VOL. 0 I::'-in, N. C. Thursday, Nov. 28, 1919 No. 41 r 2 II h;t follows dkatii of tiiui:i: MKN Dl rin(; HATTLK IN LOUISIANA Pogalusa, La., Nov. 2:. Po galusa is quid today following tlu pitched battle yesterday in which three white labor leaders were killed by special xIiccnien and two white men wounded in a fig-lit over the apprehension of Sol Dakus, negro, president of the local timlier workers. The American Legion pa. t was organized here last night and niernliers by acclamation elected Jules Lel'.iaiic, command er, former army captain, and the only special officer who war, wounded yesterday. The situation hero today is: Three men are dead, K. M. Wil liams, president of the allied trades council and editor of the Free Press, a local Ialor paper; J. C. P.ouchillon, a local carpen ter. Two men are in hospital from gunshot and pistol wound?. They are S. J. O Foiirko, secre tary of the allied trades council, and Jules LoP.Iano, owwner of a garage, a spicial policeman and a former captain in the Tinted States infantry. , Sol Dak us, alleged negro agi tator and head of the negro un ion again, t w hom a w arrant for arrest has Im-cu sworn, is at largo. James Williams, hrother of the slain lalr leader, is under arrest on the charge of shooting with intent to kill. Twrhc Wore Filiform Twelve members of Use Self Preservation and Iya!ty league, an organization of 2o tax pay ing citizens, who are non-mem-liors and non-employe (if the Croat Southern LuiuIkt com pany which operates .several plant hero, arc facing a federal charge in New Oi leans of un lawfully wearing the I'liiled States uniform, the affidavit., having been sworn out by Wil liam I Domic!;, general organ izer of the I'nited I .rot hoi hood of Carpentoi s and Joiners, foi lowing the deputation of IM O'P.i h-n. a union man, l.t t Wed no-day for hi-i alleged lemaik approving the killing of former soldier at Cent' alia, W a h.. during an Armistice day pat. ate, A warrant is in tin hands ol the chief of iH.'ice In 10 for the aire ,t of 01 it n if t'o it tuin to P.ogahisa. , The Croat Southern LumU-r company's sawmill is prartically clued down avvaitiuu the arrival of a cylinder head for the pant engine lefoie i- liming full operation and i; guarded I lnai! iii iod p.itii'!- m.iV ami night, with a machine run and wire entaneiemini leii-n-e. j iit were iitii-.l Ii'-m-that William L. Ih.nnoH; has teh opiaphed Attorney (hm-ia! Palmer for nn inve f!p-i!io of the l.altle i- tciday and that Ponnetl says that his life ha Ixn threatened Into, Trouble for a car The outbreak of ye torday, ac cording to P.. P. Talley, uly at torney, was the culmination of trouble which h i? Urn brewing for mmo than a ear and de veloped into armed hostilities njMin the parading of the negro lalior leader down the main street of the city hy piuchil!nh and OKouike, both armed with shotguns. Daku, the liegw. was wanted V the jH!iee on the t barge of In-ing a dangerous imd su-pici-oil character. When the parade of the negro in daylight down Cnluhmi.i stmt U'gan, Pouchillmi and ()'- Kourko, piotctting him, T. A. Magve, chief of jilico. was noti fied. Warrants were Ustiod for the arrest of JUnuhilU n and ()' P.ourke on the charge of di tail in jr the peace, and Iterance tioti- lle was almost ceita'm. l of the rpecial officers, who had hem sworn in to scire as icemen in an omerpMiry, hut without pay. were di patched to make the ai re: t. The parade proceeded to the parage of Lum Williams, union headquarter??, W. C. Magoc, of the regular police force, am Jules lA'l.I.mr, lei I the mam Imdr of oft ice i at the gate to the lot on which the par stood L'O feet hack from the k; street, and started to serve the WILL MOLD J FN KINS IN DFFIANCK 01' DLMANDS Washington, Nov. 2)5. The answer of the Mexican povern meiit to Hie fhaip note demand ing the immediate release of William 0. Jenkins, American consular agent at I'uchla, pioha lily will le delivertd to the . tate department tomorrow, A lonjr di. patcli hearing: on the Jenkins ca.se, it was learned tonight, has been received at the Mexican embassy and was bcinjr decoded today for presentation to the jrovernmi'iit. While authoritative informa tion a.