V 1 1? VOLO Llkin.N. C, Thursday, Oct. 10, 1919 ''IT. MAVNAIil) 1 IHSTTO AKKIV1-: AT SAN FRANCISCO No. 30 nt:;ko hank nonni;i is at lakm: in vjk(;ini by Ian .''all Fl.'llici ,lO I I ('l,, ;;. 'H!,' tin- rontint ,,(, iVuj , j -I Im'Iic.--., .", ; i:!i,lUj(. "" 1' ;''t''"l i1.. tiiii-, Lieut J:-'!vi'i v. m..mu.,i, r ''!-1. N. C, today took Tn-.t h'-fioi , I'V i" l"v hoar, in the 1 !"!' ' the double nill. tni"iil,il it! i t.i .rj 1 1 ..,. .!.... "tf i n 1-!.!.:., co ill day, while Lieut K. c. i ; i , i ,-,. H M the ;i Hhk.h.i i i : j ;a J ::.: 10 p. n... , (, ni n,,ilt ro). low in 'i M.f, h , )V j(4)- Cll Spat., v., ) :;,. (j ...v Vei l; lii-t, hut ,. ,:!,. i'US l.lli.Jiii;:. Li-;it. Ma.wi..r. v. a , thf d!!i to .-tail from Mil . la, N. t WVdii ,!ay ;,( '.); C'li'lll til'l-, cn.l .r.J'li.c . ;,!- lov. ii:;;' for ! 1 1! , h u'v in an..-, ii:iir.:.-. I . cond , ,:!OR. than timed, y, or t.,. tl-j., v. hi, Hit Hying Ix tw, ' n Min ,.i' ;,, ....... - .mil a. it lo.Mii'' :i-tial , hours at Ch" i tine r.n account of radiator trou),! t in In Wifi ICijllilC-l to 'v i;ijf hour at f.i' !i control . tat it n. (apt. D.-ition Second JUst The neare t competitor on the we.stUund half of tiic rotiii-l trip across Aniei ica was ('apt. II. ('. wrayion, who was forced to land nt Inclock, New, Lit- todav on the ay to Keno. a . . . t s me twoia-i.-c-,,! j;;,,,., Lft carefully. During the coure of ,;.v v ,;it ,o. a- mimu,-engaged in the v ; v, ; : ; t laiy increased neany nine Ih .ii, .- th.-ir tiip. 3I0KK (;oi) NKWS FKOM i.n.r.i u oini-A n.u hy , now storms in the Ilrnkv r;-uiitaiii . i-oiiowu' tioJy on the heels u .i.Miinton, Oct. 11. Altho ol laptam Drayton wore I.ieut. '''""t Wihon continues to i.. . Uei. ter. (apt. J. (. ),,. .Mioxv Mjrns of improvement he aidson. ami IJ-i:t. AI.-v.in.l.M I ''' I'Kiuiied to rem.iin in iu.A inviiie. a.. Oc t. r? I di.-.tance li lcphone report.", le rvivi d here early this afternoon from Lawieiiceville indieafi.rf that the ixro who yesterday Held up the cashier of the Allc t i i'.iiiK at the point of a pisto . t 1 t . ! & t ...... ... ..o-i io(,h .i.Aooo( w.c t ill at near tht. sceno of the crime It wa, -tated that a laij- IHuf "Aood.i U;n cntilcle 'lirmmiu hy a L.ree jwrs-.,. of men head- ly th" .vhfi i:f of the county, and that th- ncjrro w.t virtually .I... , ..i 1 1....... pi i .'i in-n-, jii!." (i(wr; are iiH- ami .. ipy and the l.an dit is l.noun to he armed. The fugitive was s.ral to have hecn ... ...ii I . t , l.. i .. :. i. . . " i. nt- i.i.-i oi'iu iho oi inree times and 1 1 1 h,- was quickly i':.!l"d from another trail to the pfl wheie the man ili-appeari-l. It developed that a meml.er of ti e po,se wiio t(Mk pait in the pi u I battle .soon after th ..JHLWB0R LEADERS CALL THESE MEN COSSACKS 1 1 ' ' ''. . . - J I - ' . i ' , j J "'in w ' l lll. A group of ti,,. iviifnyh rei,.g vi..i,.,e ,,), fb, ..i,, Mt(M-l M(;;k- ''-..n.l, M ( ,..,,., u." Thrjr ure uillve ro.STKU PARSONS INS-;. SI.'NT TO STATU I'KI.-on ll.ll.d. I. (K t. l: . .. Iu, ,!. t inteic .tm;r ( ril.iio.il (.e'.. ever tried in Ki hmon.l ,, , . . . . a . : t . . . , uieci at a f-.-( i.d teiui h ; at llwkinham comiiK n.-in Monday and ending iii'.'hl. .Ii.d; - ,-;tacy,. pi. i. ier i ar.Miii.