SIL THE ELKIN TRIBUNE RA { -- —-■ — J ; , - - -sai VOL. No. XXLX No. i* j Late News ; APPROVE FARM LOANS The House conference commit tee yesterday approved the plan tc loan $6,000,000 to farmers of the Southeastern states so that the planters may finance their spring planting. PLOWS Speeches by Senator Simmons and Overman were read at the annual Jackson Day Dinner held by North Carolina Democrats at Raleigh last week while Josiah Bailey gave the fireworks of the evening with, an oration of mean ability. The meeting was one of the most enthusiastic ever held In, the state: RIG RANK MERGER The Chase National Bank and *the Equitable Trust and Inter state Trust banks have merged in New York City with totak resour ies of over $3,000,000,000, thus Ogling the biggest and strong eat linking institution In the -world. A new merger which will combine the National City Bank and the Corn Exchange bank .is ■aid to be under way and this, if going through, will be even stronger than the above merger. BOYS GET TERMS OF TWO YEARS IN SAFE THEFT CASE STONESTRFFT LADS AND THURMOND SNYDER GET BRIEF SENTENCES Thurmond Snyder, Adolphus and Alton Stonestreet, all of the ■ State Road neighborhood, must serve two years In the state pris on for complicity in the theft of ,_»aafe J»W valuable papers from ) gjhf A. G. Snow store at Dough- US* last September. The trio was sentenced last , Friday by Judge W. P. Harding -who was holding criminal court at Willresborn. The men had m- been found gutHy by a Jttry on ■ ' Tuesday eveutrg. CONTINUE NEGRO b - ASSAULT CASE • The aksault cam against HWI local negroes which waa slated to sat a preliminary airing IB the court of Justtre of the Peace Dan ' Yeetal last Monday, has been ' postponed for two weeks and aiH be heard- March 31. The case will be trted somewhere in Jonanille, probably in a field as It la aaid there will be too many negro witnesses and spectators to Jield It tn any available building. ' ADOLPHUS HENDRIX .DIES AT AGE OF 82 Mr. Adolphus Hendriz, 12, passed away at thA home of his daughter, Mrs. Collins in North Elkln early Wednesday morning, after a lengthy Illness due to the Infirmities of his age. Funeral services will be held at Elkln Valley church this aft ernoon at two o'clock. ADVERTISING INDEX The following index of com mercial display advertising is published for the convenience of our readers. Care is exercised in compiling this Index, but we as sume no responsibility In case of omissions. \ NAME PAGE Kelvinator 10 8. P. U. Kelvinator Harris-Burglss Elec. Co 11 Sydnor-Spainhour Dept. Btore6-7 Elkln Hardware Co. * Homers 5. 10 to 9#c Store... 5 Northrup & King's Seeds 5 Community page 3 if Cardue , 4 Chevrolet 4 C. A. Boles 4 Tribune ad 5 Lyric Theatre 8 Bank of Elkln 8 Paul Gwyn I 8 Gold Ribbon Coffee '.. 9 Cctagon Soap ®j Carnal ICgarettes 9 Professional cards 10 S%rgon 10! Cystex - 10 Ckrysler 11 J C. Paany Co 11 Elkln National Bank 11 * Vicks Salve - 11 Want Ads„ 12 Harris-Burglss Elect. C 0.... Sydnor-Spalnhour Dept. Store 12 F-W Chevrolet Co. l2 BrookfalU Dairy 12 LEGIONAIRES ARE TOLD OF DANGERS OF RUSSIAN REDS ATTORNEY CARLYLE WIGGINS ' TKLIjK WAR VETERANS THEY MUST LEAR IN DEFENDING U. v * S. IDEAL PLAN A MILITIA Interesting Meeting of Ex-Serv loe Men Is Held Last Friday Night Members of the George Gray Post of the American Legion menace of the Russian Reds who heard some pointed talks of the are invading this section with propaganda when the Legion held its regular monthly meeting at the Trlbnne office last Friday night. Attorney C. Higglns of Sparta, democratic candidate for the nomination for solicitor of this district, was the principal speak er and told of the menace of the Reds in North Carolina and told the war veterans they must bo prepared to defend the American ideals in peace as they did In warfare. Mr. Hlggins proposed that a military company to be joined to the North