VOL. 0 STPIKING FOLICEMLN PAPKLD FROM WORK New Yoik, S pi. 1:1. S.;tM.a ! Gornpors, president of th" Amer ican Federation of Labor, placet! the entire blame for (he Post on police .strike on Police Commis sioner Kdwin Curtis in a state ment issued here tonight. 1 Poston Sept. If.- Police Com missioner Curtis .shut trie doors of the police department in the face of the .striking policemen today. He announced that he would not reinstate the mm who had abandoned (heir posts. At evening roll call he made it known that 1!) officers and mem bers of the union whom he had .suspended had been finally dis charged and that he would pro ceed at once to build up a new force. The commissioner's action fol . lowed the strikers' acceptance of the .suggestion of President fjompers, of the American Fed oration of I.alor that they re turn to work without demanding immediate union recognition but without relinquishing any of their claims. It found support in an opinion of Attorney Gener al Prucc Wyman and a state ment by Governor Coolidge. The attorney general held that the police officers, have deserted their posts, had made their places v.icant and that the com missioner could (ill them. Governor Coolidge, at a con ference with President John F. Mclnms, of the policemen's union, and other laW leaders, said he would le guidid by the opinion of the attorney general. To President Gompcrs he sent a telegram saying that he stood Indiind the Commissioner's de claration that the men had va cated their places. The jxilice commissioner re fused to me.-t the InW leaders in a joint conference requited by them, but subsequently ;ent Wold through Henry F. 1mg, secretary to the governor,' that he would talk with them "in my own Ix'half" on Monday. This phrase was interpreted to mean that he wished to remove any of licial status from the intrjview. Py jvermission of (lie civil ser vice commissioners Tuuked by an opinion of the attorney gen ii a!. the commissioner uj'.l re cruit LU new force, without civil service requirements from vt emn of the army or navy who are resident of thU state. The commission published the pro nation lo lieutenancies of four sergeant who have levn active in trr thi volunteer Inell. The new forces probably will be U'tter paid than the old. The commissioner said he htd sub mitted to the r.iayor rccorr.mcn riatiiin for advances in the )- iiri1 of p:!i!'n,.; wnu'd soon !e-qu st revision of the niies of officers of the forte. The mayor previously had said he favoied iiicicibo for the j lice. The nty, letoivd to virtually norrr.id conditions of oidcr un der the presence of the state's military forces, wa concerned tonight ou-r the immediate fu ture. The threat of a gen. i al i nri only by those who are ill stride was in th- air. The j with infhienra but by persons statement cf Pi evident Gonpersjwh may Ik entirely we!. I'.vcry in New Yoik that he su'P"s(i thing which increases peion;d Commissioner Cuitis was "w ill-' contact theicfoie hould be i c- ii'g to a -i:'!'" the i ev oon-.il. .lit v for th .Mie.juences of hi.t ar- i ir.ucma. tier.' direct?"! r,.t,.,".t tb.t ' ft i.m pio!ub!. )uiwevr, next move likely to be mad" by that w-e m.-iy etp.rt at UnA h th G-ntisd Lai r union. Thatjcal n-currer.ee in the near fit IkhIv will hold a icgu'.u meeting! tuie, with an increase ever the tomorrow night. If it order of 'j normal mortality hum po a Thursday night ha been cai Tied ! moni.i for pcihap several yeais, out, it will have before it pn .