THE wuas Twamra. njox. kmizh oAitouRA TOWtflPAT, APIUT at. IMI The Elion Tribune ANI> RFXFRO RKOORD Pabltsb«d Every Thursday by EI,K IMUNTISW COIUPA.VV. Inr. Klkln. N. C. im'RSDAY, APRIL i&Sl SCIWCRIPTIOV RATRS, VK.Ut la the 8lsf«i, tJ-AO Onf of the State, ta.t increased Acreagre Will Bring: Disaster Eight hUDdred mlUIOD poiiuds of tiue-cured 'ibac- co was produced last year and everybody, particularly ,every tobacro farmer, knows tfae result: prices that [scarcely covered the cost of production. Another crop j this year of slrellar proport{oikp. will pnly mean stlli j lower price*. But. according to reports coming In to the State Department of Agriculture, that Is exactly what the to-! bacco farmers are getting ready for. The acreage planted to tobacco will be limited only by tbe credit which the growers can get for buying fertitUer: even new areas not heretofore counting much in the production of tobacco, will undertake It this year; in spite of sit wsrnlngs the tobscco farmers sre preparing to increase their acreage. It will be recalled that last fall tobacco went beg- i get Mr. Maxwell right, puHsiog either of ihe'Rlnc on Cho floors of most warehouses and measures wouldn't do much good nohow, [were cryinr In addition to the many personal 1 compliments paid on behalf of Tbe|my opinion tbe greatest service that, Tribune's special boapilsl edition lean possibly be rendered Is that to:' last week, we also desire to expressjtbe sick. I knew Mr. Chatham per-| . thanks for the, remarks of ihetsonallr. He was a good friend ol .A benefit gam^ of baseball wiit tn anaarep a . ... . . Many Compliments On Hospital Edition made it possible for such an Insti-' tution as a hospital for your people.; The “Hugh Chatham, Memorial; Hospital" will live forever, and in: TO PLAY HICKORY inie Schnlulod On IxwaJ Gro«M Xen Soiarday For Benefit of Hospital and Legion Add to similes; As lonesome as Raleigh not accompanied by his wife. I. Orady will probably t try a press, and als: of Mr. C. O. Kuei-jminr. and never failed to answer ■j'bev played here Saturday between ter. eiecutlvj vlcfr-prealdent/ andisingle call I over made upon blmithe Chatham and Hickory teama business manager of the Chnrlotte;for anything, and the calla w«ro[7i,e game is expected to be hotly Chamber of Commerce, the tetter!frequent. 'contested, and will doubtless prove ^eing addressed to Mr. C. S. Foster.; i koow of no one else to write to:Interesting to local fans, president of the company which |send my congratnlatlons to than, Thi’ receipts will go to the Hugh publishes the Tribune. The eom-iyou at this time, but I want thejChatham Memorial Hospital fond ment follows: folks of Elkin to know that the!of the American Legion and Auxil- , . jpeople In other parts of the Sca(e;lery, a most worthy cause and de- A TRIOIFH IX WF.KKLl lalso appreciate what the late Hughjservlng of generous support. JOUB.X.UJSM jchatham bon done for Ills own peo-i In addition to witnessing a splen- A (hirty-six page special edUlon'ple at Elkin. idid game of baseball, your privenre farmBrsjof The BIkIn Tribune, published i know a gre-at many of the rhe players, and lend relief. That ought to be lesson enough iThursday. celebrating the comple-;Chatham family and they have ai*|nl ‘o the local organlratloa of the IHlstory has demonstrated that the farmer conalders'tioa of the Hugh Chatham Memor-'K-ays done their duty by everybody t^cglon and Auxiliary Id Its support , I , , !tno doctrine of decreased acreage in anything as meant *■* Hospital, which Is to be opened .and everything for a community. ^ the new hospital, **ifor tho other fellow. The plea for less production public Inspection on Sundny. and you are most fortunate in hav-j hi. .insi .0 ptani .n h, „« 1„ ,h, .round .nd «oi, Slfor'iiradw "" ; Hen Or Rooster? under tbe management of Dr. Harr}' er wise-crack again directed at RussiiBs. I' Jimmie Walk —which later be does anything else but. Sincerely yours. If t tobacco and cotton farmer will not learn.L, Johnson, former Greensboro phy-, El ESTER. , ..