Thursday, March 29, 1534 - - - : •" :: • - AW, SHUCKS! Two or three days ago we received a letter, written on Salvation Army stationery, from New York. It was signed "Adam Elam," who is no stranger to these columns. The contents of the letters fol lows: Dear Browning: Am sending yon a much marked copy of the Daily Mirror; and have asked the publishers (he must know something on 'em) to mail one to you for the next three months. Maybe the Grab Brag Colyum won't be so rotten for a while. Yours phooey, Adam Elam." Naturally we were elated over the prospects of receiving a mirror ev ery day, what with our wife com plaining bitterly because we broke the one in the bath room, so imagine our surprise and dismay when only a New York tabloid, The Daily Mirror, appeared! However, it has continued to ar rive daily since then, thankS to the goodness of Mr. Elam, so why should we kick? It's not costing us any thing. But to get back to the marked copy the letter mentioned. A pen cilled note on the front page di rector! us to Walter Wlnchell's col umn, across the top of which was written "Try this on your cockeyed mess." And after reading the col umn through we found to our sur prise that Mr. Winchell is not nearly as lousy as he sounds over the radio. To the right of the column on the same page was an advertisement of a play at one of the New York thea tres. The name of the play was "Let's Have A Baby." And under it Mr. Elam had written "All right by me." Knowing him as we do we hasten to add "Oh yeah!" Anyway, we appreciate Mr. Elam's thoughtfulness in having the Daily Mattie Mae Powell NOTARY PUBLIC OFFICE: Greenwood Bldg. Bridge Street Overcome Pains this better way WOMEN who get into a veak, run down condition can hardly expect to be free from troublesome "email symptoms." Where the trouble Is due to weak ness, Cardul helps women to get stronger and- thus make.* It easier for nature to take Its orderly course. Painful, nagging symptoms disap pear as nourishment of the body Is Improved. Instead "V>r depending on temporary pain pills during the time of suffer ing, take Cardul to build up your resistance to womanly ailments. Rtorms tear and twist ■but surely build Char l| acter. % HB • •;>; i x Paul Gwyn L INSURANCE ALL LINES Security Service Phone 808 Klkin, N. C. Mirror sent to us so that we, in perusing the efforts of other famous columnists, might improve our own weekly masterpieces. But after reading them daily we've become so mixed up that not only have we failed to improve this one, but we can't even get started. • » • MUTTER AND MUMBLE Now that Mr. Schaff has been elected as superintendent of the lo cal school we anticipate no shortage in the announcement market . . . Fire destroyed an Elkin barn last week. Everyone in town, including the local fire truck, attended. The fire truck, due to its advanced age, was brought in a wheel chair . . . The Merchants association's musi cal comedy, "Miss Bob White," goes on tonight. And are we dreading our part. Mrs. Griffeth, the direc tor, promised us that we could keep for our own all the over-ripe to matoes and assorted fruits which might be coming our way . . . We never knew how much feet we had until we tried to do a dance—or how ittle voice we had until we attempted to warble. Oh, well, anything for art . . . Our two kids broke out with measles within a half hour of each other. Which is much better than having two separate cases . . . Win ter gave us about every kind of weather he had last Friday. Rain, sleet and snow. It did everything but clear off . . A North Wilkes boro reader of the Gab Bag (five readers now, don't you know), sends word that he found a mistake in this column some weeks ago. And here we have been laboring under the opinion that the whole column was a mistake. We'd appreciate it if he would write and let us know what the mistake was. We want to frame it . . . Carl Poindexter recently re turned home from New York—with a crick in his neck from looking up . . During the sleet last Friday a lone robin was seen hopping about on the lawn of the Home Hotel— and he didn't look very cheerful . . . We miss Les Aldridge very much . . . Brother Whisenhunt, in making a talk before the Kiwanis club last Friday night, stated he was very