Wk*- - ■ - 1 I *r>: STERN NORTH CAROLINA'S LEADING. j WEEKLY NEWSPAPER I i VOL. NO. XIX NO. »7 YADKIN POLITICS ~*YET UNSETTLED ■No Candidate Has been I Officially Announced Nominated STATEMENTS - n ■ Yadklnvllle, N. C.; July 16— ( Vhe political situation In Yadkin Bounty seems to be as unsettled as betore tbe regular aud tbe Becond run-off) Hf July 6th. Tbe flrtt voting was ( Ho close that some of the candi- Hate 6 were not satisfied with the HmuHs and a run-off was de- { and ordered for July Kh. Charles G. Reavi s ". g8 the Hctor over C. B. Moxley the pje- Knt sheriff fo r that office. T. C. l ran ahead of T. R. Eaton | Bpr Register of Deeds office | ( M,\Eaton now holds, and ■results "between J. C. Pin ■ u! R. BlurifLong for repre- , tfW Pe was the sVjne as In the flftffprimary, which Plnnix carried. \ v .. I, After the second some slight differences Vas found in the counting and porting of results in North Fall Creek township and consequent ly no candidate has been official ly declared nominated, however. * a recent statement from election board of Yadkin says thev; stand ready to make an official check of all the townships ifj ejflßr faction decides they want one, as yet neither have ' re quested it. it is said. The error found in North Fall Creek township was only a mat- | ter of a few mis-placed votes ef fecting practically every candi date on the voting list. Mr. Prlmm made a statement, recently to the effect that he had ngUknowledge of the affair and heels of this statement com«« one from the election of ffrilf*' of that township, saying, if there was any irregularity in any way it was beyond tiielr knowledge. and the situation Hkat a standstill and will be of-, HKally decided and announced llf tbe near future by the county ~Tfcft'rd It U said. * • FORD TURNS TURTLE' ONE IS INJURED Car Driven By Guy White Turns I Over Fire Times A new Ford sedan, driven by Guy White turned turtle four or five times Wednesday morn-, ] on the Southern|i Rairway track without injury to i any of its four occupants. The car, finally landed in front of the] I west-bound train holding It up, i for some time until the track ] could be cleared. The wreck oc urred near the airport. It is reported that Mr. White and his three brothers were rld in the sedan, when a dog in the rear seat became restless and caused Mr. White to turn to quiet him. in turning he pull ed a little too hard on the steer ing wheel and ran the car down n steep embankment. One of the brothers sustained a slight scratch on his forehead. The fijlf* was the most severely jMUred in the wreck. The car •s|p . damaged to the extent of sloo\it was estimated, and has been hauled into the Ford shop here. DOBSON SIJMMFR SCHOOL CLOSES End A Six Week Session , For Teachers. 118 Students ] Unrolled . I Dobson, N. C. July I®.—-The j summer school session for teach ers of Surry, Wilkes and Yadkin counties sponsored by the "North Carolina College and , x&mler the personal direction of|, Professor Horace Slsk of North ( ( Wilkesboro will come to a sue-,, Jugful close Fridav afternoon of| ] HHs week. Tb«» school has been 1 in session over a period of six ] weeks, and all students will re-, \ ceive college credit in semester ] hours on their respective certi ficates. The enrollment is more than i tme hundred and eighteen stu- 1 afltyts with four instructors, ■ TPfcee of which are regular In- ) structors of the N. C. C. W. in ] Greensboro. Courses of English History, Health and Hygiene as well a* commerce and industry * have been taught. j I Some of the instructor will ] leave for their homes immed others are planning *Pbp to North Carolina Beaches i ■for | vacation rest. THE ELKIN TRIBUNE LOCAL MEN ARE ARE IMPROVING . Z. D. Greenwood And Dr, Bryant Recovering From Recent Illness Z. D. (Kate) Greenwood and Dr. C. G. Bryant, both Spanish American war veterans and local men, are slowly recovering from near fatal attacts of illness. Mr. Greenwood suffered a stroke of paralysis some time ago, which for a time destroyed his speech and effected his entire body and Dr. Bryant suffered a severe at-, tact of high blood pressure bor dering on appoplexy, from