Ijittls Town Ib North Carolina" VOL. No. XXI No. 14 Oscar Hawks On Trial For Murder At Dobson; Frazier Case Put Off SET FOR MONDAY Grand Jury Returns A True Bill In Floyd Stanley Case SHOT BILL JENKINS Oscar Hawks, 22, of the Round Peak community of Surry county, wan on trial for his life in superior court at Dobson late Wednesday af ternoon on a charge of the murder of Greely Holder in November, 1931. Hawks, a small, pale-faced youth, was subjected to a rigid cross exami nation by Solicitor Carlyle Higgins as the afternoon session dragged to a close. According to his evidence, he (Hawks), had had trouble with Holder upon several occasions prior to the killing. He stated that Hold er, who was said to have been a man weighing approximately 180 pounds, had struck him upon one occasion at the home of his sister, and that he had gotten a pistol and fired at the man several times. For the shooting he was given four months on the roads, but he escaped (Continued On Last Page) BANK DOORS REMAIN CLOSED FEW WEEKS Spradlin Wants to See Depositors At Any Time, However Although declining to comment on prospects of the Elkln National Bank opening again, W. H. Spradlin, of Winston-Salem, who has been ap pointed receiver to liquidate the in stitution, stated Tuesday that it would be necessary to keep the doors locked for the next three or four weeks while he and hU as sistants cleared up a multitude of detail work necessary In carrying out his office. He stated that the public had no idea of the multitudious amount of detail work necessary, including copies of which must go to the of fice of the comptroller at Washing ton. However, Mr. Spradlin wished it made clear that he is handling his job in a spirit of sympathy and wants no one to fee! hesitant about (Continued Ou Last Page) Appoint E. S. Spainhour As Town Commissioner At the monthly meeting of the town commissioners held Monday night, E. S. Spainhour, manager of Spainhour's Department store here, wat appointed as commissioner to Bucceed the late A. G. Click, it was learned Tuesday. Aside from Mr. Spainhour's appointment, no other business of importance was trans acted. Church Going Thief Swipes Hats During Service Hour Here It v.'ould seem that times are getting pretty bard when thieves torn their attention to churches and pilfer hats during service*. Last Sunday a Week ago two church members attended services at the Baptist church here, only to return home bareheaded. Sun day night, a Baptist minister from Wilkesboro, who was here as * guest, was also made a hatless victim. According to information gain ed from various and sundry sources, the church doors were looked Sunday night after the service was under way in *9 ef fort to protect all unsuspecting hcuulgunr, but without avail. The miming hat loft upon a strange bend. And now it looks as If the Bap tists are going to be forced to at tend services bareheaded if the unknown thief ism't soon sppav hsnded. - ifh fly' I J 9 I / a ■ nl* ■ i i For R. R. Wage Cut -r—g^ A JR ." jHsjMßbjjgirA^H Daniel Willard, president of the B. & O. Railway, asked all railroad men to accept a 10 per cent cut so the roads could live. BANK OF ELKIN HAS STOCKHOLDERS MEET Satisfactory Report Is Given By Cashier J. H. Beeson At the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Bank of Elkln, which was held Saturday, a satisfac tory report was submitted by J. H. Beeson, casrier, for the year. Con sidering fusiness conditions which have prevailed, the stockholders were more than pleased, and pros pects for 1932 were bright. A con siderable increase in deposits in re cent weeks was shown. ... .. T. J. Byerly, of Winston-Salem, was elected president to succeed W. J. Byerly, who is retiring from the presidency because of a press of other business affairs which are proving a strain upon his health. The newly elected president has spent the majority of his time here since the recent failure of the Elkln National Bank. H. F. Gray was elected vice-presi dent, and Mr. Beeson succeeded him self as cashier. Directors elected were J. R. Poindexter, W. J. Byerly, H. F. Gray, W. E. Jones, J. H. Bee son, and T. J. Byerly. The new president will divide his time between the bank here and the Planter's Bank of Walnut Cove, with