-., ho w..., m fcn'Jy ai l est ed for the niunie; of two iieeio jitney (i.ivi r... l'ro::i llalnlet w.n !o' defetidaitl. i il( tate Hat I i pi e. tmed l,y S,,!u. tor Ilrotk. as;,jt(,I ,y jj' j:,.a oiCaiiha-e. and I.. II. ;,!,. "'Ii-. l liamkt. 'lhe .k-ielidant -a-. I.pie-uiied ,y atlolllev.s A. M. Maek of .Monroe, V. . ');. K'tiei. looia-. :m,l ';,;o: lUx kinrhaiii. The defeiidaiit plead- d in ..ai t.v at the time of th.. t, jal, an I in-.ane v. as tijialile to plead to the iudii tmeiit. Th- jury w.i imp:':'iii"led to try the p.ie. ti.m of his .sanity. Numerous ex pel t., were present including Dr. Hall, of Richmond, Dr. Ander.on 2.000 IJVI'S LOST WIIKN SIIII'SANK An han-tl, Friday Oct. !(). Two thousand lives have heen 1 the wreck of an unnamed I'lui.-.ii fhij) on th.. x, r,' i t, according to h'.d.itc!i received l ea-h,,, HI ;m.djt A J(.p0l t ''I'I.ji. (J... II.- Xeii h-r the X or !,!,) d; have ie '''.'( mloi 'niatioii iciative o, a ihiii h hip on '- 'i'" t. At the. e I ! ii ( .' .i.le,;. ii' ' itl ti! Wiei-I. ll.,' iO, ;r 1, ,, "rwcifriaii a wireless here from He in I avion : : ' i.'i I If Ii, I Ifl.' ,,e : O.il . . If c. i i po, ;. p.'U !i i , a di-.t i,v v. ,11 "i lie- .-1 r ; . i : . ! Uii,(i j ( elli 'v I, x: , tary Kild v. hi' a .I,. m..:!. a a of til. pio'.ai.:.' : ted tlh record ... U th i hi; ' a mil!- -liti.h i, i. .. i i .... , i.i'.ui-j o.ui neiTI laKOII lias been di-htly wounded, hut his identi ty could not he learned. Instruction were jriven to tl police here today to watch even- train coming in alon' the Nor folk Iivisiou and to Keaich it rKKSIDKNT WILSON. l earson, Jr. Hi fnt landed at Sulduro. I't.ih. at I :: p. m., mountain time ;.:,d Cajitam Don'l am son arrned taiee m;mi!e !a tiT. at .l . I.i..t. I'eai .un dioo- for awhile. Jt was said this de cision was reached todav at a l-Yan- i. .'t.ition at orJ'J: p tl at the .sail a-" p. m. Others Are Slrunu Out consultation ht-tween Di ris X. Dei cum, of rhiljulolnhi n.imiiais (.rayson. Stitt and Dr. Sterling Kull'in, of this city. The foliowinsr hullettin u n . "The President allows I.ieut. K. M. Manzelm.tn. t-ilot I cont inm- improvement, hut his of the sixth aiij. lane in the west- condition is .such as to neces.si ward race, leached Salt Lake tate his remaining in hed for an tuy alter ilaik toiiij.'ht hut land- extended period, ed without mi-h:.p in a held near (;rned) "(.ravson, the city. Capt. Harry Smith. "Dcreum. u ho left ("heyenne, Wo.. with "Kufiin. laeiu. .Manzeliuan. had not h,vn "Stitt heart ( IIAKI.OTTi; MI NK hattm: (;i:ovs wak.mku Charlotte, Oct. 1'. I'nion men coming to Chailotte from cities and towns in this section have stated that textile opera tives who are niemhei s of unions "ill come to Charlotte from every city and town hei chouts to take part in the city election and work for the anti-adminiMia- tion candidates. Practically every mill here will he closed on the dav of the lection, and the mid people will Mock to the polls, it was .stated. Four wards have heen practical- . ceded to the opiwMtion hv the .. j ... . aonunisirauon lorces. thougl toth sides jirn filtfti.i.r ii. . s. ,.. .inii II j J i strong light ii, every ward. The outcome of the election i considered douhtful hy eat h side md each atlmits that the elec tion will he the hottest, and some tliiviL 4li.