i The Elkin Tpibune Wmirm LnuMnc WrcVIy Toil. No. XX. No. 2S I ELKIN. N. C, THUMDAT. APRIL SS, J»S1 PlJIURHKn WKKKLT ROYALLSELEaSD TO HEAD TICP CHOSEN MONDAY Ticket Previously Put In Field Withdrawn Here This Week JOHN C. HURT, 86 , DIES AT HIS HOME FRIDAY AFTERNOON Death Came After a Lingering Illness Hugh Chatham Memoris ^ Hospital Opened Sunda^ GRAHAM OUT RACE|A PROMINENT MAN; A ftccond convention van hold at the achool auditorium here Monday night, tbla being for the purpose ol nonliiating a candidate tor mayor, and alao flye commissloncra. When the meeting was called to order and the bu«‘oosa of the con* vention put before those preient. the present mayor. Hr. M. A- Royall. Mas renominated to succeed himself. Witb Dr. Royall to head the ticket, tbe commissioners were neat in or der, and tbe names of Alex Chat ham. H. P. Graham. M. R. Bailey, Dave Woodruff and A. G. Click were voted upon and accepted to complete the line-up to be voted upon Mon day, May 1. The namu of H. P. Graham pearing upon the ticket -. John C. Hurt, S6. and a Civil | War veteran, passed away Friday i afternoon of last week, after a lin-^ DK UlncBS due to the Infirmities! of his advanced age. I Tbe death of Mr. Hurt reduce* by! ,.je tbe now small number of re-| muinlng Confederate veterans, and | In his pasilnc tbe county R'sea one of Us moat valued cltlienr and thei homo and community an honored | EnPsting in Company A. Second Cavalry Battalion. Norili Carolina troop*, in 18*2. Mr. Hun Joined his comrades in the defense of his eo try. and spent two years before urnlog to his home, where he ay let about to resume his former In addition to serving as county commissioner of Surry, he wur also a Justice of the l*-«ce. and held In highest esteem by ail who knew him. Ills life had been one of service, not alone to his excellent family, but to the community and county as Th«' Utclcvneni wewthee of SundAy presented many from ndvantatfe of inspect Ins the new hospital here on that day, but neverthtdens it has been variously estimated that a tltousaad cdtiawBi. and visitor* from other sections were there dorlng the open hours, hluch praise lias been heard from those who attended, and every one seeiued to realise that noth ing had been left aodonn to properly operate (he institution and take cam of its padeeta in the very best manner possible. When aitual work was taken up Monday morning, I>r. Harry L. Johnson and his staff of c^ workers did not find th^-mselves without something to do: In- st«vid there were ailmiUed dur- Ing Ihe ilay four pallenW. one of whom. .Mrs. Marthu f>sy. of .lonesvUle, uuderweni a major opernllon yesterday. A Gdol of seven patients liave bs'n rerelvevl up to the time of going to pr»»s yesl«-rd«.v .vftenioon. nnd one had been dismlsMsi aner iroolmcnt, leav ing six uiHhr the raro of th« hospital corps. It is perhaps fortnnale (hat the hospital Is not being taxed to Its rapacity on the opening days. One of the advantngrs Is that It will allow sufflrient tiles, for thorough wgnniratlou and a sysleniatJc plan of work, nhlrh Is required In any hospi tal for the most efficient ser- »1co. With tho present limited number of patients, there will be no congestion, and eai-h rase given proper attention at all times. With the Incn'a.se In number will eome a correspond ing note of offlclenry and per- feehd organlration to take care of it witlioul sarriflre In Uio eff«>n to glv«- to all the v«-ry best wrvice. START MANUFACTURE YADKIN COIMY HAS OF SPECIAL LINE OF 2 SUPERINTENDENTS BEDROOMFURNITURE OF PUBUCSCHOOLS ! ■ ' I./(>cai Plant Receives Old and New Boards Orders; Increases Each Choose Man Its Output For Place MAKES CEDAR UNEiRIDEN AND REECE ! Mesers. Jacob and Max Ilruckman, j Vadkin county now finds Itself ia 'furniture Jobbers of New York City, the middle of r squabblo that may jwere here last week completing ar-[ require action of the courts