which he has rallied and is now consid erably improved. , It was learned that Mr. Green wood, who has been in feeble health i 8 slowly recovering and has regained his Bpeech. It was stated by attending physicians, barring complications he will continue his steady improvements Dr. Bryant was formerly! United States Commissioner in the Middle district, being called to that position this dis trict was created. He has serv-j ed in the old Western District as deputy marshal. GEORGE GRAY POST ! ELECTS OFFICERS i JcM» liivens Was Elected Com pandor For t.he Ensuelng Year \ • Joe spivens was elected com mander \of the George Gray Post of the /American Legion at the regulaW meeting held last Thurs day nw?ht at the Tribune office. Othen' officers elected were: J. B. Bell. W. M. Allen and D. H. Lovelace vice-commanders. Paul Gwyh, service officer: D. C. Martin Sergeant at arms: E. C. Janles historian and Robey Balis, chaplain. D| C. Martin nnd J. B. Bell werA named as delegates to re present the local post at the state J convention of the Legion whlchNwlll be held at Winston- Salem piext month. It was decided to hold a pic nic of all Legion members and their families on the evening of July 22 but the place has not yet been decided upon. « KAPPS MILL MAN HAS ACCIDENT I Henry Moore Slashes Foot With An Axe Wednesday Morning Henry Moore, -of the Kapps Mill section. slashed hig foot severely, Wednesday morning and after loosing considerable blood was brought to the city for medical attention. The wound was dressed by Dr. Gamblll and Mr. Moore returned to his home. . WIN GOLF HONORS The weekly golf tournament at the Riverside Miniature Golf course Monday evening was one of the most Interesting and closest played of all the long line of tournaments. Miss Maude Greenwood won In the ladles match, with a score of 44. the honors for the men fell to M. Q. Snow, with a score of 43. En trants for the tournament were: Miss Greenwood, Miss Catherine Wel|born, Mrs. J. C. Lambeth and Mrs. W. C. Kanoy. Messrs. Snow, Arvill McHargue, Odell Spann and Gray Brown. WINDSOR REUNION The Windsor annual reunion will be held at Windsor's Cross Roads on Sunday July 20, 1930. All friends and relatives are re guested to come and bring well filled baskets. KIWANIANK MEET Routine business and a con densed report of the activities of the Kiwanis International Convention at Atlantic City! by delegates J. H. Allred and J. H. Beeson featured the regular Ki wanis meeting at Hotel Elkin Friday evening. The meeting was in charge of Kiwanian Paul Reich. On tomorrow evening the prin cipal speaker for the Kiwanis meeting will be Rev. Dwlght Ware of Lenoir. Rev. Ware Is a very able speaker and the club Is very fortunate In securing him. Mr. Ben Klrkman returned Tuesday from an extended visit to Mr. and Mrs. Finley Ball at Kansas City, Mo. Attorney Marion Allen is spending several days In Ral eigh. KI.KIN. N. C. THURSDAY JULY 17. 1»:10 orrowooDis i- STILL AT LARGE The Escape of Wilkes Man is Still Shrouded In Mystery NO TANGIBLE CLUES Otto Wood, the notorious con vict, who has been a guest of ' the State prison down in Raleigh | for several years, left the pris -lon a few days ago ai)d conse quently fqrgot to leave a for ' warding address. This Is the j "Slippery Eel's" fourth escape ' since he was sent to the penlten ! tary for the murder of a Greens boro pawn broker a few years ago. Each time he has played i for the spot light of pußUcity and each time he has landed ' back in prison. The third escape made it rath er hard on the notorious prls ' oner, for he was placed in soli ! tary confinement and remained; j there until Governor Gardner ' decided to raise his grade to an A rating, which gave him the run of the prison. The 36 year I old convict promised the Gov enor that under no circumstance would he try to escape from the ! wall of the state bastile while he was govenor, however it seems he forgot his solemn pro-! mise and went A. W. •O. L. and as yet is roaming the country probahly studying some scheme to gain more publicity. Accord ing to recent reports from the capital city. Warden Ross Pou did not believe in taking chances