Carolina National fluard, h$ formed here and re cruited from all this section as a bulwark of peace. The meeting was well attended and short addresses were made by Prof. Patrick Henry Steven son and Prof. Daniel Slabey, both of Mountain Park and a visiting Legionaire. Ray Mayhew, of r " _,iotte. All the speakers, pointed to the Soviet menace in their talks. Commander George Royall named a membership 'committee consisting of E. C. James. D. C. Martin and Burney Wagoner to work among the war veterans.! The Legion post bere now haa a membership of 26 and this Is ex pected to be Increased. MRi CLAUDE DAVIS pisses kma WILKES HOSPITAL WELL KNOWN WOMAN NAB UNDERGONE MAJOR OPERATION Funeral services were induct ed Saturday afternoon from the | Methodist church for Mrs. | Blanche Eldson Davis, wife of iClaude H. Davis. The services were in charge vt Rev. L. B. Ab ernethy, pastor of the deceased. Mrs. Davis passed away at the Wilkes hospital at North Wilkes boro Friday morning, following a major operation. Mrs. Davis was 4 8 years of age a member of the Methodist church and beloved by a host of friends. Surviving are her- husband, five sons and two daughters, Daf- Carl. Thomas Lee, Billy, James; Misses Ruth and Minnie Davis; also four sisters and one brother, Mrs. M. A. Tucker and Thomas H. Kfdson of Elkin, Mrs. R. L. Walls of near Elkln, Mrs. A. L. Reeves of Armona, Calif., and Mrs. F". D. Meadows of North iWilkesboro. The beautiful floral offerings, carried by the neices of the de ceased wefre a silent tribute to the esteem In which she WHS held. Pall bearers were brothers-in law of the deceased. They were Jessie T. Davis of Statesville; L. C.'Davis of Sanford; V. R. Davis, of Winston-Salem: W. L. Craver of Lexington: F. D. Meadows of North Wllkesboro and R. L.j "Walls of Elkln. BIRD BOX TALKS MADE TO BOYS In connection with the annual bird box contest which is being sponsored by the Cltlcenshlp De partment of the Woman's Club Dr. L. B. Abernethy and Mr. j Charles G. Armfield talked to the school bo?n about the mak ing of hird boxes. Dr. Abernethy spoke on Friday morning and Mr. Armfield on Tuesday morn ing. These talks were very help ful and will be of great service to the boys in the competition for the prize. HON BhRN Mr. and Mrs. Mll&rd Collins announce the birth of a son, Dan lei. on March 14. 1930. ELKIN. N. C. THURSDAI'M ARCM 2Q, I>Bo MILL OPERATORS TO RECEIVE TRIALS L. A. Norman and B. W. Reeves, operators of saw mills on Mitchell's River wil appear before Justice of the Peace R. U. Loveace on Apri*l2 to answer to charges of allowing saw dust to enter streams of water thus killing the live fish. Tht men were slated for trial last Saturday but both the case* were continued until April 12. BUILDING LOAN ASSOCIATION IN ANNUAL MEETING DIRWTOR« AND OFFICERS ARE ELECTED AT YEAR LY SESSION OF OR GANIZATION MANY HOMES BUILT Concrm \"r»r Has Rewwce* of SISHMH> and Look" to Big Future The annual meeting of the El kin-Joqesville Building and Loan Association was held in the El kin Natonal Bank on Saturday, March Btb. A majorty of stock was represented at this meeting. The secretary read his report for the past year's operations and the stockholders were well pleas ed wth the progress made. Es- pecially the record that the asso ciation has had in that no mort gage has ever been foreclosed in its 24 years of opitrratlon. This shows the care with' which all loans are made and shows that this section has the better class of home owners and builders. The association has over 200 stock holders and is well supported by this section and other parts of the state. It has several full paid stockholders In other towns, who know Its record or safety and good earning capacity. Its' r*r sources are $150,000.00. Last year a great many homes were built through, the facilities of the association, and m*ny new ones are to be built this year. The building