A mixture of oata and vetch en the farm of W. L. Dail in Jones county yielded at the rate of 8,000 an acre for the field. 6 66 Bflievrs a Headache 1 or Neural gia in 30 minutes, checks a Cold the first day, and checks Mala ria In three days. 666 also in Tablets pTWn^TAte'l Lps Hurt We" I had a stveij case of indige> tion," say a M.s. fZ, .V Bellßuckheiater, Al Sft \ i V 7 River St, Pied- |v anl mont « C. "So ■jjiK 0 nany things It ? ViwitfP I ate Liirt M u v\> me * * almost a quit eating. P "I woiMd burn M nj L» aiy chest. I had aevere |v C headache, and such a tight, nr ■ smothering feeling. 1 would L ■ be obliged to eat a littla, m C. then it would hurt m«i »V £ "A friend said to mt. 7J >P *Why don't you take Black- \| P **l waa just too weak then "\ ■ to do my work. I began tak- [ L fl ing small dosea after meals, Al p] and in just a few weeka I |Y jr could eat anything I wanted nj ■ to, then take my amall dose L ■ of Black-Draught and feel m n] fine. I soon regained my I Ej health and strength." 0. R U *ts only 1 cent a dose. \\ THEDFORD'g { BLACK- f DRAUGHTI £ For CONSTIPATION, £ ■INDIGESTION,BILIOUSNESS T Cj Womk.v who need a tonic !,i k should take Cahoui. Unc i [Z> . over 50 yeurc. rn-ieill DR. ROY B. HARREL J DENTIST Office Over Turner Drug Company •' ELKIN, N. C, MARTIN* INC. RENTAL AGENTS Real Estate and Insurance Office Greenwood Bldg. Phone 195 Elkln, N. C. DR. E. G. CLICK DENTIST New Location Across Street From First Baptist Church KIMn, X. C. C. G ARMFIELD Notary Public Elkin National Bank H. G. HARRIS Haulinx of all Kinds Anytime Anywhere Phone Day 83 Night 140R DELMONICO CAFE "Finest Place In Town" We serve the best food the world's markets afford Sunday Dinner A Specialty Meet Your Friends Here GEO. PAULS, Mgr. MASONIC NOTICE Regular communication El ldn Lodge N0.454 A. P. and A. M.« on second and fourth Saturday night* 7:80 p. m. Members urged to attend. Visitors cordially Invited. A. D. Harmon, W. M. M. R. Bailey, Sec. 'NSURANCE LOAN AND TRUST CO. " • INSURANCE—ELKIN, N. C. OUR AIM IS TO SERVE J. F. HENDREN, Pres. R. M. BATES, Mgr. Kw SSM Matthew 28:1-20 Rev. Samuel D. Price, I). 1). "Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning,, way never truer than » when the first day of the week came after the body of Jesus had been placed in the tomb, fol lowing the crucifictlon on the previous Friday. Part of three days had passed during which the Jewish Sabbath had been observed. As soon as work could again be taken up certain wo men made ready to perform the usual rites upon the body of their dear Friend. With spices they came very early to the gar den tomb. . Insurmountable difficulties did not hold them back, though it was but natural that they Should question en route, "Who will roll us away the stone?" For a great stone sealed the mouth of that sepulchre. Then came an active lesson that many never learn. We worry so much abdut situations that never arise For, meanwhile, the ressitrec tion of the body of Jesus had taken place. There had been an earthquake, not to let the body out but to permit the women to see within the dark tomb. When they arrived there was a mes senger In the person of an angel to declare the good news, and to give the mlnstruction for Im mediate service. "He is not here they were told. To-day many go to the grave to weep, aa if their loved one was there entombed. , No spriit has ever been placed in the grave. Death refers to the body only. At once with the death of the body our loved ones are in the spirit world. The records in all four Gospels should be read with care to ob tain every detail Jesus begins to appear to individuals and to i groups. He met a company of i women as they returned to the city. Then He came to Mary 1 Magdalene, who tarried by the open sepulchre and thought He was the gardener, as she looked through her tear-dimmed eyes. A new world of joy wtfs hers when He spoke her name and said "Mary." Such joyous news was not to be kept by anyone. The angels said, and He confirmed it, that they should go tell His disciples and even Peter was specially named, lest this one who had so .grelvously denied Him should not know that he had been for given. There are at least eleven recorded appearances and there surely must have been another though no record is given of it. Jesus certainly showed himself to His beloved mother, for whom More gardens have been plant ed in Greene County this year and the acreage to corn has been increased by 40 percent, accord ing to reports. XOTICE * TO CITIZENS AND TAXPAY ERS -OF SURRY COUNTY: You will hereby take noitcf that the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS of Surry County will meet in the Court House