(.j. gathering t._.. from the experlenco which came to him test year, then sician and surgeon, has reached • business .Manager Charlotte Cham-, around at a local produce house, one ;he is hopeles-s. and doea not deserve the sympathy i'^he Journal and Sentinel offices her of Commerce. [would Judge that the coop con’tate definite signs of flonrlshlng", says' which other wise he should have. land has drawn much favorable com- ■ ' h,,oi, altocotber: but when the signs seem to fall on rainy Saturdays. H the farmer will first provide food for himself CaUfomianS AfC HcrC ' removed, ogg-guthering nd family and livestock and then wants to gamble with tm * ^h^hTti Th^^Tvih ”A rovialed the most astonishing obacco thii'M hi. huRifows Rn. h hi=' This edition of The Tribune Is an. f Or A Criet VlSlt;fact that the rooster had laid an obacco, thals his business. But when he places his ,.pn gjupj printed egg. As the days went by the lependencs on the one crop as a provider of his own.paper and refle-ls much crodit upon Trlolett an John F 'Onstuntly luert-ascd, and crop fails him. then his actlon'lhose connected with the Elkin .curiosity greatly aroused. Jimmy W.alkor may merit his reputation for wise cracks. tmi his reply to Governor Hoosovelt contained mighty few of them. Tn the big dailies; If Jack Dempsey an Woman caa'l get along, tell us about It, but fore Decking Disturcu) as an accentuation. "I love blui, and want him to know it ” was what a young Fayeltovliln girl wrote before she blow her brains out with a pistol. Wonder if the knowledge pestered him any? necessities, and that o becomes the business and concorn of bis neighbors. If. newspaper, lie won't listen, then he ought to be allowed to feel. I business m. When the farmer as a realizes that he caol®*'^' *’ tising spaet Triplett an John F. CTilliiiRi. former Elkin men. but now i' and'merrhanir of the of Cullforniu. arrived here ve taken liberal advcr-i^“‘“'’''“’' '"""‘‘ni-'- making the trip devoted to congratulat- ' ’’'ft California about noon of lust get as much for a short crop, with less effort, as ne can I, , ' Californi.. ihnm nn,.n nt r.. , „„ ,i.h a.. addad .C. a. w.a.d '\VaT fr't ta aurt.llwl rroa.ilaa a. a w«ton t» .eaar. lair ||,„,.a,.a ,i,h'HaK da,, on - -- prices for bis product, but If the experience of 19110 jlnstitutlon, Its staff of nurses aiid.'’^“’“*'''^ doesn't bring that realization, when, in the name of i doctors, and of the late Hugh G. iw ioe while on tho way. Their iven. mar he be expected to know his lesson? [Chatham, of Wln.stoa-Salom and El- ‘•'•'l' rialm, Is three days die tobacco farmer persists in his Intention toi*ln- whom the new Institution lion- LuHferuia to the -Vorth Caro lina line. The delays occurred In -Vorth Carollni betwe-n Asheville high ti I increased t a goat farm. The j:ig-year-old Turkish shepherd atirlbui.-s hls'*^*'^*’ ff‘''»'>oding youthful spirit to guat milk diet. And now tbe tragedy' - • - - . _ graying hair will be that wc were not reared on A NeW SOUrce Of RcVenUe For The Farmer Two rears Uence. In all probability, the Kepublteans The Tribune has been persistent in prenc.ilng wild- wlll clip rathor freely from the Raleigh Nou's and Ob-'*'f^ propagation to its land-owning readers: it has in- server Issues of legislative dale to fill space in their 1*'“* money from hunting privileges could be ob- state handbook. Uained in sufficient amount to psy the taxes on tbe land, ——— „ I provided, of course tho farmer raised a crop of some- manager w'lri' pewrltlng machines and forty-five [April in tobacco, the situation Thurmond Chatham, a llb- loriil contributor tn the hospital; of ihe late James B. Duke, who estab lished the foundation which con-' in‘'l‘l‘-‘nl happening In connee-,.. tributed $40,000. half of the cost of' the building, and of Rev. L. B. talked with a -Vbornethy. heralded as fatlier of the P^oH'or for some ilm- withoui rec- _ _ _ movement to erect the hospiUl. ; him. This Is perhaps easily „ ‘ ' C- S. Foster and H. F. l.affnoa when It is learned that MrS. LUther Ring: are publishers of the Elkin paper;'** **"* meeting for IS Mrs. Charles L. Crater Is news edi- brother referred to Is tor. .-vnd H. G. Xlchols, advertising ^ ^ Triplett, who was away leorgia gontl -uiun. learalug of the freak fowl, templed tho owner by offering n fancy price, which wa.s accepted, and the heu-rooster was permitted to accompany him to new home. Just what the pur- ■o do with his fre.ak was not made known, but It Is quit* likely that thousand* will view "it" perhaps from a cirrus cage or at county fair*, and try to arrive at some coocIuhIoii concerning iU [nature. hicken was of the blue 'game" variety, and had every ear- liiiark of a perfectly normal rooster —but it wasn't. Injured In Wreck With fiftueu good looking stenographers to operate them, there is a p-rfeclly good reaRon for the legUIntiii mainliig In session so long. -4 bo secretary of t ^nks and Resources Show Decline Now the plan has been given govornmentul sane-j _______ ; _ '-v- .up uumeuij uiano to Rind, the car owned aed drlv«n bv lion. A bill was recently pawied In the leglalaluro 'to' Ht'GH fH-lTIU.M'S MOXl'MKXT Carolina when those gentlo-^^fr. Luther Ring, non of Dr. Blag provided better hunting la North Carolina, and to giv-i This week's issue of The Elkin; Illness of .