Efkin, N. C, Thursday, Au j7 VOL. 0 No. 27 uanso.m is demanded FOR AMERICAN AIRMEN CAPTURED 1V PANDITS MaiTa, Texas, Aug. 17. let ters purporting to bo from Lieut. 1'au! II. Davis air! Harold G. Peterson, American army avia tors missing since la:;t Sunday, were uce ved here today at mili tary head piarters. The letters stated th aviators were being held hy bandits for $15,000 ran dom somewhere in Mexico and were threatened with death un less the ransom was paid. The demand for the random was received here today and a report made at once to Major (leneral Dickman, commander of the .southern department. An unconfirmed it-port also was re ceived here that the aviators were btin;r held at a point close to the Amerienn'bordor and thai Chico Cano, a famous bandit of thhe Rig Rend Ojinaga di. trict. was the leader of the bandit band holding the aviators. According to the demand, the ransom mu.-t bo paid tomorrow. It is to 1)0 delivered in gold to an American, supposed to la.1 an agent of the bandits at Candela ria, Texas, on the Lio Grande CO miles south of Valentine, Tex. Hansom Mut be I'aid by Today Says one Message El I'aso. Aug. 17. An offt fial statement was issued at mil itary headquarters here tonight signed by Prig. Gen. James JJ. Erwin, district commander, an nounced that Maj. L. A. Walton, commander of the aero unit at Fort nii.-s, had received a mes sage Horn t tie two nuking avia tors .saying they had U-en cap turned by Mexicans and w ere lo ing held for ?15,0K) ransom. The ransom must be paid by August 18, according to the mes sage. Arrangements were being made here tonight to obtain $1.5.000 gu!d coin and to send it to Marfa early tomorrow for payment of the ransom. This ar tion wiM deemed advisable to piotect the men. The full text of the statement issued at military head juarters tonight by General Erwin fol lows : ".V telegram was received this afternoon by Maj. L. A. Walton, "commaniler of the aero unit at Tort Rliss upeating a message signed by the two aviators who have leen missing since Sunday, stating they had In-cri captured Iy .Mexicans nnd were being held for ?l5,0oo random which must bo paid by August IS or they would le killed. Th is message was brought into a town in the P.ig P.end dis trict by a well know-n bandit Col. G. L. Ijinrhoine. command- th c c: :!;th c: ;a!ry and the Rig r.tr.d district wired the commanding general of the F.I Paso district that the mos sajro h authentic and he is tak ing all necessary measures to se cure the ich-HM" of the aviators and has pn-sei,ted this matter to the proper authoi ities. The name of the place fiom which the menage w sent, n.s well as the plare wheio the ran om is to be paid, i not given as it might interfere with the it-lease of the aviafoi s. Lieut Peterson H -5 years of age and is finm Hutchinson Minn. Lieut. Davis is Z yeais oll and is ftom Sllalhmore. Cal Aviators lVter.-"n and Davis are a pai t of the p i sonnet of the Fort I'liss Mviation corps but were o.i detached duty with the P. iff P.end di.stiirt mil.taiy head tu.ii tor at Mai fa. Texas, when they disappeared. They left Mai fa 1 . -1 Sunday morning for the liiul pat nd of the balder planning to follow the north bank of the Lio Grande to the oil of the dUiict. it is ImSiovc.I by aviation of fiCtrs heie thev confused the Combos river, which flows the Lio Grande near Presidio Texas, with the Lio Grande, are fit-lowed the course of this i ive into tli1 interior of Mexico. An other theory advanced here by fellow aviatoi.H is that they wete forced to land, either on the Ameiicaii or Mexican Mile of th Isirder in the wild rountiy of the Pig Bend district, and wei made prisoners by the Mexican bandits, who made marauding trips across the liorder nt fro quont intervals in .search of cat tie an,! otlicr property which HAEGE OF MURDER AGAINST JERRY DALTON Asheville, Aug. 10. Charged ith double murder in the first egree, Jerry Dalton will lace trial for his life in Macoji county uporior court next Monday, af ter having -been kept in the buncombe county jail since last September, because it was fear ed that ho could not be kept in the jail of his home county. Dalton is charged with the murder of Merrill Angel and Maude Grant, and the double killing occurred in Macon county Lst September. It is charged that Dalton was diivinir alomi the public road and met the ouple in an automobile. lie rew his pi. to! and fired on them the couple dying soon afterward, is charged. The grand jury returned two indictments against Dalton for murder in the first degree. It is supposed that he was in love ith the