A ci r,s ! 1 1 : l iii ( ) ill !, . j i:n ' 1 1 ,i - i 1 1 t 1 : i I 1 1 ! 1 1 ' . ( . i iil'itl i fni It ml H i I I l" ,1 r.,', Mil Ml llml ini i 1 1 - i -. i itinii ihi y:i VOL 8 Elkin, N. C, Thursday, Nov. 0, 1019 No. 3( .t HACK AIIOUND TUP, WOULD IS NFXT From Tlio Kansas (lily Star. , Now that the rare across the United States has been tompli t ed, the attention of aviation au thorities in thin country is being centered on the air race around the globe which is planned for res t Miniiner under the auspice:; of the Aero Club of America and the Aerial League of America. jMaj. Charles J. (Hidden, execu tive secretary of the commis-sion to organize the rice. Alan II. I law ley, president of I lie Aeio Chili oi -America, and Gtn.i.no deie l,oui:i I). Pcaiii.iont ai" now visiting various citie-; :Jon;r the routes in an cifoi I to . tiniulate intere t in the world race. Thov will visit the Hawaiian I land.., Japan, Singapore, Calcutta and other proposed stops. The Aero Club of America al ready has raised one million dol lars to be divided among those finishing lir.-.t in the race. Sti niu'alion of the air industry by the ollcring of large prizes has long beui oho of the most impor tant works of thee air organiza tions. Prizes of $100,001) were ollcrcd in the rate across the continent. Other prizes await ing a winner now are one ol if.jo,o;;o ollcrcd by Thomas II. Incefortlie first flight across the Paciiic and one of is'Ja.OOO by liaymoiid Oitcig for a non-stop (light fiom Paris to New York. W orld's Gieatel Feat. Commodore I'cniimont p-cent-ly declared the propo.-.ed rate a the most stupendous ever con templated, rivaling in world im portance the opening ol the Pan ama Canal and the lights actus: the Atlantic Ocean. "Tin' aviators and p."v enger. who will participate in this world derby are the forerunners of the million.-, who in years to come will tr.ivtl by regular aer ial Iran poilat inn lines,' 1'iniimn dne I'eauniont said. "Throii;'h the ticmciidoiis stiides forward of a-'i onatilic s there are wonder fill po sibilitiis lor the employ r.ient JM). -.ilfililie ; for the em ployment of ingenuity, geniu and . kill. I'u-ine-, oppoi luui ties aie otit ic I as great a; tho e opened by the i ailio.nl. aittonio mile and telegraph in-hi tli."." I lour living 'I In h Air. Tln thou and bailed of llotn sailing through the air may ap pear now a mere ilicani, but Ma jor (Hidden says it is a k. iliili ty .V'.:; a probability- within five years. "There are six million aulo inobiles in tin Fluted State imiv," Major Ghdd n .-aid in a Chicago ad In- lecentiv. "1 pi edict that tle-ie v. it! lie sixtv thou and Miny tin ieibles, of a tvpe co ling U'tweeli ?10.0UO i.nd SJ l.tioii. in the air within the next live cais. Delivery ot Hour and other ii.eicliandie bv air lollies mniii will ' made." 1.1 KIT. MWNAIMI HAS A itmmi) congi'fgation P.deij-h, Nov. 2. Li. ut. Del in M.i. n.nd, Nmth Carolina'; "tUiiur pai tn." and liist to fm- i h in the dan continental ail lace, toni'dit neaiht to the bii'i'e I t (iii;;reeatioii that evel packed a l'alei.h thiiiih, when he w copied the pulpit of tin Papti t label u ti le. It was a iion-l!is:ht tlay for tin air-man. who r. sii.ppinjr m Kalei-'ii wline on his way to Clinton, wheie he will j'ive chi bit ion lltejit s in his native coun tv. Hut he was nresM-d into icrvice for talks at two Sunday :chtHls in addition to the sei mon. Follow injr the sermon, the cnnj:i'eration