i rt . th . it .. J (1 .1 I VOL. 0 LTkin.N. C. Tliur.-lay, Oct. 23, 1010 No. 30 4 i lying two mills a MINUTE MANAM) WINS Mineolu N. Y. Oct. . Steer ing by compass and flying at an average speed of nearly two miles a minute H, lot) miles across tlio continent ami return thru snow, fog, clouds and rain, Lieut. Bclvin V. Maynaid landed on Roosevelt field at 1 :"') o'clock this afternoon, the fust aviator to finish in the army's great transcontinental air race and re liability test. He tarried as passengers Master Electrician William E. Klein, of Harri-burg, I'a., whom he described as do aorving "the rival t credit," and "Trixio," a Belgian polite dog. Unofficial figures complied here tonight by the American I-'Iyin;; ciuli, which l:as co-op"ratid witii the army air service officials m conducting the race, how that Lieutenant ?.J a;.nai d's actual fly ing tim.j on the return trip wa. 2 hours, I"i iniuiiU- and f sec onds, only a few p.mgie .; !" than his unofficial living time on his westbound trip. Under the rules of the content, however, time spent between control stations must lie counted in the actual flying time as com puted by the army in deciding the winner of the race. 'Mii means that the 18 hours Lieu tenant Maynaid spent hanging motors in a cornfield in Wahoo, Nebr., w here he w,is foiced (low n l-raiise of a broken ciank-shaft. will be added to his official liv ing time. Tlie unollkial tot ai elapsed time on the return trip was iJ hours, "2 inimi'.es and 1 seconds, including three days spent in San Francisco the round trip was made in approximately ten (lays and five horn s. Undaunted by the fact that t u lives have been UA directly and indirectly us a result of the lace, Lieutenant Maynaid an nounced within an hour after In had landed that within a few weeks he would attempt a ('lie stop flight from Mm.ol.i to San Diego. I 'ah, with Oalla- Texas, the only stopping mint. A modified type of IMI.ivil.md plant. somewhat sim.l.ii to that housed in the cioss-cmit try race has been lilted up for h::a hen and the start w i.l be mad-' a sikiii as he lias had an rppmtut.i- tv to make a fi w ti ial flights and heroine familiar w ith the new machine. Lieut. L. I. Brad shaw, who lias ho n ll i nr since 1IM2. and entered the army a an enlisted man, will be hi com p'ltiion on th" attempted one. stop i'.ight. M.iyn.wd W ill Attempt One Stop Coast Flkht. ClcVololid. 0 ihl. IS.- Lieut. P.clvin W. Maynaid, "The Flying Parson." has leceiveil orders from the war ih pai Uiicnt U make a one step l!;-ht from Mm cola. N. Y., to San Diego. Cal upon completion o! hi pit -out flight, lie announced lore to night. The route w ill be by way of Pallas, Teas. which will hi the only scheduled step. A Pellaviland-I equipped with a Liberty motor of the sami type he is Using on the present (light, will be u od by Lieut Maynaid. The Hijrht will b. made bv himself he said, the ob servers place having beiii re moved to" increase the capacity of jrasolino to "(to gallons. KING OF SPAIN WANTED TO KHillT POIt FRANH Paris. Oct. lt. Tin- king ol Snain wanted to come to the ah of Franco with his army at tin outbreak of the war, according to a statement of Anibassadoi Deloon printed in Ia Journal to Hue. The amliassailor sanl tin kinc called the French amhassa dor to the nalare on the fust da of the mohili.ation and said to him. "You may send to your east ern frontier the 18th corps that guards the frontier of the Fy mines. I wi answer for oui frontier." Later on, during the dark day nf AiH'iist. thp ambassadom (h dares that Alfonzo again took up the question w ith the cahim savimr: "I want astride my horse, to go to the aid of r ranee with a my cavalary. NEGROES SENTENCED TO DEATH AT STATUS VI