- to the attitude of the Mexican j'ovei iinient was lack nip, all indications here pointed to a technical refusal to order the release of Jenkins. Since his ."i re t, it w as leal tied, addi tional dial pes apainst the Amer ican olTicial have been formulat ed, based upon alleped evidence that he actively assisted persons in i ebellinp apainst thoCarranzn povoinmcnt. Payment of a larpe sum of money to the rebels which was us"d by them to pur chase: munitions and acting in colli!:. it n with rebel leaders are said to be sp'Til'ic "counts" in the new indictments. What was regarded as a hint of Mexico's jMisilitu in the Jon kin cae was noted in an article published by the Mexican Px cel. ior, a copy of which reached Washington today. The paper stated i.piciffieally that Jenkins' second arrest was based upon charges that lie actively assist ed the lebels. The "certain sum cf money" which Jenkins is accused of de livering to the rebels consisted of the :' t.fioo pe. or, he was com pelled to pay aTT ransom to l'ed erito Cordova, the rebel who e forces kidnapped him. The col hi.sion charge is ba'd uih.ii the fact that J nkms agreed to pay the rein! leader the ran oin in order to save his life and gain hi; liberty. font i .ii y to or torn in Mexi can com ts the pi im , -fding-i in the Jeiikin? cae on t!ie (era ion of I i, M"-i."d arre t were m ilked with the u'.n-.it-' ifiny. Jen kin, was summoned to ourt, a i e ha.-, was placeti under ar te t. His pica lor bail was re fit ed by Judge C ir.alos I'ram-o on account of the "gravity of the i. .It n t ." In the pMHiedio; ciant att.u he: cvety potieUi.il . w ti e si ( let. and wcie . a. lied th. t lh"V w oaM be disini d i.thet vv i-i- tiuni In .1 if anv a-.d f.u-ts 1 1 Sating t th ' (a e leached the put lie. Official la re Ii paid the na- ' in e of t (u i h.ti ; e, ai ,1 -ill no a en t on (In of the Mexie.OI P'iM'liaili .,n I pat t t to amis tat . the CI e out o! till' of the PuiM.t :!at suit hoi it i'-s .tie nine-. is l.tll thai gen ttie fe.lel.il poV.Tn.'Uellt. .'.I I all' How Ikittlc Stalled Thni.o Cainc, anoidiiig ti W. C. M.iei". appe.n Hear the ;ai ape am wa oi deied to uroj its pun. ' ( oino and vet it. w as it. (at no moil, the f nicer sai as the former slepprtl in ide the pal ape and . aimsl the men in Mtle. Lum Williams, rnnd, then stepped out of hi oftice. M.ipec .-..id he ordered Williams to drop the pun and notified him of tin warrant tor Daku' arrest. The hint, aeeoi liiHL" to .M.o'e'' W.i i slmi trom uiiams whu l 4iiuk l'P.l.inc in the .1rm. The despeiate and ih tellninei I. .'!'' then b p n with Wi'ham- JnnMumr (to.ut in ins uai i,s ironi a ipoek voiiey ov the sptsi.it ol titers. The Hihctmcn said th P.utirhi!lon was killed at the w indnw w hen his pump pun jam med a he wa attempting to h't . Cainos, they said, foet Ihrouvh the eaiiure door first with a pistol and liter with . shotgun. Hi body was foil in in J he middle of the garage Daku and an unknown numbe of white i .i n made a tku h fo the W(Htl and v caped. ()" Umuke and James William climbed out a window, police of finals said, and made a break for safety. but'O'Kourko foil wit buck hot wound in his breast and Williams threw up hi hand?. Officers said a shotgun was found pear OTIourke, ON ITS WAY A inilhliuul ( ni'nr cue on u nuiruw Culmu riillruiit) on Un wuy fci.iwlna district. OV. DA VIS COKS W ITH Ti()0PS TO COAL MINI: Pichmond, 'a., Nov. ovornor Westmorland Davis It tonight for St. Charles, 1a e county, Va., where he will take personal charge of the .'00 mili tiamen sent from Various state points' this morning. It is un- rstood Covernor Davis will m:i';p a personal appeal on liohali f the state to the miners to re turn to work. A long distance telephone rues ige from St. Charles, a little lining camp near the Kentucky ine, says that the town resem l'is an armed camp tonight. ladical miners arc reported to ave mounted high powered gun ; on the hill.ddo and open fire tt every miner who attempts to liter any of th : hafts, which ave b. Cll tlOsC 1 down since hn U'wi i -in 1 the strike or r several weeks ago. A number of the loyal miners !e desired to li-um-' opera tion;, have had dancrop lv clo. f cal.s. I meats have a.