n —DM.—■ .. nTi c —n»o—. , THE GAB BAG (By Alan Browning, Jr.) HELP AT LAST Elkin, Jan 4.—(United Peat)— A quick and peaceful settlement of the Sino-Japanese affair is expected momentarily with the appointment of Eugene S. Spainhour to the town board of commissioners. Mr. Spain hour is planning to take drastic steps, although it is not known in what direction. "I have been reliably informed," the great man told a representative of the United Pest today, "that the Japs are massing a great force at Peepye, south of the Whoosoofloo river. Whether for the purpose of bombarding the city or for taking a bath, has not yet been learned. However, the outlook is critical." SICK HEADACHE From Constipation Hem is a purely vego ySl table medicine which |j3Eg»Elj has benefited thousands of men, wcmen and chll ! dren. and which you should try when troubled MBBBIS ! w,th constipation, i—ll - gestlon, or biliousness. .. Wf Mr H. Rogllllo, of Lake Charles, La., wrifs: "When I let myself get constipated, I feel dull and sluggish and all out of sorts, not equal to my work. When one has this feeling it is time to take some . thing before he feels worse. I cer tainly have found Black-Draught quick to relieve. I used to have se vere sick headaches and suffer a great deal. I found this came from constipation, and that Blaok-Draught would correct it That is why I be gan using THEDFORD'S , taA-u Black-Draught When Theatres Burned Tbe Iroquois theatre fire in Chicago, la 1903, caused 580 death* and 250 i» furies. A Montreal motion picture thea tre fire, in 1927, caused 78 deaths and SO injuries. Toda;, we have better buildings t thea tres are safer and audiences recognia* the importance of acting calmly In danger. Today, too, the value of adequate in surance is more thoroughly understood •ad appreciated, and the slock fire in surance agr&t, always ready to help you* usuplsi an important place hi ys« anasm unity. Paul Gwyn fNSURANCE ALL LINES Security Service Phone 258 Elkin, N. C. I OP _ i - CALL*, Vou >I6H* » DO NOTHING YOU HAONT OUGHTEG.' If you want 100 per cent service, come to Abernethy's. We don't do things half-way here. From our spotless "white fountain to our modern prescription department, it's as 100 per cent perfect as, we know how to make it. And you can bet your life you're 100 per cent welcome when you make us a visit! ABERNETHY'S "It is my plan (and I prefer to be quoted in headlines), to have thiß army equipped with Java soap in case they are really contemplating a bath. In that case the soap will take all the skin off and leave them unfit for further fighting. "Now at Whangwhi the situation is more desperate. I have been re liably informed that the Japs have beei attacking the city with bean shooters. This dastardly action must be nipped in the bud! How to do it? Easy. Soak their ammuni tion in water! Then the beans will flutter harmlessly to the earth, take root, then the Chinese will harvest a great crop of beans. "Another situation that has been called to my attention and which I am keeping an eye on, is the earth quake that recently shook Cuba. However, I find it impossible to give muqh assistance in that direction until the Jap affair is over." At this point the rising young politician regretfully tore himself away to go wait upon a young lady who wished to purchase a 39 cent pair of hose. IDLE RAMBLINGS The local drug stores missed a good opportunity for free advertis ing when they failed to attach a sign below the notice which appear ed upon the door of the Elkin Na tional Bank at the time of closing. The ad should have read: "For smelling safts go to Blah Drug Com pany." Every person in Elkin read the notice, and a majority of them needed smelling salts. Once upon a time th© local mer chants signed an agreement to park their cars on back streets, thus leav ing Main street clear for shoppers. Once upon a time it was an nounced that all persons double lurking on Main street would be arrested. Horse feathers! * * * LOOKING DOWN MAIN STREET E. F. McNeer standing in front of the Elkin National Bank building telling several bystanders that good times are just around the corner . . . W. J. Snow headed for the bowling alley . . . Paul Reich, bare headed, headed nowhere in particu lar .. . E. W. McDaniel wondering