LLP, Statesville, Oct. P.). -The trial of the negro brothers, Sinclair onner and Ralph Conner, for ie murder of Deputy Sheriff loyd Cloaningor on August :, )1U, ended in a vordii t last veiling of murder in the first ogive for both parties. The ial bey.in Thursday afternoon, uid it took several hours to s"- curc a jury from the 12") ver.ire- men. summoneil. The ablest jurist 1 was employed for both ie prosecution and the ilef. n so. Much inlere-t ha.; been mrisi- led in the trial, the court room being (li)'.V(led mo. t of the time. 1 he I i ll 1(1' !" ocelli ! e 1 ;it ;i . l o ccap i i.'i -1111 on Si'lHiii.v, itu t :,,HM!, n-ar .Moon ilX 5 i't y Lloyd CluarinjM- w;i- lih-d to the p,la''e to serve a arrant on Sinclair Conner for " my Oisoi'd' 1 1 v wn.i d iiikir:. he neyio rosi t- d ai re-1 and ! e on i.' oi icer. M, : ( o:m- jnyer retunie.l tae ht aim ounded the ticyro .-liy Lily a.-, lie Ul oil. I lie olficer followed w hundred yard to a point here Sinclair Conner was lyiny under a tre, siillei iny: Irom wimii L. Here the officer was at- uked by Kozo Conner, a I ro lor of the defendants, and at :at time Kaiph Cornier ran up i:d hot ltputy Cloaninyor twiee in th- back, one of which iroved fatal soon after tlie rf- cer re;ah"d tin hospital. Whie- fatal shot was proven l a" been fired by Li.iph Conini , ie jury considered that tlv ayedy was the outcome t f a con-piracy in which both j.! t i thcie- i'ic a verd ct ol murder m the fii'-t (leyree was o.ade aoiuie.i- le ta bofli. It t a k the jury nlv .aul ju n. amies lo make up their mind, a!'Ur the ta ai yiveii th.em. The juiv v. a- lK.ni Insl ii lountv . mo t Hit I yent ( 'iti. n hip, and the ver- ih t i - approved yenoraav. Judy W. J. Ad.miN in the i I e- -nee ol a ( moa iK'U court- oom. ju-st fo'.f ad oui ),::ii at. lonolliued - ellti I.( e Uj.i.li th' 1 1 .1 e:e:-i;'ta . ci 'np-m;m ua""' c.i'h in the dec trie chair on I'ri- .u. .Vo.u.!..r J!. HUH. The .! .r "J!. : if)-vt( d !iey i o.-, p.,;. l rv lite PC) I II O. I,".- the verdict or in v nee. NO TII( K FOUND OFPFill I'CTP.AP.Y llaii nioiuit"!. X. J.. Oi l. I s.- )id the eaith open up and sw al ow I, ttli P.iilv Oati-ev, the per- eel baliy? Or was he swallov.nl up in the skie.s'.' A ti l i I'uv!l s,-,i ( ii I'Js beell i . !. of the (i.liie count i. v .side, lit no trace of tie- iiltle fellow l.ts l."i-n bvnvl. Police discovered vmail foot print Hear a patch of woods but Ihev have led to nothiny and hoy are the only approach to a lew the searchers have had. P.u?, a tieiyhliov says ho say a uiye eayle .-oarmy over llu leiy'ilKii hooil oil eillies(i:iv. ct. S - th. day the boy dUa pearoil. I ho eayn' hail a winy pie.nl of : eeil foot, said th man. 11 wouhl ho capaoio oi ari yiny aw ay a h'-poimd sheep. Little I'.iUy weiejieil only thirty vuir.ds. As tilnc dl.e.'s ili hliUo is fill te.at the cliiid is :mo for t veiy foot of y round has bci n yon over tune and ayain. .nek l))ierr. an oiil deci hunter who H familiar wit w ihmIs and unih'i liiiish. headei the entire populace in seach foi the child. Airplanes have been Used e tensively. P.oy scout a and letui nod so! diers have scoured the wmxllani many times. All yypsy camps have been un dor close .scrutiny but lo no avai For davs Mrs. Oansey directci the search. Finally almost pro trate, she was forced to remain at home. The husband and f thcr is with her. She is in jrrave danger. "Lilly" Dansey is two years and ten months old. An Octo ber magazine carried his picture as the "Ideal Uegistered Daby." AMLIMCAN ALONF, IN TIIK FA II AWAY ICY NOKTII Seattle, Oct. IK.