*~l JHUKIN igßAr "The Best Little Town Jm? In North -.«.«»»»» Carotin*" VOL. No. xxn, No. 46 Hope Flares Anew In Regards To Proposed Surry-Wilkes Highway ENGINEERS TO COME HERE TO MAKE NEW SURVEY OF ROUTES Surry-Wilkes Delega tions See Chairman Jeffress Friday MUCH NEEDED ROAD Delegations of representative citi zens from Elkin, North Wilkesboro, Ronda and Roaring River returned from Raleigh Friday where they had been to see Chairman E. B. Jeffress, of the state highway commission in regards to thei proposed Elkin-North Wilkesboro highway, highly optimis tic over prospects of securing the road, or at least a portion of it within the near future, it learn ed Saturday. In the meeting with Mr. Jeffress, the Wilkes delegation lined up 100 per cent in favor of the project, it was said. Although Mr. Jeffress did not definitely commit himself, It wat the Impression of the delegation that he has already decided to build the road and will probably start con struction work this fall. Engineers, Mr. Jeffress stated, are to be sent to Elkin immediately to again go over the two proposed routes that have been surveyed and possibly to. run a middle route in an effort to locate the highway as ad vantageously as possible. The en gineers are expected to arrive here any day. iters of .the delegation from Elkin w?,fe H. P. Graham and Alex Chatham. The North Wilkesboro delegation was made up of N. B. Smitbey, P. E. Brown and Claude Doughton. SURRY TEACHERS DISCUSS PROBLEMS Hold First Of Series Of County - Wide Meetings The problem of furnishing bus transportation for the pupilß of Sur ry county schools was a major item for discussion at the first of a se- rles of five county-wide meetings scheduled for teachers in Surry county schools, this term. The ini tial meeting was attended by the majority of the 232 teachers of the Surry county system. County Superintendent John W. Comer, and the board of education as a whole, after working upon the problem for weeks, are yet in a quandary as to ways and means by which the children of thfe county are to be furnished transportation to the schools in the various dis tricts. Many of the county schools have already opened; others are opening this week and next and on ly temporary arrangements have been possible for the transportation of those who are compelled to travel 'several miles to their respective schools. Conferences with the state school commission, since the last bids for bus operations were submitted, have brought no results in the way of ad ditional funds for bus operation, the superintendent having been instruc ted to study more carefully Surry's transportation problem and find the . lowest Bumber of buses that can handle the job. Henry Reynolds Is Clerk U. S Court Henry Reynolds, of North Wilkes boro, and well known in Elkin and Surry county) has been appointed clerk of United States district court in the middle district of North Car olina, succeeding R. L. Blaylock. Mr. Reynolds' appointment becomes effective October 2. Mr. Blaylock haß been retired from office due illness. He re cently suffered a heart attack and because of contintmd illness has been absent from his office a great deal of the time since then. Men are planting 6,060,000 trees in forests of Scotland. ' % " Kidnap Trial On MppjT: • • «• SB JIBhH Above, Federal Judge Edgar S. Vaught before whom is being tried the defendant** charged with the kidnapping of Charles P. Ursohel, millionaire oil man of Tulsa, Okla. The trial is being held at Oklaho ma City. DR. ROYALL HEADS COMPLIANCE BOARD Was Elected By Mem bers In Meeting Fri - day Night At a meeting Friday night of the newly appointed NRA compliance board, Dr. M. A. Royall, mayor of Elkin, was named by the members of the board as permanent chair man. The board is composed of seven members. Each of the members, except the chairman, represents some particular group which cornea under the NRA movement. The members in addition to Mayor Roy all are Mason Lillard, .Jim Vestal, Marion Allen, Mrs. A. O. Bryan, L. G. Baker, and J. R. Poindexter. Pending receipt of detailed in structions of procedure the local compliance board will take under consideration any complaints of non compliance which might be made by employees against their employers. The first step in acting on these complaints will be contacting the employer complained of and inform ing him of the nature of the com plaint against him and ascertaining his conception of the facts. If the employer cannot establish that the complaint is groundless or that the cauße thereof has already been eli minated, it will be explained to him (Continued On Last Page) ELKIN VICTORIOUS IN SURRY SERIES Defeats Pilot Mountain To Clinch Cham pionship The baseball championship of Surry county was won by Elkin here Saturday when she defeated Pilot Mountain in the fourth game of a scheduled five-game series by 11 to 9. The outcome of the game was in doubt until the final Inning. With two runs over the plate in the ninth and a runner on second, Steelman fanned H. Chilton who had pre viously made a home run, to end the game. Heavy hitting featured the game on both sides. Qough and. Royal led the offense for Elkin with three hits each. Smith and H. Chilton were leading hitters for Pilot Moun tain. Numerous errors were made by both teams. Lefty Southard showed remark able ability to tighten in the pinches, striking out seven batters at crucial stages of the game. Blkin's victory to clinch the championship climaxed a victorious season in which she won 13 of 15 games. 