Thursday, April 26, 1934 a BY ALAN BROWNING JR.— » THINGS WE CAN DO WITHOUT People who talk in your face—and spray liberally with each word . . . Fish and oysters . . . Those seeking some tidbit of pub licity who say: "I've jotted down the facts. You write it be cause you can do it so much better" . . . Rudy Vallee . . . Polks who get sore because their news puff didn't make the front page ... Rowdies who stomp and whistle at picture shows ... Accounts of operations . . . Magazine salesmen . . . Fuller brush salesmen . . . Shirt and socks salesmen . . . People who want per sonal correspondence from relatives living in distant cities published in the paper . . . Amateur poets . . . Gushy women . . . Profuse profanity . . . Long speeches . . . Huey Long .. . Pessimists . . COMMISSION I've heard from a highly reliable source that Charlie Wolfe worked as a member of the Jonesville fire de partment for many years without a cent of pay. And that he resigned a year or so ago at the height of the Elkin fire epidemic because it was reported to him that the members of the Elkin fire department were working on commission. But that can't be so. Think of the number of retired firemen we would have around here now. * * * "MORNIN", HAROLD" It comes to this department straight that a local dime store mag nate, while taking an early morning ~ p| Visit our Spring Showing and see the new conveniences, the new beauty, of the Frigidaire '34. You'll see Frigidaires that have automatic defrosting; that have auto matic ice tray release; that are of gleaming, Lifetime Porcelain inside and out. Frigidaires with double capacity Hydrators; unusually large food space, and extra room for tall bottles. Frigidaires with wonder fully convenient new features, such as a Sliding Utility Basket for eggs and other small articles, and the new Frigidaire Servashelf. In addition to the savings it brings, the Frigidaire '34 operates on an amazingly small amount of current. Come in and see why women are boasting, "Ours is a Frigidaire '34." k PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS EVERT TEAR THE BEST OF THE YEAR I Plut Prtigkt DELIVERED smi INSTALLED HARRIS-BURGISS ELECTRIC CO. Elkin, N. C. stroll about the streets of Washing ton, D. C., when there on a visit re cently, was astounded when a man on a street corner greeted him "with "Mornin', Harold." So astounded was he that he went back to his ho tel and informed his companiens (also from Elkin), what had hap pened. He swore he didn't know the stranger and that his name was not Harold, anyway. However, an investigation dis closed the stranger was merely en gaged in his occupation of selling the Morning Herald. AT RANDOM My wife seldom if ever reads the Gab Bag. Living with it is bad enough, she thinks . . , And living it down is bad enough, I think . . . Baker, up to the Chevrolet company told me last week that if the men who stole the Ford car out of their garage a couple of weeks ago are ever arrested they are going to be charged with insanity—what with all the new Chevies sitting around. I haven't seen Ab Somers yet, but it may be the thieves didn't take a Chevy because they feared it might be stiff in the knee-action . . . My life's ambition is to make a trip to the moon—or Mars. Striving for higher things, as it were . . . Don't believe everything you hear —even if it's true ... I was 29 years old yes terday—just an embittered old man . . . The Merchants association is planning to open the swimming pool down in the bottom . . . Pneumonia is measles' closest ally . . . Would that dreams could come true . . . A WIFE'S TESTIMONIAL Boastum Co., Cattle Creek, Mich. Gentlemen: I am writing to tell you that up until three days ago my husband was one of the most irritable men I have ever seen. He stayed in a bad hu mor all the time, and often hurt his family with his temper flare-ups. He was the worst temper flare-upper I've ever seen. But .no more! You see, I noticed your ad. in the funner paper about coffee nerves, and how they changed a man from an even tempered soul to an evil tempered soul. Forthwith I decided to try Boastum. My husband doesn't flare up any more. He died three days ago from cancer of the brain. He didn't have coffee nerves after all. Moral: He might have had though. (I know it's silly, but what do you expect for a dollar and a half a year?) THIS AND THAT It's taken me exactly three and one-half hours to get