- An Ameri can explorer, 1 1 avoid Noiee, for merly a member of Villijalmur Stefausson's party, is working his way eastward on foot alony tli!. rout'- of lioitliwest passaye on the northern ri'ii of the conti nent, a(oi(!iny to word received here, lie expects to leach the licu-on bay country and civilia t i'.n so i.p liiae i,ct summer. Stoiler Storkeivon formerly "coil 1 in ((.mrnaiid of th. Ste-i':.o- - on ji,u ty, who at rived here io'-i ally Irom Cue far noith, mid that Noice, aeeohipaiiied only by i i- l.iii'o.., i pi oceeii;'!,1,' : lowly .n I ir.'ppiny it ion . of the ((,.-'. !ir..-.. a . he yo-.;. , f tri trh of I h ' ( "a -t hm; of Yielm i;i Land in 1 1 toiore niiii'.apji'-J I -; beiny eli.-.r; ! by Noae. Noice n, ay i- it the iii' i ior o, Yi'-toria Land, which, accoidmy in all ii port has never lieeii (: p!(.rei by white men, AM e.oi traders aiei tr..pp -is wii have touchi il Victoria Land ha. e only journeyed aloiiy its shoie . Stefan -on found the tribe oi bht.ile UkililOs' in tin' 'ir!ori,i ..ml i ounlry. Niiice lias no : hip and but few Mpplies. IP.' uepellll't i.J"-t fll- ircly upon hi- yun for his livii!';. leinitv-iin, his former chief who noted ainony ei!orer.s as !..- ny aii.'e lo live oil the Parn-) hi'e lands of tlie iioi th, prolia !y tiiii, h N'oice ho-.v to yd aUai' sithoul cariyiny r'anv .'Vpj'lies. Noice'". p.n i lit - lie in Seat- !). The ep!rer is ouny in e..is. Iiaviny yra luateil from he hii. h scia ol hoe about eiyht ear. ayo. He went north in '.'!.' w itii ("apt. .in I oi!i Lane on I," m hooaer !'(!. ir Hear. . When elV,n'-,on H!icha cd l!ie Polai ar iiorn I. '. NlMCl ippe, s a ji 'iiPeroi the crow. Later, 1 lu ti Si; fai. i'!i i '! ided to re nt n to th" outside win Id, Noice ft t!i" p. 'iv and reoiaim d in the ii'.illi. Hi parents expect iii.1 to ntii'ii lo Seattle next ear. ;k; ( ONCiiLi i; yfssf.l LAFNCMFi) AT N FAY P. FUN New l.ei'l. Oel. IS. Col. J. U. aw;.t r. Ton ton concret" pas- eliye" sljj) Iim.K lue Waters ol m n e rivt y i, ,,-,. this atlcrnoon .t oik witnessed ii- more h..:i Li'i' i p. 'ip'o an I in tin :i o ( f . t '.v: a! ;ii:iiy offi ors sent by the govi I lina nt. Nine vessel . of this type are be iny ( ui' t: in ti tl hero by th" New poit Shipbuilding oi porn- ion. Ltd. Tl.e prove) bi,, (hampayli" i-U'" M" crashed ay.iint the it . t t t I i ir.!i os l'ie !:.; a ' n slid down the ways by Miss Pcrnico Arnold of Wa hinyti n. daughter of II. I. Arnold, general manager of the . hivbuikiiu:: con p..nv, amid the chci is of the crowd, a groat .ny of whom wcioun.iware that a miraculous escape Irom loath by crushing or drowning of six imn was taking place on the stailtoard side which took t I he water. Probable hvo miuufos or more he fore the big liat was scheihil- d to :!ile down the ways, and hi!" two i!o;;.in men wore knocking tlu supHnl hWk' aw .iv the vessel Maidenly slid fiom h- r position leaving its cradle secure and swot ping be fore it six of the workmen into the water ail of whom were ac counted for a little later am none of whom .suffered anything more than trivial bruises and a good wetting. Th" Col. J. F.. Sawyer is n un ed for a deceased member of the army ipiartei master eorp DISTANCL IIF.COHI) IIl'OKFN I1Y I L1LK Cheyenne. Wyo., Oct. 17. Al records for distance covered in one day's flight in the trans-con tinental air race were broken to day by Lieut. II. P.. Queens o P.erkeloy, Cal , who piloted hi Dellavoland 1,0 1G miles from P.ryan, Oh To, to Cheyenne, Lieut Queens starting from Pry an tin morning en his return trip to the coa.sl. overtook Captain L. 1 Smith, who took off from Chica go, and left Smith nt Sidney Neb., 9n miles behind him when the two rested for the night now si:lm; li itli: iioph a v limlm; coal siuiki: Wa "hiiiylon, Oct. IS.