Thursday, November 22. 1934 ■WE IGAB PESETES By Alan Browning, Jr. THE CAMPAIGN You'll notice, perhaps, as soon as you finish reading this ,column that The Tribune is this week announcing with great gusto a circulation campaign in which it will pay to deserving brothers and sisters over $1,300 in hard cash! The first prize will be S6OO in a lump sum; the second $400; the third $l5O and so. on down the line. Which, you must admit, will be mighty nice for those who hustle the fastest and win. However, the Gab Bag shal directors of this column, consisl Oswald H. Gumbersnitz, and Osci heading), have decided to award ad-' ditional prizes to those who come out ahead in this campaign. •After an all night meeting, in which Simpson snored mightily and Oscar the rat started to nibble on the writer with the idea that he is a big piece of cheese, the following prizes were decided upon: To first prize winner will be awarded a new tack. This tack is to be used for sitting upon. Thus, when anyone tells the winner to go sit on a tack, it will not be neces sary for that person to go to a lot of trouble hunting for a tack. He or she will have the prize tack in stantly available. Second prize will consist of Klon dike Lake. Thus the winner will have every right to "go jump in the lake." Third prize caused the board of directors a lot of trouble. We had a hard time deciding on what to give. But after much thought we decided upon a "protector" from false teeth. With this "protector" Why Hospitals Use a Liquid Laxative Hospitals and doctors have always used liquid laxatives. And tlje public is fast returning to laxatives in liquid form. Do you know the reasons? The dose of a liquid laxative can be measured. The action can regulated to suit individual neecT It forms no habit; you need not take a "double dose" a day or two later. Nor will a mild liquid laxative irritate, the kidneys. The right dose of a liquid laxative brings a more natural movement, and there is no discomfort at the time, or after. The wrong cathartic may often do more harm than good. A properly prepared liquid laxative like Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin brings safe relief from constipation. It gently helps the average person's bowels until nature restores them to regularity. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is an approved liquid laxative which all druggists keep ready for use. It makes an ideal family laxa tive; effective for all ages, and may be given the youngest child. ■ WEHAVEAFEW I GOOD USED I Sewing I Machines For As Low As I $22 50 Are In Good Condition I Last week's Rug went to R. C. Luffman, State I Road, N. C. I HAYES & SPEAS Elkin, N. C. 11 not be outdone. The board of iting of the writer, Simpson, ar the rat (pictured above in the the false teeth may be slipped into the hip pocket and the person so doing may sit down without fear of being bitten. To the remainder of the contest ants who win prizes will be awarded a box of Dr. Bumper's Bunion plas ters. After three applications the foot comes off. NEEDED: STOP LIGHTS As soon as street markers are in stalled here, the Gab Bag is going to launch another of its famous and absolutely resultless campaigns. This time it will campaign with its usual ineffectiveness for stop and go traf fic lights. The intersection which cries the loudest for one of these lights is the one at the north end of the new bridge. It is probable there would have been no death there last Wed nesday morning had such a safe guard been installed when the Mar ket street extension was opened. As a result of this negligence in safety, we have a widow, and nine children left fatherless. Would the cost of a traffic signal be too dear an effort to make to avoid further tragedies there? * * * AT RANDOM Mr. Spradlin came pretty near embarrassing somebody several weeks ago ... We've got a fine horse trading yarn put away for fu ture reference . . . What with being accused of spreading rumors it be gins to look as if we'll have to spill it . . . Still, we wouldn't want to say that Mr. Griffeth, down at Pen ney's, traded for a balky horse after telling the man with whom he traded that "I'm an old horse trader." . . . According to what we hear, Mr. Griffeth'6 new horse wouldn't even move with a fire under him, but as we said before, we're not going to tell about that yet on account of we have some slight idea ourself of how it feels to be kidded . . , It's reliably reported that after the horse trade Mr. Griffeth still had his shirt. From what we can gather, Lee Snow has captured a 'possum that's so big he had to enlarge a cow stall to keep it in . . , He was afraid to put it in the barn with his cows for fear it would step on some of them . . , It's also reported by Will Holcomb, a man of unquestioned in tegrity (?) that Mr. Snow is fat tening this 'possum for a wedding feast . . . Reports are that Jack