in i ted that th pilot should tell of his evper iences in the Iran coiitinenta race, mn! he ronentetl. Tomorrow Lieutenant May n.u d w ill fly to Wake Forest col lerr, 17 miles north of l'aleirh where he will 1m honor jruest at a reception planned in his honor Oovernor Pickett. Col. AUx-it 1, Cox. jind Dr. W. L. Poteat, presi dent of the collcjre, w ill partici pate in tho welcome. Lieuten ant Maynard is expected to do some exhibition fly in jr. nftet which lie will attend the annua roricty day events at Wake For est and make arrangements for , reentering collejre soon. pplgian pautv sails AITIiK 2!) DAYS IIKKK Old Point Comfort, Va., Oct. ol. The transport Ceor-re Washington .steamed away from Hamilton Roads at o'clock today bearin"- Kin;' Albert of the J '.cleans, (uecn Elizabeth, Prince Leopold and their suite, homeward bound after 121) days in the United States. The Kims at the Norfolk navy yard boomed a national salute 4 the bare;c'; which carried the royal party to the ship cast oil' roll) the pier, alter tle K I hjt and pleen had in peeled the navy aid. Aboard the (leorjre W'ashiii!'- on, boatswain's whistles piped them over the side and the .shins md played the Prabancomie, hile Captain lleCauley .stood it .salute at the Kanwav and the ship's crew manned the rails. Kinjr Albert stood on the u id-,re of the transport with his wife and son beside him, jra.inj,' horeward as the Iijr vessel teamed slowly down the bay, scorled by battleships and de troyers and with the royal tandard of l!elj,rinm Ihitterinjr from the masthead. The kinjr and his party, acc ompanied by Secretary Lans- injr, of the state department, and Assistant Seci'itarv Preckin- ide Ixnur. wlio has been with the party throughout its tour ol the I'nited States, and by Secre tary Paniels, of the n.ivy depart ment, arrived at Portress Mon roe on a special train from Washington. There and later at 'oitsinouth the kin;r was warm- y jrreeleil ly stale ami local ol- fu i ds ami the crowd-; w hich Mlhercd to receive him. Poaidin;r the destroyer Stock ton and e coi ted by navy diriei- oies ami sea oi.uies me i ... i . i ... .i party yard. i-sed to the Norfolk where (Juet ii Llizabelh eave the iirnal that sent the waters of lliz abetli liver Hooding into the two eivat new drydocks for the lii st time. An in .peit ion of the lid follow i-il, the kin;: di-pl.iy- injr j'reat inteie t in all he saw md reeciviier a continuou; ova tion from the naval iMi onnel md the citizens includim: t lions md ; of m -hool i hildi en, eat hercd o n reive him. Cabinet officials and the army aid navy of lit i is aliened to ac- ompany the myal pally duriiu; its ;tay in the Pnitel States, went with the kin;r to the lit'OH t' W a hini'ton. Kini in the o.id tead l!a;r tire sei and tlank l by the battleship Delaware. i !'nci a; c coil. I., ine he K'.ud.d the :lop. however, the Kin:: sent a lareweil me- are In 'leid'-nl W i! en and the p - pli of the I'nited Slates. PP.Cl LAIS MOVK TO 1 UP. COM. HOLDS Loui i !e. Ky..(Vt. "L Fn ei ill ti iiv'lion . 