-j sions of the attitude tow ai d a general ytiike taken by most of its constituent unions. Neatly all these Iodic have meeting scheduled for tomoriow. Sorae already have deidaiej in fas or of A sympathetic strike. With others there ha . U-en a S- p--i-tien to mo' e slowly in a situa tion involving such eiious con- !eqnence. The incident which rc ult.sl in the death of Paymond Gaist and the wounding of Mrs. Mat .J.v que by state gu.a "dsincn .rHl.iy Ure no lesen.btaiaC to the lioU earlier in the week, Tne mat, had resisted an oider to move and the w oman was t,n $rnoc--nt uva cpufnci: OF T1IH IM LI FNZA FXPFCTKI) Washington, Sept. l:?. "Will the 'ilu come back this year?'" This question being asked by thousands-of scientists and mil lions of laymen throughout the world is discussed by Surgeon Pluc of the public health service in an official bulletin in which it is said the plague probably will re-appear but not as severe a? last winter. "Probably, but by no means certain, there will be a recur rence of the influenza epidemic this year, says General Blue. "Indications are, that should it occur, it will not be as severe as the pandemic of the previous winter. City officials, state and city hoard. of health should be prepared in the event of a re currence. The fact that a pre vious attack brings immunity in a certain percentage of cases should allay fear on the part of those atnicted in the previous epidemic. No Positive Preventive.' "Influenza is spread by direct and indirect contact. "It is not yet certain that the germ has bv.cn isolated, or dis covered, as a consequence there is yet no positive preventive, ex cept the enforcement of rigid rules of sanitation and the the avoidance of personal con tact. A close relation between the influenza pandemic and the constantly increasing pneumon ia mortally rate prior to the fall of P.IFJ is recognized. It is now believed that the disease was pretty widely di son nr. ted throughout the country before it w as recognized in its epidemic state.- This failure to recognize the early cai-es appears to have largely been due to the fact that every interest was then centered on the war. "Not one of the many experts of the service would make a ir.cv positive forecast. All agree however, that a recurrence was not unlikely, and in tin? face of the known fact that it would lw wise to Ik prepared. "Contrary to the opinion ex pressed frequently during the early weeks of hist year's pan demic by a mimlier of observers, the studies of the public health soivire indicate. that the epi demic was not a fresh importa tion fnm abroad. Careful study of Die mortality statistic of the United States show that there were a tiumlK-r of extensive though mild fore-runners during the previous three or four year. "Concern the important ques tion of immunity conferred by nn Mtvk of inthien?, the i-vi- dcace u not conclusive but thrc is rva-M n to I vheve that nn at- I, St H llliiil.rf I he t.lil.lT it..C C.f the pidt-mic confers a c:n.idrr :ib!e. but not nle-obit immunity in tht later outhieak. Dim a is Communicable, "Despite the fart that there i. stiil some uncertainty its to the nature of the micro-oiganism can -in? influenza, one thing is ceiUin. that the disease is com municable from Mion to per son. Moreover, judging from experience in other disease, it i probable that the germ, what- -irvtr it nature, n rnnusl n'niil I .u d.s as a factor in Fpre.iding aiul certainly we rtiould Im', s far as pu .b!.'. prcparl to po et tlwm by pre iou oiganiratum'thne da vs. While young Snugg fmre nnd inea-uies for iit- tcn-pted pi event ion. tteatment, ami scientific investigation." 'There slioiiM Ih no lepctition of the extensive sulfa ing and ,!. ti- whu h acroir, iliU d la. t 'years pandemic. Communities should make plans row for deal Img with nnv ricunrnce. "No mentmn has i, ,n ma.ie heie of a cure, or ipicifto. So far as the most r .ireful scieotific invc:-ligat lm have been able to 1. . ; :r;:' r.one hern dis covered, the Miggested leniedies whkH give met mcrur?j.ement arc even now in their eperimen- BERLIN A iii-rlin, nail liiilfi'il iimh.1 nf Cirimiiiiy. St Miff, ring frn'ii iln ll.