whether or not to put on a fire sale now that Ray & Gilliam has burned . . . Commissioner Spainhour walk ing with bowed head as the burden of city government rests heavily . . . I Local cake-eaters putting in a hard day of loafing around local drug stores and giving all the girls a treat, provided the girls have a a" "" "" " 1 EXPERT WATCH #and Clock Repairing Years Experience S. E. SHUMATE Main Street Elkin, N. C. ■ I THE ELKIN TRIBUNE, ELKIN, NORTH CAROLINA nickel . . . Member of the Unity club trying to borrow a dictionary in which to look up the word "unity" . . . Duck Burcham leaning against the door facing of his store wondering when to put on another rubber sale . . . Julius Hall, crossing the street in front of his store hum ming "Star Brand Shoes Are Bet-1 ter." • * * THIS AND THAT The local fire department, in throwing great quantities of water into the Ray & Gilliam store last week, was evidently of the that a wet suit of clothes is not as liable to burn as a dry suit. And Mr. Ray and Mr. Gilliam, if per chance they Bhould decide to hold a sale, shonldn't call it "Fire Sale." "Water Sale" would be far more appropriate. Simpson reliably reports that an investigation of the contents of the store immediately after the flood disclosed but one dry article—and that was a rain coat. It might also be remarked in passing that the local fire fighters overlooked one section of the plate glass front. It ft not even cracked. Both the Ray & Gilliam fire and the fir e the following night in the home of Wade Shugart were both of unknown origin.- Simpson said it was probably that rat. Although democratic politically, Oswald H. Gumbersnitz says he de tests the slogan: "He Haw, We're Coming Back." Having a jackass as a party emblem is insinuation enough, he says. McDANIEL TO CLOSE OUT BUSINESS HERE Is Beginning Sale Which AVill Last Until Entire Stock Haw Been Disposed Of McDaniel's, Incorporated, one of 1 Elkln's leading department stores, located on Main street here, is this week beginning a mammoth "going out of business" sale, in which the entire stock is to be sold at greatly reduced prices. E. F. McDaniel, owner of the busi ness, states that economic conditions ire responsible for his decision tu quit business. The sale, which is to run until the entire stock is disposed of, is to feature prices that will move the goods regardless of loss. "We in tend to sell down to the bare walls," Mr. McDaniel stated. A double-page ad, to be found elsewhere in this Issue, gives an idea of the savings which are being of fered. LOOKING BACKWARD 12 YEARS Interesting items from Tribune i files of 12 years ago this week. Attorney E. C. James spent the early part of last week in Durham on professional business. Mr. J. R. Poindexter, after having been confined to his room for the past two weeks with a severe case of the mumps, is back at his place of business again, his many friends will be glad to learn. Of the 250,000 orphan children without food and clothing in the Near East, Surry county has been assigned 56 to feed and clothe dur ing the year at S6O each, making a total of $3,360 for our people to contribute. Dobson, Feb. 2.—Special.—The regular February term of superior court for Surry county opened here this morning and adjourned after ward in compliance with a ruling by the county board of health. This action was taken in an effort to prevent the spread of Spanish In fluenza which is epidemic in Elkin and Mt. Airy. •Mr. G.'G. Mitchell, of Charlotte, has purchased the Amuzu theatre. He has closed the business for a few weeks pending a considerable amount of repair which he expects to have done to the building for the better accommodation of its patrons. The county commissioners met in Dobson today in regular session. Nothing out of the regular routine was done. The county highway i commission met with quite a number of citizens and discussed plans for laying out highways in various parts of the county. Convict labor has been arranged for and work In earnest is expected to begin at once. Bank Head Sentenced R. 8. Travis, president of the de funct. Weldon Bank & Trust com pany, Weldon, was on February 4 sentenced to four months in Jail for keeping his bank open when he knew it to be insolvent. He did not resist the charge made against him. Peddlers wijl soon learn to give Elkin a wide berth If the ladies here ~i!l tcssE thssa there !