6 BY ALAN BROWNING, JR. « Almost three years now we've been writing this thing in Elkin ... In regards to Will Holcomb having the hand he weighs insured for $20,000, as noted here last week, we understand that Q. Snow is making arrangements to raise the $20,000 for Mr. Holcomb and then have the hand amputated. He seems to think it'll be cheaper in the long run .. Preacher Bryant's death was a shock to everyone who knew him—and who didn't ? . . . Mr. Fox preached in the Methodist church in our home town last Sunday week. Thirty-one years ago he was pastor of that same church. If we were called upon to decide the most distasteful of the two —gaudy red fingernails or anklets, we'd say fingernails. There's no excuse for them ... They neither enhance or beautify. Rather, they—but why go on? It's really none of our business . . . Have you ever heard a cock roach walking? ... Or have you ever stepped on one with your bare foot? . . . We've got one at home with a wooden leg. Answers to the name of Elmer. And reminds us of some of the gossips around here — always sticking his nose into things that don't concern him . . . But then there's not much differ ence in a gossip and a cockroach. There's a youngster across the street doing his best to get scratched by a cat . . . Mayor Royall, person ally, thinks a little amusement would not result in wrecking the morals of the town . . . Elkin is not so much interested in the route of a new road from here to North Wilkesboro. What Elkin is interested in is a road ... A good story liked to have hap pened here last week—but didn't . . . It may happen before this reaches print—and again it may not . . . Our vote for the best all-round baseball player on the Chatham team—Davis . . . Wonder why they didn't name the team "Buckin* Blanketeers?" NICE WEATHER WE'RE HAVING Let two strangers meet—or two friends —and nine times out of ten they'll remark on the weather. Pick up someone and give them a ride in your automobile, and before you're back into high gear you'll be informed as to the state of the wea ther. Wonder why the weather is al ways the topic of conversation? Naturally a person wants to have something to say, but why couldn't he remark: "Mrs. Jones' bunions are bothering her today." Not that you give a rip as to the state of Mrs. Jones' bunions, but you would be learning that her bunions are hurting instead of being told that it looks like rain, which you already knew without having to be told. It was Mark Twain who said "Everybody talks about the weather but nobody seems to do anything Bbout it." Or words to that effect. Statement , AID ASSOCIATION OF LUTHERANS Appleton, Wis. Condition December 31, 1933, as shown by Statement filed. Balance from Previous Year $ 13 913 164 21 Income—Prom Members, $3,049,019.15; Miscellaneous, $972,085.58; Total 4 021 104 73 Disbursements—To Members, $1,540,414.28; Miscellaneous, $1,058,700.62; Total 2,599,114 90 Business written during year—Number of Policies, 104,097; Amount 132 520 326 00 Business in force at end of year—Number of Poiicies'r9s.o3s; A® 0 " 01 117,576,936.00 ASSETS Value of Real Estate (less amount of encumbrances) $ 741173,77 Mortgage Loans on Real Estate 4,504,240^63 Value of Bonds and Stocks 8431^922.58 Deposited in Trust Companies and Banks not on interest 17i207!20 Deposited In Trust Companies and Banks on inierest 214,138.19 Interest and Rents due and accrued 312i242i04 All other Assets, as detailed in statement 1,783i860.83 Total. $15,704,785.24 Less Assets not admitted 398,799.01 Total admitted Assets $15,305,986.23 _ LIABILITIES Death Claims reported, but not yet adjusted $ 47 184 00 Permanent Disability Claims """ 1250 00 Sick and Accident Claims 9,'707.60 Salaries, rents, expenses, commission, etc....! 21*294*74 Taxes due and accrued ™ ' Advance Assessments 274^790.06 All other Liabilities, as detailed in statement 3181204.30 Total Liabilities $ 677,301.91 Business In North Carolina Darin* 1933 Policies or Certificates in force December 31st previous year, Number 136; Amount $ 143,927. Policies or Certificates issued during the year, Number 63; Amount 86!75o! Policies or Certificates in force December 31, 1933, Number 181; Amount 214 927 Losses and Claims unpaid December 31st of previous year, Number 1; Amount 30 Losses and Claims incurred during the year, Number 8; Amount 214 Losses and Claims paid during thq year. Number 7; Amount 184 Losses