with Otto, but finally fell In with the experiments of the Gov enor and it proved very satis factory for a time, until a wo man broke into the case, and Otto fell. Recent reports came from Spartanburg, S. C. ( to the effect that a man resembling Otto had been arrested several times, and finally released after he was found to be a hitch hiker, hail ing from Augusta, Ga., he claim ed. The marks of the Wilkes convict are very prominent having one hand off at the wrist and walking with a slight limp,' caused, by a railroad accident of manjr years ago. I The general public applauded Govenor Gajrdner when he did the act of mercy and turned Otto loose from his solitary con-] finement. however very few peo ple of the "Old North State" are ready to criticize the Govenor for his act. As yet no tangible clues have developed as* to the focatlon of this desperado, however It is the general opinion of -many on the Inside down in Raleigh that the officials have a lot of secret angles to work on. They believe that the convict is within easy reach of the shouts of publicity that are going up ove r the state, and knowing his "hankering* for this very item they believe lie will make his mistake and be tray his hiding place. As far as has been ascertained Otto did not take any of the prison funds intrusted to him, but had money in a Raleigh bank amounting to something over 8125. This was discovered through the woman In the case who presented a check to be cashed that was somewhat In excess .of Otto's balance. A nation wide search is ?n progress and within a few days the famous jail breaker will be back as a guest of the state and according to all belief he will take his share of work under , strict guard down on the Calen donla prison farm, where his la bor will be profitable to the state as well a R insurance a gainst another absence without peirtnisslon. TO HOLD PICNIC NEXT SATURDAY Yadklnville. N. C., July 1« The annual Farmers Union pic nic will be staged in the large ] grove at Center church in Yad-j kin county next Saturday Julyj 18. according to announcement of officials. This gathering of Ysdkln folks has been held reg ularly for more than ten years and Is largely attended each vearj and a much larger crowd than usual is expected this Saturday. The main speaker of the day will be Solicitor John R. Jones of North Wilkesboro. —, "t Mrs. R. B. Turner and daugh ter, Mrs. Winston Jarvls and lit tle Hunter Lou Jarvls are the i guests of Dr. and Mrs. W. D.j Turner at their home on Circle, 1 Court. AN N OUNCEMENT A change in ownership and management of The Klkia Tribune t«kn place with this issue, whereby Messrs. H. F. Laffoon and C. S. Foster hfcve purchased the business of the Clk Printing Co., and the Elkin Tribaae from the form** owner and publisher, Mr. Franklin Hildebrand. The new owners need no in troduction to the people of Kikin. Mr. laftoon is well > known by all Tribune read em as former publisher be fore be and Mr. 3. V. Jen nings sold the Tribiine to Mr. Hildebrand about twen ty months ago. Mr. Laffoon who has Mince that time been engaged in the print ing business in StatesviUe - as half owner of the States viUe Printing Company, has never become reconciled to leaving the newspaper pub lishing field, and it is no gre«t surprise to his friends nnd former business asso ciates, that lie has returned to his "first love," The Kik in Tribune. Mr. will be in charge of the management of the Elk Printing Co., and The Elkin Tribune, while Mr. Foster will take no ac- County Capital News 'I Dobson, July 14, 1930. —A large number of the people tff this community attended the funeral services held for Jesse Atkins, .10, at the White Plains Baptist church Friday afternoon.' Rev. G. R. Burrus and Rev. L. W. Burrus conducted the ser vices. He passed away Wednes day evening at the Martin Mem orial hospital, Mt. Airy, follow i ing a brief illness. Interment ' was made in the church ceme tery. He was well and favorably known in this community and has a wide circle of friends who (Bourn his passing. He was mar ; rled several years ago'to* Wis* I Flossie Norman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Watson