-rHn wiittln' fur rtmi mittdilu thu urd of a Kin compiiny. PKKS. WILSON HFACIIFS TIIK PAC IFIC COAST Tacoma, Wash., Sept. P5. Talking to a Tacoma audience to day th! president said in the de claration of war upon Germany, the pli'-i i.:o there outlined had not bee: i fulfilled ami wou! I Hot le until the treaty was ratified. Pointing out that he had ak ed in a former address that the complete freedom from autocra cy nnd grants for lilei tv every where, he said that w;us the pro gram which had been adopted without respect to party and which it now was proposed in some quarter to abandon. When to make, th governor smiling! he asked whether the people j replied that "The eggs haven't wanted it abandoned, there, were - hatched yet." a-wl aAb'sl that h-? shouts of "No, No," and cheers: hoped they would i t turn out from the crowd. It wa. the first j bad ones. of two addresses to le delivered This morning at P o'clock by the president in Washington ! Governor Pickett rut a commit during the day, a night meeting , tee repie enting the i nioiis. He ln'inir Krhediiled lit Seattle. ! ii said t.i hav e U.!d the. nieti that Peforu he wvi.t to the armcvy the piTsident va.; driven to lhp;tude he made i.:owi during the stadium, where a ch"ering mass! Padin lalmr trouble and to have of humanity, including many reiterated hi I -lief that a man school children welcomed hinj. ; With a seating capacity of 0M (he stadium was parked ex. i cept for small spaces at the end! Follow in j thi, conference the'' 1 bfut ful !"ln- whcu' l!h K of the horseshot and thousand J governor met with manufactur-1 f;k" ,,f ni,w'-n ejHh more thronged the st. ps and tn-1 ers and dncu-sed the hhkout. ltit'W f(,TM iilc to ""P'1 nice aU)ve. ,is ur.delstoNl that the manufac- In a brief address at the st.t-j turn's nsumeil the position that dium Mr. Wilson s.dd he wjist t ! were discussing alfiiirs grateful that the children had i with the gtnt rnor of the htate come out to see him lcau c he J and not a laW m 'd?; tor. The felt that the decisions being , confciviK e la-ted until 7 o'cl-Kk made now n!Tectel the children j toright w hen it adjourned. Poth more than those of the present J sides tol l new-pajK-r men they generatioy. jhad agreed t give out nothing There was a continual ro,r of I f(l- publication until some tan cheering after he finished rt'ak- j pible basis of settlemen had Ifoen Ug :.d until hu p;a ty had c:rc!-' ei out of the stIoiia on tluir way to the unuory. i . ' l - .. .. 1 ..I ' ' . ' I i.i" itniwi- n,i j'.' .n.ijff,HH uiiii iot - .j Wllsoti was intreiavd by N. P., (V.Tninn, prcddr,t of the W.li-jthc manufacturer latr. It wn ir.gton state hrar.rh rf th !-; cvr,., b,. th ronferenre y".; to C!f."en ppnro iwnu'd tw n-.U!lJe, Sunday or Meet Daniels at Seattle. j dond.iy. Seattle. Wash.. Sept. 1.1. - j Th" tlo-;Mi. heiv is a result of Plan of President WiKon jmtr-jjj hkout of men who joined tlie neying thru the Wert, and Sj onion. As fast iu emp!yei s retary Daniels and the new Pa-, Jcained of their .vtion they weie cific fleet touring the coast wcre:di-cl nrge,h AU'ut 4.o inibis to crosscut Seattle to-lay, trial woikcts in the city are idle Als'.ud the historic battle j now and 17 plant rloM-d down, ship Oregon President Wil onl The manufactureis have per late toxlay will review the new J i.-nt ly n fu I to negotiate f.eet off Seattle' water front. - J with union h ad i. i nd maoi- The piesider.t was due nt 1 ; S (-ji the attitude ih d they will p. m., arcoinpanud by Seretary allow their pl.iit t i i ..n Daniel he is to go aoanl the r0;,d tndetmitcly lather than Oregon for the irvie-. Toroht ro-piov ..n l.l-r, he fpeahs at t!;c a-era JFFF SNl'- NOT C.l'H.TY OF I'HAKGK OK MFHDKH Paleigh. Sept. IS. Net g'liitv was the viuSul f the jury in the murder trial of Jeif Smigg?.' in years old, on tri-d rhaigeiti with murder darn g the pat i wa : on tiial for his life for ! t 1 1 legiee murder, -iimg- m Ins charge, h, Id that the jury could only consider gu.It i.nder sscond degree niunh r or t.d. The trial o n ;.:.. I t'.i. - days, only a fe-.v nours, however, Ih ing consumed with i- ! y evidence. I h e i e w cr sneii he bv outi.