ETY, Night School Students Honored At Party Mrs. Clyde Walker and Mrs. W. W. Whitaker, instructors Of the adult night school at Elkin and Jenkinstown, assisted by Mrs. J. H. Beeson, chairman of the Depart ment of Education of the Elkin Wo man's Club, entertained the mem bers of the night school at a de lightful party at the local school building Thursday evening. Games and contests were enjoyed with an attractive prize going to Miss Hallie Waddell for her skill in the games. Favors were gaily colored Easter eggs. 4 On Friday morning Mesdamcs Whitaker and Walker were hostesses to the members of the Jenkinscovvn SPECIAL ) for Friday and Saturday 10 bars P. & G. Soap 1^ GRIER GRO. CO. Elkin, N. C. BEAUTIFUL GENUINE FOGLE FIBER SUITES Price $34.50—539.50—544.50 EAGLE FURNITURE COMPANY t Last Tax Round! BEFORE ADVERTISING IN MAY For 1933 Taxes SALE IST MONDAY IN JUNE UNDER N. C. LAW This will absolutely be my last round for 1933 taxes before they are ad vertised in May. The Sale will be on the first Monday in June. I urge all who have not paid their 1933 tax to meet me at the times and places listed below and make immediate settlement, and save the additional cost. My deputies have in their hands for the various townships the unpaid poll and personal property tickets for the years 1930-31 and 32. They will be with me on this round and you are asked to meet us and pay this tax, if such is due by you. By doing so you will save the expense of having vour wages and personal property levied against. MONDAY, APRIL 16th Pilot Mountain 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. Shoals t0 2 p. M. (Bottom's Store) Shoals (Truelove's Store). : :..2:30 to 3:30 P. M. Shoals (Key s Store) 4 to 5 p TUESDAY, APRIL 17th Siloam (Folk's Store) 10 A. M. to 12 M. I Rockford (Harbour's Store) 1 to 2:30 P. M. Eldora (Union Filling Station) 3 4p. M. . WEDNESDAY, APRIL 18th Rockford (McCormick's Store) 10 A. M to 12 M Rockford (Stony Knoll) .1:30 to 2:30 P. M.' Marsh (John Corder's House) 3 to 4:30 P. M. THURSDAY, APRIL 19th Westfield (Wood's Store) 8:30 to 9:30 A. M. West field (Post Office) 10 to 11:30 A. M. Long Hill (Ararat Post Office) 12:30 to 1:30 P. M. FRIDAY, APRIL 20th Stewart's Creek (Pine Ridge) 1. 8:30 to 9 A. M. Franklin (Woodruff's Store) 9:30 to 12:30 P. M. Bryan (Mountain Park) 4:30 to 5 P. M. SATURDAY, APRIL 21st Elkin (Bank of Elkin) 9 to 12 A. M. Elkin (Snow Clothing Company) 1 to 3 P. M. MONDAY, APRIL 22nd Dobson (Sheriff's Office) 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. f school at an Easter egg hunt. Members of the classes and their families were invited. HOSPITAL NEWS The following patients have been admitted to Hugh Chatham Memor ial Hospital during the past week: Miss Lillie Holbrook, Jonesville, March 28, treatment. Miss Edna Holyfield, Elkin, route, March 28, major operation. Mrs. Inez White, Yadkinville, March 30, treatment. Miss Ina Lee Norman, Jonesville, March 30, major operation. Mrs. Fannie Flynn, Yadkinville, March 31, treatment. Miss Rosa King, Dobson, April 2, treatment. Paul Gaither, Elkin, April 4, mi nor operation. Mrs. Robert Brown, Jonesville, April 2, treatment. Hugh Madison, Elkin, April 3, treatment. Patients dismissed were: M. A. Biggs, Elkin: Clyde Anthony, Boon ville; Mrs. Collie Pardue, Jonesville; Mrs. Coy Durham and baby, Lomax; J. H. Norman, Boonville; Mrs. Lil lie Holbrook, Jonesville; William Gambill, New Life; Mrs. Geraldine McKinney, Jonesville: Miss Lucille Garris, Elkin and Mrs. A. Z. Phil lip's, Elkin. Diamonds subjected to intense heat burn away in layers. THE ELKIN TRIBUNE, ELKIN. NORTH CAROLINA Easter Observed In Quiet Manner Here Easter was observed quietly in Elkin and vicinity, Sunday being ob served by attendance at church ser vice and display of new spring fine ry. A number of local people attended the sunrise services of the Home Moravian church at Winston-Salem. Monday was a holiday for Elkin store employees, with the exception of drug stores and cafes. Perfect spring weather prevailed