to soUle. Irar.gements with the Klkln Kurnl- Iture Co. to manufacture a spm-ial • line of bed room furniture. Dfslgns are now being made by loo expert designer of Grand Rapids. I Mich., and the product will he of Ihe very latcRt type. When the first I work I* completed it will he placed I hoard. J. Thad Reece ' ('onslderable IntcretC bas been worked up over the prospective ap pointment of a county Bupcrinlen- dent, uiiU before the old board re tired from offlcR on Tuesday of last u-ei-k Prof. C. W. Ridon was named to fill the posItloQ. With the iDstallaiion of tbu new . cbosen 26 Certificates Awarded Night School Pupils For Having Met Requirement TWO sch6oi.s here '”,',‘■1922 Puinls In N. C. Funeral service* wore held t ay afternoou from Kricndshlp;, hurch. conducted by 1.. . • bernetliy. pastor of Klkln Methodist ; R^eiVCd Th6ir tl. Masonic I Certificates HELD IN GATE CITY 1 which didate tor mayor, chosen at the first convention held, and alto on that of Monday night when ha was nomi nated lor commissioner to succeed himself, caused Mr. Graham to with draw. This fact Is held responsible for the action which was then taken, and the enliro former ticket was also withdrawn, leaving the gentle men selected this tho offices, uncontested. A majority of these men are already rommlHsioncrs, and will their work without the usual pre-|l>ouoni were llmlnary of organizailnn among deceased. Ibemselves to determine what con- -'ll'. Hurt fronts them, and wiih knowledge wlm before nn uuimee-- n..« — lipon ,1,, d.d.i™ .t Mr. I,r.b.mj.t l-o. Cl.; frl "I !-"I'e' ?°l!o.°l« w;;"?™,.?'! ; .'i oi’kIhI ; 11.11 .t the Nnrtli Carolina Kedergl'ni', o' Woman’s flubs, one ol ihe sponsor ing organizations of the night school movement. It Is indeed gratllylng to note that the Elkin Woman' Cluh. sponsoring two niglit HchoolR. one at Elkin and the other Richmond, presented twenty-six pu pils. who met the require Inv the past year, and wei certlflcales for their worl Among llH! Night School students who took part In the demonstration exerclsiis was II. W. Is-wis, of Elkin Others attending fvnm here were. Mrs. Fannie Smith. Mrs. Sarah Turn- iiima Mcl’oln. Mrs. Mollic \V, II. lA-wis, Roy Millard folHiis. Helva llhorti's and Opal tiweiis. Those receiving eerll- tes. but not attending were: f McCann. John Smith, Ell Wad- ;dell. Roy Collins. .Mrs. Nannie Smith. .11 einquenl cn^kerhom, .lames Kurge- mglH. {Rollins, Charles Alex- •achlng Nichols. John Marshall. Marshall. J. S. Childi i’ them Htalemmt It has been cuetomsr! for a long lime to hold a iion-pnrtl-j - ’ san convention for the nomination ! DISTRICT REVIVAL of candidates for city officials, and tbla is as it should be because it tends to promote rrlendllncRH among our citizens. k. O. iod4lan1 Is-iuUng tl This convention was held Monday 1 servicew WTilch Are Droving BEGAN ON SUNDAY licneflcioJ to lArge t night in the school auditorium, and. I netwilbstandlng the tact that t was; _____ in no sense a candidate for either j 1,^ q Coddard. foreign socre- Mayor or fomtnlsHloner. I find nty’ltury of the board of nilBHlons. of the self a nominee on two llcVets. hence Episcopal church. South. this statement. ; began a series of revival meetings I deeply appreciate the honor con-Mcihodist church ferred on me by some of my Fonrt i Sunday, and they will be coiilliiued! j"' friends In selecting me as their ruf’| through and including tho morning L, dIdate for Mayor; but in order to Sunday, when promote harmony and keep alive the|..y^,.jj ^ dose. friendly spirit which has character-; Goddard is promim Ized oiir town and citizens. 1 f**'*'' hrious work, and one of the ton-1 Impelled to abide by the derision characters in the Methodist 'ontlon pnrtlclpuled In Isy CLIMB A LADDER TO ATTEND SALE Ik-lieve it or not. but we ar.