« no n«« to knock on fthe door. I / 81" , .ri Bethel News Ronda, route 2, Feb. B.—We read in the news items from different places of the fine Sunday schools and splendid attendance, and we hid them Godspeed tin this great woA. What an opportunity to go to the house dedicated to our Master, to worship every Sabbath morning! Our attendance is not so „ large but we have a good Sunday school of which we are thankful. We also have a good singing choir. The leader is always ready and glad to go with the singers at any time and place; but we did not go to Pleasant Grove last fifth Sun day owing to the misunderstanding. It was thought that another singing would not be held until the fifth Sunday in May, but we learn they had a fine singing. We only regret we were not there with them. The singing for May will be held at this same church and we hope lots of ' singers will be present. Everyone will have a hearty welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Johnson of Greensboro, visited their sister, Mrs. S. C. Pardue and Mr. Pardue a few dayß last week. Mrs. Joe Mathis, who has been se riously ill at the Wilkes Hospital for the past two weeks, is able to return to her home, we are glad to note. Mrs. Thomas Myers of Elkiu, spent a part of last week near here ?"y FINE I |fs§Sl REPAIRING FTjEj! f Two Expert Repairmen In Charge cTw. STEELE Jeweler E. Main St Elkin, N. C. GXjpfEAß| When you install Goodyear Tires there is no guess work—no worry as to whether or not they stand up, as is the case when an inferior make is bought. Goodyear Tires have been na tionally known for years as THE leading make— * vN. that millions more are on duty today than any other make is convincing proof of their super * iority. So why gamble with chance by installing 3m rubber represented as good as Goodyears when _ you may have Goodyears at no greater cost? gjfP Goodyear I TAKE NO CHANCES All-Weather Tread I Although the winter months '/ . .ammm past have brought very little mJA M£ JW freezing weather, don't take chances with your radiator. SBg|| A freezing cold night and an M a «0b mm unprotected radiator could 19 cost you plenty. Drive by to- 1 day and we'll fix your car up (A 40y91 \ for cold weather with a safe "» anti-freeze. nannJ Other Sizes Priced Equally Low I Double Eagle Service to. I SHELL GAS AND OIL i WILLAKD fyATTEKIES GOODYEAR TIRES I £ EXPERT REPAIR WORK BY COMPETENT with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. R. G. Myers, while Mr. Myers was away at northern cities in the interest of Ray ft Gilliam's store: Mr. Lytle Mcßride came up from Greensboro last Saturday to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Mc- Bride. The neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Triplett enjoyed some fine string music at their home last Wednesday evening, given by Messrs. J. Gilliam, Hubert Wolf and Ralph Triplett, of Jonesville. "Frankenstein" Delayed Until Saturday, Feb. 20 The motion picture "Franken stein," originally advertised to ap pear at the Lyric theatre Saturday, will not show here until the follow ing Saturday, February 20, it was announced today by the theatre management. Due to the fact that there was an error in the booking, the picture will not be available un til the later date, It was explained. Eyes Examined Office: Glasses Fitted Elkin National Bank Bldg. DR. P. W. GREEN OPTOMETRIST Specializing in straightening cross eyes and correcting errors of vision. Exam inations on Tuesdays 1 to B, 7 to 8:80 P. M. j NOTICE NOTICE J I Pay your electric light bills before the 10th of each j r month and save the discount. J SOUTHERN PUBUC UTILITIES CO. j Thursday, February 1L 1932 rji" frP^TTTTTTIffIfIIBinKBfITSHrTBTMi^ Somebody Is asking the informa tion column for a definition of "the happy mean." The happy mean nowadays, we guess, are those who eared something when they had it. -■-Boston Herald. CHAS. R. DARNELL Local and Long Distance Haul ing. Good Trucks. Careful Drivers. Temporary Phone .150 YOU CALL-WE HAUL i —r, TAKE BROWNE'S V-URO IVOLE Manufactured and Guaranteed by Choate & Browne Elkin, N. C. Mail Orders Filled Promptly

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