-o bet a taadt. according to long dis tance adit f s. that in event the al miuets per.. i t in icsuming vvoik, the mine entrances will be evn tip. The later thi at is .s.etl to lave Cail-ei toe ov;.l liilliel s tn pp al to Ct t i nor Davit for as st. -lance. The governor S:. tut day night mobilized live companies of mili tia, about .',!Mi, and the; e turn left Sundav moiiiiiig. taking along a. .ay it.;::;.;. . , s .-. . . .... . i .'.. t.i'.i'd out ?!' 1 he t miMith oc.i'.t ti al l.e liii.i.llil, l t.ai lolle- 1 .t.-i l.t I., liie. L 'leip.iit g, Petel 'bui g U i I, t., le. ,e. St. Chalk s i a siaa!! milling town locatsd on tlu' st.. to line. Hi'' en d r hafts a! C ' a; I to ex- ti ml ft'iiu Viigiia.t lluouli into Kentuiky and indic.it i:m to- loptit were '.'la! lie1 KonMP KV uilhoi .lie wouki !' a ked to a ?- i I m ivtoiirg order, since the xtent of the sl'.afts pel mi! ted the im i to e cap-. from one state into the other. While lal ,'efaiitely known, it ti t tit is I alt! tot. i mil llial rejMitis that reai hod Covernor Davis that the entire tumble is due to the fad that Mime (if tie1 ojx ra lois failed to keep tlu if agtee mert. and refused to permit o'm? of the men who had pone I'll SIMM' i eenle- t . niM!1", .:c n slimed a l....aal atttlude aial inountetl puns on (he liill -iI ready to prevent the reopening of the shafts. I PLSIDFNT STILL VLUV WKAK PI T IS IMPPOVINC Washington. Nov. L'J. Pie i- tlent Wil mi h is "mateiialiv im- proved" but is still very weak, Dr. Frauds X. perum, the Phila-;. and dead work of :X percent, delphia sjmm i.tlist, found today: Mr. Lewi al n annouuccsl that when he paid his regular weekly ; the miner steed on 'heir count visit to the White Ihni e. ;er propo -al for a sevt n-hoiir day, Uear Admil.d CiaVSon, the! a Satui.lay haif-hyuday, ami le Pretident's .hsiiiaii, s,ud that fen m o of all internal disputes it would be some time before his b.uk to the d: tinU in which patient coukl take an automo- they oi iginab' for st tt lenient, bile ride. Fvery sunshiny day,! Some Operator Willing however, the President is wheel-! Sumo of the operators, incly I- oil out on the south l.twn of Hie White Hou -e to enjoy '.he air. The Piesitleiit attendeil much routine oxectitive bu -ines today. TO THE EAGER AMERICAN HOUSEWIFE COAL NLCOTIATIONS IN DEADLOCK: CAKI ILLI) IS ASKI.i) TO DLCIDi: NOW I ilxplaining his suggested (P.y Associated Pre . ) ' w;,. advances, Secretary Wil Washinpton, Nov. L'-i-Uel'using M) :,aid he based his calcti' to acocpl proposals made by Sec- ( tions on an increase of 7'J.S per rotary of Labor Wilson, as a tVnt in the co.d of living in three basis for further negotiations. bituminous mining towns since soft coal ( peratoi-s of the central j December, P.H I. The increase competitive field rested their., ,r 27.12 cents per ton was ur ease today with Puel Adminis-, , ivt.,j at ,y averaging the hal tratorCarlield, who,e official ap-1 anco needed to make the Pitts pi oval is necessary to validate . ,u, jrh and Hocking Valley pick any new wage agreement. The public v ov.Id not stand for a wage advance aliovo their of fer of 1" cent per ton to coal diggers and 'JO per cent to day lalKtiers, the operators asTcrt ed. They rcfe.-etl to make fur ther overtures or even to rein state their proposition, which was withdrawn following the deadlock Friday, unless the gov ernment, through the fuel ad ministration, a-stimed le ponsi biiity for th, added burden to the nation's fuel bill. The operators aio pi f pared to leave 1111; i ntiis i'uat ion in the hands of the povi t mat rit uiile Dr. C.ufa ld can l.nd a way out of the difficulty, their '-puke -la. ii .illinium ed. No jitint Hurt ing of the sttb-.