much surprised to hear the club sing ing hymns during the opening of the program, until he remembered that preachers were present . . , You can .depend on the Kiwanis club to have a song for every occasion. • • * THIS AND THAT The local firemen hai e received their new raincoats, hats and boots. Now if they just won't wear them out in the rain. • * * Traffic was blocked on the old bridge last Saturday morning for about ten minutes. A mule, hitched to a wagon, fell down on the ice. And that's something you seldom see. • • ► • * Who repiembers when farmers used to get out of their vehicles and hold their teams every time an auto mobile came along. Nowadays the only thing that will scare a horse is another horse. ♦ ♦ * Or a piece of paper blowing across the road. Cycle News Wint Sparks and Garfield Collins have moved their sawmill plant to South Carolina, where they have three million feet of lumber to saw. Miss Oilie Mae Tucker, of Wins ton-Salem, spent the week-end here with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Har rison Tucker. Rev. W. V. Brown filled his regu lar appointment at Oak Grove Sat urday and Sunday. There was a good attendance at both services. Nelson Castevens is working at Yadkinville at this time, assisting Mr. Brumfield in the tobacco code. He says that farmers in this section wil! soon receive their checks for re duced crop acreage. M. C. Dobbins has made addition al improvements and enlargements in his store and will handle fertilizer this season for the convenience of farmers In this community. Friends of Mrs. M. C. Dobbins will .regret, to know that her condition improves very slow. Mr. and Mrs. Willard, of Brooks' Cross Roads and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Money and Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Nicks of High Point, visited Pearson Par due Sunday. Friends of Mr. Par due will regret to know that ho is still confined to his bed. THE ELKIN TRI3UNE, ELKIN, NORTH CAROLINA Vlaple Springs News Due to the bad weather and the epidemic of measles there was no Lundpy school at Maple Springs Sun day. The public school has also bjen closed for the pat week on ac count of measles. / Friends of Doc Pardue will regret to know that he is still ill at his home here. Charlie Collins, of Wilkesboro, spent pari, of last week visiting friends in this community. Mrs. Lee Poplin has been ill for the past week, her friends will be sorry to learn. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Howell, former reidents of this community, who have been residing in Elkin, moved back here the first of last week. Their many friend here wel come them back. Richard Morrison, of Roaring Riv er, is spending some time here visit ing his daughter, Mrs. C. M. Reeves. C. R. Watt, of Stony Point, spent the week-end here with relatives. Stevenson Pardue, of Brook's Cross Road spent a part of last week here the guest of his brother, I. J. Par due, who is critically ill. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our friends and neighbors for the many acts of kind ness shown us during the illness and death of our dear husband and fath er. May God's blessings attend you all. Mrs. A. P. Whitaker and Children. NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE Default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by that certain deed of trust to me as Trustee for Jefferson Standard Life Insurance Company by Walter Frank Swanson and wife, Wilma Swanson, on October 2, 1929, and recorded in the office of the Regis ter of Deeds of Surry County in Book 108, at page 98, I will, under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in said deed of trust, and at the request of the cestui que trust, and for the purpose of dis charging the debt secured by said deed of trust, proceed to sell to the highest bidder, for cash, at the courthouse door in Dobson, Surry County, North Carolina, at 12:00 o'clock M.. on Tuesday, April 3, 1934, the following described land, to-wit: Situated in the Town of- Pilot Mountain, County of Surry, State of N. C„ BEGINNING at a stake at the edge of the sidewalk and corner of Lot No. 3 runs north 34 degrees 08' West 50 feet to corner of Lot.No- 6. then North 40 degrees 52' West 25 8 I^^ ':•>■„ v ito U i!