THURSDAY JUNE 19, 1880 m* RHUBARB PIE; Two cups fresh rubarb chop ped one-half cup seeded raisins, one cup sugar. Have ready a pie tin lined witE plain paste. Pill in the rhu barb cut in pieces about one quarter of an inch in length. Sprinkle over the sugar and the raisins and put the top crust in ' Lyric Theatre ' - THIS WEEK \ Thursrday-Friday: NORMA SHEARER in "THE DIVORCEE" Chester Morris, Conrad Naget, Robert Montgomery. 10c 30c Day and Night Saturday: HOOT GIBSON in "THE LONG, LONG TRAIL" A thrilling,- all-talking western.- Added Serial and all-talking comedy. - 10c 30c Monday-Tuseday: NEXT WEEK Ziegfeld's "SHOW BOAT" S.?e and hear the original Ziegfeld stars. Mat. 10-30 c Night 20-40 c Wednesday: All-talking romance of the great outdoors * "CALL OF THE WEST" with DOROTHY REVIER and MATT MOORE ' I* Open up a bottle of McNeill's Doub ts le Orange or Double Grape for one tastiest and most satisfying* drinks that ever cooled your palate. For your health's sake drink Sugar,* Beverages Dispensed at Leading Stores arid Stands "Give Hot Weather Thirst Both Barrels" l| Elkin Bottling Co. C. A. McNeill, Mgr. Phone 209 Elkin, N. C. H[P'fl(i^n^tpnfßnF :^rin/pniprmiiwiffa nff a nir»ng , Biwiß a ßß a iiff a iip»iiiianff»iißani»gMisMna.E 3 . g | place. Bake in a moderate oven I three-quarters of an hour. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Z. H. Dixon left - Tuesday for an extended visit to heir daughter. Mrs. R. L. Bos > tlan and Mr. Bostian Wil i mington. THf RIJTTO TRIHIfVK HI.KIN NORTH CAROLINA ROARING GAP GOLF COURSE WITH ✓ EIGHTEEN NEW BENT GRASS GREENS IS IN PERFECT SHAPE » 12th Hole Made 43 Ynrds Longer Making Course 71 Par; Is One Of Masterpieces Of Donald Ross And Enthusiasts Weild Their Clubs Amid The Mountain Breezes At 3700 Feet Elevation. With the beautiful eighteen hole golf course at Roaring Gap now velveted with beautiful bent-grass greens, the course bathed in the breezes of Its 3700 feet altitude ranks as one of the finest in the South and is re garded as a masterpiece of Don-I aid Ross, golf course architect extraordinary. Alex Innes, pro, from the "Braes and heather" of Scot land will again be there as us usual while Tom Nails, long fav orite at Pinehurst and here, will be cadie master. Glen Stnith is again greenskeeper, white Rod erick Innes. a son of the profes sional is the assistant. During the past winter all the new greens were laid and the twelfth hole was extended from one of 424 yards In length to one of 467 yards making a par five instead of a four, making the total yardage 5962 with a par of 71. When one considers that • the Tine eighteen hole golf course at Roaring Gap is set on the beau iful mesa atop the Blue Ridge at an altitude of 3700 feet, with the invigorating greetzes blowing I away summer heat, one can see why this course is the Aristocrat of them all. It is all that golfers could desire. Laid out by Donald Ross, the greatest golf oourse architect In America, it meand ers over hill and dell atop the mountain: now between pine forests and over mountain streams; up and down smooth shaven fairways springy bent greens with hazards here and there to remove the monoto ny. The eighteen holes cause the player approximately two miles of walking in the health giving atsmophere as the course is 5962 yards long. The lpngest bole of the lot is the third out, which is 497 yards lon*. The yardage of the out Is 2965. while that of the last nine ia 2964. Par on the course is 71 and Bogey is 79/ Peoples Forum "The Literary Digest Poll Much has been said and writ ten with reference to the poll, ex periment of the' Literary Digest on the Prohibition question. The wets may get all the comfort out of this they possibly can. We find out of the bal lots sent out 406,464 marked ballots were returned to the Digest office. Considerably less than one-fifth of the people who received the ballots returned them. This was purely wet prop aganda we may safely say, a flat failure. The devil and his ser vants have never Invented any thing one-half so destructive of everything good and hopeful in hutnanlty as the Liquor Traffic. It has emptied homes of every thing that brings comfort and happiness, and hearts of every thing that brings peace, and fill up more pits in utter darkness with hopeless souls than almost all other inventions of devil and men. God stirs up every wel wisher of'humanity to drive the Liquor Traffic from the earth. If every man who profeses to be a prohibitionist would write ar ticles for the country papers and help arouse the people, from , their indifference and luke , warmness It would nqt be long until the saloon and its repre sentatives would be swept out ( of existence. The tine has come , when we need to have a great | prohibition revival In these Uni [ ted States. The Lord says: "Woe unto them that call evil good and good evil: that put darkness for light, and light for darkness.': One of the greatest hlnderences to prohibition the wrong la belling of peofllp. We should al ways use the right label and place it where it belongs, for we will be held responsible for the