by the president to citizens that violations of the anti-simu'lin law would be 'rigorously prosecuted. An address in th? house of i '. preventatives by llcpre.'-enta-tive Hud -pc'h, democrat, Texas, urtrinjr w ithdrawal of the recog nition of the C'arran.a govern ment and military occupation of Mexico by Aiii"i'ic:.n forces un til a .-table government ha been e. tabli lied. The di.-paUh of messages to mci'.lifrs of the .Mexican senate and liou-e of lepresentntivcM by Henry 1'. l'letcher, the Ameiicaii r.niba- ador to Mexico, asking their co-ojMTation towards se curing more efficient and ade quate protection for American lives in the southern republic. Receipt of advices by the state department that Philip Thomp son, 11 years old son of an American citizen, had been kid napped by bandits, from his fa ther's null r.O miles from Mex ico City and was being held for l.roo peso ransom. New Outbreak of Propaganda. Pa n t of a new outbreak of a.nti American propaganda by Mexican new? papers, especially tho-e recognized ;ls t'arranza or gans in Mexico City. Officials Iteiit ve the kidnapping of young Thomp-oii is a diiect result of the inflammation of public opin ion by this propaganda. The i-uing of a statement by the Mexican embassy declaring that Mexico tixlay has u stable gn ci tmieiit .although bandits are at huge in some districts, and ',cmii.d!i g the Anu i ican pii j.V that it ...s .several yeai.s after the ci i ar befo'e order m i f;!'y ie.ored throughout the M.uth. Mihtary occupation of Mexico by the I'mted St; ti s wa advo rated by Peproentative llud-.-I'e'.h, ,;, !no"rat. Texas, in an Sal be-1 in the lam -e. lie uige.l wilhdiav a! of American n-cog-uln r of the Carranza govein nunt and said Ameiicaii lump ,hnu!d be kept in Mexico until a stable piverrmunt had lt-n e. tabh'hed. IludiH'thH Detl.uution. "The t ine has arrived," declared Mr. IIui-jHth. "when the go; ernn a nt !o u!d ?ay to Can ;.n.: 'You have ot fulfd'ft your obli gat to lis in the piotection of j.-;.M- !:ve-. so e withdraw i c; tiiiu uf Voit and wVA put tloop i ill Me .'( ii In pl'dei t Aim I it all Oni Oli'u! Ulihl i V I e stiili d tl. if.' " After irad.r.g th? ir-o!ut:"n IimMiv adi pte.! by the Texa fli.t(e, which ttsked the ftsleud goviit n.tl.t C.t!:er to Use tlm.p or permit the st ile to act. Mr. Hud j.th added: "Put that I not r.t 1 1 ss.u y." "The flag" he said, pointing to the s and StnjM hanging over the 'pH-akcr's desk, "l Mif licunt." This iimaik. a aUn his d- i !.;.! inn for n iiit.il) intcrvtn tieu was apphttidul by the rum bfs. t UlgiMg null, 41) inter. ventiii'i Mi. Hud-iHth d-!and he w.h "re t a jingo" m tliat he i.l a. kid for the pii.testii.il i f Ameiiian Jive. Sen! Troops to Mrxfro. ''H11!H. o till' n llllt. ill ill) si.il of t' e h'l'i-e. Mr. Hud t h in e , d adoption of a icMmitien in tHuI iced by P. pi es( r,t,ili e V.m riM.n. i ipnl.iiran, if (liuo, an thoiiiiig the seri'tary of war to end Hoops into Mexico to piotect Americans, ami to keep t loop-, there until older wa It tied. "You fanned pi'Hluco ft siifle incid. nt of the la t t n )cai t" how that a Mexican was cvir pum-hed for hi ticn'.tr.eiit of Atiioi a the Tcx , La'trU r s.iidf ibr.g this n 'Ttj,n. n prompted bv the statement o Ambassador P.oini!as that Mexi co had already a ted in these tvr.,' The and.a-;..;.d"f s itale e-ie .t Wa "lilllll -ing," Ml. Hlld h th : b lb my p. Ilr'rher. !hp A"'-:i can i .id.r to Mexico, in ! .k-: i t'Mlay to the Mexican en:ilo and house of icpicscnta Vx I In' .linhi:r.h kImiwm I.iji port hip, on ll urrlrul t .MIiiih.Iii, L, I. PODY OF LI LIT. KIRK.MAN LOIM) AT WKKiHTSVILLK Wilmington, July 2". The body of Lieut. Don Kirkman, of High Point, who gave his life in an effort to save Miss Annie Ilurkheimer in Ranks channel at Wrightsville Reach yesterday, was found today at 1 :". near the spot where he went down, the lody rising to the surface of its own accord. It will l taken to High Point on the J: 