Norman. Surviving are his wife and three children. J Among those who enjoyed a , two days stay the past week at . Richmond,' Va., Norfolk and Vir ginia Beach were Mr. and Mrs. , Henry Wood, Myrtle Wood, Vir > gll Wood. Carl Wood, Oscar Ed , monds, William T)raughn and small daughter, Mrs. Victoria Draughn. Henry Brintle, C. F, Poore, and Mrs. Mary Vave. • 1 Mr. and M,rs. Manley Lewellyn and family of Concord arrived) Saturday for a several days stav| with his mother, Mrs. Lnla' 1 Lewellyn. M ■«. Da.sv WrUM nf Bluf field, W. Va.. is a guest for a few days with Misses Emma and Julia Comer. ———— i Dr. J. I. Foust, President of North Carolina College for Wo men; Greensboro, attended the watermelon feast given by the school .and instructors of the summer school session here to tbo teachers Thursday afternoon. Misses Myrtle Marsh ofG,reens boro and Mae Shackleford of |Ngh Point were recent guests of Misses Alma and Hazel Marsh. I 1 Mrs. J. W. Tiller of Richmond Va., arrived here the past week 1 for an extended stay with Mr. j and Mrs. W. E. Reld. At a meeting of the Board of! County Commissioners held i Tuesday afternoon a resolution was adopted releasing Dr." M. T.I Foster. County health officer, to, ta%e effect August Ist. The re- 1 j solution stated that the action wa« in the interest of economy. 1 A full time nurse will be em ployed with a physician appoint ed to administer to the county home and jail. Dr. Foster came | here last fall suceedlniyDr. H. J. i Gorham who resigned to take a position with the Durham health depeartmet. Dr. Foster has giv- • en entire satisfaction as county ] health officer during his brief "stay In the county and it is with regret that your correspondent, who happens to be a member of, j the Surry County Board of Heal-' i jth learns that the cmmlssionei, ■ ■ have dispensed with the services 1 of the health officer. Dr. Foster ( tive part in the business, as he In sufficiently occupied in contracting and bnilding work. The change in ownership will likely necessitate some changes in the personnel of the nwspaper, editorial and mechanical Nb)ff, but the new owners are as yet un able to make amy announce ments In this respect, but hope to have the organiza tion complete at an early date. • During the time which Mr./ Hildebrand and his family have been citizens of Klkin, they have formed a host of friends who hope that It may be possible that they will continue 'to make their home in this city. Mr. and Mrs. Hildebrand have taken an active part in civic work and community activ ities during their stay in Elkin and their friends re gret to see them leave. Mr. Hildebrand lias made no statement of future plans, lint he lias always been a booster for North Carolina since coming to this state from Indiana, and it is probable that he will enter the 'uewf-:|Mi|»cr field else where in the State. has made a special study of the county health work and any county in the State will be for tunate in securing his services. The following is the report of L .F. Walker,, Supt, of Public Welfare, Surry County, for the month o*. June 1930. Juvenile Court Wlrk, unfinished cases 2 probation 1. private home place ments, 2. under temporary sup ervision 3, reprimanded and warned 2, private home place ment 1, placed temporarily In institutions J, number on proba tion first of month 19. number added 2, number """paroled T, number end of month 14, num ber probation visits 6. number probation office calls H. tium j her parol visits 6, numbere-.... ber parole visits 2, Poor relief cases reported 8, committed to county home 2. given temporary aid by county 3, cases pending 1 Conferences, board members 3. J. C. Judge 5, General 82: Meet ing. board of welfare 1. general 2, visits, mothers aid 2, family case work 5, jail, county home 3. supervision paroled, adults 8, i Official trips outside county 2, | Miles traveled 1560, six age and ' grade certificates issued. Misses Hazel and Alma Marsh ! were recent guests among rela tives at Greensboro. Sanford and Wilmington. Dr. and Mrs. R. R. Folger re | turned home Saturday from an extended visit with Mr. and Mrs. Bdwin Bowles of Asheville