and loan way Is the safest known plan of saving money, and the return Is food with no taxes to pay. The Mattes It. attractive to tke Investor as well as the borrower. The stockholders in session elected for the conikg year the following as directoM: E. F. McNeer, C. O. Armfield. •J. G. Abernetby, Jj H. Beeson, i Paul Gwyn, W. B. Jones, Mason Lillard, W. S. Reich and George ißoyall. All of thesfe being well known business men of the com jmunlty, meti who are Interested in the upbuilding and develop ment of Elkin and surrounding community. After the election of directors the following officers were select ed by the directors to serve the coming year: President, W. S. Relcb, vice president, J. H. Beeson and J. G. Abernethy: Secretary and Treas urer and Manager, CL G. Arm field. The 53rd series opens up on April Ist and those who take stock with the expectation of borrowing money to build later on can expect their loans in a reasonable time. MAN WELL KNOWN IN EKIN KILLED IN AUTO MISHAP MAXIE BROWN, AN ARMOUR HA LEHMAN, CRUSHED TO DEATH IN ACtfTDKNT Maxle D. Brown, 35, well known In Elkln, was Instantly killed Sunday morning near Chapel Hill when the car In which he was riding with Robert S. O'Nell, of Mockßv!lle, struck two pieces of cordwood on the road and turned over. McNeil and John Leach, another Mocks vllle man, were uninjured. Brown was crushed " beneath" the 'auto. Mr. Brown-waa extremely well known in Elkln where he often visited as a salesman of Armour & Company. He is survived by the widow,, one daughter and the parents. ' HOT I>IKH Funeral services will be held this afternoon at two o'clock at Pleasant Home Church in Wilkes County for Frederick McCann. six year old son of Mr. and Mrs. .1. E McCann, who died at the home of his parents near Roar ing River Wednesday moaning after an illness of a year's dura tion. Land Grant of 1 775 Is Found Among Here By M One r»f the oldest., if not the l oldest, land grants in existence in this part of the county is In the possession of Mr. T. L. Gwyn of this city, who discovered the aged document, while going through some old papers this week. The instrument was written March 28, 1775 and sets out In the declarations as to the date.' "This indenture made the 29th day of March anno dom. 1775 In the 15th year of our sovereign Lord George 111 by the Grace of God of Great Britain, France and Ireland, king defender of the faith, between Isaac of Saint Mark's parish In Craven; county in the province of South Carolina, planter of the one part and Ma(ha Lenoir, wife of Thoa. Lenoir of the same parish. Witnesseth that the said Isaac Lenoir for, and in consideration of the sum of 500 pounds of: good and lawful money of the. province aforesaid to him in hand .jjaid by the said Martha\ Lenoir beofre the ensealing and; delivery of these presence re ceipt whereof is hereby acknowl-j edgel and thereof and therefrom and of and from every part and WOMENS CLUB TO HAVE CHARGE OF THRIFT DAY SALES WILL HANDLE SALE OF MER CHANDISE AT SYDNOR«- HPAINHOUR'S NEXT WED. IW'RS. The Elkin Women's club will have charge completely of the sales of the' Sydnor-Spainhour Department store next Wednes day and htiursday during the Sydnor-Spainfcour Thrift Wadk.' i Arrangements hare been made i whereby the Women's club Will have entire charge of the selling and WW receive a liberal com* mission on all the sales * tk«j* : make. I ID addition | o this feature af i the sale, ». fashion show will ba i hetd ia the .Btore on na*t Wed nesday »nd Thursday and Mv* To i est models will display all the i spring merchandise. Two fash ion shows win be shown on Wed , nasdsy, at .2:30 and 8 p. m. and , on Thursday afternoon at 2:30 ip. m. The Sydnor-Spainhour i store has also fitted up a cbil i dren's department on tba main floor where all the latest shoe* | and child's wear will be on dis play. W. L BOHANNON PASSES AWAY. HAD BEEN