rr Jails 1 fHk. Ml rir ' Si 1 jfya jg /MK BWNINGi, TERBIBUI As one who used to play short stop on several International polo teams, and who has had wide ex perience in football (we once saw 4 came), we have decided to arise and enter a protest against the name the Elkin high school football team, "Buckin Elks." NERVOUS? SLEEPLESS? If you are nervous and rest less; if you can't sleep, tire easily, have Nervous Headache, Nervous Indigestion; if you have Sea Sickness, Train Sickness, ' Auto Sickness—take Dr. Miles' Effervescent Nervine Tablets. Dr. Rogers, noted educator, writes: "My wife has been suffer ing from nervousness and sleeplessness and we find Dr.. Miles'. Effervescent Nervine Tablets a great re lief. "I don't go much on pat ent medicines, but it's a pleasure to recommend a remedy that is really good " Rev. S. W. Rogers, Ph. D. P. O. Box 57, Key West, Fla. CM than at year drag store. Larva Ftckar ll.**; Small ti cant*. BBSS D~ z—■m PRESCRIPTIONS Will Be Filled With _ ■K2SE EXPERT CARE I f . " That's why he always adds "Have this filled at Abernethy's. They know exact ly what I want," when he hands you a I prescription. " » ' ■ And we do know what your doctor wants. He wants the best drugs, accurate com pounding a service that never lags. He knows that his prescription will be filled EXACTLY RIGHT when it is brought here. May We Serve You? T ~ & JJi J v . •* x *'" • ■ YOU'RE ALWAYS WELCOME AT . I Abernethy's I A Good Drug Store Phone 42 £ With all due respect to those most excellent gentlemen who se lected the name, in our opinion it is a misfit, is senseless and inane, whatever that means, and if we didn't detest the word "lousy", we would say it was that too. We have spoken to several of the boys on the team in regards to their opinion, and so far we have found no one but who held our opinion. Smehow we can't get the connec tion between "Buckin" and "Elks". It may be. Is probably, in fact, that we are just too dumb to appreciate "Buckin Elks", but in our humble estimation "Fighting Elks", or "Scrapping Elks", or even "Em battled First Cousins to a Deer" would be more fitting. Already the name has been made fun of. And now we bet Mr. Schaff will be mad at us. a • A GREAT SUCCESS Who said Elkin couldn't put over a community fair? Yes, Percy, you LOST 20 LBS. OF FAT IN JUST 4 WEEKS Mrs. Mae West of St. Louis, Mo., writes: "I'm only 28 yrs. old and weighed 170 lbs. until taking one box of your Kruschen Salts just 4 weeks ago. I now weigh 150 lbs. I also have more energy and further more I've neyer had a hungry mo ment." Fat folks should take one half teaspoonful of Kruschen Salts in a glass of hot water in the morning before breakfast—it's the SAFE, harmless way to reduce as tens of thousands of men and women know. For your health's sake ask for and get Kruschen at any drug store —the cost is but a trifle and if af ter the first bottle you aro not joy fully satisfied with results—money back. THE ELKIN TRIBUNE, ELKIN, NORTH CAROLINA may leave the room. Now as we were saying, who said Elkin, : couldn't put over a fair? And a darn .good one—one that was far better than most folks expected. However, there was one thing about it that we didn't like. We were in the exhibition hall early Friday morning putting some finish-' i Ing touches on The Elkin Tribune ; booth, when along came several gen- i tlemen who turned out to be judges. They were awarding the prizes be fore the doors opened for the day. | 11 Well, as we were saying, we were i in our booth doing a little hammer- | ing, when along came the judges 11 and before we had time to know j what it was all about, one of them j1 pinned a whfte tag on us. And on i i it was marked: "FREAK. THIRt) , PRIZE" ( Wouldn't that slay you? Even ] if we have to be classed a freak by mistake, looks like we cculd at least win FIRST PRIZE. STRANGE INTERLUDE: We were talking to Charlie Brewer since we wrote the beginning of this colyum, about the "Buckln Elks" and he said old man Noah Webster says that when Elks fight it is called "bucking." Looks like .it ought to be "butting", what with all the horns or antlers or some thing they have. However, since