1 1 oill the frill I a epaitn iit of the aimv Mmi troop of the famous First divi it ii. ci'',;h: i iv a provision d I .i'l.'l.oii, were in thiee train ally lxav hi route to coal fields f We t Virginia, where the) will patrol ib IiiiIhsI minin:r li litis :hoiild a strike of foal liner; yo into elfiTl Saturday. Col. W. S. 1 1. irrcU. romniau er of the Sixteenth infantry, i romman.linst I no lauanon. whit It it is said, will detrain ut lluntinsrton, W. Va.. and sr ittei to various town .. Trucks are iKanjr rallied, lo u e, if necessary, in tiati-poit in:r nun ami machine jruns !j!iick!y fiTim one place to an other, Ccncral Sunimera'l said. Another section of troops, in cliidin,r altuit lot) ofliccrs ain men, entrainetl ju t In fore T a in., makin-r the entire unit Vhmi stmnir. Other Soldier Heady t lucaeo. Oct. ..I. I oal nunc op rators in the Chicairo di1 trirt today apparently held out little hope that the day would In injr development;! that miyht delay the puttinjr into t (Tecl ut mid nij:ht tonight of the penera1 strike of bituminous rnal miners Olficers of the central depart ment of the Failed States anny and the illinois militia force went ahead with preparation for the possible use nf the so diers in connection with the I walk out. TAKES HER I i 'II 1 . , 7. Ill- ' ;' ' v'.a.-' .,, , ' i fiM . iA i - - - ; ' U ,-''- "--'tv;w -H: ' . - . ' - ' - - ' ' . ' '. A View of two tif Hie iilrpliilii'H icvneil I.) K.'Vlilolir J. C ox, u Wenllh.v oil fit the iiliini' (nt renter) nr.- Mr. ninl Mrn. Ci uml ilirlr mm. Hcjimmr. Jr. Mrn. flew from IIoiihIoii to lllnliluliil tm the lliicl.ion, where tlio liel wtm to enter COAL MIXKIJS SIT NKW i:i:cokd in last w i:i:k. Washington, Nov. 1. The ;vo!ojrical survey, .suplement injr a .statement issued last nij-ht by Secretary Lane, said tonight (ft coal production for the week ibirn-r October 2.1 va.-. PLUS.- 000 tons, probably a record, and that miners, with few excep tion, worked loyally lo help (ill the country's coal bins before tart injr a strike. Nohody professed to know how on the strike mieht run, but flicials closet in touch with lans for meetin-; it, (i-ruretl its lira t ion at "0 tlays at the out ide. They estimated the cotin- tl had coal eiioiljdi to la I that ti jr. There were no formal state ments from lalHir leaders. Offi- ials generally si enie inclined to let matters stand as they wi re over Suinl IV. Teleerani ; w ere i (reived at he tl -part ment of ju-lice from iiK-nv .tale,, comment bur the tin,! tl pie j'ovt i iinient. (!ov- inoi A. II. Pobeits, of Ten- le ", P It jrraphed : re!itie.,-ee will .-land . o'.idly with you in all join c I forts lo maintain order and piotect life. ibcrly and prt peily." I lo.n Dtliver Ooveuior Shonp of (4i!iraiIo. lelc!'!;. idled : "Pif.jde of Coloiado heartily ippiove ot action taken by 'le.ideiit Wllam i.iul Attorney leiieial Palmer. National (lualtl of Colorado ah cad v mobilized i'or pit lection of life and IiIm i- tv." The lejral depal tmefil of the tate of Texas, thioiij-h Altoi- uev (leiieial C. M. Ctirelon. of- ere-l to ail Hie federal art n ii". i:i "any way peiisatted by au" Commendation for Attorney leneral Palmer's ;tand a;:.an4 "aiiaithv and hexi-m" was 'xpie .sisl in a re olulinii adopt- d bv the chain! rr of (niniaeice of Mclrphis, Ttliil. Other tele- 1'iams were said to Im in a simi- ar tu nd, but were not eiven out Htaii e they contained jome -ontidi nli d infoi mat ion. PL.U F CAYALItYMFN AT OKDKKS OF (I F.N. N(M)D Chic.ijTo, Nov. "J. Tin War tie paiimrni iimiiv piareti at l he di po al of Maj. (icn. Ieonard V'tHnl. commaiiiler of lo' central depailuient of the army, the II cavalry at Fort Sam lion ton for li e, if necessary, in Colora do in toiineclion with the strike of soft coal miner. In the uU- ence of any developments indi- ratin;r trouble in the Colorado mine field;, no orders