HOSPfTAL EDITION The Elkin Tribune VOL. No. XX No. 34 KLKIN, N. C., THCRffDAT, .4i>Kir ««. «»*« PUniilMHKD WBRKLT Thurmond Chatham, Elkin and Winston- Salem Business Man, Has Contributed Liberally To FINE BUSINESS MAN Holds Extensive Dairy and Manufacturing Interests Here IS HELPING SECTION One of the oumandlos tlsures In maklQK posaible the new boepltnl^ bnlldlni; which has }ti(t been pleted here, is none other than Tbomond Chatham. Mr. Chatham, aitbouRli atill bin tblrtiee, has Rained a wide and practical baslnean experience thru bia aaeoclatloii with manufaeturine and other interest* which hare claimed his attention. After pleting hlRb school here, he w. ter a student at the L'nirereUy of North Carolina, and also at Ytle and Woodberry Forest. Completl. hla edncatlon. Mr. Chatham became connected with the Chatham Man- ttfaetarlnR Company, and death of his father, the late HuRh O. Chatham, be was made prealdent of the company, an honor tittlDR- ly bestowed and doservedly earned. Mr. Chatham posaeaaea sterling toaUtles, and Elkin is proud of the fact thot it can still call him tire bod; and It Is also proud of the fact that this natire son nnbesitat- Ingly answered the call when It presented to him in the effort U care the new hospital, which been named for his father. In ad dition to other gifts by (be Chat ham family, the Chaiham Manufar- tnrlng Company donated the site ap- on which the bulldinR has been erected, the ereo corerlDK fiftecit acres In an ideally situated spot— Jaat off the highway and eonren- iently located and easily 4t Mr. Chatham's gift 1* only keeping with the natural traits bo^ In him, whlclPTncludes an unsenwn' lity’s New Hospital Project UBERAL CONTRIBUTOR TO HOSPITAL made possible countiejs nnmbera of I such institutions throughout (hej country, which have prored an In valuable worth to liieir commnaitle* and the afflicted population In an.I adjacent to them. While the bulldlnR-was named to pay a tribute of respect to another of Elkin's former residents, th.- name of the son of this luan w'lll remembered through the ity of his gifts in order that home town might not bo de- of the privileges of modern tbspKal advantages. Klondike Farm Important to this section Is Klon dike Farm, owned by .Mr. Chatham and managed by Mr. Ruobs Pyron. Since Its purchase a few years ago by Mr. Chatham, constant Improvc- ent work has been under way, and already an enviable reputation has been gained among dairies of the eoantry, a number of their famous Oiiornseys having been sold to wide ly scattered points at extremely laiicy prices within recent months. While the owner concentrates largely on purebred Oiicrnseys, sheep, hogs and horses also find n prominent place on the farm, and these herds are being constantly en larged as the demand necessitates. Mr. Chatham's activity through tbe purchase of thia farm has been a great incentive for belter forming among >he land owners of this t Hon. and has given Inspiration lumeroDS farmers which has cansed kheni to nse more -clentltlc methods for greater production and profits, dt Is the model farm of this section, [and perhaps the Stale, and to Mr. Ichatham Is due much credit for his contribution to bettor farming Ithrongh the skill and knowledge of bis manager. Mr. Pyron. who has apored faithfully in currying out the dial* and purposes of the owner, nut in (he meantime scltlug a apien- I'd example of modern farming u^tbods which is proving valuable Altlllers of the mill, iilthougli purchased for rommer- Igl purposes, the action of Mr. 'bntham has proved to be a gift to In fellowman as a result, and only .cmds to strengthen the high regard •rhlch Is hold for him by eur people. "Je good Inflneiice being spread ov- riour country as n result of bis In- ^ Atment here Is a valuable asset, ^f*« U gennlns^lv aonraela,. Southern Public Utilities Co, Building: & Loan Association Id referring to the Southern Pub lic Utilities Co., of which Mr. ll. T. Brown is local manager, it may be easily and trustfully said that this firm ranks as one which has con tributed to tbe material growth of this section through its activities, and Is today continuing its efforts to be of service to the public through further anticipated extensions of its powsr lines. Many nooks and corners of this section, hitherto in utter darknoM except