^.^s ditched when it failed to noro^ l«d..n,r. in llin .1.,, „v,nn.. ihnrnWm.'' i-.a,. TOlnn. nm. ■"■ ll.U- enrv.. ,l„onrt When tho leglslutoni got back home ihev may tor-, **“• Pro'-Uons of this measure landowners may ' -and'^h^ho " ir 4*'*''*’''*' 4^'^*'' ’ ’ J"'"!: get tax problems and legislative difficulties, hut they'll'®*^ association, adopt rules and regulations, stipulate i Hugh Chatham Memorial snV^ Tat Makfaq T nno- ‘"'riT'' to a splendid man. whose. * 3r3CllUtC JUIUp way between Mocksvllle and Yad- Kood w;^orks live after him. . kinville. at about 9 A. M. The trip .under the Department of Conservation and Devel Three thousand acres will he th.- mtelmum area ' "Cltizehs of Elkin, rocognized under this act. and a charge of 14.00 per "who loved ui PO From a recent report issued from the Hanking De- day for hunting privilege.* is established n.s the- maxi- '“*“ Chatham partmeni of tho Corporation commission concerning mum price for hunting. .friend, applaud auto banks and trust companies, it Is shown that dur-. It Is hoped that so Ing the past year the number of stale banks have do-1 In Surry county will organize th«lr nelghhom creased by 70. The resources have suffered a corres-' nece-sary area at once and b- prepared to op- ponding decrease, * — 000, a not decline Ing the name perl >f bulli A cat was released Sunday after-!*'^'* been made from their borne at on from the plane piloted by Ed.Olive, and because of the d»- wkirk, at the dizzy heights of f'^vtlvs brakes it was Impogslbl* to t J.oou feet. Mr. Tom, although'^’"* i^own to the speed noc- Rsary for safely making the curve. Mr, Wilmoth III The Trlb- respected th-‘ n neighbor and X Is Inseparably linked wlih this Inexperlrn.'cd In aeronauiles. made a ilion which will mean so much perfect landing, eoming down close; i? 'I’c P'nco where tho plane left the, 2.000.000 against I264.00O.- this measure. The Slate will give its aid and advice hosp'ltnl. and" “i!' honoring t"hf ho***'''"'Site Hi “adement weather a' $.8,000,000. National banks dur-,us to tho methods of game propagation, and will'pltal with hi* name. The Hugh , multitude of people went to tho field 1 k, , were decreased by ten. The total the land and lend its influence in the prosecution of Chatham Memorial Hospital Is but a lo witness the performance Mr ' **' former resi le and national banks show a de- violations of the laws governing the area. [fitting tribute lo a man who has .Newkirk himself recently exoer'' f”"' buslneiui man of this city, crease of approximately $109,000,000. There 1* no question in our mind that this planl™^'**'* “> ‘his commuEity. and lenced the sensa’tlon of dropping mlh-s /'I “^0.*'"'1.*’'’“!.^ Hecause of the unprecedented numbers of baok'wtli work to the definite advantage of the l«ndowaer. 4':’'™ «P«ce when he made his rrlends will V. failures and the enormous deeliue in bank r-emiirce*. But It is just another case whore there will need bei “ '“J**®' “ «>»• first par.aehnte jump about . . .u 1 . , , _ ° The Hugh Chatham Hospital cost weeks aco Th*« g stat-. the closest sort of co-operation between the group and noo.OOO, and Is a beautiful build- any fe^ of Inlnrv to Mr Tom present , the state, and between the individual and the group, ling m a beautiful mountain Betting.i,hough there ^"" lutle nJssmmv believe that the farmer would derive a lot of pleas-'Dr. Harry L. Johnson, of Greeoa-Jthatlie knew wh;it It was all abouL' North Carolina ranks unu.suully But there are brighter day.s ahead, legtslture has provided for a separate eommission to supervise slate h;iiiks and [rust companies. At the-ure from the wild creature*, when he recognized in'*'oto- Is at the head of it. The bos-' head of this commission Governor Gardner has appoint- th-m a source of revenue. Quail and pheasants would IP'*®* I*® l.