looking to ally movement of the rcjriment w ere i . lied. I ederal troops aireatlv are in We. I Virginia ami Tennessee fm emergency use and Cenera Wood was ready to tli-patch fur Iher regular army men to any dangerous points ujMin requests from civil authorities for feder al aid. State troops to the numlt r o l.ooo or more had mobilized or ordered to mobilize in Colorado and Alabama, and other coa producing states, the aulhoi itii holdinjr their forces ready for protection of mines an I mine properties. SON TO SCHOOL IN AN LIMIT. MAYXAKD (iFPST AT .IF.MPPD-FP P,AN(iFi:T Pal. i-h. Nov. L Lieut. Pel vi ii W. Maynard and Seifreant Cline. his mechaiiician, "Trixey" the dotf and third niember of the ilyin-r parly, were baiitpietetl at llu' YailKiiou;i tonijrht by Kal ei;:h and W ake Foiv.-.t men. The Mas Hai ti p.tity blew un expeetetlly into pjdei-h at "JO this alU'iiioon after ;dout foi' and a half hours (if ll. in;r flow Miueola held. Tho pronch"i pilot talked f Mineola as tho'ilj;li it was a l.indiii". out on the Ober lin or Cary ro.ul. Yet he drove this di'tance of olio miles at a late of t '.ceetlinjf 100 miles an, leai:- ami in iii; .-peeili tonight sai'l he "just mo .eyed alonjr." The ban.t!'.'l V.is a jti:iipetl-t:p affair whit Ii P.-.leieh j'.ive two tl iv i ahead of st h duN-d time. The peopl kin w the preacher wa; in the air but not until the nl (t int nil. The Tier loped over to V a; hin"toii from Mineola, stopH d an hour and a hall and pitched out to Palei-h. The L'7 I railroad mile-, weie dipped olT in t'o hours and to minutes.. The llyim: pi ea- lier sailed over Wake Forest, tliopped down to the bote etop ; ;nd openin;r hi ; oil hot e po ver I.iU ity nrntor, -an-r an tinheavcnlv sonj? In the HM'iile of Hi" Cti!!e"o town, lie ircl.'d the hill a lew minutes. very near I he 5'i ounil. then turned hi; machine to the skies. n a Iwiiikliinr it had Inell lo t, md he came to Ua!ei':h. Lieut. I airy Huiimt, fai-r for the tale fair, wtnt out to meet him md biou'dtt him to a land n;r. Sunday Dr. Hubert Poteat ..kr. th' ai i!or to the ci ilee town wleie theywi'l pick nut a andiie: lor Monday. On I hat lay P.'pti tdoin will suspend, tti'i sptv ial 1 1 ain i to the town. si:u up C,oeiiior liakctt aiitl Col. All h i t Co for speit ht s and eli'.eil.an their lim t tli tin j'l.i hitl stu.lenl all the after noon. Lieutenant Man."id will l!y over to the coot-ee and re main thei e until In jriHvs to Clin- ii, where he i-t flier extlaor- tlin av iliinmr the lair week. At the li.n,ut t the ll inj t leiie l.uke.l fin ile a ileal ol Ills trip at ro s the continent. I "red tlent Poteat, tf the roUeec, wa amoiiji the jpcakers. Four nre.jt airmen, Ma naitl. Cline. Pun t-r. and Tin ner, were piet iit at the dinner. "Trixev," the tlo;r. m uh Hi" filth in the party. SIHIKi: OF PULMLUS ON NASIlYILLi: PAPFKS N a hville, Tciin., Nov. L- .x;i nviiie new papers ioii.iv are rontinuin:: pulilication f their regular editions despite the walkout Thursday inj-ht am 1'riday of the majority of I he employes m their coiiimv in; room-;. I he i-siie are icilucel in size, but suificient Men remain at woik to set up the moie im pnrtanl new;;. Since all the printers involve weie Itcinjr paid ?l.'Ji per tlay more than their contracts call for and walked out Inrau e an additional one dollar per tlay w a- liot -rranted. tlx ir action is dis avowed by the head of the loea union and the international or ;:anization has