at Dobson on MONDAY June 16, 1930 at 9 o'clock A. M for the purpose of completing and adopting the County Budget for Surry County, and to trans act such business as will come before the Equalization Roard, and other matters. This June 9, 1930. T. M. Marsh, Clerk to Board County Comm Surry County. North Carolina "The Rats.. Around.. My.. Place Were Wise," says John Tuthill. "Tried everything to kill them Mixed poison with meal, meat, cheese, etc., Wouldn't touch it. Tried RAT-SNAP. Inside of ten days got rid of all rats." You don't have to mix RAT-SNAP with food. Saves fußslng, bother. Break a cake of RAT-SNAP lay t where rats scamper. You will tee no more. Three sizes, 35c, 85c, $1.25. Sold and guranteed by Abernethy's Pharmacy Surry Hardware Co. Turner Drug Co. NOAH HOLBROOK UPBOLBTERINB Elkin, P. O. Box 264 rHIS ELKIN TRIBUNE, KLKIN NORTH CAROLINA He evidenced such concern when in the midst of His agonies on the cross. During a period of for ty days these various manifes tations occurred. It was fitting that Jesus should make a mountain in Gali lee a place for a special confer ence with His disciples. It was in that area that His greatest a mount of work was accomplish ed during the three years of pub lic ministry. The attitude of the disciples is an index of the way in which mankind will ever re gard Him. "They worshipped He reasserted his almightly pow- Him, but some doubted." First er and the resurrection was di rect testimony thereto. Then He revealed that Kingdom-building had just begun, with Himself as the chief corner stone. He Would go away soon, but their work and that of those who joined them would be abiding. They were given the Great Commis sion "Go ye therefore, and make disciples of all nations." As His love is without limit, so the scope of their and our work is to be equally extensive. As they went they were to TEACH. Be livers were to testify of their faith through Trintarian baptism promise. As they went forth on Climaxing all is an all-inclusive this commission, "Lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world." The Way of Life Do People Feel Better Because You Passed By? I was in a doctor's office by appointment at five thirty when his telephone rang. A woman's voice at the other end of the wire asked him to call at the house that evening. • * * • His voice betrayed irritation, but he promised to call. N Then he snapped the receiver on the hook and exploded. * « • * "There is a woman who has nothing to do all day bat gad about. She might aB easily have called me this morning or early in the afternoon. But no, she has to put it off and spoil my even ing. "Nobody but a doctor has any idea of how inconsiderate peo ple can be." * * • • On two recent trips with two different men I had an interest ing opportunity to contrast their conduct toward their fellow hu man beings. One of them had made several million dollars in the past few years. Whenever he entered a dining car or a hotel he wanted everybody to understand that he is rich and important. Waiters dislike him, even though he tips liberally. 1 sometimes felt embar rassed by his critical demands for attention. The manner of the other man is exactly reverse. You would never guess that he is a power in world industry. He never gives orders, but makes sugges tions or very courteous requests. He seems suprised that anybody should want to do him a favor. He can make a waiter or a sta tion porter feel a new sense of self-respect merely by his 'smile. • * * * A noted preacher once re marked that one of the finest of all the sayings of Jesus is this: "I have compassion on the multitude." • • • » Said the' preaeher: "Many men can be virtuous. Many can be honest in a hard, eous way. But how many are really considerate? How manty feel instinctive respect and sym pathy? How many have compas sion.? j * • • ♦ A lot of twisted standards have somehow grown up i n the world. A lot of very righteous people seem to think that a man is good if he does not smoke, does not take a drink, does not do this or that. These are negative and un important. The real mark of a Christian and a gentleman Is whether he treate other people as he would like to "be trelted. Whether they feel better or worse because he pasesd by. Privilege cards are used the members of the Federated Farmers Exchange of Craven County entitle them to discounts of from 10 to 20 giercent on many farm supplies. r Catawba County farmers look for a banner year in production according to the present crop prospects. Very La Uy Mary Marshall The vtery word house dress brings to the. minds of many dresses of coarse cotton mater ials. in crude pinks and blues, cheaply made and to generously