- There soi mod htt!e" hope toniyht of avei tiny the strike of half a mil lion bituminous mal miner.; call ed for Novi mber ! . After a series of co'iferenees w itii labor leadet here, and tel ephone talks with others in the central coal territory, John L. Lew is, pre-ddi nt of the United Mine Workers of .America, an r.oiiiicLil that they would yo out un!.' .s all demands, int ludiny the live day v.ie!; win- yiantid. The operators, .standing by tie ii- dei i -urn not lo con dder any propo ,, lookiny to a ; hortei v. (i l.'y . ;he,!uie and icfu -iny t. O.l.'ll ll' J;'Ot laliali,. Unit s.l Ha tiii"S ordi r wa withdrawn, h ayed that the mineis were ti.. in;: io fieeo tli Moiintry into abiai inn by insisting upon a' pt ariee ( ! "iiojio-,silil, de mands." "Tli" strike will not be called oil," L. w is ;.'( I. in -I. "Wo will ii,.t aibitrate whili :') : t: ;: e m.ler Tl-oma- T. Prev.. if the (.per; ( ' -t.md a a tor, chairman ; cal" ( oi.iv,it- M Miiwhiie pre-.-mo was In iny luouyht to hear on both Miles fieri s.i.uiy ijUaiPis to adjust their dilFesen (., an I save untold ii-lie .. Talking mental ti k. Le i. .-aid there .ou!d In Hough coal on hand November 1 to keep the ton i it i v warm :'.o days. Secretary of L;b.,r Wil-on. al . l.i - invitation the scale co:u mitt" df th pun' i s and opera lor- W ill 1 1 id. t w ith I iiu here Tin -de v. doeliii"d to 'o'Miu-nt on '!; o ; . iations, and contiaued ai hope that he ",'n:i!il b- able to briny ; b..ut t ai e. (initial Washington held to the view, ho'vewr that the - triko w.-.s in .viliibjo. The la citing v. i'l In held b hind clo-ed iko s. In a talemei't to-ueht Presi d -lit Lewi:, of lii" t ti it t-il Mine Wi'ikei .-, said a recent l epoit by ihe i i. i i i-;ii" i on:!!o -n il I- ",i!ed that le ver b.-i'i-re in lie hi.-lory of the mining iudtts i y na o 1 1',1 i,p. r'a'oi's on n i asm" ia h a- i iiinliin' prol.ls ip ll Coal pioiiuceil. Di "U -ing tie- w ..I nt I.ew is -aid : "Th claim of th- ie agree :! atoi . hat the miners a:o guilty of re pudiation of (ontia t is totally ;n founded and ha- nLais in at. The Wa-hii'gtoii v, ..gi .grt nt re.el that ll v. a. Ii utinu" in foieo and i-tfoot "un til the ( n.lmg of the war or until M.iah"l. F.HM. In the M.b- tan o and form the war ha- Ih'ed, the loilie Wi.i kei s h.i0 lie eaSi :a t ; ti cor. tract oxpiieii up.. u th" llth day of November, I PH, v hen ho-tmties ceased in order to give the t muitiy and tin iioning inde -tiv an ( pi -i t unit y .f i ea-liu -t I -lent, t he i:.ino v m k- .- hae wmk ! for an additien- I y oar for the same w ayes mei e- Iv bv common o;o cut. W o now ok to negotiate a law agree ment to become ollectivo Nvi in- ht Ut. Aniph ti"tioe has been given the operabrs of otiv inton t imis in this lospo.-t. but they have sle idfaslly refused to Lim an actii-n that might interlcn with their pioiits. The minors have had no increase in wrgo for m.ne than two years." PPLSIDKNT WILSON NOW YliUY MUCH INPPOYKI) W.ishiiu'loii. Oct. IS.- -Pre.si- (!. v.t i! on pa-"-"'l the bes t d i lie has known since his proa-nt illnc.s.; betran. Kear Adiunai Cray Mn. hi physician, said to night. No operation will lie lieeos.arv lo relieve the swelling of the prostrate gland which ha ((implicated the ca-o. and the Prosidi nt is making slow but satisfactory progress toward re roverv from hi ; ncrcous oxhaus tion. This w;ts the conclusion reach ed bv the six attending phy.M ciatis alter a consultation late lodav which lasted more than an hour and a half. Their optimis tic views were re Hoc ted in the bulletin issued at 10 p. ni. The bullein, issued at 10 o'clock tonight, follows: "The President had a comfort able das-. He has been takin abundant nourishment and is somewhat stronger The mi provement in the prostatic con JOY I5ANDITS HOLD UP AUTOS; SHOOT 01 1 ICLHS Chattanooga, 0. t. PJ. When indiynaiit citizens of .h.iae- unly put a lope around the ck of Jaa.es Oliver and : Irtiisy :n up to the limb of a ti t o in ai Oitew.ui shortlv after mnliu-'ht aturday night, he is .