-cale (omuiittee u.i- h- Id ttnlay. . S, Cat field Monday Dr. CailieM nuiii.-d the mine owiii'i , that h.' would ii"l meet tlnir comtniltee, of which Tho mas T. Preti-r i chairman, mil il after he ha t mi ,u!li d Moi day with Altorn.y-Ccnera! Pailuel", Director Celictal ililies aiitl Judge C. P. Aai. , a .it.nt attoi iiey-peiicrJ. It w as cn sid led hkt !y lh.it the negotia tions would hae to go oer un t.i alt' r the , .ibio -l inc. in; Tli'-.l.iV, whetl it W.'l? expected a pl'i'V til "et tin' eilo.-. I.ei In ijel ,tl loll tH-I.e e (he thi'Stl.'tl- ing coal famine l.iing ib a te, will Iw wot k d out. upi i.ttt'i - it pic i illative-, aa 'illtiii.ed the M.t( inelit that Hi their opinion p'-uie on whith Set it '..OV Wtb.ei , .'.- hi - pit- jMi .il. showing living co t? in the roil li p t( ill s. were put' m The Mcietar told the sul-.cale conmiittn' Friday that he did lmt sjH'.tk for the government, it was .said. John L. b'wis, p.r-ident of th" I'nited Mine Woi k. , to liitht ihatped th.' operators with "ciiminary delaying" the negoti.dions, thtouph a "con pirac" on the pot o.' "power ful Intel e 4s," including U.th mine owner and others, who have been rpeniy opp i -ing 'i set tl. ..a nl. I'liiitiwing a two kma t - inn of the miners, Mr. I'wU aimi'iin t:d that the wot hoi s had aucptcd S -t utaiy Wi!oiiV pro posal. Th i piop'i ution. submit ted la t I litlay. as made public tod iy "by Mr, W i! on. pi n idol for a rat merct-o m immi rates of 27.1- cent per ton, v ll.it increase in day wages of ; . and an increase in yard ing im mhm of the M-ale cem - j mittee of the t ntral competUiv.Ves of the city and stale povern to!fieid. Mr. Irwi said, have indi-1 ment and ihe pies; and tie. t ! i alt tl a w ii;. eerie- to make a separate "treaty of peace" w ilh to tliu uillla In tliu ln url of thu biiur out waiting for concerted action. He said he had agreed to sign sepaiate contracts. mining rates equivalent to the increase in the cost of living, with the margin on the same basis in-the Danville and Indi ana field. Operators attack d Mr. Wil son's figures on the ground that from 80 to '.'0 per cent of min ing in the central competitive field is by machine. Calculated on a basis of machine mining. Mr. Wilson's proposal would mean a wage rae of IIS per cent, th'-v said. The si-notary's nigg.'slion of .".l.fil per cent in crease in the day wage would mean an inoieaso over PJM of r.L7 jHr cent, they added. PPINCI! CD L'LULI) I IV VAST TIIUONC AS UK SKI'S SAIL New York, Nov. Prince of Wales sait JJ.-Th- goon oye to Anioiiea todav and sailed for his own land. The cheers of hundred of thousands of New Yoikeis who-' friendship lr had won during his luiet visit. rang in hi car as the great b.dtle cmiimt Hoiiow it, one oi the n.iphtie I Vis 1 1 in the,Pi it i h n.iw, weighed anchor and steamed maje-tically down the North liver. ...I.i.iid ASImi l w avi t hi. f.iit Wi ll flOOl tin' f.j'hlill'' top to tie Clia! Clovd eUhcStd I'll t ! banks of the Hud id) to bid hinl Cod speed. A it planes dippe and circled ovcihead and salute U.i!iied fioi.t tlu Ai 'i iii.ai w.ti- ii a. iii the ni r a mo K -now it uot tinier way. Tie prince re m..;tad al I.i . po t in the light-! iiur top Having hi hat in answer o the rheer which leached him faintly acl os, ihe Water until the shatlows had finally hiilieii the sholC. As the battle crui or and Iter con-o.t. the Crui or Constance, entered the bay, seven Amciican de-trovers and the Amciican battleship Delaware closed on her wake, each with the Priti h naval ensign Hying- from the main peak. They W ill o ooi t the ii'.val ship to the vii inity of Hali fax whole she is due Monday morning. Virtually up to the moonlit of sailing th" pi ine e w a the reii tie of piituu ,'.:e furctii ;. . The first ceremony of the day va Urn