and Claims unpaid December 31, 1933, Number 1; Amount 30* Premiums and Assessments collected during the year in North Carolina $4,483.79 President, Alex O. Beuz; Secretary, Albert Voechs; Treasurer, Wm. H. Zueblke; Actuary, Clarence L. Alford, Nashville, Tenn.; Home Office Ap pleton, Wis.; Attorney for Service, DAN C. BONEY, Insurance Commis sioner, Raleigh, N. C.; Manager for North Carolina, Home Office. • STATE OP NORTH CAROLINA, Seai) INSURANCE DEPARTMENT, r , Raleigh, July 6th, 1934. I, DAN C. BONEY, Insurance Commissioner, do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct abstract of the statement of the Aid AJSSO of Lutherans, a Fraternal Order, of Appleton, Wis., filed with this Depart ment, showing the condition of said Order on the 31st day of December, 1933. Witness my hand and official seal, the day and date above written. . DAN C. BONEY, Insurance Commissioner. AT RANDOM WE'RE WORRIED To be perfectly frank about the matter, we're worried about Mr. Schaff. For it has been nigh onto three months since we've heard him make any announcements. It may be that since the Kiwanis club has been meeting at the shoe factory he can't get the attention of the members long enough to say anything, because as a rule Jones Holcomb is always hanging around the supper table in hopes of snitch ing something in advance, and Charlie Brewer always corners some body to talk about highways, and the rest gather to discuss baseball, business or what not. Still, though, this doesn't seem to worry Mr. Schaff a bit, and that's why we are worried. If he appeared to want to make an announcement, that would be different, but when he acts like the blind mule and just don't give a cfarn, then it's time something should be done about something. It may be that he figures his re marks, if any, would be lost on the bunch present, and thus doesn't bother. That may be it. • • * IT'S DANGEROUS Since hearing about an Elkin boy who recently lost a foot while at tempting to hobo a train, it recalls a boy we once knew who attempted the same thing. Only this boy, in reaching for a car, fell so that his right arm fell in a crooked position across the track. He has only one arm now. It used to be our greatest desire to "catch a freight", but somehow we just never got around to it. And its probably a good thing, too, be cause if we had it might have been aisastrous. We remember a freight train wreck that happened when we were younger. Twenty-six cars piled up into a splintered mass. And three boys, all in their teens who were THE ELKIN TRIBUNE, ELKIN, NORTH CAROLINA hoboing, were killed. The cause of the wreck could not be explained. Several years later a boy with whom we were working told us that he was on the freight. And that one of the boys who was killed in an ef fort to apply the brakes in order to slow the train down so he could get off a few miles down the tracks, cut the air hose between two cars. As a result, all cars between the boy and the engine were said to have had brakes applied, while the long string to the rear, running free and down grade, piled up upon the for ward cars. And the wreck resulted. We do not know whether the boy was telling the truth of not. Neither do we know if such a procedure as cutting an air hose would apply brakes. But we do know that ho boing is dangerous—both to the hobos and to the train upon which they are riding. And let this be a lesson to anyone with hoboing inclinations. TRUSTEE'S SALE By virtue of authority conferred in a certain Deed of Trust executed June 15, 1928 by Jas. T. Greenwood to David B. Harris and Tristram T. Hyde, Jr., Trustees, which Deed of Trust is duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Surry County in Book 108, page 10, de fault having been made in the pay ment of the indebtedness secured by said Deed of Trust and at the re- Statement AFFILIATED UNDERWRITERS New York City Condition December 31, 1933, as shown by Statement filed. Amount Ledger Assets Dec. 31st previous year, $708,798.39; Total $708,798.39 Income —From Policyholders, $253,736.11; Miscellaneous, $38,236.80; Total 291,972 91 Disbursements—To Policyholders, $44,916.92; Miscellaneous, $224,872.58; Total 269,789.50 Fire Deposits—Written or renewed during year, $389,164.05; In force 431 231 45 ASSETS Value of Bonds and Stocks $532,160.14 Cash in Company's Office 157.61 Deposited in Trust Companies and Banks on interest 148,961.07 