-aid to ave broken down and told them ie name of las companion w ho lot atl killed Deputy Sherill W. II. Melnto. h a fe.v hours anar. Oliver, who i-i pot ytt lil, and 'I Martin, v ho is charged v. ith iviPg killed Mclnto.- h. arc aid ' have bai i ieaihsl a point oil the ixi hi,",h,'. ay jiv t ,i,ut!i ol O lew; u hhoitlv after dark S.it- ui d ay ii'jSit and held it until Ml 1 . midnight, wii! tiioy la ol 'il up and i in a d o a upa il a;.ion:oi tie s and olhi r v Vehl- ; lh.,1 p,.;.-ed. Ci'u.oiis . ho heard of I h -ir ac- sviti v, and w eiit ;u med w itn pi. to! i.iel shotgun-, to an o t i"tii. viae th'-m (he., captured y th bo-- bainiit -., an I at oiu- iiv.e ,i pi, a i.tnl on" w oman re !a ddi"d along ti." roadside. o. ei . .i v. iia i a pi.-ioi oi Ma ( 1 .1 e J", while the of her .raited hi . barricade for othei to hi ing f re. h victims is after Mclnliish had 1 1 and for some time hi n.-ad ellil i" ii.; v eell s ody lay by the side of his auto n ile!". his fuerdi not know in" hetiu'i' he w il'ad or alive hey know that he lived for i. v. mumt'.'s ai'ti-i- .,- :,U) M th.- bandit wi-uid int i-rmit n to a t "ad to his iiiimie.' id l!i" on po'. know when la ied. P.et lor th" wound that Olivei o( i ivi d ft o'ii the piste! (if K. I oan-on. w ho ;ieeuiap;i;i!"t .xjc- iiio.li lo Ui" ii.ti i icateil Miot or road. ,1'." "ro.id ay nts' it li.ive sla; e l on until day- rl.l Oliver kept ct P.'plaimi g hat la- was bleeding to death lid Ma: tin. I; sai l, finally or ciod his vi' tihis t lake the U ..( k to Oi'i w ah w here a phy i l all ce ittleiul lam. i lit p !l"V -LUtcd. Mai till slipped (a" in th" d.ukh' ;. ().iei id'. m:v iiano fi: on icpks si;i;c:ii(; foi: a nfopo W.lmington. O.t. IS. Police ffivial- ittl I ol In i l s of New i.'iiovei- (oiinlv are tonigh' i (en in" the ( oi. i t i y in oarch o! u ai .iiiclic. . ;i l.egio, cl.aiyetl ith 1 iing shot raid ki.ieii Iti.ry r.ii.n;. white, thu after- looa iibojt ."i oYI'hK. The shtsit i i it i. -..id to have taken i la a ! iho i oilier (f Ciei nil. !d alio en n 1 .'.)(.!, . :: lii- ie w en o e) !- V, ! 0" s. ! II'H I at! . - I t i i"e-,i; .in : si"! . al tor no p.ui od-ii lot ami as he fell m front of a ion e lie loiii tin.' ociiipalHs oi lie le'lise ln.it .'.l. I, i ii It. ul luoil h" siiot. Pi iii. - w a ; a carp nter oui iloVe l al th" Libel t j shipvali Hid V a - 'J- V.-al s of age. Th" i;. 1. 1 (halged with tin lliier is about ".t years of age ami l . a .Iniiiiylt n negro, lie was al -o i mploved at the ship yard. The motive for the killing ha? not vol been a -cei taint tl. but ovi- lently lobbory was n.t th ciiti e. since the dead man nan over a' in rash on his person when the bo.lv was brought t( Cae morgue. tit Km lias lieeii maintained very si'tr-tiH t"i v an l no chaugo in .simple treatment employed i contemplted. "CHANSON. "DF.UCUM. "YOUNC.. "UOWLKU, "PUFFIN, "STHT." The decision that no operation was necessary was made by Dt Hugh Young, the P.altimofo Spc ciali t while Dr. F. X. Dereuni o Phuadi Ip iia. saw siens ol itn provement in the Presidents nei vous condition. The jirogram of complete rest from official cares prescrib. cd by Dr. Grayson and his asso ciatos will continut! to be onforc cd, it was stated. I here is no intention of referring to the President any matter not abso lutely requiring the exercise o his official powers. NAVAJO CI I IFF CUKLTS Till: KINO OF P.LT.OIFM. Albiupa r ..ipie, N. M., Oil., PJ. The pa'e Lev chi f of th- P."l gian ; yn etod a gi ii.l vi..a; ed. gray ha ire. I, swarthy chief o! the Navajoos at Calaip tcdav. ley . hook hands giaudy ill i IK ll Si U A , 'I J PIS I ', P"e! I,,!" I)' ther. The aged Indian chit f o.v him .!,' witli ; dignity equal Lo that of a king. There was no oiide.