Grant girl and resented le attentions of Angel, a travel ing salesman. .Sheriff Alex Moore, of Franklin, arrived here yesterday and took Dalton back to that town, the county seat of lacon county, where Dalton will e tried next week. Dalton was aken to Franklin several weeks ago for trial, but was not tried on account of the illness of the judge and was returned to this ity for safe keeping. ORCE HOARDED FOOD ON THE MARKET AT ONCE Washington Aug. 17. The government's fight to reduce the cost of living is expected to re- ult in action in many states this week to force hoarded food on the market while Congress is de lating legislation deAling with the question. Ucpoits to Attorney General aimer have indicated that in ductions to district attorneys o proceed vigorously in the en forcement of the food control iw were lieinjf obeyed literally. nstanecs of the seizure of food stuffs in St. Imis Chicago, Kan- as City. San Diego and the south, officials here U-lieve, will K? multiplied in the next few ivs. Mr. Palmer, directing the ampaign from Washington, will go to .New lork tomorrow to confer with the fair price Isiard or that city. Senate and house agriculture committees will report tin week the latter committee pro- ably tomorrow on amend ments to the food control law giving a criminal penalty which hitherto has been lacking and expending the law to cover clothing. Cold storage legisla tion aho may ln acted oil by the ioue interstate commerce com mittee. Consideration of requests by several departments for appro- u iations to carry on work in re- luetic:! of hvir.jr cots ill in augurated tomorrow hy the hhi c appropriations committee. The senate District of Columbia sulxomniittee will continue its leurinjr with a view to framing 'model" legislation for legtsla tion of prices. Closely akin to the considera tion of the living cost question will U the healings to W start ed tomorrow by the senate in tcrsLitc commerce committee on the Kcnyon-Hendrick bills to li cense meat packers. W. It. Col ver, member of the Fedora Trade commission, which has in vestigated extensively tin? pack ir" ir. !'! rv will le t!" f""t witness, Ir.dcrs in the indus try are expectetl to 1m heard next week. they carry olT to Mexico. When it U-eamo known at Foit P.iiss tonight that the avia tors were reported held ly ban dit there was much discussion among army officers of the pos sihihty of American troops crossing the larder in search of the bandits. This was discredit ed !v higher officers for two reasons. The piincip.d one ad vanied was that the American aviators would le killed if an ex peddion crossed in pursuit. The other was that omer lor expe ditions to cross ti e liorder in the P.ig Lend distikt apply only to the pursuit of bandits who have iitolen property on the Amer can iide and then only to follow a "hot trail," . - 1 s. . 4 i'lmt Aniirliim tronn to return from Siberia. They hi rived ou the tniiisj.ort Thulium tit him I'mnvlM-o. SIX CUNTS DAMAGLS; SIX (TINTS IN COSTS Mount Clemens, Mich., Aug. 5. The amount of costs that Ienry Ford may receive from the Chicago Daily Tribune, in addition to the six cents dam- iges awarded him last night by a jury which heard his libel suit igainst the Chicago newspaper, not exceed "0 cents. Under i Michigan law, where nominal amages are awarded, not more than "i0 cents can Ik assessed gainst the losing party. Alfred Lucking, senior counsel for M. Ford, said this morning that little attention had U-en given to the matter of costs and until he had looked up the law covering the case, he could not ay how much the plaintiff could expect to receive. Among other attorneys, however, the opinion was held that in cases where damages awanh-d amount to less than .'0 cents the costs collect able r.av not exceed the judg ment awarded. In this event Mr. lord could only demand mx "enis costs from the Tiibune. Mt. Clemens, Mich., Aug. L" A jury last right awarded Hen ry Ford .fix cents damages against the Chicago Tribune for calling hini an anarchist. Orvy Hulett, foreman of the jury. sail that they iook nine allots that I can rcmomler," the fn t one, according to Iammi aid Mease!, another juror fdand- ing S to 1 in favor of awarding Mr. Fold some damages. Attorney Alfred J. Mui"phy for Ford said: "The important issue in thi- c:u c has bevn d -,.n rri'i-'d fuvor- ib!y to the plaint uT. He has K-en vindicated. Money dam ages were entirely huhordinatc and w ic not sought by Mr. Foul He stands not only vindicated ut his attitude as an American cit,uen has leen ju. lifted after a trial which raised every issue against him which ingenuity and research could niesent. His friends are eotiiely satisfied." Wcvniouth Kirkland. of coun sel for the Tiibune, Mtid: '"We consider it a victory for the reason that Attorney Alfred Lucking, in closing for Mr. Ford stated that anything less than subst.tnti.il damages would le a defeat for his client." SMt'KI. GOMPKUS TO SAIL t OK HOME TODAY Pal is, Aug. 15. Fiidav.