-’inched ed a man who Is both capable and consciontions. and help to rid his crops of insects, und there is every rea-4‘°“ Monday, aud The Tribune who has the confidence of the-banks and of the people, son to balleve that the advantage would at least balance! P*''“"’es of the staff of nurses We have reason to believe that C.-mml-ssioner Hood the disadvantage of the presence of increased wild life: «nJ fhat in itsolf proves 1... .U. iS. o’e on. r™,.„ Vila hav.. crept into the financial institu- The Tribune will hear with genuine satistacliou of is that it provides a year's care for **" ’*'** property for la.xatlon. ‘plans to organize such an area la Surry county. a charily patient for $600. and the'*’'"''*®** allotted ending many friends will regret to loam. •vu. V. ... I serious i.s his condition that Tn^inrr‘'’^«*M ' Httle hope is entertained for his re- ■ One Week Left To New York of the tiODR C The new supervtsioa will tend to reslor- publ'e contlUenco in banks, and with the unilfipaled Improve ment in economic conditions, it Is not unreasonable to expect thar ou- bank resources will show a decided up-! ”■ " will be millions of dollars available'*' AlfonTo Gets The Pink .Slip The Spanish people elected to hand the pink slip King Alfonzo, which is mighty hard for a king jj, I swallow so he up and left. Hut he didn’t cloao the gate nd “'■aliist his return; h- can't recognize the hand that j^ihas betn writing on the wall for the past 9S1 years and some day to go back to his comfy throne nod authority. He considers his kingly rights accumulated by history" for which he will one Uny answer for their preservation. Tho being concerned moro about the‘“ own rights. for deposit when Hi" public renews lu confide; hanks safe places to deposit its surplus wealth, and “kaliisl this will add materially to needed relief, not alone to'*'®* the banks, but ail down tbe line. '• *'"1’ KIkin banks have long been numbered among thoso’*'*" with safe and sound inanagonient. and there has been ' '**'1’°* little to bother the mind of the average deposMor, but i* even the best of them must suffer because of the faiu! ore of others, and our local institutions will he able to ‘ ***** little matter of Inheritance, and busied render a greater service when these difficulties have fi*® ‘“"it forming a republic, boon Ironed out to the sallsfaeiion of all. 1 Reputed to be well-fixed financially In his own V hundred Or n few thousand tied' '‘iKht, Alfonzo shouldn't find It hard to live this thing ■Rkln store, and Bill Spainhour, of [the Hickory Branch of the Spain- In which'hour company, left Sunday for New the Turk City, where they are spending . iext;»e*®rnl days in the Interest of the popularity of this proposition is [firm, buying goods for their four Idenced in the fact that tbe Cente-' -Messrs. French Graham and j..stores. nary Methodist church of Winston*. *i*f takers forj Salem ha.s bought a room fer pa- *^‘**'“ township, state that a larg O.IRI) OF th-\vk tients It may send there. Wulle some number have not as yet made a re- other organizations are arranging **"’“ propuriy. and to date "e wish to thank our friends aud to follow suit. The people of Elkin “ noticeable decreuso Is found In the,'"''•Kbbors for the meny acts of kind- havft done themselves proud in the valuation. However, a good' shown us during the lllnesH shape into which they have resolved **** decrease Is expected 1 o'"* death of our husband and a testimonial to tho worth of one *“ offsei when the final returns' of the beat citizens North Carolina *’uve been made. New bulldlogS' MRS. J. C. HCRT. ever knew.—Charlotte Observer, constructed during the past year will April l,8ih. ,lond a hanil in raising the tlgures. They urge up In an place for We Make Our Best Bow THE TRIBCXPrs HOSFITAL 4®®* to make a return to do so be- KIHTIOX expiration date, next Thura- Ve congratulate our good neigh-uvold future trouble and Ibor, Tho Elkin Tribune, on its S6-iP®n“'tio.i. oli .o,k r-m-mb-r Ihb. in. I””"- r-lbnlns '.n't .Imy. . ple...nt Jbb at b»t. -»■ j,'’h"''oB'’.n"br o“'thTHbn"cSLm t Claude DavIs Spnt tho money Is In a goc-J hank. there are responsibilities and formalities to be|Moniorlal Hospital at that place ; LFdVlS 06111 measured up to. But like our owe politicians who fatten jThe issue is well-printed and a tt™.;, To Jail For 30 Davs themselves onto a public job, they dlsHko to turn it loose ttvoly arranged and carries a pleas- and oftentimes