conferring 'of decora tions won on the battlefield of I ai rope on more than m Ameri can s .'diets, sailors and nurses. Among tho.e decorated was one woman doctor, Dr. Caroline Fin ley, of the Ameiican Women's Oversea; Ih pita!?. She was made a member of the cider of I ho PiitUh I'mpire in recogni tion of her caio of iit'lueii.t stl ickivi Pi ili. h pi i -inicrs relca, ed ficta Ct -iTnan camps. After the chnfci ling, w hich took place on the i;uailt rueck ol Ine ue nown. the Ptince received on ilm.ud the worship i epi esentati- w ho had Ik -en his ho t and lu t- - jc. scs durin: lay in Nc.v York, and now came to bid him arcwii. Again and again as the Prince shook their hands he reiterated hi.; gratitude at the elcome he had-received and hh regret at parting. "Put I am coming back" he aid. "I want to a:e more of America and the Americans." Tie last official ceremony of the lay was a review of 5,000 lxy con Is who were massed along the beaili facing the Ponown. The Prince made a i pecial trip ashore la meet the youngslera and it gave him an occasion to prove that he a'-o L numbered among th" phra. e makers. "Neer hunt with yourse leer., hunt with the pack," was the Prince's advice to the scouts. Five carrier p'geons wore Lu ll on board to be relea nl ."00 mile al : . a ami to return to New Yotk with greetings from Hie Prince to hi,; New York hosts. New York, Nov. 2a. A silver and garnet studded Menorah the traditional candlobra used in the ceit-monv commeiv.oraimg Hie liberation of micient Judea by the Maccabees, was presented to the Prince by a Zionist delega tion headed by Judge Julian W. Mack. Pritisli friend hip for the jews was cmpha..r.cd by Judge Mack in making the presentation and he mentioned the as Nt nice of Croat Pritain in cn"ing a national Jewish homeland in destine and the deliverance of Jadah from the yoke of Turkish mi rule by the armies of Sir I'.dmund Alleiiby. ADVOCATE SKI.rUK OF r. s. vkss i :i.s at ska New Yolk, Nov. 22. Padic.t! literature .including a Pussian language new spaper urging seiz ure of American : hips for the ovi.'t governmint through muti ny (in the high seas, v a taken in a raid on an ea t side commu nist paity headtpmrtres here to day. The now .- paper urged commu nist to procure woik on "i ny kind of transport vessels of the I'nited States," giving the ad I ii- s of the Foiled States tiaii piit service in Manhattan a the 'lace to apply for jobst Plan lor mutiny after the ship had readied the open sea indutletl concerted 'tclion upon a pre-arranged signal, seizure of all arms and ammunition almard. impi i t'limetit of the ship's offi ce!. . hauling down the Ann-lie. ut .lag. hoi ting the .M.viet emblem, iml Liking the captutdl vessel In the nearest Fussi.tn soviet I "it. A "h.u. iag list ptaiii" aw. .tied isce fid mutilans when tiny ii.tiind Kii' ia Willi Hum i.iu, the new sp.ijH-r s..id. aiid llu it . a !iii vc:c.c:.ts would win for tlo-m t' e "favor of I nine ami Trotky." Mamfe to?, piogiam;, consti tution and i i mi t ; to the "com mon! t iutoiii.ttiou.il wore among the p.tpei confiscated. Palia;t or inine, Tn tzkv, A. Jotfe.k'mlshcvist ;!mb.l sn.lor to P.ei lin, Maxim Corky, Poa l.U't- eml uig and Karl Marx were found in mtmlns, a were com munist coat l.tpel buttons and a hui'o rod banner insciiUsI "the il.tg of the soviet government.' PPF.Al IIKR OPFUATLD ON HIS l PACTl PLD SKI LL W il on. Nov. 2:5.--A preacher ot me .Mctnoiiisi comcicnco. in c . 