ordered them lo return to woik pending adjust ment. AIRPLANE mini of I loiislmi, Ti'X. Slilli.lih;: III from Vx mid Seymour, ulonu with Pilot I'.loi It w hool. pkpsium; fayoks fokck of yolfntfpu soldilks Washinfrton, Nov. 1. - A vol unteer force of ofliccrs and men who served in the -.neat war, so organized as to preserve war time designations of units, was piopo. eil to the military com mittee of Congress today Ly (iein-nral Pcrsliiii" as the basis of a permanent reserve to be maintained in future by univer . ; I . crvice. Fntil universal lraiiiin;r jrot under way, he toltl the commit tee, divisions ami smaller units now disbanded could be brought jack into existence on paper, villi enough volunteers from their former personnel to make up the skeleton of a continuiii" reserve system. Liter, he continued, men emer;;in;r -from universal train in r camp.; could be a signed In tin se reserve units in their home ocaiitie '. He ; ueet sletl that he nu n thus assi;;uei bo a cin i!. d for drill or maiiouvers "once 'I tv. till) in;; lie' pel ioi the e In I I for po - il th m rvit e" tier tiaiiiiiur tlit i!;:h they could not be actuallv called into at i ix t ei viee I'Mt pt in time of war. The ) eiieial said the ploblen f litlier in thi; pl.ai with an ontiiaiaiice of the national 'uaiil as Mich, was a tiiilieii!! ne. He su;r;:e te that I he j'ov i. seniors of state; mi;:ht It" i i n aulhoi ity to c.,!l Hi u- five in'o sci vu e in !oe..I cm i "iieies, bul pi elerred . that tit ii training anil oi rani.alioti Of Ce.;iii! il.- leili r;.l. (e in i; 1 Pi r h:nr al tkf lar hi pi " fel eliee fof ;. my j,, motion; le,- m !e lii.n i Ihei ih.n. eliionlv, and ifcoiii'iiended a limit h i for promotion. In that way, he s ud. math "d mo lin.hct" tolll l In' t iimiiiated mi I eXl t iii'.r llietiu:. lilies iKtwerii t.i:!' ..nd line l nrnvi tl. The pit i ol piomt'tioll : !em In chai .s lei i i d a "ab. Ui d." He- it!.1 ; iilu.il!y com- p.ettd hi. tatenieiit l-fore Hit comiuiltec; lodav, but he a-kel lime lo con ider some of Ihc tjlle tlolH Mlbinitled by im in- Imm s nod plohahly will appeal i.r.iiil next week. Mi ADOols Y:FnTLT) TO SOON FNTF.U TUP UACF a .luns:lon, Ocl. ..o. it is expifted here that Win. am (Im.'i., Mi Atlixt. wid soon thi'ow his hat into the iohtical lin;: md become an active candidate for the Democratic nomination lor rre itlent. there w is an authcrtie ivpoit at tli capilol ttx ay lo Ihis elbrt, allhoiii;!i u- Inidy is to Ik tpiol tl on the sul ject. Con crvative bu ine s inter- et, it is rcpoittsl, are willinir to iijport the McAtloti I mom and the former jecictaiy of the treasury in also popular with railroad oik men, other lalmi in classes anil the farmers. Mr. McA'lon is holdinjr back because of the Wil-oll thil term, talk but the pro;rrcss on the peace treaty indicate.1 that the President mav soon Ik? deli- ni'ely out of consideration Then, it is reported here, the McAdoo hat will $ro into th rinfr and the round up of dele rates in North Carolina and t th er Democratic states will begin FATAL SIIOOTLN(J IN AllTOMOPILl CONTPST PI Pa',o, Tow, Nov. 2. Maj. M. Seanland, U. S. A., and veil others, includin;- four women, weie arrested tonight at ,as Ci uce: M., chai'jved wilh the murder of John T. Ilutchin '., if Alanioj'oiilo, who wa.; fatal- shot today w hile tlriviiijr an lUuiiiioMie in a cross-count rv oral rase. The can e of the ; hool has. not l. en a cm aim , . : : n e , i ijoi' S ai'.l.iiid. th.' j.'