and Dr. nnd Mrs. Carl Folger of Spartanburg, S. C. The condition of Henrerson Bledsoe and his wife and seven children who live near here wjio were poisoned last, Tuesday morning sttows considerable im provement. They became ill right after breakfast and It Is thought that poison of kind w'as put into the flour. Mrs. Bledsoe made up bread three times and each time green streaks appear ed in the biscuits. About three : weeks ago. her nephew, Marvin Edmonds was poisoned In like manner and died. A sample of the flour was sent to Raleigh to be analyized by the State Chem ist. Mrs. -Bledsoe Is seriously 111 hut It Is thought that she will 1 recover. While It It not known | Just what kind of poison was put 1 into the flour_!t is said to have I the appearance of calcium arse nate. s. The following residents of this community left today for a three day stay at Carolina Beach Henry Jarvls, Geo. Badgett, Claude Badgett, Grover Branch, Howard Branch, Elbert Riggs. Byrd Hutchens, Wesley Branch, Walter Draughn. Jim Branch, Monroe Branch, McKinley White Chns. Jarvls. Frank Atkorson; Shelby Atkerson and Joe. Wright. The W. M. S. of the Dobson Methodist church held their reg ular July meeting with Mrs. C. W. Dockery at Union Cross Tuesday afternoon. The presi dent, Mrs. Elmer Simpson was BLANKET MAKERS WIN TWO GAMES Will Play Three Games This Week; Two On Home Ground HERE WEEK END Chatham Manufacturing' Company's base ball team added| two more to their already long string of wlna over tbe week-end. Friday they Journeyed to Pilot Mountain and defeated the Pilots to the tune of four to six. This wa 8 one of the hardest tussels the locals have had for some' time and up until the ninth Inn ing it looked like the blanket makers were doomed for defeat but In this stanza Chatham came from behind and piled up a three| run lead which proved too much for their rivals, Charlie Gough' pitched for Chatham and work-] ed a nice game with the aid of Woodruff behind the bat. Saturday Chatham took the strong, Hlddenite team into camp and much to the surprise of the visitors they handed them a five to nine defeat. This game was full of thrills from begin ing to end and was fought from fifst to last with a winning de termination existing in both teams. Moose was on the mound for the visitors and the Chatham hoys showed him that they could really swing a willow by con necting sixteen hits. Powers led in this attack with four hits out of five attempts. Parker connect ed a triple and two singles out] of four atempts. Francis collect-' ed a home run and a single out of five attempts. Mathewson was the hitting star for the visitors when he collected a home run, one triple aud a double out ofj five times at bat. Gross pitched a nice game for the locals, keep- 1 lng the hard hitting visitors; hits well scatered. The (Chatham. Club will piny, three games this week, Thurs day they will play Mt. Airy on th»> latters ground. Friday they will play Pilot Mountain on the local ground. Saturday they will meet the strong Galax team on the local ground and In this game the blanket makers are, laying for the sweet revenge for the licking they received in Ga-j lax some time ago in a twelve inning struggle. Fridays Game: Chatham 000 110 004 6 15 2 Pilot Mtn. 100 002 001 4 9 1| Saturday's Game: Chatham 010 105 11 x 9 17 2 Hlddenjte 300 002 000 5 1 6 2. AUTOMOBILE HITS JONESVILLE WOMAN Inflicting Slight Bruises And Minor Shock to Victim The escape from serious, if not fatal injury to a Mrs. Ashley] of Jonesvilie, was narrowly a- ( verted on the state highway in So. Jonesvilie, last Monday. It is said that Mrs. Ashley stepped In the path of the car occupied, by Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Harris,l who were out with their family for a ride Jate In the afternoon. Serious injury to Mrs. Ashley' was averted it was stated, by swerving the Harris car from the road, taking the chance of over turning and Injury to the family. The rear fender of Mr. Harris' car struck Mrs. Ashley and caused her to fall to the concrete pavement sustaining minor bruises and shock. It Is] not believed that Mrs. Ashley, observed the on-coming