-a I I I n. evt 11 1 1 .1 n lil1 ' h ' S. i ' i 'II " Ji n t rasn w , t k 1 1 . 1 w 'r' ft r th? p I I 1 1 I as h. 'I he r ' i rf ll t ! It 1 s I 'I ' I Mr ' t ' i I I;;!..!-., who I ,1 Ifff I,lesit'.5!v, 1 1 e SUFFERING FROM LACK hlmitHi!" of eojil. imckftt ii:oni:s lapou TKOriU.i: AT HIGH POINT High Point, Sept. R--l!tgh P(int's lalxir ,ituation occasion ed by a lockout of all men who have affiliated themselves with a onion was still in a troubled con dition tonight, following nn all clay conference h t'.veen Gover nor Th(mas V. I'.ick-tt, who came here last night in an c (fort io end the industrial "warfare, union leaders and manufactur ers. The conferences woe re sumed tonight. Asked if he had any ;tatenienl ho still rvt:.incd thr atti- has the right to affiliate him-elf with a I. shi r union without L- ing l en.i!i H. hi i. Tonight :.:.uthcr COr.iCJ'enee i una n a.'eis wa; in Mil ' . I . 5 . the 1 G-'veir-M t ) J . tt cane l.cie on !- j.upg.'.-.tion of J.nm l t l.-lw-i- !uiler of V. AnU The e ll n uik en a? e ! nianilmg ;! t to Moik wiiliout dis- 1 1 1". !' it ion en juvoitnt l IM-Oi Hmoil i.:toiatii:!l. They ate e! ;;!e! f. r the ? i .. t p. .it in iu -imure .,r i ie- inaoufn. tuiing c ; n . C.uim r Pu.tctt rtat.al thi" , , , rM1,.,Nj to un s UJlta th tn.uble is - M , ,f t, .rMr,., , u!lUU ai a l-i-.r " hi d ti J I f.- 1 of ll I ll! ! o! . I s W i,k IfO ,4 j ' , . m s KHd.FI) AS KPSLLT OF KPN I t I M l Dp o I in Co . 'a a i I 1 ,i ,,, n ii 1 lit l! ii i . 1 t ) O i v 1 7 1 h I In An o f,.;i : I , 1 ii'ii i t .i d bill ,! the r! OF COAL ' ! V - t : . ' l ' V. . in ,. T'.f ;.lH(iii!iih hIiown a rruwil III (;i;n. pKitsiiiNt; takks OXK-AI-TERNOON OFF Washington, Sept. Pi. With his headquarters as chief of the American expeditionary forces reestablished in Washington af ter more than two years in France, General Pershing promptly joined in the Saturday half-holiday today and went to a track meet and a baseball game. He and his immediate statr spent hours in the open air under per fect weather conditions, in sharp contrast to the rush and hustle of their hours in New York and Philadelphia. Tonight the general completed the celebration of this dual event for him, his return and his lifty ninth birthday, at a quiet family dinner at the home of his father-in-law. Senator Warren, of Wyoming. s The only official events of f'i'nerl Peiihing's first full flay b.ik in th city whih piHbly is to be hereafter virtually his permanent home as ranking offi cer of the army, were his brief conference with Secretary Pakei and his inspection of the offices up. lie was ragtiiy hai throughout the day, whenever he wa mogni,ed on the streets or elsewhere, but the i:art tu multuous greeting given was al the war department, wheie cleiks fairly mobbed him, cling ing lo hi sleeves, thrusting eager hands to greet him. The geneud fought his way through manfully, but smiiiuigly, and seemed to enjoy the battle and Ihe wuimth of UiC reception by . j the-o fellow w oi kers. General Pi'ish:r.g's conference Vj'wish Mr, P.aker was nuselv an ofiin.il call. Il Was blief, but later he jo.ned Mr. 1 laker -it an il.!-1 !. j ..rtr . r-t.il track inrv'. i t vm toe rta-o-iWi, t,-:.e!.u Pershing went to the ball p.uk white GfT'.ci .d March nwaitH htm and huiulmi of men fiom the furt division rte-d at f:!ut' in he entci ed the . No ret Ttnorue have l"en p!.ui-n-d for C'cneial Pershing to moiiow or until the parade n-t Wislnc-dav. - There wa frine comment to day over the fart thai the gen eral wore n iiTrt'.on, rther than the rib!-ei of the distln- ;u. -!:..! service rfo . nor the pren-nUd chevrons on his sleeve. An explanation was quickly fot''n',oiHn lo-oi Ui? d. 