- rl t . I I . nit- iiosi;m, neai nere in years. Little can he determined regarding the trend of opinion thus far; in the huiness .section of the city all the talking is in luvor of the present admini dra tion; in the outlying wards it j., different. The administration forces are more m evidence in the city just CIIAIII COMPANY ADDL'I) TO N0UTJI WILKKSPOKO I from early tonight. It was said at the White Hons at m-om it . .i. Aft,... i,..ir . . .. tl... i-.. i- ..... . . : 4 ..- .-.imi uiai me r-ii. ..... i . in ong uie avia- "'''i ieicum Had annioveH nntu.-., n. i.-,. ;... tion lield at the Presidio. Lieut, the treatment prescrilKMl for the working quietlv anion" their Maynard hrought hi, plane to IVesi.lent hy Dr. fJrayson and friends. That the fight however ho ground at the end ol the fust as well satisfied with the re- will not hc t,e of anv pa. ticulur eg o his ,!,,ht p.,!, Lieuten- ults attained. t,as njrain!tt another is admitted Aorth uilke.shtiio Oct. 11. A new corporation for North Wiikc-horo has lecently heen formed and chartered hy th Secretary of State to he known as the Home Chair company, this compang having purchasct the holding., of thr Sh.-H Chair con-prtny located in the eastern pait of this town. The following are directors of the company: A. A. I'inlev, J. C. Hi .1. D. M.M.re. I. II. Mc Neill. J. 0. llackett. A. C. Ilun- ter, and F. 0. llolman. The com pany has organized hy electing Mr. .1. (',. Ihukett, president and Mr. J. K. liix. vice-presitl-nt. With a few repairs and ad justments the nrw company will le ready to hegin work. i:m'api:d from lockcp- POI ND IN IIIOU POINT Kd Pickerel, a young white man, charged with carrying con cealed weapons, hroke out of the and those ha'v tiaii-po, t hnn; . i . . . . . ; 'M'i'i nici..-.:i-'ei jm,i 1 1 t if . t i ! . I t II I' I fall! ; I nfllw. ..... I "'Mlhlllg ' ""v- iijs,,uiu ;ll KaielgM. of i' 1 1.. T" .. ..i . r ii . i fi. i .n in r ii .More :m nil t.nri n. i. ; . . .. " ' '. i k III Ol r. U:. Iiav- .soled i;ite re-entlv from A i- I. . ......I '.... i . . Numerous other witnesses ii. .'u-.. ? . ' .. :"1V1.( ..!.. .-1. on,- inai Mttlsh soldieii u!, I,.,... I lia aige l U.'ilhel.; '" during the la t i, ,mil. it .... uavidson of ( harlotte. The ex perts were divided as to his san ity. wore examined, including mem- courthouse jail room hist even- wth him during the past xcver ing. but was captured at High a V("a,'s 1 omt this morning. Pickerel was arrested some time ago at Manes station and irave Und for hi appearance at this term ol cotut for trial. Mis UiwUm.-.n delivered him out t the sherill at the Courthouse yestertlav af- oers oj the d-'few anf.s fnmilv .i. . , .. i ... . . . - - f Fiill I'I'i M'tl'Sk lit. I mg transaction d.m,Ie,l ... !; ,J 1 ...... .mil u.ie neen rushed to the front south of that city to meet the onslaughts of i.crman and Kutsian force.;. The l-rgest reconled lo'.s of life in a maiine di-a.ster o -curred when the Titanic wa.s stink af ter colliding with ;ui ieeherg south of New Foundiand on ' April Apiil I. ;ni. the list of death-. Alter iH-ing out alM.ut five hours the jury found that he was insane at this time and he vv.'u committed to the criminal insane department of the slat' penitentiary. The couit house was crowded IB-- I . ... .niougnoui iho trial, the alien- shon inc I .".ll ! v 'ku at the courth,;;; "Li ; ; ; llru t," , Ii" . h m the evening the dt putv she, if r.