Special Prices Will Be Featured For The Two Days i (Continued from Page One) and buy now while the goods may be obtained at a greater saving. It is really surprising how much 50 cents will buy these days. And it will prove an even greater sur prise to see how much 50 cents will purchase during half-dollar days. Every merchant participating has made plans to give everyone a real welcome. So don't fail to attend Elkin's first Half-Dollar Days event. Half-Dollar Days will be similar to tbq Dollar Days which were staged by Elkin merchants at per iodic intervals several years ago, and which proved very successful. It is pointed out that a half-dollar to- FRUIT APPLES, Peck 30c and 35c ORANGES, Peck 25c and 30c TANGERINES, Pk. 25c and 30c GRAPEFRUIT Peck 25c BANANAS, 5c Lb. ELKIN FRUIT CO. James R. Mgr. C^cD^IETS Friday and Saturday Means Greater Savings For McDaniel's Customers You bet we are co-operating in Half-Dollar Days. And we invite you to come in and take advantage xes of the many real bargains we are KOTEX 49 c offering for this event Now s your Chance to SAVE. 2 Boxes prkTt d s s of 36 inch 50c 49° Fast Color Wash M Dresses - mtfv MEN'S TIES Criss Cross Window JA- New Color8 ' 2 for 50® Curtains f»sf C Men's Fast Color Broadcloth £,?*" 50c SHIRTS 49- 20 Spools of PA^ esd Ladies' full-fashioned Pure Thread SILK HOSE 6 Turkish Bath • Newest Colors JGc Towels ...... 50C ■ 2 Pairs Ladies' Silk Hose" 1-8 LadieS ' RibbCd 50C 6 Pairs Men's Dress PA _ 8 Ladies' Hand Embroidered ~ # GOWNS- 2 50® n/| aI |a iAI A One lot BEDROOM SLIPPERS mcuaniei s *srr-^- ELKIN, N. C. L_ I I m day, however, will purchase as much o- more than the dollar ot a few years ago. Merchants cooperating In the event with real bargains are Syanor- Spalnhour Department Store, J. C. Penney Co., McDanlel's Department Store, Graham and Click 5 and 10 Cent Store, Somers ft Co., 5 and 10 Cent Store, Abernethy's Drug Store, Turner Drug Company, F-W Chevrolet Company, Basketeria, Inc., F. A. Brendle and Son and Smithey's Department Store. Would-Be Assassin Gets Eighty Years (Continued from Page One) night, wounding five persons, in cluding Mayor Anton Cermak, of Chicago, who was shot through the body. The president-elect was uninjured. The assailant, who was captured by a rush of secret service men, po lice aind sheriffs officers, was des cribed as Guisseppi Zingara, an Italian brick-maker. He was spirit ed away by officers to save him from an angry crowd. Police said he admitted he bought his gun with the Intent to kill Mr. Roosevelt. The shooting took place in Bay Front Park here a few minutes after Mr. Roosevelt had come ashore from the yacht Nourmahal on which he had been cruising through the Ba hamas. The president-elect was res ponding to a welcome of 20,000 peo ple gathered in the park when the crack of pistol shots cut short his speech. Zingara was said to have admit ted that 10 years ago he was party to a plot against the life of King Emmanuel, of Italy. The Dick Grier building on Bridge street has been repaired and is be ing used by the newly created Dixie Barber Shop. This shop is operated by Jim Talley for J. W. Ratledge, the owner. THE ELKIN TRIBUNE, ELKIN, NORTH CAROLINA New Distance Record ' •' - :3MB? U— % ■ Flying 5,310 utiles, England to Capetown Africa, British flyers lead by Bquadron Leader Gayford, cap tured the long-distance nonstop record from the Americans, Board man and Polando whose pi &r k was 5,012 miles. TO HOLD CONFERENCE Senator Bailey and Senator Rey nolds, of North Carolina, plan to go to New York this week for a conference with President-elect Roosevelt on the question of patron-- age, it was learned in Washington Monday night. It is understood that Bailey has requested a conference with the president-elect. "So you broke your engagement to Evelyn. Why was that?" "Well, I was only doing to the engagement what It did for me." Hospital Program Staged By Kiwanis (Continued From Page One) the program, presented a number of interesting facts dealing with the hospital, giving the number of pa tients entered, operations, deaths, etc., since