ILL LONG A source of sorrow to thei maffy friends here and elsewhere was the death of Mr. W. E. Bo hanrion at hla home In West El kin Thursday morning. Mr. Bo hannon had been ill for several years and had been confined to his room for the past year. He was 61 years old. Funeral services were conduct ed at the home Friday afternoon by Rev. L. B. Abernethy and fun eral services proper were con | ducted from the Boonville Meth odist church, whicb was crowded to overflowing with friends who had come to pay their last res pects to the deceased. The servr- Ices at Boonville were in charge of Rev. R. P. Coram, lifelong friend of the deceased. Mr. Bo hannon had been employed by the Southern Railway Company ' for a number of years in the ca pacity of telegraph operator. Surviving are his widow and the following children: Mrs. H. H. Wells of AsheviHe; Mrs. Jen nings Long of Clayton; Mrs. Carl Young and Walter Bohannon of Elkin and S. C. Bohannon of Boonville. Honorary pall bearers were W. E. Jones, J. P. Ipock, W. S. Reich. N. V. Poindexter, Nelson Captevena and J. G. Abernethy. Beautiful floral offerings at tested to tfte respect and admir ation for the deceased. PLAY AT LltTtß RICHMOND A play, "Two Days to Marry," will be presented at Little Rich mond school house, Saturday night, March 22. Mrs. J. H. Beeson and Mrs. Fietcber Harris spent Saturday in Wineton-Salem. 'parcel thereof doth fully and en-j tirely acquit exhonerate release. i and discharge the said Martha j ' Lenoir, her heirs, executives and a4ministrators forever by these preseifce hath granted, bargained, sold, conveyed by the virtue of the bargain and sale to her thereof made by Indenture bearing date all the tract of land or plantation which he purchas ed of Thomas Lenoir, her said husband, containing 400 acres. ' situate in Fredericksburg town ship in the parlßh aforesaid 200 acres whereof the said Thomas 'i Lenoir ad ganted to im by ;Lord Grevll Montagu, governor, and In 100 acre tracts by letters patent bearing date June 1, 1767, "Also a negro woman slave named Sarah and all the goods > and chattels of the said Isaac i Lenoir which he purchased from 'lthe said Thomas Lenoir with the i.above mentioned land a schedule I which is hereunto annexed." i Isaac Lenoi's seal in made to the indenture by a wax taper. The paper was signed before IWood Furman, one _pf his grac ious Majesties Justices of the Peace. ROAD SENTENCES GIVEN YOUTHS AFTER AN AFFRAY liOXO HKBNION OP RKX»RD KRH COURT TUEB - LAST * A long session of Recorder'* Court was held Tuesday morning and continued until the after noon when several hours were consumed to her eavidence in the State's case against Hilary Spann Bam Harris, Peg Mcßride, Ray Johnson and Marshall Soots who wera charged with gambling, public intoxication and aiding and abetting an affray. Soots turned state's evidence and told the "Whole • »tory of a drunken melee fnd gambling party which all the other men de #fed. laying the who!* blame on Soots. iSi* vu warMted try Chief Of PoHc* Cburei last Sunday east of BIMrl» a grove Soot* claimed bis ' MPN#y WM stolen from him in tbe frscus. Judge Barker gave Harris a fine of $25 and costs and Mc- Bride |ls and costs while Hilary Spa mi got ninety days on the roads which he appealed. He must go to work on the roads. howfTjr, because he was under a 'ninety day suspended sentem* before his latest escapade wns made. Soots, who pleaded gull *y to every charge and told the ttory implicating all the others, was given sixty on the road and Johnson was given a road MBtence of ninety Jays and im mediately gave notice of appeal. Odell Snyder was arraigned on a charge of reckless driving on March 2 when he hacked from Circle Court into the machine of Paul Reich and was found guilty of the charge and given a fine of )10 and costs. Columbus Carter and William Wellborn were up on n charge of intoxication and