-1 en ion in Albert's man ner and no humility m that ol he ted' kill. The Mm had not yd basiidicd h" chill of dawn v.lun the royal pi ( ial ; to; pi d on th.' Nov. Mes- aii village of Caihip, but tliere ah; a (i'owil ol several hundred it the : f ul ion. Many of them ..d rii.ei a score of-miles to lei t the p.elgiipi-.. As the train topped the band of St. Mi' hai !' ll ll.JI M lion! sv t,i.' id'o t he train of the national anthem oi 'e!g i ui i and then that of the "uit"d Slate-.. A little band of brave , inouiit on mu-taiig ., sat wailing and vat'.hmy. th -ir face, i pres ionics., a. tli" king, (pp-on and M ii.ce t! ,ee;al"i irom tm-ir ear. ftor one v, ar dance, his ma sty cspre sed a d-v.ire lo nice: ome ('lie of the Indians and ; ev- r;d of them were presented to ui'i aim hi s con oi t. Tlr-n Chief Silagotio Ti ibaul o, b. tter known as Polo Price. lopped fm w anl w ith the gift ol h" li ilo, hand ome vajo l.i'ik -t. w hich he gravely hand 1 I i Albert, v ho in ! urn pinnei' ip- n Uie oM w;n i no s i, ie;i .t il'. "- a !..! . of hi-, hmp.". Th" y i i-s.li d Indian w as tht i t t i M'i ; esnier to t!u li gular. it Foil De.',:inie in the (lav- v Io n Kit 'ai sun was a guid". Th"ie was no lack of onlor in u- sreii" Chich greeted the I'.el i ;.iis. Pr;i os in skii ts of tin oi l'. s hiie, and squaws w r.ip- d ill b'...net.s of many Colol ' ie gioiiped iii an open space le.ir IP" laMtut, Mime ol tie O'iseii i ; ', y in ' papoiisi s. The liighter of the chief was no'iii'.! d on ;i phi tan '. h li the braves had filed pa l Jllee!) Lll.lietll. who slooil lie- id" In i hu-l'i'iid in .ti iking con- r.isl In the place given tlieu o ! i ; i il by the Indian-. she ;ok"d pie fitted to th" Indian o I tllilt.'. s. In :: :.,ie I e.pl"sc. hem in p i-e befoie In r Ciimoia. ad tl.iy coi pl.el. although i Mi.-w hat ; '.'iletilv, fi-r theV vi"W iit'.i'o taking devices, with .11 iei -titi'iiis awe. Thev kept their yes on the ground wl.il" th" ii fi. und will in: u isi:i) FOP CAPDIN M. MFP( IFP .'r-.v oik. Oi l. IS. A new ighl w.t. Ihiown today oil the aep.'oi abl" mi', rii'ict s which Car- bnul Merrier ha made lor hi., iiitoi tnoate etamliymen with .he amiount omi at of the lorma- '.ioii t.f a nopsectari.in coinmilteo f litt plolMiUclit Cltiiells ol New Yolk wIioh' p'.llM o it is to ii e a testimonial fund as a pr.etieal cNpreMon of their re ran! It r the Ik rioo prolate. The committee embraces nun if eeiy faith and c root I and nmibe, . ami'tig its eectltivo heads both P.ishop Hayes, head f th" catholic arch diocese of New Yoik and Pi-hop Charles S. Puich. head of the metropolitan iot- tart I'pi. copal Church ilioce-e. The .".nnotinroment (if the for mation tif the committee has re- ealed the fact that Cardinal Merrier had given away in the name of dun it v practically his i it., cniiie i t si iu i cos, iiooiko i. en- villi, a ntembei" of the dimmittoo, in evplaining the object of the hxiy today said: In his heroic work Cardinal Mercier has exhausted his re couiccs ami pledged his credit to a va t extent, lie is return ing to P.elgium to confront a con tiutiance of the desperate condi lions theiv and a renewal of his si niggle destitute of physical re source:;, e cardinal is pictur ed on all su' i as the personifica tion of trit . iph. II is jxisition m;ikes him the creditor of the world at hu ge but in addition to that he has stood as n bulwark against the forces of radicalism and disorder and the spread of Polshevism by altay-ing the dis J discontent of his people." VACCINA- This .seems to be an oppor tune time to have something to say about small pox and vaccin ation, as we s ee from the daily pioss and reports from the Bu reau of Fpidemiology that there is no little smallpox in North Carolina, when there actually -iiould not Ir; a case. Few of the acute infectious di seases show such complete inde pendence such as race, age, occu pation and sanitary .surround ings a .