-ill 111, V .1''!"' I'M', ear- -nt to him a,,.; ciu.y! " ! ha ,.of to me county jai . on v to find i.,,i..t 1, , 1 . 1 1 r-'engers and crew. When the cell vacant An inv e , g ! ' , l"'"" the Fmpres, of ,,,!., I was l!"n'll that the yo,m, t Tu c SuSr V U'tU'm tl1" (M of man hat! prized the hai s out ' 1 St- I-'"leiee on May f,". PHI. i M f - . ..... I I . mi .u.i.t o.ti ti aim ."sergeani Klein an ohscrvcr, literally were pul!el from the fiisilSage of their ma chine hy a throng of admirers, among them Lieut. -On. Hunter Liggett, commanding the v ost ein department of the army; Maj. On. C. .1. Metioher. chief "of the army's air sen ice; Col. II. ('. Arnold, head of the .service in the western department, and re presentatives of the city's gov ernment "It was a great trip. I enjoy ed it immensely." said Lieut, Maynard. on landing. P,oth nit m- Wa hington. Oct. 11 !W ' ' . , , 'M though dent Wilson hr.,1 nii,- '. l,iai" ,alK"" m'' that the t .cua.lor ami another from Presi neni U'veuia of rei n With my sympathy. I extend to your excellency my wishes for hers of the plane's crew looked Vot"' 'ecovery, said the mes- tired and weatht r-heaten. hot s:l' Lcuador. r esilient lx-yguia cah etl fo-lows : . "It has given me the irreatcst satisfaction to hear of the favor- able condition of your cxccllencv fn- whose speedy and full re covery I make the most fervent wishes for the good of the Unit they smiled happily and weath ered the harrage of compliments. Sampson Fellow Citizens Wire M i) nard (.'i retinas Clinton. (Kt. 11. A telegram to Lieut 15. W. Maynard fi om citizens oi .s.tmp.son county, as handed to him hv a San Ki-.-.n. 0(1 states and all mankind.' Cisco Call reporter as he landed, reads as follows; "In hehalf of your parents ami the people of Simpson countv congratulations upon your mar velous feat." Response from t Cal! stated that the reporter wrs Fust to greet Maynard landing and handed him the telegram. A fj'c ond wire Mom tiu Call wj.s as A 11 ioiiows: dent Wilson had another good T - . ' ' . the ..iht last night, it was Lift! ''VCtW,ll.V(',''1'.'-t -iay at the White House, and his "sIS .7 cowhtion apparently continued L,0 ' ' ' s ,Wpfv,n in ;,....... "llle app.uent attention from Mf-vsaues From So.dh An,,!,, a.s i.ssued a siate- Among messages of sympathy Z!l " F1? ''r "T receivedhyPreside.it Wilson to.K.T ' " .rcu ne outlined Hay from foreign capitals was f( , f . 1 f "VV one f,;om the rating executive of ...v. nut iiii, mi f .it. i ne rneeung in the city auditorium FH.I .v night has lent coiisiderahle cour ige to the admin.sitration work ers. I he meeting is declared to have Uen the largest altendet of any political nueting perhaps ever held in Charlotte, while the personnel of the citizens was pei haps more than representa tive. J. I rank Flowers, candi A..t.. f . . u.nc ioi minor, w no is doing practically all of the public work in behalf of himself and the two candidates for the commission .... i.: . . .