U was opened two years ago. Miss Nance spoke briefly upon the "Rising Requirements of the Nursing Profession." Dr. Abernethy stressed the needs of the hospital, pointing out that it has been operating at a loss due to the great number of charity cases that have been admitted for treat ment. He urged the Kiwanis club to give unqualified support f to the institution and to use its influence in gaining the support of others. New Store To Open For Business Friday The Boyles and Palmer. Cash Grocery company, situated on East Main street next door to J. C. Pen ney company, will open for business Friday morning, it was learned Wednesday. The new business will offer a large number of "specials" for the opening and in addition will give away a large number of groceries as an opening feature. The store is modern and up-to date in every respect, and is owned by Elmer D. Boyles and R. O. Pal mer, who will make their homes here. An opening advertisement will be found elsewhere in this edition. Attempts Forgery and Lands In Yadkin Jail L. R. Vestal, treasurer of Jones ville, seems to be having assistance in running the finances of his town. Marvin Ashley, who has figured in the Elkin courts before, recently waived an examination before K. M. Thompson, Yadkin county magis trate. Charged with forgery, he was committed to Yadkinville jail. Ashley is charged with forging the name of L. R. Vestal, treasurer, Town of Jonesville, to a $20.00 check and attempting to negotiate same. Red Cross Office To Close Next Saturday Mrs. G. T. Roth, chairman of the local Red work, reports that the material and clothes on hand will last until Saturday, and after that time the office will close until other supplies arrive. The public will be informed through this paper should the office re-open. Boys Win, Girls Lose The Elkin high school basket ball team Friday night defeated Ronda in a game played at Ronda by the score of 20 to 16. The Elkin girls' team was defeated by the Ronda girls. DOEBN'T LIKE "SISSY" Crooner Rudy Valee, in Raleigh with his famous orchestra Monday for theatre appearances, cast aside his role of crooner and orchestra leader Monday night and made a flying leap into the audience to "take on" a heckler who called him a "sissy" and other names. GLAD TO BE BACK W. H. Yarborough, Forsyth coun ty farmer, recently returned from a trip to Illinois where he saw corn selling at 15 cents a bushel and hogs at 2 and one-half oents a pound on the hoof. Mr. Ya-borough expres sed himself as glad to get back to North Carolina. 'Squeer, tho, that the persons smart enough to make the biggest fortunes are always the ones to make the biggest mistakes in their income-tax returns, and are put to the extra bother of signing receipts for their refunds.—Macon Tele graph. An individual submarine, twenty two feet long, may be placed on the market. Just the thing, it seems, for the long-pull investor who wants to stay with his securities. —Detroit News. America's stock of gold is $250,- 000,000 more than it was during the boom, but we don't seem to have met the fellow yet who has it. —American Lumberman (Chicago.) A metallurgist believes he has learned the secret of King Tut's purple gold. Probably gives it tht* Scotch grip, thus cutting off its wind.—Richmond Times-Dispatch. Samuel Insull has applied for naturalization in Greece, evidently believing that the country wants to add to its striking ruins.-r-Chicago Daily News. We're not superstitious, but it Would be very unlucky for thirteen people to eat at our table now.— Atlanta Journal. Elkin Merchants Invite You To Attend THE BIGGEST BARGAIN EVENT OF THE YEAR! BOTH FRIDAY AND SATURDAY WILL BE A AT THE FOLLOWING PLACES SYDNOR-SPAINHOUR DEPT. STORE J. C. PENNEY CO., Inc. McDANIEL'S DEPT. STORE SMITHEY'S DEPT. STORE TURNER DRUG COMPANY ABERNETHY'S DRUG STORE SOMERS & CO. 5 & 10c STORE GRAHAM & CLICK 5 & 10c STORE F-W CHEVROLET COMPANY F. A. BRENDLE & SON BASKETERIA, Inc. ALL ARE COOPERATING TO GIVE YOU REAL VALUES! Don't Miss This Opportunity! tv:i. . . ' J Thursday, February 23, 1933