this is cleared up and if you like the name, who am I to interfere? But back to the fair, where we were in the second place. Every one appears to be pleased with it, even the civic betterment league, and when you find something that suits them, you've found something! Still, you can't ever tell. Firstl thing you know there will be a j rumor going the rounds that one of the town officials swiped a' pota to, or something. Anyway, the best step Elkin could take would be to announce another fair for next year, right away. * • * SNAKES AND THINGS Speaking of the Civic Betterment league, it appears to us that there is a good opening for a branch-of fice over in Yadkinville. That is; if they have iime, or did they take Nux Harris' suggestion in regards to the water snake situation up at the Roaring Gap fish hatchery? One local gentleman in discus sing Nux's suggestion before the Izaak Walton league a couple of Saturdays ago, was wondering just what he meant. Whether the was accustomed to fighting two-leg ged snakes, or what? But why bring that up? Because j if they did turn their attention to j the fish hatchery snakes, have we any proof that scandal would ex terminate them—especially scandal that may be true but more than like ly is just something to drool off the tongues of those who have nothing else to do—but tear down. * * • THIS SPACE RESERVED It is now shortly before the Elk in-M. P. I. football game, last Fri day. Therefore, we will reserve this space for the "Buckiri Elks'", to be written after the game is over. Monday, October 3, 3:45 o'clock, Eastern Standard Time, Elkin, N. C.— (United Pest) —The Elkin I high school "Buckin Elks," in their 1 first game here Friday afternoon, defeated a heavy team from Moun tain Park Institute by the heavy score of 0 to 0. The victory was I moral. Their first time up to the bat in a real football game, both the pitch ers and shortstops worked well. Joe Transou sustained a bloody nose Tand Gene Hall, candidate for ail- American wholeback, lost hte hel met, but retained his head. Everyone was surprised and de lighted at the really creditable showing of the local team. Coach Hood was seen to cut 49% hand springs across the field directly af ter the game ended, while Superin tendent Schaff became BO excited that main force had to be used to keep him from making some an nouncements, \ Credit tot the hardest work dur ing the entire game shouid go to Doc. Abernethy. He ran up and down the> field so many times that after the game someone had to lean him against a pole. This reporter has neither Jthe space or the time to enter into the. individual merits of members of the team. Let it be said that the entire squad showed a spirit that should carry them far before the season is over and that so far we have tound no one who wasn't proud of thorn. We might also add that we are not trying tc belittle M. P. I. The Mountaineers very nearly scored in the closing min utes and they had a fake play that had the local hopes puzzled. Both teams played clean football with no kicks coming. Full details will be found elsewhere In this issue— or as full as we can get them# So now run along and let us sleep. (Editor's Note: The above ac count was written by Simpson, who for the nast several months has ! been on the staff of that great news gathering agency, the United Pest.) • • * Tins AND THAT And now we hear it rumored down town that the management of | the Golden Rule carnival wouldn't i allow the show to come here for' fear of the moral effect the town, might have on the show personnel? • * * At this writing we understand the powers that be are planning on stopping the exhibition of the only circus that has been brave enough to even look in this direction with in the past several years, due to a town ordinance that says circuses and things are not allowed. We can't see what the ordinance has to do with it. Seems to us that there is an ordinance* against double parking here, but who over heard of that being enforced? Then why pick on the circus? • • * Personally, we think it was a wise move that held the carnival out, but goodness me, looks like they could