INDISE RELEASE 2B ■PISE YOU NEED FOR SPRING AND SUMMER! fe^ r GAY s ,,^!! v APP £f L! PTECE goods ■p VATTTITCi I\r Ladies' silk dresses in gay new djgjf i JOk W j colors New styles that are pat . BIG STOCK TO SELECT FROM ■*%( NT. terned after Paris creations— Vat-Dyed Prints Crepe Bi-.cs for this event with the QX QS OA 36-inch Vat-Dyed Prints. All new All-silk Crepe in beautiful colors. Hit by greater savings on spring patterns. Yard— Yard- Heeds. Be here early Thurs- €F I t/ r ,Ff Q _ ■vantage of our many at- ________________________ | g | " Ml ONI Y! Swasr?er Suits jflPlL Romper Cloth For Slips HU I • New swagger suits in white, navy, MkHE mm Romper Cloth and Shirting. Special, Heavy satin for slips. Flesh and tan and gray. See them early to per y ard ~ w lte Yard "^^ ■ENEW get the one you want— ||lf 10c »»C hriM *7* u 'i6 * MM I — = ——= — \M * JLTi Beautiful new Flaxons. Yard only- in seersucker. Spe- Printed Silk Dresses |f 19C t0 39C - 35C 49C ■ Just a few left! Printed rayon ——————______ , J silk dresses at an exceptional low .£& (i Organdies Carried Over price. Only, each— \ tjl New organdies in plain and printed 80-square prints we have carried . l:::~ si 98 SB : J 25c - 49c 19c I Kiddie Crepes ' SUirts and Sweaters p 1 For New Curtains New Prints ~ oKins dnu owedierh Curtain materials in green, ecru and New 80-square prints, all spring ■ Kiddies Crepe Dresses. cream. Yard— colors Yard— ■ Nicely made up in cute Skirts and Sweaters in new gay - 1| A- «« styles. Sizes 3to 6- colors to match. Each article- I I I* lUt &£&, I 51.49 51.98 t0 52.98 Gingham Oil Cloth "•* —~ Plaid gingham, assorted Colors. Past Bright new patterns and solid col- Hr color. Yard— o rs Yard Kleenex Wash Suits Q IlKleenex Cleansing Tissues. An extra big Children's Wash Suits. Well made. As- J. f/C buy at this price. Six boxes — sorted colors— ■ . 98c 49c r~ - f— * Ironing Pads ClftV INCW FlSlts! HTUf? I™ 1 A HZfff con^nue us i n ? a make II Ht. rAMILi! ... HUNDREDS TO f//7 A ironing. And only, each— Qipij i?i>nit/rv ITBLES AND PRICES OA CT FROM - Men's Oxfords vtlC Broad Brims Men's black dress oxfords. All JSafiL __ ou must see the new ■ laftther, new styles. Worth broad brim hats as they I more. Pair— 'jk Pillow Cases are " the E hing t* I S^e Ca^ 6S shapes^ V 6 s *^ es a n iflfn'.s black dress oxfords in an long wearing J " 56 jliliflß ■ leather. Styles you will like. Large Head Sizes | ~ zS' II S2 98 Fancy Buttons ■ | VU ;/// c , , . brown and beige— \ ' ' ■ //// See our large assortment of _ _ «, 4fcL fancy buttons in assorted QO/) to $0.98 ■ j/' l||- Sport Shoes k I colors and sizes for dress o A;F S Ja\ Wien s Sport Oxfords for spring trimming, \oull tmd just — s -' \ and summer wear. You must wl ?at you want at attractive see the new color combinations. prices. bottles SO M A to s4l AO • all the new materials. ■ 5 2.49 5 4,98 Thread models chiwren's sh »- lr o3^o se ™fs thre s a e d wSr c 69 c and 98 c ln„y-iii ?r shoes, oxfords, straps. Children's White Shoes thread for only— "j ■XT pfS ejc " values up to $1.98. Spe- ln ties - straps and Ro »alue. Pair oial, pair— man sandals. Pair— 4A - _ , , Vftll Mllsf Qpp ■9B 98C s l' 49 10 s 2' 9B 11/ C Children's Hats ln Tarns B 1 ' ■ —————— _ We've got just the Naturally with so Beautiful new hand ' • _ • _ . hat for the little Miss! Shorts iodoXm crocheted tarns. All ndptm 4>n # »' n a e n w -d »-«• - 13UI llllt:ill kjlltf 14l co ' ors ~ diumandlarge * ... V 69c 69 c to 98 c Thursday, April 5. 1934 THE ELKIN TRIBUNE. ELKIN. NORTH CAROLINA PLANS FOR SUMMER SCHOOL ARE PUSHED Will Be Announced At Early Date; Plan 2 Six-Weeks Terms As has been previously announced, Catawba College, of Salisbury, will conduct a branch of its regular sum mer work in Elkin this summer. Walter R. Schaff, local director of the division announces that plans for the type of work to be offered jand instructors are nearing comple | tion and will be announced through the press at an early date. A great number of teachers in Surry, Yadkin and Wilkes counties will have to do summer work in or der to raise their certificates. Su perintendent Comer, of Surry, super intendent Eller, of Wilkes, and Su perintendent Reece, of Yadkin have heartily endorsed the summer work as a good thing for the teachers in this territory, Mr. Schaff said. Two six-weeks terms are antici pated with the first term beginning June 9. Literature, about the sum |mer school. Superintendent Schaff | said, will be available soon. It has been suggested that teachers who do | not know exactly what their course requirements are to raise their cer tificates should take up the matter ! with the Division of Certification at , Raleigh, as this will save time. Ice Company Opening Refrigerator Campaign The Carolina Ice & Fuel company is announcing in this issue of The Tribune a campaign designed to place attractive and modern ice re frigerators in Elkin homes, and is of fering six months' free ice with each purchase of a refrigerator. The plan, as announced in their advertisement is exceedingly at tractive and provides a real service. A visit to the Carolina Ice fc Fuel company office will reveal full par-> S ticulars. Kiwanians To Hold Joint Meeting 13th A joint meeting of the Elkin and Statesville Kiwanis clubs has been scheduled to be held at Harmony Friday, April 13, at 7 o'clock, it was learned Wednesday from Walter R. Schaff, secretary of the local club. It is understood that Elkin will have charge of the program. NOTICE i NORTH CAROLINA, j SURRY COUNTY. In the Superior Court John Q. Adams, Plaintiff, | vs. Bertha Smith Adams, Plaintiff, De fendant. The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the superior court of Surry County, and state aforesaid, to obtain an abso lute divorce, and the said defendant will further take notice that she is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of Superior Court, at Dob son, N. C., on the 30th day of April. 1934, an answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said com plaint. This the 29th day of March, 1934. P. T. LLEWELLYN, 4-26 Clerk of the Superior Court. WILL HAVE Dressed fish, frying and stewing Oysters, dressed Hens and frying chicks Friday and Saturday. GRIER GRO. CO. Elkin, N. C. 5 EXTRA LARGE USED Ranges Your Choice $9.95 EAGLE FURNITURE COMPANY