both Sun day and Monday. S. P. U. Is Showing 1934 Kelvinators The Southern Public Utilities com pany has started its annual Kelvi nator promotional activity, and has on display in its showroom the la test in 1934 model Kelvinators. The new models are sai,d to be the acme of electrical refrigeration, pos sessing many new features, designed for convenience and proper safe guarding of foods. Cool Springs News Owing to bad weather, sickness, and especially an epidemic of meas les, we haven't had very large crowds for a few weeks; however, Sunday saw some improvement with one hundred twenty-nine present. Many visitors came back to the old home church for the Easter service. Four members of the Busy Bee class gave recitations; Supt. New man's children sang a number, and three-year-old Raymond Pettyjohn recited an Easter Poem. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Pettyjohn, Sr., and children, Raymond, Jr., and Joyce Ada, of Littletown, Penn., are spending the Easter holidays with relatives here. They were accompa nied by Mr. Pettyjohn's brothers, Harvey and Arvil Pettyjohn. Mrs. Sallie Benge and family spent the week-end with Rev. and Mrs. C. F. Fields. Of interest to friends here was the marriage of Miss Gwendolyn Harris to Mr. Boyd Linder, of Fieldale, Va., The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. P. McCallee, pastor of the First Baptist church, at his home in Martinsville Saturday morning. The young couple accompanied by the bride's cousin, Miss Conrad Callo way, of Fieldale, Mr. Clarence Callo way of Thurmond, arrived at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Harris Saturday after- noon to spend the week-end. They returned to Fieldale Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Darnell had, as their Easter guests Mr. and Mrs.] Jesse Sizemore and Mr. and Mrs. Ted J Nichols, all of Winston-Salem. Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Holbrook had as their guests Sunday afternoon,! Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Tucker, of | Jonesville. Miss Asper Holbrook, of Winston- i Salem spent Easter with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Holbrook. ' ') 'v Report of the Condition of THE BANK OF ELKIN At Elkin, North Carolina To the Commissioner of Banks ( At the close of business on the sth; day of March, 1934 j; RESOURCES 1. Cash, Checks for Clearing Transit Items .., $ 17,327.57 2. Due from Approved Depository Banks 84,627.24 3. Due from Banks—Not Approved Depositories.. NONE j 4. Cash Items (Held Over 24 Hours . NONE | 5. Bonds in Escrow (For Exemption of Common Stock from Assessment) NONEj 6. United States Bonds, Notes, Etc 6,000.00 7. North Carolina State Bonds, Notes, Etc 49,000.00 8. North Carolina Political Subdivisions Bonds and Notes NONE 9. Stocks and Bonds of Banks Affiliates and/or Subsidiaries . NONE | 10. Listed Stocks NONE j 11. Other Stocks and Bonds 18,121.25 12. Loans and Discounts— Banks Affiliates and/or Subsidiaries NONE i 13. Loans and Discounts— Other 94,331.50 14. Customers Liability on Letters of Credit and Acceptances NONE 15. Advances to Trusts .... NONE 16. Banking House and Site 10,000.00 17. Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment 2,000.00 18. Other Real Estate 3,350.00 19. Overdrafts NONE 21. Insurance Department— Accounts and Notes Receivable 6,662.76 22. Cash on Hand 1,857.78 Total Resources $293,278.10 LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL 23. Demand Deposits— Due Banks 4,307.38 24. Demand Deposits— „Due Public Officials .... 13,010.43' I 25. Demand Deposits— Due Others 119,458.96 | I 26. Demand Certificates of Deposit (.Due Under 30 Days) NONE | 27. Cashiers Checks, Certified Checks and Dividend Checks 1,794.80 28. Uninvested Trust Deposits NONE j 29. Accrued Expenses, Taxes and Interest NONE ' 30. Time Certificates of Deposit—Due Public Officials NONE j 31. Time Certificates of Deposit—Due Others 20,472.57 ! 