- Sam uel Compels, president of the Ameiican Federation of L'dx'r. who attended the I dor congress at Amsterdam and has U-e.i .pending a few das in this city. will sail from Piet Sunday foi America on Uiard the steamer GtHrge Washington. He is go ing home in response to urgent cable mssngrs caning uiwn mm tn cut short his visit in Europe. In fpeakir.g with the Asso ciatftl Press today, Mr. Gompern wiid he regretted the rcces-ity of breaking a number of en gagement and the imosit,i!ity of continuing his study of the European situation, adding: l.ul matters fit home are more urgent and I w ant to get bark as soon as p .-it., to help all I can in the solution of pro!- lems which are tippcfmo-there." FIRST AMERICAN TROOPS BACK FROM SIBERIA it 17,' II tin ii - : . i l3 if; i m. i f . - LAST IIKITISII DIPLOMAT OKDKKED FROM MEXICO Washington, Aug. 10. More friction between Great P.ritain and Mexico appeared today to complicate the Mexican situa tion. Lritain's last remaining diplo matic representative in the Mex ican capital William Cummings in charge of the archives of the legation there has been order ed from the country by mandate of Carranza. The action amounts t the British representative's practi cal deportation. Great Uritain. never having recognized the Carranza regime has had no minister in Mexico City since Sir Lionel Carlen. The charge d'affaires, Thomas Hohler, was withdrawn some time ago, ami Cummings was left us charge d'affaires, in charge of the legation records, and acting as a iie'diiim of com munication for his government although without official ui thority. In a strut sen e Cummings has no diplomatic standing al though he has delivere I com munications from the P.iitish government protesting against mistreatment of P.ritish subjects and interests. Now, wholly without repre sentatives in Mexico City, Eng land probably w ill rely on France or the I'nited Stateslo represent her. At th same, time, dispa'chos. telling of Carranrn's th-eHon to infoim the Mexican congress at iU oh i.;;;g S; t. rvb.T 1 "fi:!ly as to u.e M.ue u. ii..mi'ut un the governments of the I'nited States ,nd England." were re ceived here and attracted consid erable attention. AMERICAN 1ST DIVISION IS LEANING THE RHINE Coblen?, Thursday. Aug. I I. (P.y the Associated Press.) The Ameiican first division, the. fii: t division to and in France and the captors of Cantigny, will iM'gin leaving the Rhine for home tomorrow-. The taking of Cantignv. in the Muntdidtcr see- tor, was m,i ?e in the fust attack bv an American divi on on th w i- tern front. It is expected ah the troops to have will have ar- lived at Rrc t withm a ve-k, f" r..; ... ,!..!-.. I : -, IHtM'l 4m IM MIV1 I1 MlOH has been held by the f.i4 ilivi si( n since the departure of the second, now w ill bo taken care of by Fieni h tnx.ps and the Eighth infantry regiment of the Am-ti-ran army which, will lemain on the Rhine pro'iaNy for several years. The Eighth infantry oc cu ,'. -j the southern half of the bridgehead, which has been un der American control since last December 13. when the first American troop- crossed the Rhine. The Americans will retain con trol of Ce'ilen, of the foi tress of Ehrcnbn tstcin. and of the castle of Moleberge, the outer most post of the hiidgehcad. The first division, many mem bers of which wear four service stripes, is Iwnind for Camp Tay lor, Ky where, it is expected, the division will arrive in alout a month. i. . -r . v . 's V" MISSING GIRL IS FOUND THE (J EE EN OF GYPSIES New York, Aug. 17. Ixuis Mitchell, a resident of Richmond hill, has found his daughter, Iiuise, 18, who three years ago, according to the story she told yesterday, was kidnapped by a band of gypsies, made a "queen" and forced to marry the son of a gypsy chief. She appeared in the federal building in Erookiyn in her gypsy regalia with her father and asked Peter McCabe, assistant district attorney, to help prosecute her alductors. The girl said she was stolen when her family lived in Roan oke. Va. She traveled with her enforced companions through many of the southern states, plying the art of fortune telling and entering, fully into gypsy life. P.efore the band turned north she married