10 train in the morning and the fimcVal will In? held Sunday afternoon at l:r.o from Wesley Memorial church, at High Point. The funeral of Miss Ilurkhei mer will be held tomorrow after noon at o'clock. The double drowning, pi- tinNf loss of a girl's life and the heroic sacrifice of the young ian jiist bak from ovi iea service, ha stirred Jit? whole rity to grief and sympathy. It turm out that two small l-oys, , ,Iudon P.arU r and Harvey Dit-J m.iii, l mtli lo.v stouts ati'l ooltij under Ll years, bjought Miss Ruikheimer t shoie where sir." "urcumbed shmtlv alterward . RHAN( 11 OK THi: SIGNAL (ORIS RLSY AT HRKST Rre t July P.'. "Who won the war?" i the cry that tlough- 1.0V leturning from the battle line shout with pride and at time- with a tinge of disdain at M. P. and S. O. S. woiker- ke, brfoie embaiking f'i home. Rut theie is a ifitun branch of th S. O. S. tnemb 'i s of a h it h niiglit ivsjmnd to that cry of the doughliov: "We've done our share." Fifty-five thousand Word 'Acre ham!!'! e!ediv in th s:gr..d roll's telegiaph station at P.rest. The stut! consist of aj thief oiH iator and three opera- lots. To the uninitiated tb IsguiCs convey iittie meaning. but to the Ameiicaii telcgiapl.ci thev should U' t itcpi' r.t. Il ia..v l- ad.hd that these ..."i.ihmi words were pet handled in an eight luui day. The telegraphers do not diaw'unioii wages. Chule Roy Shea, the chief 01hi ator. fii mcrly w it o elm f f,n the Wi- teili I n.oii in Kan sas City, piobalily could com mand A salary well al-ne the maik w re hi rt l "rT nt Uh time. He draw s a sergeant's jkiy. $M.'J' a ic.onth. Meml is of hi statT are a'l former Associated Press opera tors. They are Floyd 11. K ihn- h,uh. foinar Assoiat.s pre-' run of the Toledo Rlada; Wil liam ('. Holiomb, of Atlanta, and I). II. M.uklaru!. al. o cf the To ledo Rlade. live, rc p'e. ted their "patriotic ciM'peration tow aid a seeming moie efficient and adeipiate pro tection for thai lives of Ameri can in Mexico," so thai "t:n hainpeicd rnjujmettt by Anseii. fiiTis t.f pi opei ty light lawfully acijuiied in Mixiro which is br anded tlicm in other frici.dly rountries" lu;-ht be obtained. Mr. Fletrhi r's telegiams were in reply to me.-sage-i he leceivcd from members of the Mexican si-nat anil . a -e thanking him for hi iin.l Impartial 5tat"ment of cord. t ion in Mexico made re cently Indole a committee of American !. u e of rtj reM'nta-tives. GREAT CHOWD GREETS BRITISH DIRIGIBLE 4 i I tun f tin- iiinniioiiH rr.iuj Mini luriin! mil In m-c the U-.".l, the liuf llriilsll, Th It 31 ri fele the trip rom lainlund In tos tieiu. NOCIIARGHS FOR VIOLAT ING FRATKRMATION. f oblenz. Thursday. July 21. (Ry the Associated Press). Re jHirts of marriages between Amei icaii soldit i s and German girls have I !! received at head tpiarters from various parts of the occupied area during the past few days but as yet no charges have been filed again t any of the men as it is bt lieved that most of the marriages were due to tai understanding legal cl ing the anti-fratei nizat ion regu lation. A week In-fore the treaty was signed .several of the chaplains, thru a mi understanding, in formed the sodi,rs that mar riages uere p'-rntis.-ibL-, as soon iii the Germans accepted the peace terms.. Officii. say that a number t.f maiiiages took place l fure this beiif was cor rected by a spu ial oider from head purlers t ailing the atten tion of officers mid men to the fait that until the Cnited State, ratified the tuaty Gn many and Ann lie a tethnitallv were at war and the legtilatioit piohibitiiig fraten.iz.it imi was ;:'! in forte. At headquarter it was said even if the dried States rati fied t lie treaty inaiiiige with German gills wiil U prohibited by an amiy order. Irauiiie continue to reach head jtiartci s regal ding mai iiages, the applicants U-ing le fened to the judge advoc.te or to the civil aflairs tifliccrs v.h.o investigate all t a es. I.IFFT. DAVID M. PRINCK DROWNLD AT fiOI.DSP.ORO G..I I I n. Juh "Jil.