- Id Ui may tliul udvi rli-lng pays! McDitfliel'N fire sale drew li crowd—In fart, mi many were on hand at the opening hour that it u iiiatheautical problem to figure one's self into Ihe building. In llie -wruiuble to gain en trance. two FUkin ladles ore salil to have been Ht> persistent in tholr nttenvpt to get into (he store that a short walk was taken, titlK l«d- iiig to tbo rear of tiie building. . where Mr. Tom FUdson was said '‘to have br-n prevailcsl u|>on to pliw a lodd'-r to the window of Ihe second story, thus enabling Ihein to Hct’omplish liit-ir purpose of attending (he Mtle^-n'gnrriless c»f Ihe cJtrongs wlio w«-n- nuil fniilless effort, ul the nuiJn Drtnlrr's Ink itmk-s millions vk," but in Ibis com- it prove- Ink makes people Ihink noi mly nf u value, but of a wny It •Iteti .Ufflcultli-s arise. (lull xhibition at furniture shows .Sew York, Chicago. Dallas. Texas and High rollit. which start In June and continue throughout July. These geutleraen have a wide sell ing connection, and the business given tbs local plant will mean quite iin Increase in the output ol the lac- , toiy when the furniture is maiiu- , fuciiirod at full capacity. Adding to the optimistic fluilook for business here is the fart that .Ibis company also manufactures a I line of cedar bed room suites, giving a market for the cedar timber of Ihl* section, which’ market to Ihc farnn cedar limber for sale. This line I" proving popular, and is enjoying ii splendid sale wherever dlspUyod, Mr. M. H. Halley, superintendent of the loi-al plant, designed tho being inan- ufaotiired by that eompnny. and the product reflects most credllobly up on hU skill and ability as a designer, imldentalty proving himself to he a valuable addition to the person nel of that firm. COLORED MUSICIAN GETS TOWN ORDERS From a Ha|-1>> «U«le of Mind t ■•rlMin Iswkup, Negro Is Tried; I OnlemI to Ixvive Town * Tlw members of all parties, therefor* I v.;i1 not bo a candidate for Mayor but will run as a candidate for town Commiasioner, In accordance with tbe will of that convention. H. P. GRAHAM. ninisiry. He SURRY COURT IS IN SESSION; 280 CASES ON DOCKET heal Thos rvlce » the ! . ; Sluiilcy, ...... WUIli. i Mount Airy .’.Istrlcl revival, yl are- n,,. , 'open to and being attended by denominations irrespective of •**'■! Ullicriicy c> FOR KIWANIS MEET luffillated. ' !"n''never*(l'o a loo Sunday continue BooDvllle. - HOUSE IS SPEAKER . Whllak Grady Whitaker ■ises a talk wai lodges, chairraai 10 Rotary Inter Eigrht Murder and Man-:",’u’ee''yenV slaughter Cases :.^vALKER MACEY IS 10 Be Heard Kxe-nllve S«-cn-lary of I’nlverslty of North faroilna: University M«-n Invited to Attend The regular Kiwunls program will be held at Hotel Elkin on Friday evening at C:3U o’clock, at which time R. B. House, executive sccre- t.iry of the Ualversity of North Car olina. class of 1916. will he present to address the meeting, and this promises to ho a feature of the oc casion. University men are extended a special invitation. The club singing will be under the direction of Mrs. J. H. Hecson. A good atleodaiice Is dosirod. and the message of Mr. House promises to repay every visitor, well, for the time spent. ■thing else At tbe close of the service Sunday continue and promote Dr. Goddard will go to Bt*oi>’''Ble. | ^hool movement, you he preaches the Introductory , immortality." n at the opening of the dlB-| rrelit is due to Mrs. onference there on April 26. |\vhllftker, county chairman of illi- itemry In Surry and vlre-cbalrraan of METHODIST PASTOR ]lhe Uducatlnnal Depar’ ler .cwTTT-i-vT 44w»^TT'vTT-*vvT/^»»' Nlkln "'Oman's (Hub. for GIVEN POUNDING” I tiring efforts In this work, She, [With Miss .Maude Worley, trained night school here for Bee Specialist Is In Yadkin County C. L. Sams, extension bee special ist at SUte College, will visit several farms in Yadkin county today (Thursday). Instmctlng those terested In bee culture. He will visit the farm of A. L. Saylor. Enon. at 9:30; Mrs. E. H. Tomlinson's farm. East Bend, 10;30« YadklnvIUe. 