«>''"nV >^o "Nhe & 1 Pwfd IliOOC# I■' pi 1 i'™" 1 *BJ preduets °,L»|'.£ > |■ ' j - , MM, fa, * L__, ~„... — »■*—r —' T j". "Mi-. - --■ ■ ■ '.y.jj.. jiA>. * ■dmmm!VK«jm>/f^mm^«mKnmm«!!Mm^\^^^^i)^ l - &.''#* ••i~ V -•'• . ' > s s&S «* %\ :^|SRk — ; —— : — T~. feet to Corner of Lot No. 7, Swan son's and Boyles' corner, then South 51 degrees 43' West 192.6 feet to corner of Lot No. 7, in Lot No. 8, then South 31 degrees 20' East 75 feet to corner of Lot No. 3 in Lot No. 8, then North 51 degrees 55' East 199 feet to the BEGINNING. Conveying Lots No. 4, 5 and 6 of A. ja. Cook Plot, recorded in Plot Book I, page 80. Also a one-fifth undivided inter ast in the following real estate: No. I—Lying in the Town of Pilot Mountain: BEGINNING on stone in edge of sidewalk on East side De pot Street, J. F. Kirkman's Old Cor-* ner, 34 feet North of Marion St., .uns North 48.5 degrees East with curb stone along Depot St., 45.5 ft. to stone, -M. L'. Hill's corner, thence East 61 S. with h?s line 96 feet to stone, his corner, South 50 degrees vV. 50 ft. to stone in town lot, thence West 61 degrees N. with J. F. Kirk man's line 100 ft. to BEGINNING in Depot Street. Situate on this lot is livery stable ...ft. by ft. Ce ment sidewalk in front of this lot, paid for. No. 2—BEGINNING at corner of Main and Depot Sts., runs South 59.5 degrees East 46.5 ft. to W. J. Swanson Old Corner, in edge of sidewalk, South 28.5 degrees West i.35 feet to stake, O. N. Swanson's Corner, thence N. 59.5 degrees W. 54 feet to Depot St., then North with Depot Street 32.5 degrees East 13? ft. to BEGINNING corner. Situated on this lot is brick two story build ing ft. by ft. on bottom floor is store room fronting on Main St. and store room fronting on De pot St., and Bank Building with Vault Built In. See Book Deeds No. 61, page 234, Surry County Rec ords. No. 3—BEGINNING on the Cor ner of Main and Davis Streets in Pilot Mountain, N. C., runs West ward along Main Street to corner of Lot No. 2 above, then South 28.5 degrees West 130 ft., thence East 20 ft. to M. L. Hill Old Corner, South 29 degrees West 40 feet to head of hollow, then down hollow to a stake, in edge Davis Street, thence Northward with Davis Street to Main Street the BEGINNING cor ner. There is on this lot a frame store building or storage house, two stories, and another story and half framed building. Cement street and sidewalk along Main Street in front of this property paid for. No. 4—BEGINNING on corner Lot 2 above in edge of Depot St. and runs Eastward with said line 54 feet to corner of said lot, then South 29 degrees West 20 feet to V. Boy les' Old Corner, now M. L. Hill's line, then West to Depot Street, thence with Depot Street to the BE-■ GINNING corner. Cement sidewalk i In front, on Depot St. paid for. Ex cept right of way on Lot 4 and Lot 5 by 6 ft. on Lot 3." No. S—BEGINNING at stake in edge of Main Street, runs North 46.5 degrees West 115 ft. to L. M. Snider's line, then with L. M. Snid er's line N. 30 degrees East 150 ft. to Rock, South 46.5 degrees East 100 ft. to rock, then South 30 de grees West 150 ft. to BEGINNING at Main St. . • No. 6 —BEGINNING at stake O. N. Swanson Corner, runs North 30 degrees East 190 feet, rock, then South 44.5 degrees East 60 feet to rock, then South 30 degrees West 190 feet to Main street, then North 44.5 degrees West 60 feet to BE Eyes Examined Office: Glasses Fitted Klkin National Bank Bldg. DRS. GREEN and DEANS OPTOMETRISTS j Office open daily for optical repairs and adjustments of all kinds. Examinations on Tuesdays and Fridays 1 to 5, 7 to 8:80 P. M. NOTICE ! Pay your electric light bill before the 10th of each month. 5 percent will be added after the 10th. SOUTHERN PUBLIC UTILITIES CO. Hours: Open 8:80 A. M., Close 5:00 P. M, PHONE 210 I FINALLY FACED THE QUESTION OF "NERVES" - CHANGED TO MBR \ CAMELS. I'M SMOK- IK INO MORE-AND EN- • VJ K JOYING IT MORE. MLILPS*' MY "NERVES" AREN'T JANGLED ANY MORE. GINNING corner. Sidewalk paved in front of this property and paid for. 10 room framed dwelling house on Lots 5 and 6. This the 28th day of February, 1934. JULIAN PRICE, Trustee. Smith, Wharton & Hudgins, Attys., Greensboro, N. C. 3-29 Tailoring Dress Making All Kinds of Sewing Mrs. C. W. Laffoon West Main St. Phone 101-R