- Lieut. Dal.d M. P lilac, Ji., Was iRuU li ed la ie tila. while att !! ptii:g to s.ive the life of a httle -y. Willie hut,. be. I . t.f si,n t.itnl s were gatheifd and Were ron tiiiUoiisly comi-.g and going in the vicinity of the union station to view the w hilling overtlow t.f the liver and stmoundingH. a veritable sea of fre h water, the alarm rtme that n httle boy, nturing to far into the weep ing water, had I -een rallied !' )ond hi depth and w.ls tlrown- in;', pi lantly lti-re weie ac tive movement on the p.ut of b) t.tn.e to 1 1 srtie the child. Among these was Lieut. Da.id M. Prsec. Jr., recently b.uk fioin t.ve!eas service, whcie he not (n!y wort l.is rank for heroic daring in th-: fr.ee of th-atli but w is I a e i 1 1 1 d on the P.. id bv Gener-d Pershing hinisolf for vson:d d' til of biavery. He was tin' J-, s to , ;k h the drown ing U'), who so ciutthitl Lieu tenant Piince that while the ter Miuggled to get the child to safety he himself w a thownml. the Uy being caught by other lenueisa. Lieiiien lit Piince wnt ihwn beneath the w hilling watci... Hi Itxly wa imt le roveutl for nuue than two bom afterward although coiitimioii m .a h by If at and m ir.rm-rs w ithout rea ing. The funeial wiil be In Id fioni the home on Pine street Monday mi inir.g at 10 o'tlmk. The re tui ued nmnilH-i of the 1 1'Jth in fantry regini'-nt, r.iHli tlivj don, hi military comrade i. t gcther with the Mnsep .bimii.r or der of thi city, of wliifh orders he was a member, will p:uiici pate in tlie funeral. A V -i ' - i ' ;K 4 M ' ' 1 PRLPA RATIONS IUASC. MADK FOR PERSUING Washing) tn, July 117. Pie paration.s for the wck-ome of General Pershing on his return homo are being mad.' by both Congress- and the war depait ment, but the plan.; of neither are v et complete. The congres sional program, however, jus al ready drafted, calls for the gift of a .sword, a vote of thanks, and the permanent rank of general to the command. -v of the Ameri can expeditionary forces. War department plans have not yet been completed and are await ing receipt of information as to the time of General Pershing's return. Representative Johnson, of South Dakota, who served in the American expeditionary force, after conferences with depart ment official as to a reception for the American commander at the direction of the houe rule committer, itmiouncctl tonight that legislation was being draft ed calling for a vote of thanks and the presentation of a sword. He addid that this legislation would lie presented to the rules committee during the w 1 1 k in an ellort to dispose of it In-fore the beginning of the house recrvs Saturday. Chairman Kahn. of the house milit.ii y committee, announced that a meeting of his committee would Ik' held during the week to Hpprove t lie l-iil. drafted at President Wisori' rei-uost, which authoiics the LostowtJ of the permanent rank of genera! on Pei-hing. Pit-Iiminniy tm nutter dicuion already ha in dicated that Hide will lr no oj posjnn to the proposnj, FITZGLRALD CON F K-SS F.S MFRDKR OF I FITLK GIRL Chicago. July 27. Thomas Fitzgeiald. night watchman of a residential hotel, ttxlay confess ed to the police that he had mur dered six-y tar-old Jam-t Wilkin son, a lieighUu's child, and thus brought to a climax one of Chi cago's most stin ing police rase.. Fitgeiald. .".'. cars old, made his confession after lis sleepless d.t)s and night of questioning and thin led the police to his home, whcie he had concealed the lody last Tuesday, The child had been strangled. A crowd suriounded the home and when the lly as removed there were threats awaiiist tin confessed mm drier. A glial d was thrown liUnit him and he was hurried to a cell. The nnwtl follow et . tin st.tlioli, where it was tb-peised. When the child, daughter of a grocer, disarpeai ed, suspicion wa. diiwtcd toward Fitzcrald and lie wa imccted. Two days ago Fitzgerald's wife was called home from Michigan. At first 'he declared implicit faith In her hu.