proportioned. Perhaps house dresses used to be like that, and women accepted them as a mat ter of course, not expecting to look their best during the busy hours at home.. I had a pleasant sort of sur prise In store for me the other day when I was asked to make selections from a number of in expensive ready made dresses of the house-dress sort. When they were displayed by the models it was difficult to believe that they were house dresses at all. Many of them might have been chosen for sports or summer resort wear. Three was a trimly fitted short sleeved dress of pastel blue plnue and a sleeveless dress of gTeen and white cotton print with crisply pleated organdie at tne nech, Those of shantung silk especially appealed to me, though their price was amazingly rea sonable. One of them, in pastel green is shown here. One reason that house dresses nowadays have suph an air of smartness is that they are in spired by, if not actually copied from, dresses designed for sports wear. Ik #zm% DoCl€fe - KHN JOSEPH GAINES MD "T. n." My rural readers will pardon me, I'm sure, for once more calling their attention to what Is still one of man's fiercest, most unrelenting foes; It seems to me | that good advice |n the presence of an enemy is never out of place. Thoughtful men have been battling this scourage since the dawn of history; for Itb annil ' jhilation men of great wealth ' and greater hearts have spent countless millions in research, and the noble work goes on, Just what measure of success has been achieved may be noted by any observing one who reads ! and nor more recent decades have been singularly noted for advances made. Tubercolosis is a eammunl eable disease. If you never come in contact with It you are fortu nate indeed. But contacts in the densely populated districts are oftten unavoidable; the fog of dust you encounter on the windy of the death'deallng germs; thoroughfare may contain many your resisting power against di sease may be low; your own lungs may become Infected, es pecially if you are carrying colony of influenzal or other baccilli; you can never tell. * Steer clear of (She person v,ho coughs without covering the mouth and nose with a handker chief. Be duly alert against the fellow with a chronic cough who continually, expectorates on the grass under the shade tree, or on the sands of the beach near by. Shun the resorts where "lungers" (poor fellows!) abound if possible;- the "best precaution I you make take is none tpo good; prevention Is many leagues sup erior to cure. \ • MARINELLO COSMETICS With every $3 purchase of Marinello Miss Lucy Gray, a Marinello raduate will give one $1 Marinello Facial FREE. We have recently added to our stock a complete line of the world's fmaous Marinello Cosmetic. EUGENE WAVES $7.50 & SIO.OO The many Eugene waves we have recently given to local and out of town customers are winning the admiration of both men and women. FOR ATTRACTIVE HAIR DRESSING PHONE OR WRITE FOR APPOINTMENT WITH— «y' ■ • 1 Mary's Beauty "In Sydnor Spainhour Dept. Store ELKIN Phone 37 N. C. ~jfor Quality and Dependability * * See your Chevrolet Chevrolet's "O K that counts" tag is performance and owner satisfaction, the sign of quality and dependability Buy now and you can choose from «, that has convinced millions of buyers the finest and most complete selec- * that Chevrolet dealers offer match- tion of 4 and 6 cylinder used cam less used car values. that we have ever featured. • Come to our store and select a car, Read the special bargains described bearing this famous redO K tag that below! Profit by thU spectacular-3- shows just how it has been inspected day selling! Come in today and drive and thoroughly reconditioned to away the car you've always wanted, provide a maximum of appearance, at a bargain price. Amazing low prices for 3 days only § 1928 Chevrolet Coupe \ f -Chrysler Coupe. New completely equiped. \ I good tires in carefully 1 1 "Al" condition, pric- reconditioned. 'With gj. ■ ed right. an O. K. that Counts" Wm % I priced right. %. M 1928 Chevrolet Coach. i . . J Come down and compare it V £ .11 with any other '2B model priced right. 2 1929 Chevrolet trucks with good beds and tires ° ne D > d 8® Sedan. New Motors In perfect condi- t,re »- N « w top cover. M 925 For j k. Mo tion Mdtor runs like new. tor re-conditloned, good « . Mres, with bed. One 1927 Chevrolet ■. 10 „ c „ .J I _. , 1192 6 Chevrolet Coachr I Touring car. Ne% fend- , . Jkl „„„ . .. _ . . New pistons, pins anJ**l ers good urea. Priced . .. ... , rings paint and tires.' ■ for quick sale. F-W Chevrolet Co. Elkin, North Carolina ' ;y '• v" 1 THURBMT, MAT Is, Uflfe

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