129 BANKS OPEN IN SIX WEEKS In the last six weeks, President Roosevelt's campaign to rehabilitate the nation's banking structure has reopened 129 institutions and made $889,134,000 in previously frozen deposits available to the depositor* of 265 hank*. ELKIN, N. C, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1933 NAME REGISTRARS AND JUDGES FOR WET-DRY CONTEST C. A. McNeil! Is Regis trar For Elkin Township ' ELECTION NOV. 7TH The list of regib&ars and judges for the election to be hold Novem ber 7 on the prohibition question has been announced by Attorney R. A. Freeman, of Dobson, chair man of the Surry county board of elections. Saturday, October 28, will be the only day in which registration books will be open for the benefit of unregistered voters who wish to cast a ballot in the prohibition referendum. Everyone on th® books prior to October 28 will be eligible to vote. Saturday, November 4, will be challenge day, Mr. Freeman stated. C. A. McNeill was named as reg istrar for Elkln precinct and J. G. Ctalpman (dry), and Henry Dobson (wet) were named as Judges. Registrars for other townships of the county are: Bryan, J. R. Norman; Dobson, F. F. Rlggs; El dora, M. E. Shackleford; Franklin, Dixie Lowe; Long Hill, D. B. Need ham; Marsh, T. E. Stanley; Mount Airy No. 1, F. B. Walker; Mount Airy No. 2, R. E. Carter; tyount Airy No. »3, A. M. Beamer; Mount Airy No. 4, G. O. Monday; Mount Airy No. 6» R. E. Ashby; Pilot Mountain, S. M. Smith; Rockford, S. E. Banner; Shoals, J. R. Scott; Siloam, -Jasper Patterson, and Westfield, Reid Snoddy. Election judges: Bryan, Charles Nixon (dry) and M. C. Gentry (wet); Dobson, Mrs. Wayne Thore (dry), and R. L. Flager (wet) El dora, C. S. Marsh (dry) and G. T. (Continued On Last Page) HWANIS CLUB NOT TO MEET FRIDAY Call Off Regular Meet ing Due To Elkin Fair Due to the fact that the Elkin Community Pair will be in full swing, the meeting Friday night of the local Klwanis club has been called off, it was learned Wednes day morning. At the last meeting, held Friday at Hotel Elkin, the club was ex tended a personal invitation to at tend an inter-club meeting at Wins ton-Salem the night of Monday, Oc tober 2, and following the meeting to attend the opening of the Wins ton-Salem fair as the guest of the Winston-Salem Kiwanis club. The invitation was extended by two members of the Winston club, Ki wanians Morris and Yow. Similar Invitations have, been ac corded other Kiwanis clubs In this section of the Carolinas district. The matter of moving the pieeting time up from 6:30 until 6:00 p. m. during the fall and winter months was discussed at length, and is to be put to a vote at the next meeting, many of the members feel ing that the proposed meeting hour would work to better advantage. FIRE CHIEF TO MAKE INSPECTION Whitaker Will Inspect Condition Of Flues, Basements Within the next Iff, days or two weeks residents of Elkin may expect a visit from W. W. Whitaker, chief of the local firs department, it was learned Monday. The object of this visit will be to Inspect stove flues, basements, etc., which might harbor fire hazards. In cases where flues are found unsafe or basements cluttered with waste papers or trash it will be necessary for the homeowner to see that proper safeguards are taken. Although afflicted with a large number of fires in recent years, Elk in has maintained a gocd fire re cord for the "past, 12 months aud it is hoped, by taking adequate pre cautions, to keep fh« fire loss dur ing the approaching cold weather, when stoves and other heating plants are in use, at a minimum. Elkin Community Fair To Open To-Night; Entertaining Program and Good Prizes Are Features Washington In Moonlight of Black Hills - - I '*>"■■■■ '' ' *• 'V." t '* '**§s'.jL,', '%■ The first moonlight picture ever taken of the Washington profile, sculptored in the granite wtalls of South Dakota's-famous Black Hills near Keystone, S. D. Gutxom Borglum is doing the work and when completed will be a group of three heads, Washington, Lincoln fend Jeffer* on. I ATE NEWC " from the State and Nation Kelly Captured Oklahoma City, Sept. 26. - A 12-year-old girt, Geraldine Arnold gave federal officers the informa tion that led to the capture at Memphis of George (Machine Oun) Kelly and his wife, Kathryn, authorities disclosed here today. The couple will be returned for trial at the end of the present case in which 10 persons are charged with the Charles P. Ur schel kidnaping conspiracy. Prisoners Escape Michigan City, Ind., Sept. 20. —Eleven desperadoes shot down a guard, kidnaped a sheriff and a motorist, menaced two prison officials With death, and escaped today from the Indiana state pen itentiary. Successful in what appeared to have been a long plotted break for liberty, the convicts speeded away toward Chicago, 55 miles distant in two automobiles com mandeered from the men they abducted. Inflationists To Wait Washington, Sept. 26.—A1l ad vocates of inflation were urged today by Senator Thomas, Demo crat, Oklahoma, a leader of the campaign for cheaper money, to quiet their clamor to permit full trial of President Roosevelt's credit expansion program. Thomas predicted the credit program would fail to lift and stabilize price levels. Ford Workers Strike Chester, Pa., Sept. 26.