-batid, but later said she had knowledge of the child's disap pearance. Seldom has the populate bet n -o anuistsj over a criminal case In-re. Various independent or ganizations had begun investi gations and one Chicago news paper today olft red n reward of ?2.roi- for infoi mutioti h ading to a solution. The father of the cIipM had ofTeied a le vanl of laOO. inniADNortiHTs or Tin: PACH 1C I I.IillT I.I IT KI) TIIUC CATl'N LOCKS Aboard the II. S. S. New Mex ico. Friday, July 2o. (Ry the Associated Pres.:-.) Four dread noughts of the Pacific fleet, New Mexico, Arkan. a ., Texas and New York, were lifted sucee:-,-i'uily tin Ll the G-iUni lin ks to day. This was the f;r: t attempt to ncKotiato the wat'-rway with a fleet of tlieadnoughts and to iiiglit war.-hips lie anchored ii. fre-Ii water of Gr.tun Lake, feet above ca f-vi-l. The dived noughts will i e., ume their trip toward the I'i.ni'v: ocean Srlim tlay at whieh ti.ne the Mi i , s:ppi and Wyonio;.;, no.- co. lin;.. nd oiling ,"t Colon, will corn ne -ite I. he pa- -.a;;" tf the t.-nal. Admiral Hugh Rodm.-.n, cc:n m:.ndii:g the llel, vas plea-ad with the success tf the fist stage of the Ci tiai ti ij). He said: "The flagship w:us lif.ed out of three locks of Gatu.i dam in one hour and seventein minutes. Now let us go tarpon fishing pear the damputting dread noughts thru the canal is too c:sv." The old battleships Georgia and Vermont joined the ileet at C-oloi i today. After the New Mexico had oiled at Colon this ai'tei n xiii she sw ung lazily int Limon Ray whence j-lie took the two 'hips part of the way to the dam creeping slowly thru th ii'st cuttings of the waterv amid delist, jungle growth like onie weird amphibian in a pre hi torie swamp. Nearing the locks, the new flun-r landing line.-', outboard wlsic'i ipiickly tlrcw inlKtard steel tallies to th? 'electlic mule' i u'.ning on tracks c n each sid of the links. The whole operation . "cured i function au tomal'cally for lit t an older was heard i..s the tlre.u'iii'Ugl.U s!il into the lower lock.- as easily a a shuttle into a sew ing machine. The steel gates astern the flagship then chad like gieat jaws an! churning water ro st ep from viaducts in the Ixitlom of the lock while the N.-w Mexi co w r. lifted as ea -ily and rapid Iv as a rowlioat. Th flag hip w.v then lifted tut f the next two locks in the si me fashion while crowds standing on top of the t onmtc I n k w alls threw ba nana.; r.nd cm-oamits at the -l ip'.-, ciew. Twenty-three tle. tixyers wtnt hiu the can.. I Thursday, pa. ug thiu the links in groui of 'n Captain Twining, chief of MafT. said that the crnal had proved it naval vah.i- l-eyond a di.tibt a di.; !:: 'u;:ht- may It i i a! lamed fiom tli'1 Atlantic ti tot P.u ii'ic with iihuty and without t rouble .is ,shiWll by ti .1 iv' operation. Th" par it.' t'.i-t will i"tv PatiHini for San Diego, California, Sundav night. CLOSING IT AMKRICAN RFSINLSS IN LNGLAND I.ndi-n. July L Ameiicaii army and navy oflkt is who are trying to close up the war finan cial transactions lirtiytvn the diite Stale and Great RiiUin ion to have their task com pleted by September 1. If that end is readied the majority of of the 7-1 army officers and U'to men now heie will le sent home, and the navy force will Ik ic duced to a few cxH lts to tie the last remaining" sti ing. The magnitude of the task will If iippi eclated when it is kin Wl that the nrmy alone brought 2. (KH).