consider the feelings ot us boys and girls who had rather go to a circus than eat. • • • • But maybe the commissioners will have rubbed out the circus or dinance by the time this reaches print. If they haven't, we may be forced to speak to -them about it. But why bring that up? » • * * Note to C. C. Poindexter up In Washington, D. C.: Likeness fine, especially classical forehead. Hold Funeral For Ajared War Veteran Saturday Funeral services for John F. Web ster, 10, a veteran of the Spanish- American war, who was found dead at his home near Huntsville Friday | morning, were conducted at the Baptist church at Huntsville Satur ! day, Rev. T. A. Plyler, of Vadkin - ville, conducting. Mr. Webster was a native of Yad kin county and a brother of Mrs. i Armanda Lloyd, of Winston-Salem. SIX MEET DEATH Six members of one family who were fatally burned When an oil can exploded and Bet their house afire, were' buried at Laurinburg Sunday. Most for Your Money In a Good Laxative Thedford's BLACK-DRAUGHT has been'highly, regarded ior a long, long time, but.it is better appre ciated now than ever before. Peo ple are buying everything more care fully todny. In buying Black-Draught, they get the most for their money, i In a good, effective laxative, depend able for the relief of ordinary conatl | pillion troubltß. 25 or more doses of Thedforii's Black-Draught In a ?5-cent package For Children, pet pleasant-tasting SYRUP of Thedford's Black-Draught. THK PUBLIC should be prudent in seeking relief from pain. Take nothing which does not have the approval of the medical profession. t BAYER ASPIRIN will new do you any harm, and almost always brings the desired relief. But remember that the high medical endorsement given Bayer Aspirin does no', apply to all tablets for relief of pain. THI DOCTOR is careful to specify Bayer Aspirin for these important reasons;. It has no injurious ingredients. No coarse particles to irritate throat or stomach. Nothing to upset the system. Not even any I disagreeable taste. The Bayer process insures a pure, uniform • product. INSIST on the tablet yon know to be safe. And the one that has speed. Bayer tablets dissolve so quickly, you get immediate relief from your headache, neuralgia, or other pain. /T\ LIVES WITHIN INCOME Foray th county not only lived within its income during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1932, but con ducted its business for $32,293.02 less than it did the previous year, according to audit just completed by Carbis A. Walker and associates and accepted by the county com missioners Monday. i WOUNDS TWO IN DUEL An Americacn resident of Paris who wounded two Frenchmen in a duel several days ago, may be charged with murder if a blood transfusion fails to save the life of one victim. No names were given ouf by police. NOT DOLE, BUT JOB In a Sabbath day speech to sev eral thousand citizens of Detroit, Franklin D. Roosevelt called for social justice and said his long range objective was "not a dole but i>a job." Etm Office: Glasses Fitted ' «Us NationsU Buk BM* DRS. GREEN and DEANS OPTOMETRISTS Office open daily for optical repairs and adjustments of all kinds. Examinations on Tuesdays and Fridays 1 to 5, 7 to 8:80 P. M. NOTICE! NOTICE! Pay your electrict light bill before the 10th of each month and save the discount. SOUTHERN PUBLIC UTILITIES CO. S r r PROGRAMME | Lyric Theatre ■ Last Times Today— "The Arm of the Law" \ Admission Only 10c h Friday and Saturday— DAREDEVIL TIM WTCOY ■ "The|RidingJTornado" ■ Serial—Comedy Admission 10c-30c Next Week—Monday-Tuesday— m BUSTER KEATON I JIMMIE DURANTE H"SPEAK EASILY" J News Reel Admission 10c-30c Wednesday and Thursday— ■ A GREAT PICTURE FOR ONLY A DIME! JACKIE COOPER J "DIVORCE IN IDE FAMILY" ■ v I News—Comedy Admission Only 10c ■ WATCH FOR 'The Dixie Boys" ! STRING BAND Monday-Tuesday, October 17-18 , . ■ Coming- Coming 1 — "70,000 4 Marx Brothers WITNESSES" UfIIKFFFATHnK I The Great Football HUKMrIVAI iltJ\o Picture Cuckoo! Cuckoo! jji October 28-29 ,1 Oct. 31-Nov. 1 j Thursday, Oetob^ C. G. ARMFISj^H Notary Public W. M. ALLEN 1 LAW BUILDING EXPERT WATCH Clock S. E. SHUMATE Jeweler Klkts, N. C.