-i.sioj i mining w ild him, WiLs hoard thrice Friday niirht. one of the meetings in North Charlotte iK-ing very largely attended though not as large as that of the administration forces. That trouhle will occur on the day of the election is the fear ex pressed hy several. Plans are under way to have policemen stationed at all the polling places and the hallot hoxes likely will be roped off. The likelihood of of the Cod's country of the east. .My comfort and happiness at reaching San Francisco cannot he expressed. Again thanks for your interest. " 'Can you get for us good hu man interest interview with Maynard's mother and rush at our expense hy wire?' (Signed) "S. F. CALL." ure tions me could It was impossible to reach ,.o ' . Mrs. Mavnard tonie-ht ns rr 00 ro,)C(t ofL 1,10 hkehhood of Sampson Demona Chnton. Ma,Va c fXriiJcn textile people coming here from "T have received with pleas- JJa'na,J1 'f v up and perform- fXls , ii.w, i.; ed as a lxy feats of ntren d tv. V.MI'UUS i.. , . . . son countv and ht mnihor t.o " i""s-s"j c.-i. u.t.. iue u.u o, ooi, .egreiisinaii Mj - - - 7 telephone rang in Mayor Mc !d not have everv one of von . . 3 LS' ot L.nesuie. m;m,,'0 rr. .i.:. : with me on the flight I have jus lieutenant Maynard won a run- e" hr d fo finished. It shows thit t he et ninff ruce at n count' commence- , ,.ne nad ni ' u.cd f,0,L .the Jv! SAhril,h0.cus mcnt at Clinton seveml vnnrc Iniu'y was made of his i 1.-.U1H1 ini vi; u.i s 1 1 oiu ino west i . rf 0 . . . , and if I chose to do o, I could be H- "limbed a tall pine f' io "ther he was in I 1. ;.. . i iKtLn whii vou in inreo moi-o i- i 1 i rl,v s. r,. i , limbs ofT and hun? a school flag mayor ahd not arrived, the n days. San Francisco reminds me on the tinton. L4t, .l . ' e when 17 years old and trimmed Up 'eing informed that the on the tiptop. voice stated that he would not reach the oIT.ce, or if he did he woul.l b ' on a stretcher. The secietary hung up. A few minutes the hell rang again, and the same voice asked her why ), want-d to work in that office for such wages. Sh,. xvas informed that t . ... wiien my crowd (meaning, th voice explained the anti-admin istlatioii foice.s) weic rlecte. she woultl receive a laiger .salary Such ocdlireiices an. I still. ments have been freUeiit the in .11.... 1 1.... i...: .i . .. .. .i.ii... ii ..einX mat witv conn ironi a lew unhalanced indivi duals and do not come from any one r.piesenting cither of thos, lighting for the reins of the citv government Pequest (lf 'orj.ner II. C. Ii w in to hold an impicst into th shm-ting at the street Car h.on here on the night of August J") was made m a signed affidavit by Frank Price, textile mill worker and ed.tor of the local la. Ih-i- paper. The affidavits, one was issued lor the death of each of the live men killed dur ing the shooting, were pie..entetl to the coroner by Attorney Jake F. Newell, representing the fam ilies of the dead men. Jhe affidavit states that "at. or alKut 12 o'clock, midnight, of August 21, PJP.), in the city of Charlotte, county of Mecklen burg, state of North Carolina, on the street of said city known as South Poulevard. ,'r front or. or near to, the car b.nn of the Southern Public l.'tilitics com pany (the name of the dead man.) a resident of the county of Mecklenburg, state W North Carolina, and a human, being, met his death hv the criminal act, or default, of some u rson or persons, to affi;nt un known, the material circum stances and conditions of which rave never been intiuired into: and that, in the interest of law and the protection of society, the same should be immediately in quired into, to the end that the person, or persons, culpable