for the light of the kerosene lamp or the s'eak, (allow candle, have been Illuminated by electricity, and eye strain relieved to many fam ilies who were forced to uso such antiquated methods for lighting. EIetrlc ranges are also fast dis placing the wood or keroseoe for cooking. And this leads up to an Import- it part of the now hospital equip- eni—that of electrical refrigera tion. fivo Kelvinators baring been installed In tho building for the protection of food, etc., and for sup plying cold water throughout the structure. If major conrcntence had to be eliminated from public use, there would be r vrlld cry to "save elec tricity—let something else go." And through tho desire of (his com pany to serve all within reasonable limits of its lines, thousands of homes, offices, stores and factories are today enjoying the pleasure, convenience and economy of power, light and heat, even when It Is ta ken Into consideration that tbe cost of exending lines Is many times the amount of revenue to be derived over a great period of time. Truly this la ThIa special edition would not he romplete without a message from of Elkin's most Important fac- In Us building program- -the Elkln-Jonesvllle Building & Loan Association, which has Just opened its 65th series for stock sut^rip- tions. Just as every citizen feels a pride in the building of tbe new hospital here, every new home-owner re joices when the last finishing touch is made to that new home he has been enabled to erect through the help of this association, and which has made possible a home of bin own. This association has enjoyed a substantial Increase.in the number of kliareboldert, and In many In stances It has meant the erection of new homes by them. An admirable feature of the association Is the lib eral terms upon which one • Is per mitted to carry stock or secure loans for building. It reaulres about six and one-halt years to ma ture stock, and each share ropro- sents *1.00. which is carrisd by psy- ment of 25c weekly on each share. All stock Is non-toxable. whether paid np or carried as running stock. Mr. C. O. Armfleld. cashier of the Elkin National Bank, is secretary and treasurer of the association, and will be glad to explain in detali just how building and loan stock Is curried on small weekly Inatall- ments. and Is a most attractive plaa t saving ^o^ all who wish to ac cumulate for old age, business In- vostraencs. or as a place where Ihoy may invest their surplus nud escape taxes. In the meantime putting It to work for other* in building up tho unity. Mr r*hBtt,ni«b«. various artiTitlea and community, and one that has been a source of comfort to our f;, h. fi. Balfour, of Hoke connly - people since the day the purchase'jji bulfdlng a profitable business of tbs city plant was conRurorosieU.'wllh his Chinchilla rabbits. The and more so since the day when the I meat Is sold to a local hotel at 30 service was first made avallablei(gQtH a pound and the pelts bring here. about 50 cents each. Vance county have agreed to supply { are In line with those of bis father,;no tenant or L'ui^'^glirJ'u TU I kaVam the * '^v^ to be the friend ot mankind feed snpptle* hsfore conaWerhiR the Just aa the ton Is doing today. cash crops. Congratulations TO ALT. WHO HAVE HELPED TO MAKE TH&NEW H0.®P1TAL POSSIBLE. MAY IT HAVE OUR FULL SUPPORT - HCCIi IN- r VTFVIJIVtl ( iiNCIt vn L.ITIOVS t I’lKS TIIK (M't'AKlOS »F THi: I'OMFI.l-moX tIF TIIF XK I m/iH)SI>IT\I. HK AUS» (ON'.UATrLATi: Ol'lt.SKl.VF.t IS HAVIXIi HAD A IMKT IX ITS ('OXSTItl tTUIX. \MTII ABI.K l■lt^1>^:, \VK I'OIXT TO THi: KLKtTItlt AI, FlXTl IlKS WHICH WKICFj^IXSTALLKH IvSrKClALI.V I>IC.Si:!tVKS Yoril IXSI’I-RTIOX. MHKUK 1. AXVTlIlXi; KI.KITKICAI,—FUOM THE ITXTI'BE ITSK.l SKILLKO KLERTKICIAXS SI I'I'I-IHU FOlt EVKIty JOB. ilKMOit- AKIKIX- THK Ol’EILnlXt; IS nil-iVltTAXT. WIIKXKVKK YOU ARK IXTKIll-STKD IX TO THK OMFI.KTK IXSTALLATIOX. LKTr US KKH'UK WITH YOU. KKMIT THLS Sl'IMJKSTIOX: «-iV XW FI T .AX VU.MTKU l.HJHT MALL AND THK COXVKXIKXCE OBK.AT—IH-WIHLM FRIGIDAIRE FIIUHIIAIBB .AdTknced ltrrri0erath>n gives ; on tomorrow's ideas In refrifccr- ation. today. Boo this new FRKillI- .AIRE .Advaneod Itefrlgerntor. with tho 3 year service guarantee. On dts- )lay now in onr show room. Harris-Burgiss Electric Company “Abe” Harris ELKIN, NORTH CAROLINA “Radio” Burgiss /fl/