(H'tl eijuipment and supplie heir and shipjH-d Ha m to Franc c while the navy had large force of ships whirh were constantly purchasing things from Rr.tish w arehotiscs. Another clement in the situa tion i. the slow and deliberat ? manner in which the P.ritish len der their bill. One Mich bill re ceived at army headquarter! to day amounted to $1.".0,mo for supplies for the Amciiean troops in northern Russia. American Red Cross activities are also being dosed up with all possible speed, and it is jw ible the London force will i reduced to a few expi 1 1 accountant and Menogriqther by August 1. They, too, are paying biils, but on.? canteen and one l.o-pitai are still in operation. THK FLOOD SITUATION IN LDGLCOMRR GRAVC Tiirboro, July 20. The Tar river is still rising, with a tre mendous expanse of territory covered by water. The water in at least two feet above the high wider mark of 18S7. There in a mile or more of water reaching from the river bridge along tho public road through Princeville. 1 he lumber plant of F. G. Davis company is completely submerg ed. Panola farm, belonging to Senator George A. llolderness, and a large portion of Henry Johnson's farm are now one vast sheet of water. Much of the live stock has been drowned. Many of the cows have been rescued from the water where .hey were being rapidly carried down stream. The city's milk plant is submerged and the mo tors at the power house are working under a number of feet of w ater. Roth dams in Princeville are under water, and that place can be reached only by loat. All day yesterday and thii morning men have been busy rescuing the people in this section. Some of the houses have floated away. The river bridge separating Tar boro and Princeville is in dan ger of being swept away and has la-en condemned as unsafe to cross. The A. C. L. railroad bridges on loth side. of town are being held down by loaded freight cars, and Tarloro is cut oir from Norfolk and Parmele. It is impossible to reach Tar loro from the Leggett section, as the dam and bridges over tho liver are covered by water to u great depth. Acres and acres of crops have In-en destroyed and much live stock and poultry and thousands and thousand of dol lars will Im? lost. Never in the history of Ialgecomle county has there Ixt-n such a Hood and tl;e situation is indeed serious. m AIRY ICE SITUATION CAFSL.S, MUCH CONCERN Mount Airy, July 2G. ThU town is right much ocrturlxjd over the local ice situation, and steps arc U-ing taken to start a new ice plant within the near fu ture. The Sides Ice company which has had n monoply of the local business ha lieen under severe criticism for sometime because it uses w nter from a well rather than the city water, and it i claimed by some that the water is not properly filtered and is therefore dangerous to the public health. Sev. i id days ago I. W. Rarler, city superintendent of water and light, took a piece of ice from tlo wagon, uw-ltoJ it and sent it to Raleigh. The analysis, it I .aid. showed that it contained a hUi.d supply of colon hacili. Liter the health officer sent a sample of the water down there and it was reported to be pure. It was claimed that this Sample, however, was taken from the tank rather than from the well, and that pel haps special precau tion had been taken at this par ticular time. The public was by no means satisfied, and yester day Mayor V.. C. Livens and Commi-sioner II. M. Foy went to the ice factory and asked for a sample of water from the well. They reported that the request was flatly refused. The pro prietor offered to let them have a sample fivm the tank at tho factory, but claimed that it unfair to take it from the well l fore il was filtered and boiled. It is said that the well is in the midst of unsanitary mr rounding, and that since it would only cost something like five cents per ton to use city w ater that the local company hould discontinue the use of th3 a but thev refuse to do this. we-ii. It has created M much dis satisfaction that itcps wi taken yesterday by several citi icm to organize a new company. It will I capitalized Bt flO.ooo. and already a large amount of this has leen t-ubscriWd. It will ! impossible to get it in opera tion before next ?pring, how ever, and in the meantime tho citv authorities have net indi cate,! what course they will pur sue with regard to the present situation.

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