'p,irtli.e:.t. N hs'e il ord"! that officer, firm overseas wear all pic ci .' t tH'i ,'ii k';. Gener al Pclrhhijf, !fiW'C of hi.srnnk. ii r.c-t sulijcct to such icgula tions. A general in tlo it '''.i rst.ibhshmcnt he t. ay pre rnl c hi i own wnifotm and it'sinia. wear !iich As he nay p?--e of hi d.-eorat ion -. m,M!. OPUI .t)N TALKS ON i iit ft V ft 11 MEXICAN AFPAIHS Nogate. AriJt.. Sept. 12.--The iv.ajoiily of th" Ameiienn p")- I h t the i a f ; P' -1 m- (l ! i ! ti .11 ! ,.. All O CtC.e l.ii Si i O I , Is 1 m A fl I ' i .!. 1 f ' 1 1 Se ir . r 1 re b f ! 'ol a d.-pai t W i! I i O ill the nv ' ' . f. 1 l it.ii t i f V V n, n 1 i t A . 1. an i Oi.rf.on n I c l ! a. , L:e tf t 1 1- !'."l id I'POPIIHTV YAI.l III) AT MILLIONS DOLLARS Pl!UN New York, Sept. PiThe Slono and Fleming works of the Slandai-d Oil company, covering -0 aei-e:; of Ixmg Island city, to iiiglit were wrapped in tlames, .vliich, after causing damage es timated as reaching into million? iwcpt on de.-pite the efforts of a dozen lire boats and m arly two score engine companies to chock thorn. Many thousand gallon: of oil were'coiisuiiied. The blaze started shortly aftei p. ni., following an cxploxioi in one of the tanks, belie ved ti have been caused bv pontan corns combustion. Hi e alarm' immediately were turned in and all available apparatus in Ump. Island city and Prookiyn, and several companies, from Manhat tan were summoned. Frantic efforts to check the flames during the afternoon fail ed and toward sunset anxiety be gan to be felt for the Piatt works of the Standard Oil company on the opposite bank of the Newton creek, on which the Stone and Fleming plant is located. Lum ber yards in the Vicinity and plants in which huge quantities of alcohol and naphtha are stor ed, also were threatened. Although no one was reported killed tip to a late hour tonight, more than a score of person. were burned or otherwise injur ed. Several persons were tramp- ad under foot when a black draught, sweeping the flames hundreds of feet into the air, caused a crowd of many thous ands, gathered on the opposite shore (if the creek, to lice foi safety. As the flames spread from tank to tank, until al o'clock ad were ablaze, there were sev eral explosions which cau-ed un easiness !e spread amnno j o tator.s.. eVgiing h toon serious bur'., they would scam per away, only lo return again later to wctch the flames sweep onw ai d. Fach tank contained many thousand gallons of oil when ti e lire started, but plant em ployes immediately put into op end ion an emergency under ground pipe system and began draw ing o!f the oil to other Stan dard ()d plants in the vicinity. Pluing oil overturned, however, from some tanks and ran along the ground, spreading destruc tion. Some spread along the sulfate of tlie creek, but soon builud itself (Hit. So intense was the heat that nrrtinants of factories Hear the un;-t- ppd families in tenement ho;i .es a short distance away Jkd .scr.'.e carrying ith thm bt longings. Fire Commissionei s Orennan took charge of the situation. The smoke was so thick tiiat em ployes wilh a knowledge of the plant were used to guide the Iirvmen in their wink. Fiicmm iK'twten tank were relieved at pi minute iritetvals. Py order of the fin- fighters nine search light, each of rioo raudh power and having ,st feel of cable, were set up. Shortly Ik-fore '.l oYhsk six more explosion occurred with in a few minutes of one another, causing the spevtafors to flee. Ten moie ambulance leinforc Ir.g several already on hand, ar lived within a few minutes. The fi ice of the esp'o :.ms were felt w iibm b uf a mile of the plant. vl,,,itly lfoie i) o'i Ik k tlie !' ,'r.i' . spread to the plain b.lild ing of the Columtm Ii4iliiiig ror,panys plat I on the i-aa.c side of the neck a the Stone i.r.d ITe'nir.g wrk: and the alco hol f loied there buined w.th n roar. pMitring oil al -n prc:d arios-t the n thi catenirg the Piatt woil. Thiee r :i on ! " i . e tio it were iep..rte I killed. "wlu-n I abvays have found to be posseted of a great Jpint of l iotheihiKsl and fiatciiiity. "It is inn n ;..! le that the jCmtM Staf.s f 1 l ! 