motor-], ist until it was too late to avoid the crash. No blame for the ac-| cident was charged to the local j party. present and presided. Mrs. Grady Cooper was program leader. Mrs. Rosa Booker conducted the devotionals. The topic for discussion wig "Korea." Those participating in the discussion were Mrs. R. C. Freeman, Mrs. T. J. Folger and Mrs. R. C. Free man, Jr. Miss Lucille Freeman rendered a piano solo. At the conclusion of the business ses sion a social hour was enjoyed durihg which time the hostess served delicious refreshments The next meeting will be held with Mrs. Elmer Simpson. Members of tbe Salem Fork Christian church gave their pas tor, Rev. Rufus Cooley, a sur prise birthday dinner yesterday, the occasion being bis ?4th birthday anniversary. 8 PAGES) r PUBLISHED WEEKLf ELKIN YOUNG MEN BACK FROM CAMP Attended The C. M. T. C At Fort Bragg Re cently ROYALL WINS MEDAL The group of Blkin young ' men who returned recently frosi I attending the Cltiisens Military Training Camp at Fort Bragg this season were; David Brown, . Abner Evans, Joe Royall. Italpk ( Sprinkle, Coley Fuip, Thomas Harris Jr., Bernard Hall, OrW -1 ham Retch, and Richard Atkia ' son, i David Brown and Abner ET -1 ans who have been delighting 1 their friend H of the air, espeeial- Ily the folks at home with * ,! weekly series of skits over ste- I tion WPT during the six weeks ' were among the graduates who 1 passed in review at the final i ceremonies and graduating «x --i' ercise on Thursday. Young i Brown and Evans will have the priviledge of taking examlns -1 tions for commissions in the United States Officers Training Corps for tlie United States Army. ' Joe Royall, a first year hoy, 1 n metnber of battery A had th® distinction of winning the Civf tan medal for writing the best essay on "Citizenship." Abner Evans won the boxing champion s'l In In the bantam weight di vision. FRIENDLY CAFE IS i DESTROYED BY FIRE Fire Discovered Saturday Morn ing By Policeman \V. C. i/'ivis; Building Insured I The Friendly Cafe, a popular local lunch room on East Mala 1 Street wa H completely destroyel | by fire early Saturday morning The estimated loss being about $10,00.00 to the building ' and the fixtures. Night Police -1 man, W. C- Lewis discovered the fire about four o'clock im the morning and It is believed Ht 'erlKfmttwff "from -either the gafl stove or the coal range In the 1 kitchen. The cafe was .closed abon# ' mid-night it was stated, tbe 1 manager, Mont Swaim having 1 Tone to his home In Jonesvilte j for the night. The property was J owned by the Elkin National Bank and the SI6OO wortft of | fixtures were owned by K. W_ |Me Daniel who took over the management for a period laKt vear and installed modern e nulpment. The bnlldiug was cov ered by insurance and the fix tures were nortially insured. Due to the headway the fire ! had made when . discovered the entire block in which the cafe | was situaled was seriously en ' datyiered for a time. SHOWERS COM* TO , BiTNr, RELIEF The Hot, Dry Spell Is Klnn'lT . Broken and I'rop Prospect* i Better — ( i The continued dry weather j has finally been broken by oc- I casional showers and decidedly cooler weather, to brighten tbe i prospects and make for tire "omfort of farmers of this section For more than a month no rain h»s fall«n in this community 6f any consequence and the show- I nrs of yesterday were a moai I welcome visitor, i The weather man promised I continued showers with slightly !'wa r mer temnerature for the re i malnder of the week, which will ; he great news to the farmers of this section. , SLIPPERY CONCRETE CAUSE OF ACCIDENT No Occupant* Are Injured, Only Slight Damage to Cars Reported S. 0. Masruire and John Rat ledge figured in a crash of au tomobiles on the Statesville- Winaton highway near Brooln Cross Roads Wednesday tadra in sr. The Chrysler car driven Ib® Mr. Maguire skidded and side swiped the one driven by Mr. Ratledge, inflicting damages to Both vehicles to the amount of approximately $l6O. Both drivers stated that all possible was done to avert the crash without avail, since tike concrete was wet and slippery. So injuries were reporte}.