Joe-John, son of Gregory John the chief. They have a two-year-old son she said. The band leached Newark ;evcral days ago and purely by chance Ihuh was found bv her sister. Mr. Mitchell was noti fied at once and the girl was tak en to her home. When she dis-aplH-arcd from the gypsy camp Gregory John was seized with fear and gathered his bund for the road. They left Newaik at night and have not yet Inch found. As.sisUnt Distiict Attorney McCain' lefelled the gul to the federal authoi ities in New Jer sey for lack of jurisdiction in the case. GREENSLORO AIRPLANE CONCERN IS CHARTERED Raleigh. Aug. 15. A Gieens. Iioro concern telay smiled a thai tcr for the Conduct of an nir phnt business on a commeicia! scale. The Greenslioro Avia tion Company is the name of the concern, and the chaitcr gives the company the right to buy I and sell airplanes, air ships of all kinls and balloon., ar.d to buy and sell all kinds of parts nres. snrv to the ronuuet ol such a business. mi ti t 1 no company iso nas me charter rights tn engage in a Height eM pisetH'.T service of ;no a:r, c:;rry;r:g !:e:g!u ar:i p.is.rigcrs to and from any iMunt in the st..te. Its aviators and machines will uLo have tin right to give flying exhibition? when th"s( can Ik' ai ranged. A geneud automobile and tiuck business i,4 also authoi i?ed in the chaiter. which likewise c.inies all of the other rights that the average commercial concern would hold under a chaitcr. The authoi izrd issue of stork is J 25.(i(iO and the par vn'ne of earh share is J" "MM. Fifteen thousand of this will be issued as common stock and the to naindcr a pieferred rtoek which will pay at the late of n-'l more than ten per rent, per an num. Three shares of stock have been subscribed for 1 John R. Alwell EdwinC. Kling- man and J"hn Y. Strikes, Jr. who are incoipoiators of this iu v concern. NOTE TO CARRANZA LIT TLE SHORT L'LTIMATION. Washington, Aug. 15. The state department's latest note to .Mexico, warning President Carranza that if murders and in dignities of American citizens continue the United States may be forced to adopt a radical change in altitude toward that -oiiiilry, was the chief topic of interest and discussion in offi cial and diplomatic circle:; here he nolo made public yesterday, lon;r with a reply from the Mex- ui government, Inked only iploi.iati'.- tctlmk-alilies to r'i.i'.a. an ultimatum and was couch in piobably the n1j(.ii;v I l..n i.igc used m anv coiimiuni' ,a 'in that the two ripubli- mee th-' ev iii!i"i-.i have o-o.. ior to the o'-i upatinii of ei ,. rir. by American force.;. While no official state:::'.'::! as made concerning the ;m iiounceinent at this time in tin change of policy and outwardU there was no apparent reason other than the mistreatment. robbery and murder of Ameri can citizens in Mexico it general ly was the opinion today that the pressure from foreign govern ments demand in congressional circles for some prospective ac tion hastened the announcement. It was pointed out that hould some drastic step become necessary the United States from a military point of view is now in better shape to act than at any time in its history of long-drawn-out controversy with the Mexican nation as to Ameii- an rights and privileges. The note w as presented to tin "airanza government at Mexico 'ity by Charge Summerlin, of the American embassy, acting in the absence of Ambassador 'letcher. The reply was made July Urf by Salvador Diego I Vr- naJitlez, in charge of the depait- ment of foreign relations. Forces Still Utval. Washington. Aug. 15. Denial of reports that the Carranza government foi cos at ( hihu.thua had mutinied with the intention of going over to the Villa forces was made in a statement. I hi statement said: The Mexican embassy ha- received a telegram from Gen eral Manuel M. Dieguez. com mander of military operations in the state of Chihuahua, stat ing that no inutin.es have taken place in the capital of said state, and that no conspiratoi s have I K-en executed. General Dioguez adds that only petty officers w ho planned to commit treason air imDlcatcd in the movement which is of no imjortance what ever. Thee petty officers have Ih-oii placed at the dis-.tl of the military judge for tii.d. SUGAR OYER 11 CENTS MAKES SELLER I IVP.LE Asheville. Aug. It. A pi ice of more than U cents per jmund for sugar makes retailers liable for prosecution as pioliteeis, nc- coi'tung to instiuctions nom Wtv.shir.gton icccived today by Wilham C. Hammer, United States distiict nttoroev for the western district. Mr. Hammer left Asheville this nfteujoon af ter spind.rg