Agents' balances, representing business written subsequent to October 1, 1933 45,051.68 Agents' balances, representing business written prior to October 1, 1933 3,065.13 Interest and Rents due and accrued 7|385.15 All other Assets, as detailed in statement 95,075.53 Total $831,856.31 Less Assets not admitted 4,651.30 Total admitted Assets $827 205 01 LIABILITIES Net amount of unpaid losses and claims $ 21 876 38 Unearned premiums 205!438!66 Salaries, rents, expenses, bills, accounts, fees, etc., due or accrued 488 28 Estimated amount payable for Federal, State, county and municipal taxes due or accrued 3,500.00 Contingent commissions, or other charges due or accrued 76!130.22 All other liabilities, as detailed in statement 85,146.94 Total amount of all liabilities except Capital $392,580.48 Surplus over all liabilities $434,624.53 Surplus as regards Policyholders 434,624.53 Total Liabilities $827,205.01 Business In North Carolina During 1933 Fire Risks Written, $511,377; Premiums received $1 464 Losses incurred—Fire; Paid 260 Attorney-in-fact, Ernest W. Brown, Inc; Home Office, 1 Park Ave New York City; Attorney for serviee: DAN C. BONEY, Insurance Commis sioner, Raleigh, N. C.; Manager for North Carolina, Home Office. lx STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, (Seal) INSURANCE DEPARTMENT, , _ Raleigh, July 6th, 1934 T, DAN C. BONEY, Insurance Commissioner, do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct abstract of the statement of the Affiliated Underwriters, of New York City, filed with this Department, showing the condition of said Company, on the 31st day of December, 1933. Witness my hand and official seal, the day and year above written. DAN C. BONEY, Insurance Commissioner. Statement AMERICAN FIDELITY & CASUALTY COMPANY, Inc. Richmond, Va. Condition December 31, 1933, as shown by Statement filed. Amount of Capital paid up in cash $ 258 000 00 Amount of Ledger Assets December 31st of previous year, $1,061,117.33. Increase of Capital during year, $51,720.00; Total ...! $1 112 837 33 Income—From Policyholders, $1,488,656.44; • Miscellaneous, $67,771.48; Total 1 556 427 92 Disbursements—To Policyholders, $689,712.69; Miscellaneous, $637,540.81; Total 1 327 253 50 ASSETS ' ' '* Value of Real Estate $ 700 00 Mortgage Loans on Real Estate 29,191 Loans secured by pledge of Bonds, Stocks, or other collateral 194*303 15 Value of Bonds and Stocks 442 607 81 Cash in Company's Office 7]910!64 Deposits in Trust Companies and Banks not on interest 28,111.04 Deposits in Trust Companies and Banks on interest.....» 104,215.14 Premiums in course of Collection 449,334.38 Interest and Rents due and accrued " 24 811 49 Bills Receivable """ 32,961!12 All other Assets, as detailed in statement 55,451.55 T . . T0ta1..... $1,369,598.24 Less Assets not admitted 97,619.88 Total admitted Assets $1 271 978 36 LIABILITIES Unpaid Claims $ 363 203 94 Expense, Investigation, and Adjustment of Unearned Premiums 160i787!91 Commission, Brokerage, and other charges due 52 213 30 Salaries, Rents, Expenses, Bills, Accounts, Fees, etc., due or accrued 4,100.00 Estimated amount for Federal, State, county and municipal taxes 3q goo 00 All other Liabilities, as detailed in statement 1 30^000.00 Total amount of all Liabilities except Capital $ 645,305 15 Capital paid up $258,000.00 Surplus over all Liabilities 368,673.21 Surplus as regards Policyholders 626,673.21 Total Liabilities . $1,271,978.36 President, S. A. Manhel; Secretary, O. I. Shapland; Treasurer, John Ingles; Home Office, Tenth St. Bldg, Richmond, Va.; Attorney for service, DAN C. BONEY, Insurance Commissioner, Raleigh, N. C.: Manager for North Carolina, Home Office. STATE OP NORTH CAROLINA, (Seal) INSURANCE DEPARTMENT, T , Raleigh,; April 14th, 1934. I. DAN C. BONEY, Insurance Commissioner, do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct abstract of the statement of the American Fidelity & Casualty Company, Inc., of Richmond, Va., filed with this De partment, showing the condition of said Company on the 31st day of December, 1933. Witness my hand and official seal, the day and date above written. DAN C. BONEY, Insurance Commissioner. quest of the holders of the notes secured thereby, the undersigned Trustee, being one of the Trustees named in said Deed of Trust, will offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash on Monday, August 27, 1934, at 12 o'clock Noon, at the