-, smallpox. It thrives on ly ( n lima' emated people. The mot tidily bears from 1 to CO per cent. The cause of .sm;dl pox bear-; no illation on improv ed sMmtalioii, which ha; lesson ed the prevalence of tuborcu- i . bowl. Limbic, hook worm and malaria. General sanita tion could not effect Miialipox (5r Measles. Smallpox spares neither lnyii nor low, rich or poor, black or while. It spares only the vaccinated. When the epidemic ol Piallpox breaks out. thnsi w ho .-tie vaccinated are as afe as lie- children of Israel were front death when the lentils and posts of their doors were sprinkled with the Blood of the Lamb. Before tip; days of vaccination smallpox counted among its vic tims p.inc'.s, kings and queens. We are still ignorant as to the p e(i way m which smallpox is oi nveyed. A view; general ly held, i ; that it is air-Inn ne and enters the sy-lem with a respir atory J. a"t. We do know this. that it . ;i preventable disease and ino-t easily preventable of all infectious diseases. The man that through prejudice or ig norance would allow his children to go unprotected again it this nnv-t loathsome disease is worse than an infidel. The Good Book says that "a man who does not provide for his household Is worse than an infidel." Vaccination virus is the speci fic principle in a matter obtained fioin the skin eruption of ani mals, being known as cow pox. There are thoioforo. two ways of obtaining the virus. One from the scali of vac( mated human beings and the other from young c des and U called lioviiie virus. 1 lie old way of Using vim ; from human beings, is about done away with and we have thereby eliminated infection, and trans mitting disease to a groat ex tent. The bovine virus is put up in glycerine and all the harmful bacteria are hilled in this man ner. Vaccination is a most simple operation but .should lie done in h most (an ftil manner. every thing used in the operation should be thoroughly sterilized. The reason and the only reason of bad .'ores alter vaccination is that the place of vaccination has been inflated either bv seratch- i-.g the vaccinated arm with dir ty linger nails or tying the arm up with dirty bandages. Then you have to treat it just as you would any other infected place. Immunity of smallox appears on the eight or tenth day after successful vaccination. The que; tion is often asked 'how long loos vaccination protect against smallpox'.'"' The protection ih somewhat variable. From what information obtainable, it should probably be about twelve years. Who should be vaccinated? I'.very unvaccinated person from I tallies four week old to people 101 years old. People should Ih lo-v.a'i maud wi.cn mere is an epidemic of Miialipox. Children cannot attend school when smallpox is in the family nor can teachers teach school who hoard in families where they have mallpox. DIl. L. L. WILLIAMS, County Quarantine Officer. ESTABLISH AERIAL LINE HAVANA TO NEW YORK Miami, Flu., Oct. Lb An aerial passenger line employing six three-passenger and two 16 passongor Fai ham airplanes will soon be established between Ha vana, Cuba, and Miami, and thence to New Y'ork, saving 48 hours in the present time of the New York-Havana journey, ac cording to announcement from Havana. Hanibal J. Mesa a wealthy Cu ban, Is financing the project. SMALLPOX ANT) TION. i