possesßion with an additional charge of carrying: concealed weapons arainat Cart er who was Riven ninety days on the road, suspended on payment of a fine of 950.00 and costs. Both men paid the fines and ware released. TO BOOST ROAD AT JOINT MEET TO BE HELD HERE YADKIN VILLE AMI K A 8 T BEND LIONS TO HOLD JOINT SESSION WITH KJWANIANS The proposed highway which would connect Winston-Salem, East Bend, Boonville and Elkln- Jonesrille, will be boosted next Friday night at a joint meeting of the Blkin Kiwanls club with the Lions club of BoonTille, Yad kinville and East Bend. The ses sion will be held I nthe Hotel El kin and* a big attendance is ex pected. The proposed raote la being boosted by highway enthusiasts of this vicinity who are asking the state highway commission to take the route over as the logical one to serve the towns above mentioned. [*' I , FORD CAR STOLEN FOUND AT BROOKS The Ford roadster belonging to Walter Combs of this city, which was stolen from a down town street last Friday was lo cated at Brooks Cross Roads on Tuesday. •Mr. Combs parked his car at the side of the. Elkin National Hank about one o'clock in the afternoon and when he came for it at the close of business it was Rone. The car did not show any signs of damage and no traee of the thief has been found. KLONDIKE FARM COW BREAKS ALL STATE RECORDS GRAPE I/AWN FAIRY PRODUC ES lO.ttW POUNDS OF MILK IN YEAR BIG FAT PRODUCER Has Distinction of Retng Only Guernsey in State Holding Two Records Grape Lawn Fairy Lady 200116, a Guernsey cow owned and tested at Klondike Farm has broken all state records for a cow of her age for all breeds in the state, according to records received by Ruohs Pyron, mana gre of the local farm. A little over a year ago Grape Lawn Fairy Lady broke the North Carolina State record for two year old Guernsey cows by finishing a Class G record of 10.- 859 pounds .of milk and 604.8 pounds of fat in 365 days. Recently she has finished an other record started before she was three and a half years old (Class D) of 13,808 pounds of milk and 768.3 pounds of butter tat. Wkftn this record becomes official she will become not only State Guernsey Champion in class D but champion over all breed* in the state in the same class having distanced her near est rival by iOO pounds of butter rat. In tbe Guernsey breed she* replaces the present State Cham-' plan Hi Cl»#« D, incidents aa- Klondike Farm Gustos fey, ¥ MA': 1 w. th« dlsnwMlbn ,I fff%eing the only Cuamsey in North Carolina hold ling two state records at the same time as she Is still champion In ; class G. In plain United State* *he pro duced In the last year junt 6,422 quarts of milk which if told at 16 cents a quart would have brought $936.30 or enough to supply thirty five children with the required "pint a day" for every day In the year. However, she did not do quite as well in milk as she did in butter as she Is a high tester (her average for the entire period was 5.56 per cent fat) and when her fat pro duction is figured In commercial butter wo find that she produces 921 pounds which was more than her own average weight while on test. Only a few cows of any breed have ever equaled this rec ord. In two years she has pro duced nearly twice her weight in butter In nutter and over twenty-five times her own weight in milk. She is patiently awaiting the jtime when she will start another (record in May and her owner ( hopes that the next one, which will also he made before she reaches maturity, will entitle her to still more honors. Fairy Lady is owned by Thur mond Chatham of Wtoston-Sa lem ana has made -bcth her rec ords at Mr. Chatham's JClondike Farm, where she Is the eighth Guernsey to make a state rec ord in the yast two years. SENIOR CLASS PLAY IS WELL RECEIVED The Senior clans of Blkin high school presented very ably a three act Royalty play "The Mummy and the Mumps'" at the school auditorium