Court House Door in Dobson, N. C. the following described lands and premises, to-wit: A certain lot, parcel or tract of land situate, lying and being in the County of Surry and in the State of North Carolina, and more par ticularly bounded and described as follows, to-wit: All that lot of land with the im provements thereon, located, lying and being in the City of Elkin, Elk in Township, Surry County, North Carolina, bounded on the west by property of Miss Maude Greenwood, on East by property of H. G. Chat ham; on south by Main street and North by an alley, and mpre parti jcularly described as followfc: BEGINNING at a point 50 feet west of intersection of Bridge and Main streets, said intersection being the center of town, and lying on the North side of Main street, runs northwardly with line of H. G. Chat ham 100 feet to an alley; thence Westwardly with said alley 20 feet; thence parallel with Miss Maude Greenwood's line and five feet from same 100 feet to a point on Main street, thence with Main street 20 feet to the beginning. Same being twenty feet off the Eastern portion of Lot No. 3 in Block No. 10 as shown on map of Elkin Land Company, recorded in the office of Register of Deeds of Surry County, in Book 29, page 600. (Together with the right, title, interest and estate in and to the stairway located to the west of said property reference being made | to report to special commissioner lof August 2, 1918 in J. A. Green l wood, et als, versus Phillip Green | wood, Minor. And being the same ! property allotted to the grantor J here in the above suit.) v This July 25, 1934. DAVID B. HARRIS, Trustee. Folger & Folger, Attys. 8-23 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE Default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by that certain deed of trust to me, as Trustee for Jefefrson Standard Life Insurance Company by W. J. Snow and wife, Etta G. Snow on Ju !ly 26, 1930, and recorded in the of (fice of the Register of Deeds of Sur 'ry County in Book 108, Page 122, T j will, under and by virtue of the pow ■er of sale contained in said deed of trust, and at the request of the cestui que trust, and for the pur pose of discharging the debt secured by said deed of trust, proceed to sell to the highest bidder, for cash, at the Court House door in Dobson, Surry County, North Carolina, at Statement AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE COMPANY St. Louis, Mo. Condition December 31, 1933, as shown by Statement filed. Amount of Capital paid up in cash *1 000 000.00 Amount of Ledger Assets December 31st of previous year Total 9,072,866.05 Income—Prom Policyholders, $7,166,277.90; Miscellaneous, $796,087.40; Total 7 962 365 30 Disbursements—To Policyholders, $3,243,588.69- Miscellaneous, $3,866,323.44; Total.. * 7 109 912 13 ASSETS Value of bonds and Stocks $8 137 013 65 Cash in Company's Office.... ' 7[950!00 Deposits in Trust Companies and Banks not on interest 92,547^37 Deposits in Trust Companies and Banks on interest 781,864.49 Premiums in course of Collection 890,129.33 Interest and Rents due and accrued 39^418.98 All other Assets, as detailed in statement 15i814.38 _ . . Total $9,964,738.20 Less Assets not admitted 733,490.10 Total admitted Assets $9 231 248 10 LIABILITIES Unpaid Claims $2,681,095.69 Expense, Investigation, and Adjustment of Claims 31 120 64 Unearned Premiums 3,090,440.48 Commission; Brokeage, and other charges due 189 100 88 Salaries, Rents, Expenses, Bills, Accounts, Fees, etc., due or accrued 6,685.03 Estimated amount for Federal, State, county anu municipal taxes 147,501.14 All other Liabilities, as detailed in statement 845,387.36 Total amount of all Liabilities except Capital $6,991,331 22 Capital paid up $1,000,000.00 Surplus over all Liabilities $1,239,916.88 Surplus as regards Policyholders $2,239,916.88 Total Liabilities $9,231,248.10 Business in North Carolina During 1933 Auto Liability—Premiums Received, $29,818; Losses Paid $12,409 Auto property damage—Premiums Received, $14,845; Losses Paid $2 648 Auto collision—Premiums Received sl6 00 Total Premiums Received $44,680; Total Losses Paid "......$15,057 Pfesident, L. A. Harris; Secretary, P. R. Ryan; Home Office, Pierce Bldg., St. Louis, Mo.; Attorney for service, DAN C. BONEY, Insurance Commissioner, Raleigh, N. C.; Manager for North Carolina, Homr Office. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Seal) INSURANCE DEPARTMENT, _ „ Raleigh, April 14th, 1934. I, DAN C. BONEY, Insurance Commissioner, do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct abstract of the statement of the American Automobile Insurance Company, of St. Louis, Mo., filed with this Depart ment, showing the condition of said Company on the 31st day of December, 1933* Witness my hand and official seal, the day! and date above written. DAN C. BONEY, Insurance Commissioner. Statement AMERICAN MOTORISTS INSURANCE COMPANY Chicago, 111. Condition December 31, 1933, as shown by Statement filed. Amount of Capital paid up in cash $ 650,000.00 Amount of Ledger Assets December 31st of previous year, $3,782,297.80; Increase of Capital during year, $150,000.00 Total 3 932 297 80 Income—From Policyholders, $336,585.31; Miscellaneous, $3,271,809.77; Total , 3,608,395.08 Disbursements—To Policyholders, $1,515,454.66; Micellaneous, $1,656,843.43; Total 3,172 298 09 ASSETS Value of Real Estate $ 64,500.00 Mortgage Loans pn Real Estate 387i750.00 Value ?f Bonds and Stocks 2,820,558.69 Deposits Trust Companies and Banks not on interest: 515 251J30 Premiums in course of Collection 538,426.01 Interest and Rents due and accrued 42|244!36 Commissions due on reinsurance ....* 22,81611 All other Assets, as detailed in statement 41 [908.79 Total ' $4,433,455.26 Less Assets not admitted 84,489.14 Total admitted Assets $4,348 966 12 LIABILITIES Unpaid Claims .• $1,698,750.77 Expense, Investigation, and Adjustment of Claims 12 937 00 Unearned Premiums 951,018.00 Commission, Brokerage, and other charges due 90]351.37 Salaries, Rents, Expenses, Bills, Accounts, Fees, etc., due or accrued 39 900 90 Estimated amount for Federal, State, county and municipal taxes 64,565.50 All other Liabilities, as detailed In statement 16o|ooo!oo Total amount of all Liabilities except Capital $3,017 523,54 Capital paid up : $650,000.00 Surplus over all Liabilities $681,442.58 , Surplus as regards Policyholders 1,331.442.58 Total Liabilities I $4,348,966.12 Business In North Carolina During 1933 Accidents-Premiums Received, $8,618; Losses Paid $ll3BB Auto Liability—Premiums Received, $25,272; Losses Paid n 889 Liability other than auto, premiums received S2O Workmen's compensation—Premiums Received, $1,166; Losses Paid 1313 Auto property damage—Premiums Received, $8,384; Losses paid 2471 Auto Collision—Premiums Received, $1,551; Losses paid 1519 Totals, $45,011; S2B 581 President, Jas. S. Kemper; Secretary, Edwin E. Hooper; Treasurer Geo. J. Facuswnth; Home Office, Mutual Ins. Bldg., Chicago, 111.; Attorney for service, DAN C. BONEY, Insurance Commissioner, Raleigh N C * Manager for North Carolina, Home Office. STATE Or NORTH CAROLINA, (Seal) INSURANCE DEPARTMENT, Raleigh, April 14th, 1934.' I, DAN C. BONEY, Insurance Commissioner, do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct abstract of the statement of the American Motorists Insurance Company, of Chicago, 111., filed with this Department, showing the condition of said Company on the 31st day of December, 1933. Witness my hand and official seal, the day and date above written. DAN C. BONEY, Insurance Commissioner. Thusday, August 9, 1934 12 o'clock M„ on Wednesday. August 29, 1934, the following described property, to-wit: Lying and being in Town of Elk in, Surry Co., North Carolina, situa ted on North side of Main street,. 50 feet east of intersection of Bridge street and Main street, and front ing on Main street 25.83 ft. and ex- I tending back of equal width 109.40 feet, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at an iron stake on the north side of Main street 50 feet east of Bridge street and runs east with Main street 25.83 feet to E. P. Mc jNeer's corner; thence North with E. P. McNeer's lint 109.40' feet to an alley; thence West with said alley 25.83 feet to an iron stake; thence with E. P. McNeer's line 109.40 feet to beginning, known as Lot No. 6, Block 11 on map of Elkin Land Com pany recorded in Book 29, page 600 office of Register of Deeds of Sur ry County. (The above described property be ing same land conveyed to W. J. Snow by deed from G. T. Roth and wife, Rosa, April 6, 1920 and filed May 14, 1920 in office of Register of Deeds of Surry Co., North Carolina, in Book 81, page 462. This the 25th day of July, 1934. JULIAN PRICE, Trustee. Smith, Wharton & Hudgins, Attys. Greensboro, N. C. 8-23

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