1 ! 1 .l.oiifd n-.-a war i i f I lit ! i i i I I a' i 1 1 ! i ' created mm rin w ' in j , ' I 1 int'i ex. I-' ::v foi l!.'1 s. ! 1 1 l v,.ir." t It' GIANT TUX AS SOLDI i:it i UFA OS MACON POLICIJ Macon (hi., Sept. 13. Warren McWillianv, born and reared in Texas a former sergeant in Com pany C, 12:'rd infantry, and who saw service in France, was nam ed chief of police by the civil ser vice commissioners at 5:C0 o'clock this afternoon to quell disorders in the mill district. The new chief is six feet, four inches in height. He .succeeds Clnuie.s L. Powden, who resign ed this afternoon. While authority had been giv en the commission to employ ?. ntw men for riot duty in the mill district, the discovery was made; this afternoon that most of tho applicants were strikers from tlie mills. McWiUiams was recently ap pointed to the police force and is said to bo a member of the po licemen's union. However, he accepted the appointment on' a ;.umise that there wou'.J be no more terrorizing of residents of that section of the city and no disorder. The new chief said that he pre ferred to do the work with the old force and declared that no additional men were needed. The commissioners, however, gave authority to proceed with the selection of new men, purg ing the list of former employes of the Pibb mills. Fiforts to obtain release of strike leaders who were jailed here late yesterday, had leen unsuccessful up to late this af ternoon. In fact, additional charge of rioting were placed igainst J. C. Sullivan, former city fireman. Mills are to reopen on Monday, it was learned today if "proper police protection" i provided. There was no disorder today. The services of 3i) well train ed men, memlers of the Ameri can legion, many of w hom were in the li:u!:imv division, will ho ollered to Chief of Police Mc Wiliiams tomorrow to quell any disorder that may occur in Ma con, it was announced tonight by Uneoln McConnell, commander of the Joe N. Nee! Post. The condition of the negro women shot-yeslei day near Pibb mill No. 2 was unchanged to night, it was announced at the hospital. Tee Preston, was arrested to rn ght by sheriff deputies on charge of assault with intent to murder and for carrying con cealed weapon. He is the se cond man arrested in connection with the shooting of negro women Friday, the other leing "Pud" Womack. GIRLS HOPPPIt l OU FI N AND ROMANCE 1 i.hi ...;it C. "P:u Sept. XX Purl and Anna M.mdhT, t girN. nged PJ and 21 years, of Fountain Springs, who are so cially prominent in northern Schuylkill county, wcr pros trated when sentenced by Judge Hersrer to serve time aiur a half years for holding up citi zens cn highway and, a mask ed highwaymen, demanding money from them at the point of a revolver. "It wa all a Liik," the girls dec lared, and they said they only went into the game for Ihe fun and romance. Their home is just a'-ove Ash land and it wa along the moun tains of the north i n part of this county they are alleged lo have. Usrome a terror b automobile pasties, tew of whom t allied Ihrt peiM.n were who were taking their cnh and other be longing. 0'ie m i i. -us accusa tion again I the (Jill w'a that they took n ivvo'ut frum a rann and' sent it to friends at Chicago. The court wid Mitdi jokes could I'.ot be tolerated and Harry Swart nnd William Smith, male companions of the gills who rid el them in their exploits, r!. weie sentenced to three and half vcar. The rtate poHc wh.i ana' isl a fake hold up, in to which tr..p the girls rerbiy f, M, were responsible for th" un doing of tl highwnyinen. W. C Dcvitt. who tcj i ol- ! th" nl t ' 10 mi it he lived t'c.'.r C th Iv bc ! I f y and th..t lie ic, a a: , . - i 'I fills have n i"' p t,v" weik-s, nw-aiting 0 '. 1 1 i.e r ' ar.oiher g. of l the h 1, ' a!. r fit wxii k. d;t! it, victim of n ray .. 1 V