1: A. 8. Speer's farm, Boonvltle. 8:30. and at Miss Della Triplett's. JonaavlHc, at 4. Mr. Sams vrill demonstrate esn- trol. swarms, how to Introduce queens, aid wlD talk on the best methods of basdllng bees. AbM l When HJ» Mock Airlves, But ; worker in Rev. C. A. Morrison, popular pas- r of the Jonesville Methodist church, was givon a "pounding" on Tuesday evening at about 2:30 o'clock, when many members of his flock gatherea at the home of the ilnister to enlarge his supply of household noceasltlos. Rev, Mr. Mor rison had come to Elkin to attend itlug at tho Methodist church, being conducted by Dr. Goddard, and upon his return home found the happy throng eagerly watching for bis arrival. Tho minister was made happy both by tbe gifts and spirit of friendship and co-operation which prompted them. t'qnducl not in keeping with tho uslc ho was making caused Judge Harry H. Barker to order out of John Henry Coleman, colored musician hulling (mm Wlnston- 1 tried in Recorder's Court here Tuesday morning on n cliurgH of imbibing loo freely in the usual plentiful supply of sugar head, In nildilinn to being a cripple, the negro was well ndvan.'.-cl in age. -hups ilgli' • - —- job. and it i inalns to be worked out to determine no Is eligible for tbe position. irnloHs Ihe resignation of one of ese gentlemen Is foTtbeoming. In all probability the courts will bo called upon to settle the matter. Friends of both men claim a victory, and each group feels that its man is entitled to hold the office. I'rof. Kiden Is said to have tho support of a majority of Yadkln'a population, and the commissioners will doubtless give due conaideratiott to the expense that would be In volved. In 1933 the county spent In attorney fees to forestall a raise In the salary of Superinten dent Reece, frnin $2,400 to $3,000 expenses. Tho board of educa- spent approximately $475, it la said. In on effort to get tho increase for Prof. ile»-ce. Through laglsla- ;lVR eiiuctinent. ITof. Reece was sue- dill in getting the additional lunt. and was paid that sum un til 1929. The present suliiry of the super- tendent Is 12,>00 and $300 for an nual expenses, and it is upon thin point that the situation is creating ennsidersbU- interest and discusstOD. The new board presented Itsolf to Clerk of the Court J. L. Crater, stat ing that Ihey had noLyot eerolved-y their commissions, but had been I told by Senator John H. Folger. a \ cottsln of former Superintendent Reece, to be sworn In and begin their duties. After taking the oath of office, the new board organized by naming M. V. Flemming as chalr- ninii. Then came tbe question of naming the superintendent. It 1* salrl that nninlnallons were spokon. lull Dial each wrote Mr. Recce's name on a piece of paper, expressing their choice, unil directed that the minutes be written showing the elec- rinitlec r Mr- Rce Should tiie matter nurts, It is quite likely c carried l*> the Supre the ting the prohibition 1 ' iSTUDENTS 'VIN IN ‘ i DISTRICT CONTEST WAR1.ICK PRESIDES . “Wild Ginger” To Be Given At Siloam tho past aevoral years, together everyone who has contributed either In a financial way or by their serv Ices, should feel that this Is a wop derful victory. 922 pupils in North Carolina were awarded certificates for their work this year, and there were approxi mately twice this number who at tended school, but did not complete the state requirements. This Is greatly decreasing the number of 11- llterales In North Carolina, figures given at the eommencement stated (hat In (be past six years Bancombe county had reduced Its illiteracy from 34 to 6 per cent. Perhaps the surrounding eo-Jimnnlty has not made quite this much progress, but there Is an encouraging pros pect for next year and this past year Is a crowning achievement In this work. A play "Wild Ginger", will he presented in the new school build ing at Siloam on Saturday evening. April 85. at 7:30 o'clock. An ad- mlssius fee of 10c and 15e will be charged, the proceeds to go to school. Breaks Ankle While playing near the Elkin high acbool, Eugene Finney, eged seven, became tempted to climb the ladder of the city water tank, and when at some distance from the ground, he fell, breaking the leg at the >.nkle. Jiidg.