which he is connected. THIEVES TAKE S2OO LOOT FROM EXPRESS Force Door Of Local Of fice and Depart With Tobaccos Thieves of unknown identity broke inta he local express office at the depot here Wednesday night, Janu ary 27, and departed with loot val ued at over S2OO, it has been learned from W. E. Jones, express agent. No trace of the offending party or parties has been found. Probably using a heavy iron bar, those responsible for the theft forced the office door, Mr. Jones said, twenty thousand cigarettes, a large quantity of tobacco, and an over coat, were taken. A special agent of the express company, who has been investigating the theft, has as yet found no clue, it was learned. Usually, in a case of this sort, the thieves have a ready market for their pilfered loot, in some cases having already arranged for its disposal before the actual crime i* committed, it was said. The overcoat which was taken was the property of one of the employees of the express company, Mr. Jones said. Direct Line Being: Buiit To Mt Airy 'Work is now under way upon a direct telephone line between this n ity and Mt. Airy, it has been learned, thß new line going by way of Dobson. In the past, all phone calls have been routed by w.y of Winston- Saiem. ELKIN, N. C„ THURSII RUMORS THAT LOCA HOSPITAL TO aOS BRANDED AS UNTRU Institution Offering 1 Accept Farm Product As Pay IS CREDIT TO TOW Widely circulated rumors that t Hugh Chatham Memorial hospi will he forced to close becai funds are tied up in the funct Elkln National Bank, w pronounced absolutely wit ho foundation Wednesday by Dr. H. Johnson, Rev. L. B. Abernethy a Mason Llllard, hospital officials. Due to the fact that many £ trons of the hospital have been u able to pay their obligations, the 1 stitution is generously offering accept produce at market price payment for services rendered. Tt will enable the hospital to contin its valuable service to suffering h manity, and at the same time w! help those owing the institution meet their obligations. The Hugh Chatham hospital hi rendered a valuable service since was opened last spring, caring for great number of charity patiec who otherwise would have been u able to have hospital aid, in ad tion to providing for local emerge cies. MUCH INTEREST IS SHOWN IN SCHOO Students Also Bein Taught Care of The Body Much enthusiasm is being shot in the local adult night scho sponsored by the Woman's Club this city, according to a statemf made Tuesday by Miss Eva Edg ton, director of this work. M Edgerton, together with Mrs. W.. Whltaker, Mrs. H. T. Brown, M Elizabeth Anderson -and Mrs. W. Sparger are conducting these clas here Monday and Thursday even!) at 7:30 and Misses Edgerton s Anderson have classes at Lit Richmond on Tuesday and Fri evenings. They are also hav day classes at Jenkinstown on Tv day and Friday mornings from 9 to 11:30. In addition to the rt ments of reading and writing students are being taught the c of the body and a varied diet v the hope of producing a m healthy as well as intelligent cltii ship. A list of health rules will published next week. Member of Commits R. L. Lovelace, of this city, been appointed a member of Republican executive committee Surry county. It was learned N day. Mr. Lovelace, who succeed F. Carter, of Elkin, will reprei Elkin township. Complete* Reconstruction Itoei Wilson McCarthy, Salt Lake i Democrat, was named by Presto Hoover on Friday as the seventh rector of the board governing $2,000,000,000 Reconstruction nance corporation. The $500,0 000 National Credit corporation cease operations and turn its w over to the new corporation. Jap - Chines Continues At Prop* A major battle between the « anese and Chinese was believed minent Wednesday following Japi balk at a peace proposal submii by the United States, Great Brit France and Italy in which it j stipulated that there mast be a nation of violence, no more preparations, the withdrawal combatantn from points Of cos and the establishment of neu zones to protect the internath settlement and prompt advancta ward settlement of all ontstam controversies between her and Cl in the spirit of the Kellogg anti pact and the League of Nations olutions of December 9, wlthoutl

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