may be brought to justice." The names of the dead men as a result of the shooting are Cald well Houston, J. D. Aldridge, Claude H. Ilinson, William Ham mond and Walter F. Pope. The coroner will fix a date for the in quest at once, it was stated, lie was ordered by Solicitor George W. Wilson lecently to hold the inquest. irom the top of the window wide PKF.SIDF.NT IIOI NIH-'fj iimigii to minnt th? passing ol INSTF.A!) OF HF.LPKD his IxhIv, and he made his des- cent to the roof of the portico on ol",e Journal) Piesiden'. the second floor of the building. U.I,M"' ls uk at the White thence thru the coiirtioorn down ,lito House, having been coin- stairs and to the street polled to abandon his speaking Nearby towns were notified ol 'I' OVl'r the country on account Hip escpe and this morning he was arrested at the High Point station, where he awl his wife were waiting to catch a train. I he defendant stated that hc was on his way to Wiiiston-S.j. h'i'i to stand tri.d. The officer, howevtr took him into custody and a deputy sherill" was imme diately tli.spatthed hv Sheiill I'iynt to bring th" prisoner back. the loss of life w. s 1.07, One thousand died when the Japa nese steamer Kiek.-r Mam sunk in An tralian wafers on S-'ptcm-l"T P.' 12. of nervous breakdown ll low .-.I. ready U-en a m.ii-vrlun M.m.r that one man could have so long Iniinc the strain which has been p 11 upon the president for the p.t-st live years. The stiain g.ui .not when we went to w.ir in April. PJ17. hut when the win broke out in Pl I. And it has ontinued without the .slightest S,i 1011 ucnvn lo the present NFCKO MFUI)i:ii:i COT AWAY FKOM CIIAKI.OTTK Chailotte. Oct U.J,,C Tur ner, negro, wanted for the mur der of two Creeliviile, S. C, po hcemen last week, wa, mcii at 7 o'cl'H k this moining iie miles from the city, it was itpurted to police headquaitcrs hy a negro tenant in that vicinity at whose house the 11. 111 del cr had stopped. Citizens of that lieithlM.lhotKl He was in court at the hour of ()f rouiS('. the country has leen ' a r,"(0 of l''hcenien oHnini; thin iiitiintnir. yoiitim-l in ftivs.scd times, hut our anxir- UIV co'lll,lul"ir f-arch for Tur- OctoU'r 11. ty rolled inviiv hi., n hiu?. r!.i ,K'''. which U'gan ;it an rarlv . ' 1 1 - disappearing U-fore 1 ht ., '" nil-, nininii uiicn lu ws CKOKfilA JAIL IS I NDKIJ when the armistice was signe.1. M01""1 int-oniin freight J-.Ki IU.W (.TAK!) Air. Wilson was then intensified. m"""" : r;" 't luniLei Mac, lo! IIIHn his Oirm ilum I...I...I tl,.. on. (,.. (Kt. 11. Th, I iiir.l. 11 nf in .!.;.,.. I tl, . . .. i-i'l'ci.untyj.u! was guarded hv su'ts for whirl, i... J"'-"',r il'Utics and 1 iot fought And in this he has heen guns were in place today follow, hounded to the hitter end hv mg rumors of po,.x,hle mob vio- men who should hv lu.n erne again A. W. White, chart, first in ,..!.. 1 ...I 1. 1. 1. 1 ;;!;.,.. . , . . -r .-rjoi 1. , ,V"""X Miuiew j. 1,1 Kills .No other presitlent in the anaee.l larmer on (he county whole historv of the Pruted road i,...,,- here Wetlnes.lay. States ever had one-tenth of the U lute 11, yearlold hrale also is lealiius and comnlications u ill, in ja.l, charg,,! with complicity foreign countries that Mr. Wil m the crime. L.,.. 1,..., ... .i ... ..r .... . o.ui 10 oieei. anij no Sheiilf Hicks, Ilium receipt of other im.i.Uit w..