- W'llson Warli.'k. of New ton. is presiding over the two weeks' term of Surry Superior court which began at Dobson on Monday morn ing. Solicitor Curlylc HigglnM. of Sp.irta. is prosecuting the docket. As usual, defendants to come be fore the court, face trial on itSacel- laneous charges. Including that of murder. Of the tuul number in dicted. eight of them are for mur der and mansloughtcr. Half of this number resulted from fatal auto mobile accidents. Charged with the death of Beo Klgney, the court calendar carries the names of Raymond McDowell ames Tolbert, this ruse having continued for several terms Others who face murder charges are Elmer Stone and Kate Barber for the murder of Robert Hazelwood, and Gabriel and Marvin Keaton tor ibo death of Yancey Venable. The following gentleffion com pose tho jury Itei for the first week: Draugbn, G, M. Wood. J. W. pliaoD. P. B. Qolsenbciry, Clyde Rtone, Marshall Jones, Isaac White. Sidney Cook. R. B. Short. R- B. White. W. L. Waiters. J. B. Barker. ' L. Whitman. H. O. Moore. E. B. DeBorde. J. M. Shelton. J. P. Cooke. Barker, C. W. Belton. Ctle Anthony. J. E. Candle, W. 8. Wolfe. H. H. Owen. W. F. Sparks, J. Trnolove, PIdell Walker, 8. C. Rob ertson. Fred Pruitt, W. H. Coe. R. L. Lawrence, Stephen Wright, T. J. Westmoreland, W. R. Bowman. J. W. SUoIey. L. I. Martin. 8 lersoa and W. T. 8bow. IN TRUCK WRECK 'held in Wlnston-Sulcm on April IS. Maxine Miithls came llilnl and Edith u i..i..ev i» Self lluc'^''uvcs foiivlh in n group of twenty ' fiPiS-year contestants. Doris Early, jof Wlnaion-Siilein was first, writing U'.S ncl woi-ds per inlniUe for 15 i minutes; Susan Wall, of Madison, 'second, 37.6; Maxine Mathis, third, m'ar'lhree highest, goes to Chapel Hill on ^^d'May i to represent the District In a I —• '»• I the Slate Contest, Sarah Click. Cathurino Hall and Walke Klkln Gi :isforlu) slivery truck Tuesday at a cur the Klkln Creek bridge, the Intersecliim of Klk Spui .Main Hlreets. truck was badly oamaged. Just the wreck come about Is as the driver seems at a | As an individual. Sarah Click wrote count for It and unable highest ret number of It, but judging ‘‘■op;'/hat Itu.e In-i rormnuon Is available, speed of errors. Her rate was 56 net words per minute for 15 minutes with only 11 errors. This roflecia creditably on the commercial department of tbe local school. Por the past several years entrants from Elkin high have brought home honors, either high or second-high. Mrs. R. B. Harrell Is Taken To Hospital Mrs. R. R. Harrell was rushed to _ Ktatcevllle hospital Sunday after a severe attack of appendicitis. An operation followed Immediatoly. und some time It was feared sho would not recover. However, latest reports from the hospital indicate that there ia a alight Improvement In her condition, and her speedy recovery ia earnestly hoped for by her friends here and elsewhere throngbont tbe State. A slight blaze did small damage to tho home of John Spans lington Saturday of last week. The fire originated in the celling of tbe home and was pot ent without tbe aid of a fire department. More Machinery Is Being Used Here A shipment of additional mschln- ..y was unloaded here Tuesday for tbe construction projects which are under way. Inclnded In the shipment was a heavy road aerepe, which was lifted from the mr by the nae of two road thovels, tho proeen being watched by a number proba bly anfflclent to have done the work through “main strength and awk wardness.”

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