'on here, who,e chargi arc on the PoU itlell circuit in Pah men 1 county, i a man i f re- m.ukahlo ncie. Seven yc.u-s ago, before entering the mini t rv, and while living with his uncle, who is a physician, a hoist inn away and throw mm rut agaai. t a tree stump by Hie road side. Hi head came in contact with a big bump on the slump; condoling htm unconscious for a white. On recovering he went Imme a-foot and fm 1-1 month lie had a continual headache. I loin time to time Ins uncle made an examination of the wound on his head, which failed In Ilea! and assured the sufferer there was no frarttnV. Finally the preacher concluded to make a personal investigation of hi condition, and soon found, with the .. I of two mirror, a l . kmie ami nerve, trial Ins untie 'had been mistaken M to the Till- OMLN AND CIPLS AUK ( KLSIILl) TO I) HAT 1 1 IN STAMPLDH I MOM PLAZH (Py Associated Press) Villi? Platte, La Nov. 23. Twonlv-live nersons. ninsllu ven- nu and girls, perished in a burn- building here last night when im 00 attending a dance becane anic stricken and stampeded own a narrow stairway and .ore crushed to death or burn d. Fifteen are known to have eon dangerously injured. Ten wore burned to death. their features were unrecogni- aitie and identification was by emn.tnt.s of clothing or by jew Iry. Work of removimr the debris of the Deville hniMimr in tuVli . ... IT tllVU Ihe dancers from i'lvangeline Pari, h were caught, is still go ing on and the death toll will not be know n for some f imp It is reported that several mothers. chaneronimr their .u:gh tors, perished, but saved 2o babies which were in a nur- ry room of the dance hall. While those in attendance were iphting like beasts on the one xit, a narrow stairway to the ide street, and relatives from the street were attempting to light their way up to rescue the members of their family, moth ers seized babies and hurled them ove rthe heads of the struggling mass of men, women tiitl children to the outstretched iirms of men below. Some who were snatched from the fighting heap at the foot of the stair died in the hands of the crowd in the street. An Oil Stove Exploded. The lire originated in the rear of a store on the lower floor when an oil stove exploded. While a packed moving picture theatre was running in the same building, a cool-headed leader in structed the crowd to depart !y. None of these were in jured. The flames spread so ranidlv that the entire lower floor of the building was ablaze before warn ing was given the dancers. The :'.i0 person in the dance hall weie seized w ith panic and rush ed In- me to the on v statrwav. . - - - - The weaker wore trampled down by the surging mob. In the light on Hie stairwav ros- cuiets dragged down many per ron, who had ucceotled inclinil- ing above ollu is. Several who did hoi rush into the stairway escaped through the windows to an adjoining n-of and m.ul their way to afetv bv climbing down po t or le.fping into arms of men in the :trcct Li low. C.ills f.. r f.ie fielding ttii- mi ut and doctor ainl nurses wnc M ill to iieihiiot ing town and pi t ons fiom the Minound- ing country came in tune to aid the firemen, who were harnli- ri'pped by the mob-jammed stteet. I'iirnirn'. Iong Distance Pare Th'1 Ojh Ioih.is, Ll. tire truck; ai lived after a urn of 4.1 minu tes over a rough country road of IM miles, yal extinguished the blaz'. ..Surgeon i.tul nurse from lamico, Fjimgie ami other town Ugan aniving: during the night in automobile, anJ l'tels ami some private residence;; were turmtl into small hospital Un der the direction of local ainl vis iting doctors for the injured vic tims. The dance was attended by town people and many from the I to. tl disliut, ainl .ili iokoI long pti'ple waiuieied the street in search of missing relatives or friends. Al a garape where the bodies of the dead were assembl ed relative identified the dead by small piece of clothing or bit of jewelry. lure of the wound. Placing a small mirror in hi lap, he seated himself in front of a larger one which he arrang ed in suih a manner that he could see tic ti p of his head :ind with the point of a pen-knife soon found that his skull win cracked. He cut around the fracture and took out a piece ns large as a silviu dollar, an 1 al most immediately the pain left him. He refused lo have his head trepanned, and it quickly cured, leasing a round pear a quarter of an inch deep and nearly as large as a dollar. J

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