Friday even ing. The cast was well chosen and suited admirably to the re spective parts. The scene was an exclusive girls school in Boston and was a" clever plot", abundant with humor. Those playing leading parts were: Miss Hilda Lewis, Bam Gentry. Richard Atkinson, Sam Maguire. Bernard Hall. Miss Flora Royall. Miss Bnmfe Lee .Wellborn, Miss IMM* Roberts, Miss Olivia Aberiiethy and Fred Harris. PUBLISHED WEEKLY : EPUBUCANS TO PICK DELEGATES ON APRIL 13TH CALL IS ISSUED FOR l. O. P. CONVENTION AT DOBSON THA* DATE POLITICS WARM UP Elkln Township to Have 12 Seats at Meeting; Township Session April 5 The county Republican conven tion to pick delegates and alter nates to the state G. O. P. con vention will be held at Dobson Saturday afternoon April 12 at 1 o'clock, according to an an nouncement made by County Chairman -W. M. Jackson and Miss Lillian Harkrader, secre tary Elkin township will have twelve delegates to the conven tion and these will be picked at a meeting called for April 5. The Republican call is issued as fol lows: By order of the executive com mittee, the Republicans of Surry county are hereby called to meet in convention at Dobson, Satur day. April 12, 1930, at 1 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of electing delegates and alternates to the State Convention which assem bles in the city of Charlotte on April 17, 1930, and also elect delegates to otbe.r conventions yet. to be called and to elect tfte ccunty chairman and executive committee and to transact such other business that may come be fore the convention. The chairman of the various voting precincts will please call their p'reclnct meetings to be held at their respective voting places, on Saturday, April 5, 1930 at 2 o'clock p. m. to select dele gates and alternates to the coun ty convention. The townships or precincts art entitled to the number of dele gates named below: Brysn 8; Dobson, 12; Eldora, 9; Elkin, 12; Franklin. 6; Long Wfll, 4; Marsh, 4; Mount Airy, No. 1, 11; Mount Airy, No. 2, 8; Mount Airy No. 3, 10; Mount Mry No. 4. 8; Mount Airy No. 6, S; Pilot Mountain, 8; Rockford, Q; Shoals. 2; Siloam, 3; Stew arts Creek. 6: Westfield, 14. It is earnestly desired thai a 'nil representation of dalaratas and alternates composed ol la dle* and gentlemen, from eVaff voting precinct, be sent to" the county convention. All republicans from the farm factories anil all other walks of life, whether you are delegntes or not, are Invited to Rttend the county convention and take an active part In {he bupiness of the convention. This March 18. 1930. Miss Lillian Harkrader. Secy W. M. Jackson. Chairman. HENRY W. BUTNER WELL KNOWN HERE BECOMES GENERAL FREQUENT ELKIN VISITOR AND BROTHER OK >IRS. J. 8. ATKINSON, MADE A BRIGADIER Colonel Henry W. Butner, „ brother of Mrs. J. S. Atkinson, |and well known here because of his frequent visits to filkin has been made a Brigadier General, president Hoover having for warded the recommendation for the promotion to the senate last Friday. General Butner is a na tive irjf Pinnacle, this community General Butner spent a portion of bis vacation In Elkin with his sister only last fall. General Butner was born April 6, 1875 at Pinnacle and was ap pointed to West Point in 1894 and graduated four years latar and became a second lieutenant of artillery. He assumed th« rank of Colonel in 1917 and a few months later became a brigadier of temporary rank and command ed the Ist FJeld Artillery Brig ade of the First. Division in France during the closing months of the war and was citedl with the D. 8. C. and the French Croix De Guerre with palm. He has been In command of the camp at Fort Bragg for some tlnie. NBW BABY SON Jfr. and Mrs. Luther Stewart announce the birth of -a son, Charles Gilliam Stewart, at the Twin City Memorial Hospital In Winston-Salem on March 14.

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