this far on this week's column. Three and one half hours wasted! They say that one reason the Elk in chapter of Henpecked Husbands of America is not doing so well is due to the fact that the alibi committee is not functioning propertly. But no wonder! Wives of the members won't let their husbands out nights enough to require any ali bis. I understand Earl James' name is up for membership. You can tell to what extent a man is henpecked by how expertly he folds a diaper. Jonesville News Mr. and Mrs. Lester Benge, of ReTia, were the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Martin at their home in Jonesville. Mr. and Mrs. Ruffin Haynes and children, of Jonesville, were the Sun day guests of their daughter, Mrs. Fred Winters, and Mr. Winters, of Center. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Pittman, of Ar lington, had as their guests Sunday Mrs. Pittman's brother, Mr. Prank Roberson, and Mrs. Roberson and small son and daughter. Garland and Betty Jean, of Jonesville. Mr- and Mrs. Mook, of Jonesville, had as their guests Sun day Mr. Hugh Benge and Miss Bessie Benge, oil Rena. Friends of Mrs. Gene Haynes, of Jonesville, will be glad to learn that THE ELKIN TRIBUNE, ELK IN. NORTH CAROLINA she has recovered from her recent illness. Miss Teshie Rose, of Lexington, was the week-end guest of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Rose, of Jonesville. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Groce and child ren of Jonesville, spent Sunday the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Pat Groce of Cycle. Mrs. Bill Martin and Mrs. Lee Spann, of Jonesville, were the guests Tuesday of Mrs. Spann's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Roberson, of Winston-Salem. They were accom panied by Mr. Martin and Mr. Spann who motored to High Point on busi ness. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Spann, of Jonesville, had as their guests Sun day their daughter, Mrs. Richard Pruitte and Mr. Pruitte and child ren, Doris, Barbara and Mildred, of State Road, and Mr. Spann's sister, Mrs. Sallie Benge. of Rena. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Spann, of Jones ville, had as their guests fir the week-end, Mrs. Spann's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Roberson. Mrs. Cur tis Hussey, Masters Thurman and Pete Roberson and little Miss Betty Lou Roberson, of Winston-Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rose, of Arling PROGRAM 1 Lyric Theatre [PROGRAM] d"O ¥7 I A T t NEXT WEEK - O • 1 31 ttl/ILI Tuesday Only Wfiol TODAY AND FRIDAY— WILLIAM u H^ iat They Leap from the Book and Live ! POWELL >SnPfl 2) 1 The world's most beloved family of K/UVVIUI h " e^urns as Kennel keep youß EyE (G^PLON THE HEAVENS I. •uctrie *tar of fvillVnAI 1 The gasping climax of all " Morni " 9 Glory "' IfJLIII UCI screen music shows is * J "■SIL - brinfl»to»h«ter»«n ./SB •*qoi«i»* charm in wings of giant sea planes! Wwom" maevasior fflf Henry Stephenson FAMILY SHOW \ MERIAN C. COOPER, c*cc. producer jyjflS / J V^IHM ~ cß ° w4n ' * >>oc ' p f oduc«* ROBERT iiiili News Admission 10c-25c SATURDAY- 7 "FUGITIVE . "WILD BOYS OF THE ROAD" LOVERS" r Wh%£m • " Serial Comedy Cartoon Adm. 10c-30c Adm. Only 10c IM NEXT WEEK—MONDAY ONLY— M "" 1 THE MOST FAMOUS PICTURE EVER FILMED! THE BIRTH «2fl OF A NATION" ip J Brought back for those who have never seen it and for those who *•*«•« YOUMANS XJM . HIO-EAOIO Picture , \ I want to see it again! «.„*», *.-,*.«_«£»' ALSO NEWS ADMISSION 10c-30c «cul(v« o'Cductr i. ou In Brock, atiocittt product* ton, were the guests Sunday of Mr. Rose's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Rose, of Jonesville. Miss Dorothy Haynes, of Jones ville, was the guest Sunday of Miss Gladys Spann, of Arlington. Messrs. Grady Coojce and Paul Flynn, of Hamptonville, spent Sun day in Jonesville visiting relatives and friends. Well advertised products are al ways showing a fast growing volume because they are most reliable sell ers and render absolute uniformity in quality. jBW- FINE REPAIRING fiwj ® Two Expert KjjSj] Repairmen "Spy In Charge C. W. STEELE Jeweler E. Main St. Elkin, X. C. NOTICE ! Pay your electric light bill before the 10th of each month. 5 percent will be added after the 10th. SOUTHERN PUBLIC UTILITIES CO. Honrs: Open 8:80 A. ML, Close 5:00 7. M. PHONE 210 GREAT HEART CO A L Less than a bushel of ashes to the ton CAROLINA ICE & FUEL COMPANY Phone 83