Thursday, October 19, i 933 iftloCALi E. 'C. Grier spent Monday in "Winston-Salem, attending to busi ness matters. Attorney E. C. James spent Mon day in Troy and Statesviller attend ing to professional' business. Miss Mary Smoot is spending this •week in Benham, the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gid Smoot. Misses Ruth Collins and Hester Hoyall spent Saturday in Winston- Salem. Mrs. Sam T. Ray, of Statesville, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Roy West, at her home in West Elkln. Mr. and Mrs. Coy Clifton, of Mt. Airy, were the Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Felix Layne, at their home in North Elkin. Floyd M. Steelman, of Indiana polis, Indiana, is the guest of his sister, Mrs. J. G. Chipman, at her home on Bridge street. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Henderson spent the week-end in Winston-Sa lem. the guests of the former's brother. Carl Crews returned Thursday from New York City, where he spent several days the guest of his sister, Mrs. Jack Leigh. Miss Pansy Hemric and Robert Paige Gregory spent the week-end in Winston-Salem the guests of Robert Weatherman. Miss Pansy Hemric, of this city Ss spending this week in Ronda, the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. •J. C. Hemric. Mrs. R. L. Poindexter returned Tuesday from Winston-Salem, where she spent the past week the guest «of her sister, Mrs. Victoria Johnson, and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Hoy Moose, of Mount Pleasant, are the guests of Mrs. Moose's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Whitaker, at their home on Church street. Rev. and Mrs. Grover Graham of Amantha, were the guests the lat ter part of the week of the former's mother, Mrs. Anna Graham, at her home on Gwyn Avenue. Mrs. J. N. Freeman and Mrs. Jayne Hall Robinson returned 'Thursday from Raleigh, where they visited friends and attended the North Carolina State Fair. Miss Thorburn Lillard, who is a student at Queens-Chicora College, Charlotte, spent the week-end here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mason Lillard, at their home on Gwyn Avenue. And when you can have a genuine Crosley for as little as sl6, why de prive the family of the untold pleasure to be had? Radios help to keep the children contented and at home. And they receive valuable informa tion, educational entertainment, the best comedy of the country, the finest bands and orchestras are employed to make your radio really worth while. 'Come in today and let us show you the big range of styles, in cabinet and table models, in five to 14 tubes, and at extremely low prices for Crosley quality in reception, selectivity, distance, and clarity of tone. LOCATED IN SNOW BUILDING—MAIN STREET WILKES ELECTRIC CO. ELKIN BRANCH W. M. BAY TAL J. PEARSON Mrs. Herbert H. Stevens and nephew, Joe Gwyn Bivlns, spent the week-end in Greensboro, the guests of the former's sister, Mrs. Paul Reich and Mr. Reich. Dr. and Mrs. Verne Cavinsss, of Raleigh, spent the day here Tues day, the guests of Mr. and Mr 3. Parks Hampton, at their home on Bridge street. Mrs. Charles Vance and Mrs. Hardin Graham, of Winston-Salem, were the guests of Mrs. Thomas Roth at her home on Gwyn Avenue Tuesday. Mrs. Walter Shores of Pasadena. California, formerly Miss Mollie Robey, of this city, left Tuesday for her home after spending some time here with friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brown spent Sunday in Chapel Hill, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Roscoe. They also vißited in Albemarle and Raleigh over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. L. I. Halsey, of Mouth-of-Wilson, Va., spent the week-end here with the latter's mother, Mrs. Anna Graham, at her home on Gwyn Avenue, Dr. and Mrs. Harry L, Johnson are expected to return today from Chicago, where Dr. Johnson has been attending the American College of Physicians and Surgeons in session there. Mr. and Mrs. J. Ralph Reece, of Talahassee, Florida, announce the birth of a son, Charles William Reece, at Davis Hospital in States ville, October 15, 1933. Mrs. Reece was formerly Miss Catherine Well born of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stith and Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Trivette and son, Thomas, of Winston-Salem, were the Sunday guests of Mrs. Trivette's mother, Mrs. R. G. Franklin, at her home on West Main street. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Gwyn Harris and little son, Arling Gwyn, and Mrs. Jennie S. Taylor, of Winston-Salem, were guests Hie latter part of the week of Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Harris, at their home On West Main street. Mrs. M. L. Wilcoxen and daugh ter, Miss Izetta Wilcoxen left Sat urday for Alta Vista, Virginia, where they will reside in the future. They were accompanied to Alta Vis ta by Mr. and Mrs. I. W. Nance of this city, who returned to Elkin Sunday. THE ELKIN TRIBUNE. ELfUN, NORTH CAROLIN. Mr. and Mrs. D. Boyd Kimball, l Jr., and little daughter, Mary Lou. of Henderson, were the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Brew er, at Hotel Elkin. They were accompanied home by Mrs. D. Boyd Kimbali. Sr., who has been spend ing sometime with her daughter, Mrs. Brewer. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Neaves, Mrs. William Price and Miss Ohna Bates, R. N., spent the week-end in States ville, the guests ©f Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Lineberry. Little Billy Price, son of Mrs. William Price, M/fCo has been spending a few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Lineberry, underwent a tonsil operation on Saturday, and Is recovering nicely. Mrs. David Lee Kelly, of Yadkin ville, who was injured in, an auto mobile accident about two weeks ago, has- recovered sufficiently to be removed from a Winston-Salem hospital to the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Church on Elk Spur street. Mr. Kelly, who was also injured has been removed to the home of his parents in Yadkin ville. Mrs. Albert Bryan, Mrs. Eugene Spainhour, Mrs. E. C. Grier, Miss Maud Greenwood, Mrs. Harry L. Johnson, Mrs. M. Theobald, Mrs. Carl Poindexter, Mrs. George Wil son, Mrs. Paul Gwyn, Mrs. Ray mond Chatham and Mrs. James Poindexter are spending today in Winston-Salem, where they are at tending a bridge-luncheon given by Mrs. Katherine Giles at the Wom an's Club House. Plan Scenic Highway Washington, Oct. 17.—Senator Reynolds staid tonight he looks for "immediate on the peti tion laid before Public Works Administrator I ekes today re questing a grant of (20,000,000 for the construction of a scenic highway connecting the Great Smoky Mountains National Park with the Shenandoah National Park in the Blue Ridge Moun tains of Virginia. TWO PARTLY BLINDED Two Apex high school students lost the sight in their right eyes and seven others and their teacher were cut by flying glass Friday when chemicals, which the teacher was mixing, exploded in the class room and shattered the glass container. Norman H. Davis, chief American delegate to the disarmament con ference, sought to allay fears of critics in the United States Monday •night by issuing a statement firmly reiterating that the American dele gation is avoiding European poli- Mrul entanglements. Cosy Plaid Ask for our BLANKET 1 NATION-WIDE* Warm, and oh so handsome! £%W!«■>»%.»# 36" fancy Outing flannel. 72 «80 inches, with deep nap UUTINb Lights and darks,' Stripes ' FLANNEL I C A VALUE you can't Jupiicattl Fin . •>& * Cotton-Ribbed Bl00m«*« !0? UNION SUITS 25c |I J Men will find they give better 7Q C r! ,'j wear, and the kind of fit that M J I spells "comfort". Fine ribbed tfmtsl -n — cotton! Good workmanship SIZES 9 throughout! 36-46 Extra Sizes—2% »■ Golf Penney's is the place to get their Trousers for Boys W : / • Coats! Tweeds )*'•'} Qassimerest \L') Full-lined! '3*9B ml \_J dollars 1 Because Penney's coats , mi, /'/tiQi ™ J I (or children are so smart, jo Values ( JmjjiuJg/ W \ warm and well made .. • that That Can t H you really shouldn't buy until Be Beat! ■* vou've se*m them! I'm So Glad Mother Bought Me This HHH 98 c Sweater Worsted jjJfWM Full Lined Plaited I 0«/ Clj M/Mm High ShO«S //n®/ iff Weill /° r Misses, Children! The very thing for lively boys and Up j girls!— Handy patch pockets—snug ||j| Leather of sturdy quality, turn-over and roll collars—new Fall 111 J/ \ \ w ' ( h double sole for plenty color combinations I Another of Pen- of wear Best choice for the ney's foresighted "buys"! Sizes 5-7. / wk money you ever saw! Step this Way for j3oyS.'— The miles will Smart New J\ fZm see ™ sho r* e '-" benM > re gi « *6 y comfortable. OxSords • > ' Time for a new pair of ox fords you won't find a A neater, more stylish oxford Lj than this! Two tonas of f AA HfA brown leather, leather sole, J / *"§ rubber heel! Vy [ r tfJfcrfe § %J S2! 29 Wlm YouH prove a better hiker, more of an outdoor fellow —in 'Wsmffih these staunch "hikers". 12 ."v,/. . .Jggw inches high! Nickel hooks .and * eyes! Leather midsole 1 Rub u,l" berheels! He needs extra wear! Ail-Weather He gets it —in these fro"JTDuly! ITrlk Men's 16-Inch UNION SUITS lw Hi'CUTS ___ «4.98 Mm m U \ b) Every step m V| m 0 A\ I a r these water - re- VI A f I I A|l \ ic3 peHent shoes tells I /Ik t I \ w| you they're »u- I/ \ I \ 3 peripr I Heavy ! t J \ \ \ 3 leather soles and l Io spite of their low price, these cotton #7 \'\ Kv 3 !**!* * • • J l " clcel , fi I m 1 111 yl hooks and eye- Stnts will give liim good service! They're Ml/ % J jj/ lets! | made to s-l-r-e-t-c-h... and made to latin- Wi Vl Storm der over and over again! \J |3 Welt! J.C.PENNEY CO. E. Main St „ Elkin, N. O