-i,. id "d I 'i t tl .Lie i.. on, ol A Ipine , fi x , .Mi l li;ti i (!. (), I .! i ri I. Chalk" Altmali Mi. s, Pills Fell- p. I , Me- near st oi II It, Ml'. Over: tie. I. Ml . lolbrttok and M ,-.'.. . M 'in i . on, of I il 'a, o. The .lioo;iii;r occurred .a.nail,. N. M., If, miles, w il Paso, durinjr an PI I'a.-o to 'hot nix race. lluUhins was shot in the back t biulet pent traline; 1 1 1 r jiutomo- ile se..t, and ltalin'r near the tase of his spine. His motor ar was said lo have been travel ing I") miles an hour at the time Oliver Lee, llulchin.-.' niechaii- ici.in, said he heard six shots lirod. Lee piloted the car with it ; wounded driver to Lanaik. I heie Lee borrowt d a rille ami returned to the sci ne of the liiKilin;,' with Winchester Cool y and District Jiitljie W. P. W'c.-.ve. where thev took int.) cu - otly the eijrht persons lieitl at -is Cruet' . The four men ami four vvoiin n were occupants of m automobile. llulchins. was chaull'eiir for leiieral John .1. IVishin;: when leneral IYr.diin;r coiniiiandid ihc American punitive expedi tion into Mexico, lie had won ntiitO'i tnis automobile races in il Pa o and Ju..rc: Mc. NPA1I-I KillT ()( (T PS OYFIJ ilSAPPKAPANCP OP P.OO.P Danville, Va., Nov. L The timely intervention of Comnion- .u-.dlli's Attorney John W. Car ter (hi. moinill;: preveatetl a i -I it (la II belwiell W. T. Me. I- ion, ne of the .' tale piohibitn n m pt ctoi s, iin.l Pt ubeii Fraziei , in automobile tbiver, -in the tut 1 1 htm e. Mr. Carter pie- u tiled the delivery of any blow . aid no wailanN h id l-eii! i . u. tl his afteintH ii. The tiouble h id Is In jniimii;: a ear ao wh n lie in;: hi II. . .Miilj'.n t, a l e- i line a;,'t it, with ." lit Hon. laid I Fraii i 's liiui e on atnlei.d ai I .till, seiiii'f a fllilra-e ct- a oio'T P5 paits of li-pit-r wliith lev carried aw a v. No v. .at. mi .:,; ever i t:n! for Fi.,ir v.!. I'rcnirntiy rallies oiiu.is on roati . and from time to tinn he i is t ked for the delivery of the -uite.e e and ii . t ontenl s. No iccoid ol the hi'Ut r Iteine; tinned iii ha; U'tn nude. Ya i,. r . ;..i s. but he has l eii olleit d the ei' ply liitca t in a tl.una'-i tl t'liditioii v-huh lie has tlediutd to accept. HieUoii state that Shue, nl to'.k the !uitc;ee and Shueail thiim that Slultt n had hai'-e of it, the state ofl ct r vin;r to.1. tv that he was unable to ;u it. iint for the mi pl.iet im nl if the wi t I'ood ;. Tliii moimiur Fi'a7ier" a ks Sla Hon for ii settlement ami was to! I bv the officer that he knew nethiiur alxuit the alfair. Mr. Cat lei ovei heaiil the autonm- ! driver till the ptohibilion ofdeer "You avo an old roUter." The iiij'iiemnt conlinuetl fiom the automobile to the rouit hoi.M' where the two nit n finally .inn' ttieether for a few seconds. PLK.MANS MFST FAY FOIJ SINKINC HAITLK IT. KIT Palis, Nov. L (P.V Associat ed Pie-.)-Demand will e made of Cerniany that all violation of the .'iimislice shall be made irootl. Thi ha i U-en tie idetl up on by the supicme council which has completed the protocol to the (lei man treaty. The protocol provides that iicrmany shall surrciiiier crui sers and destroyers to replace tho e nink at Soapa Flow, and also surrender float injr drydock1 lighters, cranes, tujrs ami other naval equipment epi.d in value to that of the first class battle ships destroyed, which (Icmiany cannot replace. IIOLLWPC NOW SAYS III t WAS WHY SUSPICIOUS.' . Pei lin, Friday, Oct. 31. (P,y the Associated Pre:;:;.) Dr. von Pefhinann-llollwefr, German chancellor for the great part of tho war, underwent a grilling: in terrogation before the national assembly sub-committee, which i;s endeavoring to determine what possibilities for peace had presented themselves during the war. Commissioner Sinsheimer M't'.