try to perpetuate It as a sort of fainily{>nft volume ol advertising. Sneh an Inheritance. They seem to think that lengthy service 1 ***1® reflects credit, not only on the entitles them to ownorabip. j Publishers themselves but on tbe Anyway. Alfonzo had the first page for two-thive monufseturing days, and now be will be promptly forgotten unleM be unsuspectingly proves himself a good sport and bursts out living a pea'ceful Hfo. or ut-less be proves himself a fool and tries to get bis old Job back. In either case be will Se "good copy" once again. Fnkln has double cause to be proud of its new hospital. Not only will it meet a long-felt need in the relief of physical pain and suffering, but its presence Is giving this splendid little city of tbe bills favorable publicity that Is deserved. The state papers, both dally -abd weekly press, have commented on the opening here •|»« Monday ef an inslltutloa that will mean mueh to tbe town. We do not have room to carry all the nice tblogs that hsro been oaid about us, but we would have oar neighbors know that we appreciate every bit of It. Tbo TVibune is prond of Its share in this publlelty. 'Tbe HoepltsI issue that came from onr presses has helped to accentuate tbe Importanci. of tbe undertak ing; the tact that the typographical arrangement of the Issne «u tar above tbe average has provoked favorable comment Ihat has made us a bit chesty, but we will be excused, we know, when we admit that this. too. is d^ served. Msny things will eontribnte to make the yeer 1981 an Important ratleetone in the progress of Elkin, but none more eb than the opening of this splendid Institn- tloD within our borders. The question of whether dancing should be allowed St Davidson College bss used up much valuable space In the newspapers recently, end with the result that the yonngstere will probably use their own Judgment abont the matter and either find a way or make one— to dance. In 1900 there were less than 10 miles of concrete road In al! tbe United Stafes; in 1929 more than 40.- 000 miles. A new radio-beacon is 0 be eitnbllsbed at Fowey Rocks lighthouse, to guide ships through the stmts of Florida. corns who helped to make it poest- bte. If there is anything to tbe theory (and there Is) that a news paper la the mirror of the commun ity In which It la published, then The Tribune's issue of last week can but leave a very favorable impree- sloe of a migbty good town down the river—Wilkes Patriot. April loth. Charlotte. M. C., April I7tb. 1931. Mr. C. 8. Poster, Elkin Tribune. Elkin. N. C. Dear Mr. Foster: Just received your hospital edition of your spleodid paper—one of tbe beet special editions I have had the pleesure of looking over tn a long while. I hasten to congratulate tbe folks of the tine town of Elkin Claud Davis was taken Into today by Deputy Sberltt C. F. Foster this morning on a charge of public drunkenness. He was taken before R. L. Lovelace. Justice of t^e Peace, where he received a sentence of 89 days in the county Jail. Davis' plea of suhftltutlng a fine Instead of tbe Jail sentence did not meet with the approval of Mr. Lovelace, who said that he was sending him to Jail Id order to sober him up. Hold Conference Many delegates attended the 11th annuel conference of Yadkin Valley Friends, held hare test week at the church in North Elkin. Judge Johnson J. Hayes, of Greensboro, was scheduled to be present, but he was called to South Carolina for a court aesslon, and in hla stead Claire J. Miller, of Guil ford College, was secured to fill a part on the program. -MR. AND MRS. R. C. FELTS, STATEMENT . Reece desires to state that Dt a candidate tor the office mmlasloner of the Town of Elkin In the election t NOTICE North CaroUnoL, Sorry Coonty In tbe Superior Court Nancy Cropps by her next friend Will Croppe, Cainie Kellam Tbe defendant above named will take notice that a summons tn the above entitled action was Issued egelnst the defendant on tbe Slit day of March 1931, for damages due plaintiff for seduction under promise of marrlsge, and a warrant of at tachment against the property of said defendant, which are reiurs- able to the Superior Court, of Surry County, the defendant Is required to appear and answer or demur to the complaint, filed within 30 days or the plaintiff will apply to tba court for the relief demanded in the complaint. Thie April 1st, 1981. P. T. LHWELLTN, 8 Clerk Superior Court.