32. Savings Deposit—Due Public Officials NONE ' 33. Savings Deposits—Due Others 1 43,488.13 34. Bills Payable NONE 35. Rediscounts NONE 36. Bonds and Other Se curities Borrowed NONE 37. Accounts and Notes Pay able of Insurance, Real Estate and Other Depart ments 3,437.80 38. Acceptances and Letters of Credit Outstanding.. NONE } 39. Insurance Department— Reserves i 1,888.04 Total Liabilities 207,858.11 i 40. Capital Stock—Com mon 25,000.00 i 41. Capital Stock—Preferred 42. Surplus—Appropriated for Exemption of Common Stock from Assessment * 12,792.50 j 43. SuVplus—Unappropriated 44. Undivided Profits 4,434.34 j 45. Unearned Discount .... 600.00 46. Reserve for Depreciation Fixed Properties 200.00 47. Reserve for Losses .... 17,181.36 48. Reserve for Interest and Taxes t... 211.79 Total Capital 85,419.99 Total Liabilities and Capital STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, County of Surry—ss. Garland Johnson, Cashier, R. C. Lewellyn, Director, and J. R. Poin dexter, Director of The Bank of Elkin, each personally appeared be fore me this day, and, being duly sworn, each for himself, says that the foregoing report is true to the best of his knowledge and belief. GARLAND JOHNSON, Cashier R. C. LEWELLYN, Director; J. R. POINDEXTER, Director. Sworn to and subscribed before me this the 4th day of April, 1934. (SEAL) Sam Rose, Notary Public. My commission expires 2-16-36. FREES WOMAN, KILLS COPS Two Port Worth Tex., patrolmen —E. B. Wheeler and H. D. Murphy— were shot to death Sunday as they approached a motor car believed to have been occupied by Raymond Hamilton, escaped convict. Hamil ton earlier had released Mrs. Cam Gunter, whom he kidnaped after a bank robbery at West, Tex., Satur day. PRESIDENT LEADS SERVICES President Roosevelt observed Eas ter Sunday in a unique service aboard the yacht Nourmahal on the high sea. The chaplain's flag was noisted above the presidential en signia while Mr.. Roosevelt himself conducted the service under a blaz ing tropical sun. It was the first .such service in the history of the ' nation. I— PIANO BARGAINS THAT WILL PLEASE THE ENTIRE FAMILY! Buy Now and Save! Here are a few specials: Lockhart Used Walnut Up right, only— sso.oo Used Pease Ebony Upright, Good for a lifetime— s6s.oo Used Krell Mahogany Up right. Looks like new— s7s.oo Wilbur Used 88-Note Play sl4o.oo Just Arrived—New Apart ment size Upright, 3 ft. 8 inches— s22s.oo Brand New Lauter Baby Grand—and what a Piano! Get yours now! Over one hundred to choose from. Come! Write! Phone! Take Advantage! BOWEN PIANO CO. Trade St., Next to Post Office Winston-Salem, N. C. ■Bb MAMMBBMP SUNDAY at— . RIVERSIDE AIRPORT for SI.OO Weather Permitting mmmmmmmmmrn Announcement! I • , ■ . -* The Insurance Department I of The Bank of Elkin was purchased by Paul Gwyn as of April Ist. However, all accounts due the hank for insurance renewed prior to April Ist should be paid here. '-$!!. ~... . v I Bank of Elkin I I I R. C. Lewellyn, Pres. Garland Johnson, Cashier Thursday, April 5, 1934 FOUND DEAD Wade H. King, 54, building man ager and purchasing agent for the Wachovia Bank and Trust com pany, of Winston-Salem, was found dead Sunday in Dr. Phln Horton's office in the Wachovia building from asphyxiation. Investigating officers said it was a case of suicide. \Jf • • m SOOSO Come in and see the I WW - "" Frigid aire that actually Plus Freight operates on less current | DELIVERED *han one ordinary lamp and bulb —that pays for it .. INSTALLED se jf so quickly by the t savings it makes possible. Here are a few features of this Frigidaire '34: Automatic defrosting —you don't have to remember to turn it on again after defrosting. Auto matic ice tray release—the ice trays glide from the freezer at a finger touch. A frozen storage compart ment. Unusually large food space, with extra provision for tall bottles. Lifetime Porcelain interior. Gleam ing Dulux exterior finish. Thou sands of women already are boasting, "Ours is a Frigidaire '34."-. EVERY YEAR THE BEST OF THE YEAR FRIGIDAIRE -34 A PRODUCT OF 6ENERAL MOTORS HARRIS-BURGISS ELECTRIC CO. Elkin, N. C.