-.. 1: t.. icpoits that neighU.rs of Llkins alone ever had the same nmo.mt were preparing to storm the jail, of domestic difficulties to en- n".i iioioeinaie su ps lo sale-1 counter guard the prisoners last night. The men who hounded Ah,,,. .... 111. . i- . 1. .iiue, according to the ham l.in.nln oiuccrs. lias issued Ilejuits from (ifistoniii to the Charlotte police that Turner was aUiaitl a freight train last night, brought a force of offi cers lo the railroad yards. Tur ner opened I'.ie Uon alighting from a Limber car, slightly wounding a policeman and a railroad employe. He then made his way to a settlement in the railroad district The police Mieve he caught a freight train northward Ixnuid. (.KOKCIA HANK IS TAK FN OVFU II V AN i:AMI.N Kit. thru all his im- Atlanta. da., Oct. 12. W. J. Speer, state Innk examiner, to- J A t 1 .l . . . tiay iook cnarge d the l aiiiiurn ti air r 1 ma 11 ,1 .oi tniiiii.... ... tlenviiiL th d -h,. n..,ii,. , V ""'u.e.s; cic me ones i.ankmg company, whoi,? vice- tl h .l of 1 t ? o''1 "1 'vn"y m,,,e '"'''l" fr his president and cashier, William hV h . 1 T 'V ' f ;i!!tTcd -tlv than the cracked-brain Irccn. was arreted l-it- h" 1 n Z 'in' I'' !;,K,th' wh0 lU;i!!- M hi nlht in connection w ijh a r e- M rcon , Ci Vt 1 r , . ,hIp'1 ' the atmosphere ported shortage of funds, i ii' 2i. n ! 31 Green was taken into custody " ' v. AIHA H U ill JP I IHlOllLft And Ihncn ninn tt ni-A 0. I .fi . 1 ' . thenlenofA W U hii,. ,1 1 , . ' ' "V1.1 .'" ailcl P" investigation here with the killin of An hi u- t i . own 7M V'lra l):lUH h'W i-esulted in Mrs. Katherine F kins J lift , VTl?K U,C n,y Sl"'e frie,,ds l5'treot being held on suspi- i.iKins, aged laimeronacountrv of t hr. rn, i- .. .. r. . ' 1 .""! 1,lnl,.Iay, And ,o Ihe nlilioi,, to "in. .?", t . .' umi iiiiiii IK. ll 1 1 III 1 1 CI 111 I UO t fll t hn I "nit nrl CUIna .nn.l. . . .-1 1 with his IT, vr,r.r.M i., i i , .. i "- - s.. ,. iii,,,, ..i.,,,,- .sums 01 money. Mie denied this a Jcu d I 0 consul t 1Z Wh ll Mn m?n nt to "cn, and totlay po- isatcusea 01 complicitj in the every turn, who have sontrht in nv n... .,.,:.i.i . u. rrino. Alllm li, In .v... 1 . . . ..sv .-..ni iiivvii .uiiiiiiii-ii 10 uieiii XssioV. Wl L ronH 10 '"rct-not to say down, he hail loaned the w oman money, h v f trt l In ZS ; Vh J'm-vcry position he but that it was from his own e is nJoZ Zv ha-s aken are responsible for the funds. Her husband, Clarence lt 1 WWte JS STf 1 ''?kdH'Vn- llrthe Wony Iradstreet. and their chauffeur, army at C ?imn roHon M 1' W'"k Europe 'M ,nvalcr 0(1 hdd for investigation. StlSvSactE than many mortals have been nnk Examiner Speer sahl to- mental condor White 5 " f' upon to do. Then he came day a preliminary investigation Hii,fhn?Sri.,i.n5i?.e,,AC: haCk and. f0.Und h.at -lhe bush- had lod him to think that the .. .... 11V j,,., 01 wacKers nad ruined that work n Ui.A.tn ,,f n, i.t, j ,, , , I . -- - . ..w. w.v .k un- i.uin, hiihii IS hci-o. morn tli'in "will move later." if i, A u J 7" " " "r " V" "-",1,,K ana, mat it was solvent tnld nn nfflmr ...c h-ijo. Futi3 Hna no moit.-y would ho lost r,,il..tic f,L, Sicc he . ,,oy B(j;- Ttai V.nd, S 4 I k M 7 nclr wnatne is doing, all of which he tour ins the country nnd Honr,! tat, 4i.. to .,s. ... Ai4iW iiiufc ic3u i uupo.siiors. 1