Smoot, chief cook and plate dropper down at Abernethy's, has to do all the cooking at home since taking unto himself a wife . . . Sort of a "from behind the lunch counter in to the kitchenette" affair . . . Well, we always figured Jack would find his real calling some day , . . Speak ing of Will Holcomb, we hear he had his picture taken the other Sunday. Two exposures with his hat on and one with it off . . . it's said the photographer made him keep the hat on so it would cover part of his face. In that way he protected his camera . . . When the pictures were developed, one resembled Mae West and the other two didn't resemble anything—not even Mr. Holcomb .. . • • • THIS AND THAT Funny how the wind piles all the leaves from trees right smack in the middle of the sidewalk. • * * Another reader or two to record. Nurses in a Cincinnati hospital—or so we heard. Goodness knows this weekly drivel needs some nursing. *' • * Looks like we're going to be in the market for some extra soft soft soap. Libby Holman Reynolds' baby son, Christopher, the latter part of last week laid claim to the entire $25,- 000.000 slice of the Reynolds tobac co fortune which was held in trust for his father, Smith Reynolds. THE ELKIN TRIBUNE, ELKIN, NORTH CAROLINA TO SPEED ENFORCEMENT More vigorous enforcement of code regulation of American busi ness, regarded as NRA's most urgent need, was presaged last week in the creation of -a special justice depart ment office for handling recovery cases. NOTICE Burrus Gray, heretofore trading as Pay Cash Grocery Company, Elkin, N. C., has sold his stock of mer chandise, fixtures, etc., to J. B. Mathis. All debts due by the Pay Cash Grocery Company to October 11, 1934, inclusive, are payable by Burrus Gray and all debts incurred after said date are payable by J. B. Mathis. All persons indebted to the Pay Cash Grocery Company, prior to October 11, 1934, will please make prompt payment to Burrus Gray. This the 31st day of October, 1934. 12-6 BURRUS GRAY. NOTICE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust, executed March 28th, 1924 by Martha Jane Rigsby, W. H. Hayes and wife, Valley Hayes, to J. F. rz B=PROGRAM=I§ BS? Night. A 4i LYRIC THEATRE TODAY ONLY— NEXT WEEK—Monday and Tuesday— NVtN ft HER WEDDING BELLS . but 2 brid* him I A mtrry mtdy of A* Z> Adolph Zukor prtitnli 7 H *m* iwWSXg- ELISSA LANDI r\J? IBgfe THE GROOM ADOLPHE MENJOU lltiS J AC*lf' haTp y ; DAVID MANNERS (SjL,Mi ET; ,i Directed by Ralph Murphy (T \ jLj)|k ) ', * > " runn,n 9 for hit liftlj » A Paramount Pic,or. W%j(A rVYMfIj MARY BOLAND News Admission 10c-25c jv NEIL HAMILTON FRIDAY PATRICIA ELLIS > __ __- ___ _ _ _ _ News-Cartoon Admission 10c-30c 'GIVE MY LOVE' PAUL LUKAS - WYNNE GIBSON Failllly ShOW Comedy Admission 10c-25c |^J SATURDAY TOM TYLER in BOND A flF^ "When A Man Rides Alone" ADMISSION ONLY 10c Also Beginning New Serial I SHOW HOURS 1 I } MONDAYS—Doors open 4p. m—7:3o p. m. to 9p. m. [die I ICaSUrn TUESDAYS—Doors open 2:30 pan. to 3 p.m.—7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. i | W WEDNESDAYS—Doors open 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.—7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. Cornpdv and fart/win THURSDAYS—Doors open 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.—7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. V iMlieilV ana I dTIOOII FRIDAYS—Doors open 2:30 p.m. to 3 p.m.—7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. ADMISSION 10C-30C SATURDAYS—c., te ,„ m i.,. m »» m . Hendren, Trustee lor the Elkin Hardware Company to secure pay ment of $610.00, and default having been made in payment of same, I, the undersigned substituted trustee, (see record of substitution in Regis ter of Deeds office as of October 30, 1934), will sell for cash, at public auction, to the highest bidder in front of the Post Office in Elkin, N. C., on November 30, 1934, at 2:00 P. M„ the following described prop arty, to-wit: A certain tract of lad situate in Elkin Township, Surry County, bounded on the North by the lands of I. A. Eldridge, on the East by the lands of Robert Guyer, and on the South by the lands of Mrs. Cellie Williamson, and on the West by the lands of Charlie Ray. Containing 25 acres more or less. Also one pair of dark bay mules about six years old, known as Jim Laster mules, one set of double harness; one 2-horse George E. Nissen wagon; one Jersey cow about four.years old with horns; one Jersey cow about seven years old without horns. This the 30th day of October, 1934. W. M. ALLEN, 11-22 Substituted Trustee. Eyes Examined Office: Glasses Fitted Elkin National Bank Bulldin* DR. P. W.GREEN OPTOMETRIST Office open daily for optical repairs and adjustments of all kinds. Ex aminations on Tuesdays and Fridays from 1 to 5 p. m. Radio Service BY AN EXPERT RADIO SERVICE MAN Complete Line of Tubes and Parts REICH HAYESBOREN (Incorporated) PHONE 70 ELKIN, N. C.