-lioneil the former chancel so insistently upon matters !t lail.-d at the morning .session lli.d von Pethmann-llolhvej ' ''u t -savage, although '! a long time he had adopted oi apologelic attitude. Con-.idei'able time was devoted to the part played by Ambassa dor Gerard, von Pcthmann-Holl-weg reu-;ttetlly asserted that Germany was suspicious of President Wilson's .sincerity in (luring peace because he (Pres ident Wilson) dit! not connde in Civaiil and the latter had to go to the incident for information. The ex-chapcellor said ' Ambass ador Gerard's observations in Germany generally coincided with his ow ii. Direct answers were frequent ly evaded by von Pethmann-llollmaiin-llollweg, who said he could not remember whether he gave Gerard the German peace terms., although they hail often .'poken of peace ami he had told Gerard things he said in the leichstag. The questions of the examiner here In-came so insistent that von Pi thnianii-Ilollwcg In-idled anil a ked lime to study the arc hives, which until a week ago he ha.l not seen for two yens. He aid he told Gerard that Pelgium iiiii4 not Im used as a military I'.i e ft r another attack on Ger many an. I di. cusset(wilh the ambassador various mih'ary and economical "o,t-war Illations. Tlit I'm inei chancellor reiter alid th.d Germany tli. trusted tl. tm IteratiM he was known to be iM iUuy and that lie (the cx ch.mcelioi ) had toltl Gerard he wa skeptical of the pi cedent's aitiu.de. Di. von Fcthnunn llollwtg then tlescrilied repeat ed t iioits he hail made to have the chief censor check Pan-German new-papers in their attacks on Ike I 'nil tl States, but assert ed tli.t pet .pie'.-, will for the D lu it w.iilaie via . tii stioug ami whether the press was quieted or not the people retained their pi tjli.lices. T never saw a rosy future," l. t laiel on Pet hmann-I loll weg i.iit when lhe submarine war iMS'iinH' ilieil.dll.' I riiiisi.l. i .si it lay duty to as, ume a confident attitude toward the people, the amy and the leich -tag. I fming hopeful." jfd(;i:s-vysmi:s.(;iaham SHALL (i!T $11". MONTHLY laleieh Nov. 1. Judge Guion this afieiiiiKni made n ruling in the alimony and abandonment suit cji.se against Major W, A. Giih,im, commissioner of agri culture, by his wife, Mi, Salli CI.ii k Graham, to the clfect that Mis. Graham's allowance, pend ing ii jury trial of the rase, shall U ?L!" h r month inMcad of the ?1".0 that Mrs. Graham demand ed. The Judge held that in view of the official salary of the com missioner and the ((.imaged con dition of his fann, the ahmony modified to $12. er month would Im; enough, lieing half of his salary of '..f.OO. In parsing on the case Jinlge Guion gave lengthy hearing to counsel on Itoth titles in addition to coiisid-i ing the complaint, an swer, and the several amend ments thereto, as cadi Fide has made charges, entered denials and the like. Finally a jury is to pass on the question of whe ther Major Graham was locked out of the house by Mrs. Graham as lie charges, or whether he "abandoned" Mis. Graham, a- she set out in her comp! til I i W

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