Thursday, March 24, 1932 . .".iWITr'V ' ■ " •.- —■■ mapr? - p*** Dobson, March 22. —The Dobaon Womans club held its regular monthly meeting at the Brady hotel en Thursday evening. The presi dent, Mrs. A. D. Folger, presided. "The reports of the secretary and ti«asurer were heard and approved. An unusually fine report, was given »y the chairman of the finance com mittee showing large proceeds re ceived from a play sponged by the club. Miss Eva Hancocf; chairman of th« Finance committee for March, -presented a lovely gift to Mrs. J. W. Thore in behalf of the club, express lug the appreciation of the club for_ "her fine work in successfully coach-" lng the play. Definite plans were laid for further cleaning up and beautifying the Dobson cemetery, a -project which the club has recently -undertaken. An American Home -program followed the business meet ing. A splendid lecture on "Home -Making" was delivered by Miss Ani ta Hobson, head of the .Home Eco nomics department of the Dobson school. Miss Hobson Introduced her talk with a touching appeal on the meaning of Home, bringing a per sonal message to each of her hear ers. The key note of her address was summed in these words "to be content with what we have, but not satisfied until our homes reflect the TAKE BROWNE'S VURO |V>kE Manufactured and Guaranteed by Choate & Browne Elkiii, N. C. Mail Orders Filled Promptly EXPERT WATCH #and Clock Repairing Experience S. E. SHUMATE kfain Street Elkin, N. C. v- V , » ♦ THE BEST BUY IN RUBBER • / A w GOODYEARS • Goodyear Tires lead the world in values. Millions more are sold than any other make. Don't you think that's a good argu . ment why you should equip your car with them? DOUBLE EAGLE SERVICE CO. Eikin, N. C. • .. - . L ;5 .' ■ - -jJt • ■■ best in ourselves." The speaker fol lowed with a delightful and instruc tive discburse on the Interior and exterior of the home, showing the effect of proper coloring, picture hanging and furniture arrangement. A poem on what makes a home a home was effectively read by Mrs. W. L. Reece. Mrs. M. A. Lewis de lighted the members with a beauti ful solo "Cottage Small by a Water Fall". The Pilot Mountain Wom ans Club irf extended an invitation to be guests *of the Dobson Club in April. A delicious ice course, sug gestive of St. Patrick's Day, was served by the following members serving on the entertainment com mittee for this month: Miss Myrtle Burgess, Chm., Misses Georgia Fulk, Tbelma Shore, Emma Comer, Ver dye Jackson, Mesdames Frank Riggs, W. W. Ashburn, A. D. Folger. C. W. Fowler and J. E. Monday. Mrs. A. D. Folger entertained the members, of the Womanc Club Coun cil at a beautifully appointed dinner on Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. W. L. Reece. The guests were received at the door by Miss Thelma Shore- and directed by the hostess into the dining room where they found their places at the table by means of dainty green baskets with St. Patricks place cards attached and holding green and white mints. The table bore as its central decoration a lovely green and yellow Easter nest decorated with gaily colored eggs, fluffy chicks and tiny rabbits. Crystal baskets holding yellow Jon quils graced each end of the tabid. A delicious three-course turkey din ner was served, each course carry ing out St. Patrick color scheme of green and white. Following the dinner an executive business session was held. Those enjoying this de lightful occasion were Mesdames W. M. Jackson, Grady Cooper, B. F. Will Castor Oil Physic The Bladder No, but juniper oil will. You can drive out impurities and excess acids which cause bladder weakness, backache, leg pains and burning. Get Juniper oil in the form of Bu kets, the bladder physic, also con taining buchu leaves, etc. Use a 25c test box and if not satisfied your druggists will return your money. You are bound to feel bet ter after this cleansing and you get your regular sleep. Sold by Turner Drug Company. THE ELKIN TRIBUNE. ELKIN. NORTH CAROLINA Folger, W. E, Reid, W. S. Hancock, W. W. Ashburn, G. S. Mock. Misses Eva Hancock, Thelma Shore, Emma Comer, Minnie Chandler, Elizabeth Norman and the hostess, Mrs. Fol der. A delightful comedy-drama en titled "A Fortunate Calamity" was presented under the auspices of the Dobson Wo mans Club at the high { school building on Wednesday eve ning. The play as a whole register-! Ed a great success and the large ' audience swelled the proceeds which ! will be used by the club for charity; and civic purposes. Much credit should be given all the players for the roles so ably played by each.! The play was given under the man-! agement of Miss Eva Hancock, | chairman of the Finance committee j for March, and coached by Mrs. J. W. Thore. Those taking part in the: play were as follows: Misses Ver dye Jackson, Emma Comer, Edith Reece, Minnie Chandler and Mrs. John Comer, and Messrs. Bill Free man. Morgan Stanley, Franklin Fol ger, and Spencer Norman. SWAN CREEK NEWS There was a large attendance at Sunday school last Snnday, there be ing 109 present. The many friends of MJss Evelyn Myers regret to know that she is ill at her home suffering with pneu monia. We wish for her a speedy recovery. Miss Opal Pinnix, of Jonesville, spent last Saturday night and Sun day-wTth her aunt, Mrs. Saul Pinnix. Misses Ella Mae and Maxino Mathis and Anna Lee Swaim, spent Sunday with Miss V. L. Swaim. Mr. and Mrs. 1 Blayne Mayberry and children, of Fishing Creak, spent last week-end with Mr. and Mrs.Mon Myers. Miss Ethel Adams spent last Thursday night with Miss Pearl Mathis. Miss Opal Weatherman spent the week-end in Winston-Salem visiting relatives. Mr. and-Mrs. Myers and Utile son, Bobby, spent-Sunday with Mr. Myers' parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Myers. Mr. and Mrs. Bilson Vestal spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Vestal. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Myers and children, of Elkin, visited Mr. Myers' brother, Mr. Mon Myers, last Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Dobbins, of Cycle, visited Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Myers last Sunday. Mrs. Mary Hemric spent last week in Elkin visiting Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Pardue. Rev. Richard Pardue and son, R. 8., attended. prayer meeting at the home of Mr. W. A. Halleman, near Island Ford, last Sunday evening. Miss DeEtte Swaim, of Elkin, spent the week-end with her mother Mrs. C. A. Swaim. BETHEL NEWS Ronda, Route 1. March 21.—Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Oreen and son Col onel, visited relatives at Union, near Cycle, last Sunday. Mr. and W. A. Pardue with their son, Millard, were the guests of their daughter and family last Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Wood ruff, near Boonvllle. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Gray and children of Cycle, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Swaim and small daughter, of Swan Creek, spent a while last Sunday with Mesdames Gray and Swaim's brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Stroud. Mrs. C. W. Gilliam .has returned home from Winston-Salem where she has been with her daughter, Mrs. J. B. Armstrong, who has been ill. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Vestal visited the former's mother,"* nea r Fall Creek last Sunday afternoon.' Ernest Johnson spent last Sunday at Elkin with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. T. N. Green visited Mrs. Green's mother, Mrs. William Gray, near Pleasant Grove, last Sun day. Miss Opal Mathis, who is a stu dent at Ronda High School, has re turned after being absent for sev eral weeks due to the serious Illness of her mother, Mrs. Jos Mathis, who is much improved we aro glad to note. COOLSPRTNGS NEWS Our Sunday School met Sunday with 114 present. An interesting class session was held after which plana were advanced'for a children's day program the third Sunday in April-. Our Quartette filled an appoint ment at. Friendship in the afternoon and another at Fall Creek in the evening. Mr. J. Woodson Newman and fam ily «nd Mr. w»»l Vanhoy and family, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. O, P. Holbrook Sunday. Mr. Glenn Baugiss filled an ap pointment at Cool springs Saturday night. Mr. Levi Alexander, ofJSlkln, wss a visitor at the Young Peoples Bible Class Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Myers, Messrs. Walter and Bouscn Couch, Grady Day end Byron Bryant visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Morri son Saturday where the ycucg sees S£.t£rti«3qu »Uu ii-riv.s n>usio. ; UincolntOn Man Honored Dr. J. R. Self, Lincolnton, was made president-elect of the South* ern Academy of Perlodontology in the annual meeting in Atlanta last week. Caster Candies A TREAT FOR BOTH HOMES AND I —— 1 fflowmre ■ •/4gjjg f and eggs on Easter morn- / f These confections are the # finest to be had—any- I where. * Am. 1 d 1 4 • CHOCOLATE RABBITS 10" BASKETS AND CANDY EGGS 25' StiS UT TITIT AT I Vff SPECIAL afternoon from 2 to 6 NUNNALLY o easter BOXES p m 70 c t0 $3.00 PER BOX N0 OBLIGATION TO BUY GIVE us YOUR r ACTED CIAWCDQ ORDER FOR JuiAijl Ld\ I LUWLdVj . Turner Drug Company (Incorporated) W. D. Turner Geo. E. Royall ======= i j '■ ; '' . » « ; 9 i *' . • ' * " t. 4 ■ mx-% •* -. . # r - You get the best CHEVROLET SERVICE • r| •'. .' . •• ' , - '• - ' ' • . . ' • . . . from your Chevrolet dealer at the LOWEST PRICES for quality work • Your Chevrolet dealer is in a better position than anyone else to give you quality work at lowest prices. His service station is factory supervised. He has factory-designed tools and equipment—factorytrained attendants ', and mechanics. He uses only genuine Chevrolet parts. And be is per sonally interested in seeing to it that you are satisfied with your Chevrolet. A series of weekly service specials to emphasize the low prices on Chev . relet repair work starts today. For the week of March 28th, the special will be brake adjustments, for which the bargain prices below prevail. CHEVROLET MOTOR COMPANY. DETROIT, MICH., DIVISION OF OKNSRAL. MOTORS * -*• •. / ; * . • . SII TOUR CHEVROLET DEALER * $7,500,000 On New Industries There were 102 new industrial 'plant* and additions to 76 in the state in 1931, involving an invest ment of 97,500,000, the state de velopment commission finds. Auto DMthi Dcemuw Only 38 auto fatalities were re ported in Nortn Carolina for Febru ary, and 328 injured, as compared with 65 killed and 370 injured in January.