labeling. Most all Intelligent peo ple use a little common sense in business matters that when it comes to prohibition matters they don't even use horse sense. A man usually takes his names by what he follows. For instance a bootlegger is one' who deals In liquor. A. prohibitionist is one who does all In his power to sweep out'the liquor traffic, and so on. Did you ever hear of a truthful liar or an honest thief? It Is just as absurb to call a boot legger or saloon keeper a prohi-' bitionist as it is to call a liar a truthful man or a thelf honest. It is an interesting and hopeful fact that the recent vote in Penn sylvania shows how utterly un trustworthy the Literary Digest Poll is. For instance, the Digest poll gives 147,557 votes for en forcement of tfce prohibition law 136,233 for .modification, 246,- 063 for repeal of prohibition. In the recent election in that state before the totals get in, we find at least 700,000 votes for the dry candidate and a little over 200,000 votes for the wet candi date. You ( wlll find the wet newspapers very quiet on this RUbject. Never allow yourself to p deluded In expecting any sort of square deal from the friends of the saloon. Hit the whole li quor business. Hit it ofteTi. Hit it hard! Stamp the very life of it out! Show it no mercy! Give it no quartets! Save the men who are in the business by driv ing them out of the business in o some legimitate and honest. It should be well understood that, from this time forward .that we are not to trust Literary Digest Polls to fix the destiny of this nation or to regulate its moral and spiritual welfare. We are only deceiving oursel ves. Who should ascend into the hill of the Lord? Or wf»o shall stand in his holy place? He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; Who hath not lifted up his soul unto eternity, nor sworn deceitfully. Psalms 24:3-4.- Leo F. Hinshaw ERVir; roMBs DIES- Ervi n Combs, age 60 years, died suddenly at &is home at of heart trouble, funeral ser- Roaring River Friday evening vices and interment were made from the Rachel Baptist Church Saturday afternoon. Surviving are his widow and several children among them, Mr«. Brady Woodruff of Elkin. NORMAN CHURCH IS "GAP" FEATURE In developing the pleasure side of Roaring Gap, the found ers and directors did not neglect S' W. C. ROUNDTREE, M. D Pellagra a Specialty .... If you have any of the follow ing symptoms, I have the rem edy. no matter what your troub le has been diagnosed: Nervous ness, stomach trouble, loss of weight, loss of sleep, sore mouth, hurting in back of head, should ers or back," peculiar swimming in head frothy-like phlegm In throat pasing of mucous from the bowels ( especially after tak ing purgative,) burning feet, yellow or brown skin, burning or itching skin, rash on hands, face and artns resembling sunburn, chronic constipation (sometimes alternating with diarrhoea), cop per or metalic taste, skin sensa tive to sun heat, forgetfulness, despone|iy, thoughts that you might lose your mind, gums red and falling away from teeth, general weakness, loss of energy, and look older than your age. If you have any of these symp toms, have taken all kinds of medicine, and are still sick I es pecially want YOlf to write for my FREE booklet, questionaire and diagnosis. W. C. Roundtree, M. D. Box 1150 June 19 July 3 Bladder Irregular If functional Bladder Irrita tation disturbs your sleep, or causes burning or Itching Sensa tion, Backache, Leg Pains or muscular aches, making you feel tired depressed and discouraged why not try the Cystex 48 Hour Test? Don't give up. Get Cystex today. Put it test. See for yourself how quickly It works and what it does. Money back if it doesn't bring quick improve ment and satisfy you completely Try y Cystex today. Only 60c For salq by Turner Drug Co. pWAI iitSM ere you can e &88ure^ &k Before you start on that vacation, come in Jflf and get the necessary shoes, tha* «> ta make life more enjoyable. > , MfegL* WELCOME .#! - Sinr and Roaring Gap Visitors and Guests F. A. Brendle & Son "The Store With The Checkerbo?rJ the rellgUrus side of the develop ment and one of the finest com munity churches to be found anywhere adorns the grounds and was completed before the season opened last year. Built of Norman style archl- l|Pw Glistening beneath a 9 vernal sun, jewels be- j| tray Beason and the § sentiments of the sea- |j Rare stones . . Precious ll' ' meta^B * * - are ' a# ever » love's most appropriate Yfir/JJiiii token. No matter what HQHINHHMH the occasion or what 1 I. . ; m four limits of expenditure, you will find the {exquisite gift you are seeking at Shumate's. 25 years of experience in watch and jewelry repairing. Over 15 years i nEI kin. I | ROARING GAP VISITORS AND | GUESTS WELCOME I.*''-"* P Service anytime and all times 1 \ S. E. Shumate ■ "Your Jeweler For Over 15 Years" I " | Main »t. Elkin, N. C. I ■ ■ ■ :■ ÜBW tecture .the church is non«4to«» nomtnational and some of tk» most noted ministers of tfcsk whole section come there to hoM services each Sunday morning and are entertained at Gnqp» stone Inn during the week-end.