seveial days hen attending the sessions of the United States distiict court. which were presided over by Judge James E. I'.oyd, of Gin iis- Im.i o. The district attorney and Special A got Fred Handy, of .ili'inh, uol nt ooeo lunii rul'fel- enei with th" Noith Candiiu foc.l adminisli at ion to make plan for iiiMirtiiu to the de partment of justice a'l V uti.itioii of the foid control act diseovci ctl in western North Carolina. Negro Narrowly Escapes UNt I E SAM S EIG P.I.ANKET SALE ON Washington. Aug. 15. The war department offered for sale to Die public today its surplus supply of wool, cotton and mixed f aline bl.n;k"ts, of wh'i h up- proximately ,MM.no0 nte hs available for the maiktt unl-i (tiTid.tioiH which will make the n duectly ftv,ul,ble to the lilt iiii.it ( con-.un',er. It was nntiouncc1 t i.it ip.Hr.Tl o! if:- nrlifisr trie sale of b!e lots to twenty or twenty-five I i. .?,!'; i, a vn onginally planned, an in.lividtii FARMERS GIVE WARNING OP TROCHEE IN FUTURE Washington, Aug. 10. Warn ing was given today by represen tatives of farmers' organizations testifying before the house and ' senate agriculture committees that unless present disturbed conditions resulting from profi teering "in goods and wages" and strikes were settled soon the country would face a far worse situation from the high cost of living next year than at present. I-armors, they said, are pre paring now for next year's crops and under present conditions they could not estimate what the probable market would be. Fear was expressed that there would be decreased production both on this account and because of President Wilson's statement in lis menage vetoing the repeal of the daylight saving law, plac ing industrial production ahead ol farm output. The house and senate commit tees are considerimr ainend. merits to the food control act de igned to enable the department of justice to wage a more active campaign to prevent hoarding md profiteering and the joint session was held to hear the far mers' representatives. The com mittee hope to act finalf;- on the amendments next week and rush the legislation through Congress. Seizure of foodstuffs held in cold storage was continued to day by federal agents In several cities. Further seizures under libel warrants were expected next week and special grand juries were summoned in several slides to hear evidence in cases of alleged hoiirdiiigind profi teering. Goods taken over today by the government included lO.aOO.OOO eggs at St. I)iiis; 7,5(Hl,tHiU eggs and :,(Mi,(i(H) pounds of butter at Detroit and large quantities of food at San Diego, Cal. Announcement was made by the postoflice department that the olage rate on surplus army food, side of which through the parcel svt system will login Monday, would U the same to persons livit.g In-yond the first zone from the supply centers as those living in the first zone. This will equilize the ostage to all purchasers and the difference will U' made up by the war de partment deducting the extra postsigf from the sale price and turning it over to th pn .(office dcpaitmcnt. Sin phis army food sold to mu nicipalities now totals 8.5'mUkh) pounds, but huge stocks still are on hand and these will lie sold thioueli ost masters. Attorn')' General palmer to day accepted an invitation to me 1 w ;th the fair p ice d of New Yoik there Monday night. JAl!r:S R. COLLIE. JR., IS KILLED IN NORFOLK. VA. Raleigh, Au. 1G Mrs. James R. Colhe. who was called with Mr. Collie last night to Norfolk by a telcgiam announcing the fatal injuiy to their youngest son. James R.. Jr., today tele phoned to the state pi i son some of the detail of the accident. The ) oung I y of 1 7 ) ears w as woikmg at the aimy base in Noifolk and ia ditving a heavy truck. He was cranking the machine when cither it slipped into gear or was geaied when ho undeitook to give a sfait. It ran over him and ki'!-s him out i f lit. Th !,.re:d-?! I"4 drpjidfullv J:; ?re r Raleigh. No ly hero was liked U tter. He was a spendid mechanic and one of the In-st diivors do-p:te his age, m tow n. The funeral will take place Sunday itfteir.oon in Inii dnirg. the old home of th- Coliio fanii- iii.iv buy one or mmo blanket up to Hie limit of r'i.i ; tie. This rh;in;:f in the , i e rond;ti!u w as made in onh r to prrvi r,l the Logo buyer from "roinenng" apply. In ad litn-n to d.sti lUitirg the blanket" between sixteen cle-ig-rated sale centers they will be made avail.,!.!.- fa other can- iT'imlie tll'U b'l'k f,i i J f"!' new li'l rn l.j.mkrts to $!,',:) for lerUhed C"!to'i I. '.,:,;.. : The pricei in l,te lots are d. ,-cr.