—De manding a longer work week and a higher minimum pay, several thousand employes of the Ches ter plant of the Ford Motor com pany went on strike today. The movement was more or less secretly started and the order to walk oat came suddenly when the word was in all departments. Sends Threats Charlotte, Sept. 26.—The de sire of 15-year-old Willie Mae Wheeling for money to go to col lege today led her Into the toils of federal officers who said she confessed sending to two promi nent Carolina women extortion and kidnaping threats conceived after reading detective story magazines. Correct this sentence: "I owe my success to the fact that I hap pened to guess right a couple of times," the millionaire admitted. LEGAL TO MAKE SHORTER HAULS WITH CHILDREN Law Does Not Prohibit Kids From Riding Under Two Miles IS MISINTERPRETED Raleigh, Sept. 22.—The legisla ture did not pass a law preventing school busses from hauling children who live within two miles of school, Representative Brantley Womble de clared here today. All the revolts against the "law" have been based upon pure misun derstanding, be said. He also expressed surprise that the impression has gotten around to local boards that busses must pass up children who live within the two-mile radius. The legislature, he said, made It mandatory for busses to haul child ren who live more than two miles from the schools, but said nothing about them not hauling those with in that distance. He advised parents who have been complaining of busses passing their children without picking them up to explain the true status of the law to their local boards. Revolts have flared over several sections of North Carolina this week due to the fact that in many cases busses half full would pass by child ren who had to walk on grounds that they were not allowed to trans port children living within two miles of school. The first outbreak was in Leba non township of Durham county. Others followed in Davidson, For syth and Guilford counties, and preparations were made to march on the state school commission and demand remedial action. Local Revival Is To Close Friday Night The revival which has been in pro gress at the first Baptist church in this city, will close Friday evening of this week. Record crowds have been attending the services and much Interest is being shown. Ten additions have already been made to the chnrch. Special services for the young peo ple are being held each afternoon at. 3:30. Services At Galloway Memorial, Church Rev. Eg win C. Hurst of Mount Airy, will conduct services at Gal loway Memorial church Sunday af ternoon, October 1, at 3:30. The public is most cordially invited to attend. 3 Sivn r—~" - n. Gmtommy to PjjjSl Rawing Vj - Oap aad the Blue Ridge **»•***> PUBLISHED WEEKLY EVENT IS EXPECTED TO BE BETTER THAN FAIR OF LAST YEAR SSOO Premium- Lis&t; Big Crowds Expected To Attend WEAVING EXHIBIT Alll is in readiness for the open* ing here tonight ot Elkin's second community fair, it was learned Wed nesday from C.-'G. Armfield, secre tary. McNeer's warehouse, which is serving as the main jxhlbition hall, has assumed a busy hum as farmers and others interested in the event, put the finishing touches to their exhibits. In addition to farm and home exhibits, a number of private exhibits have been arranged, but these will not be eligible for prizes. A handsome bedroom suite, val ued at $75.00, donated by the Elkin Furniture company, will be given as first prize in the live-at-home di vision. Second prize in this division wHI be a SSO wood range donated by Surry Hardware company. Third prize is in form of a phonograph, valued at $35, and contributed by Reich-Hayes-Boren, Inc. Other valuable prizes, Including $75 worth of high grade Chatham blankets, will be awarded winners |in other departments. One of the main exhibits of the fair will be the old-time blanket weaving exhibit staged by the Chat ham Manufacturing company. This exhibit will show how blankets were manufactured by hand from raw wool to the finished product in the days when modern machinery was unknown. This same exhibit has been displayed in many of the larg- (Continued on Last Page) BAD BREAKS LOSE GAME FOR EKIN Are Defeated By North Wilkesboro Friday 19 To 7 The strong North Wilkesboro football team deafefced Elkin high Friday 19 to 7. The local team played a good game and deserved to win, but the breaks were against them. North Wilkesboro scored first by the way of a pass. Captain Chat ham scored for Elkin on a well exe cuted reverse around left end. Hall made the extra point by a place kick. Elkin led at the end of the first quarter 7-6. The trusty foot of Moir Hall put the opponents against the wall when he got off a kick that was good for firty-five yards being downed on the live yard line. After exchanging punts several times (Continued on Last Page) MRS. J.H. THARPE'S MOTHER IS DEAD Iredell Woman Passes Away Tuesday Evening Mrs. Carrie Kinder, 86, mother of Mrs. J. Henry Tharpe, of this city, passed away at her home at Turn ersburg, Iredell conaty, Tuesday evening, from the general infirmi ties of her advanced age. Funeral services were held Wed nesday from Fairmount church in Turnersburg, and interment WRB in a Statesville cemetery beside her husband, Milton Kinder, who died thirty years ago. In addition to Mrs- Tharpe, the following daughters and one son survive: Mrs. Tyre Harris, Jone*- vllle; Mrs. Mm Padgett, Turnent burg. Mrs. T. I J. Stikeleather. Statesville and . Johr. Kinder, of Idaho.

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