Thursday. March 14, 1935 KQCTETY Mason Lillard Class to Meet Monday The Mason Lillard Bible class of the Methodist church will meet Monday evening at 7:30 at the home of Mrs. Harry L. Johnson, with Mrs. R. C. Freeman associate hostess. All members are requested to attend. Methodist Group Meeting to be Held Monday Afternoon The monthly group meeting of the Woman's Missionary Society of the Methodist church will be held in the church Monday afternoon at 3:30. All members are requested to at tend. Young Matron's Class to Meet The Young Matron's Class of the Sunday school of the First Baptist church will meet in the regular business-social meeting, Thursday, March 7, at 8 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. L. M. Stuart. All members and associate members are urged to attend. Woman's Auxiliary of Episcopal Church Meets Monday The Woman's Auxiliary of the Galloway Memorial Episcopal church met Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Thomas Roth on Terrace Avenue.. Mrs. J. Coke Ma rion opened the meeting with a prayer and the regular business meeting followed. The hostess served tempting re freshments during a pleasant social hour. Mrs. Hayes Entertains Bridge Club at Luncheon Mrs. Errol Hayes entertained at a delightful party at her home on TngticalecL! Ingredients of Vicks Vapoßub in Convenient Candy Form VICKS COUGH DROP FOR EVERY OCCASION MORRISON'S FLOWER SHOP Phone 30-W Elkin, N. C. YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED To Attend the Opening of Our YARN SHOP Sydnor-Spainhour Co. Elkin, N. C. Church street Friday morning at 10:30, having as guests the members of her contract club. Bridge was played until one o'clock, when a tempting luncheon was served. Jan uary jasmine was used as a center piece for the lovely table. The high score award for the bridge games fell to Mrs. Charles Ashby and she was presented with a felt bridge ta ble- cover. Mr. and Mrs. Brewer Entertain Club at Bridge-Dinner Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Brewer enter tained at a delightful bridge-din ner in their suite at Hotel Elkin Thursday evening, having as guests the members of the Fortnightly Bridge Club. Spring flowers were used to adorn the living room, where dinner was served from two small tables. During the evening contract was enjoyed with Dr. and Mrs. Harry L. Johnson winning the high score award at the conclusion of the play. Methodist Circle Meets With Misses Lillard Thursday Evening Misses Margaret and Carolyn Lil lard were hostesses to circle number four of the Woman's Missionary So ciety of the Methodist church at their home on Gwyn Avenue Thurs day evening, with /twelve members in attendance. Miss Margaret Lillard conducted the devotionals and. directed the Bible study, which was a compre hensive outline of the book of Gene sis. Special music by Miss Carolyn Lillard, was a feature of the meet ing. During a pleasant social hour a tempting refreshment course was served. Miss Lilian! Entertains at Breakfast to Honor Guest Honoring her house guest, Miss Sarah Elizabeth Motte, of Charlotte, Miss Carolyn Lillard entertained at a delightful informal breakfast at her home on Gwyn Avenue Saturday morning. Miss Motte, who was a school-mate of Miss Lillard at 3ueens-Ch ! cora College, Charlotte, will be married April 15. Miss Lil iard will be a member of the wed ding party. Lovely bowls of japoni ca, pussywillow and jonquils were used to decorate the lower floor of the home. The beautifully ap pointed breakfast was served buffet style. Those enjoying Miss Lillard's hos pitality were: Miss Lucille Young, Miss Josephine Paul, Mrs. Edwin Harris, Mrs. Thomas Roth, Miss Norma Cawthon, Miss Edith Neaves, Mrs. Hugh Parks and Mrs. J. Ralph Reece, of Albany, Georgia, who is the guest of her parents, Dr. and Mrs. W. R. Wellborn. Lawrence- Trail sou Wedding Solemnized Saturday Coming as a surprise to friends THE ELKIN TRIBUNE, ELKIN, NORTH CAROLINA here and elsewhere was the wedding of Miss Opal Lawrence to William Wellborn Transou, both of this city, which was solemnized at Independ ence, Virginia, Saturday afternoon, with Rev. L. P. Frank officiating. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lawrence, of North Elkin, and is a charming and at tractive young woman. The bride groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Transou, and is employed at Chatham Manufacturing company. Both have a wide circle of friends. At present they are making their home with the bridegroom's parents on West Main street. Mrs. Skaggs Entertains at Roaring Gap to Honor Daughter's Birthday Mrs. W. R. Skaggs entertained at a delightful birthday party at her home at Roaring Gap Saturday af ternoon to honor her little daugh ter, Betty Lou, on her fifth birthday anniversary. Games and a story hour were en joyed under the direction of Misses Josephine Inskeep and Verna Weav er, who assisted Mrs. Skaggs in en tertaining. The living room and dining room were adorned with spring flowers. The central decoration in the din ing room was a beautifully decor ated birthday cake, topped with five gleaming candles. The little honoree was the recip ient of many lovely gifts. Birthday Party Friday Evening Honors Miss Betty Anniversary Mrs. C. G. Armfield and her sis ter, Miss Ophelia Paul jointly enter tained at the home of the former pn West Main street Friday evening to compliment Mrs. Armfield's daughter, Betty, on her thirteenth birthday anniversary. Green and white, suggestive of St. Patrick's Day, were used throughout the home and in the appointments of the party. In a motor romance contest Miss Lesbia Graham and Eugene Powers were awarded attractive prizes. At the conclusion of the play birthday cake and green and white block cream were served the thirty guests present. Mrs. Alan Browning;, Jr., and Miss Powell Entertain at Party Honoring Dumont Eskridge, who recently passed the N. C. state bar An Announcement Of WE ARE NOW FEATURING • Chatham Homespun L GREIF & BROTHER, BALTIMORE TdHHB It is with pardonable pride that we an nounce *our exclusive agency in Elkin of Chatham Homespun suits, tailored by L. Greif & Brother, nationally known tailor Chatham Homespun, which is manufac tured right here in Elkin by the Chatham h|HBEP 1 Manufacturing company, is fast gaining HHfIHH Inspect these new Chatham Homespun suits today for style, quality and correct «Bg|| HEAR THE CHATHAM MANUFACTURING COM PANY PROGRAM WITH GRADY COLE EACH WEEK- fl DAY OVER WBT, CHARLOTTE, 5:45 P. M. ■ Sydnor-Spainhour Co. f R $ , examination, Mrs. Alan Browning, Jr., and Miss Mattie Mae Powell en tertained at a delightful party at the home of Miss Powell on West Main street Friday evening. Decor ations suggestive of St. Patrick's Day were used in the appointments of the four tables, which were placed for hearts. At the conclusion of sev eral-interesting progression the high score awards went to Miss Doris Tholhpson and Alan Browning, Jr., and the consolation prizes to Mrs. H. F. Laffoon and Coy Bates. The invited guests were Mr. and Mrs. E. C. James, Mr. and Mrs. Parks Hampton, bliss Betty Al len, W. M. Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Coy Bates, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Harris, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Leeper, Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Laffoon. Miss Doris Thompson, Dumont Eskridge and Alan Browning, Jr. When the cards were removed a beautifully appointed COll&tiuu in two courses was served. Eleanor Hayes and Carolyn Evans Feted on Birthday Anniversaries Honoring their little daughters, Eleanor Hayes and Carolyn Evans, Mrs. Errol Hayes and Mrs. W. M. Evans joined hospitality Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Hayes on Church street, to celebrate their tenth birthday anniversaries. Both of the children have the same birth days. Mrs. Evans and Mrs. Hayes were assisted in entertaining by Mrs. John Evans and Miss Elizabeth Evans. Games and contests were enjoyed with Louise Laffoon and Harold Brendle winning attractive prizes. In the dining room the lovely ta ble, covered with a handsome cloth and decorated with sprays of white jappnica and tall yellow candles, carried out the chosen colors of yel low and white. Two handsomely decorated cakes, inscribed with the name and birthdate of the honorees were the central decorations. Cake and ices were served and each little guest was given a favor suggestive of the Easter season. Thirty-three guests were invited to share the afternoon with the lit tle honorees. A single mocking bird imitated the songs of 32 different kinds of birds in 10 minutes. NOTICE! Pay your electric light bill before the 10th of each month. 5 percent will be added after the 10th. SOUTHERN PUBLIC UTILITIES CO. PHONE 210 &tec£ A checking account is not only a convenient means of meeting obliga tions and transferring money, but it acts, too, as an indisputable receipt record of expenditures. We invite you to open a checking account with us today. The Bank of Elkin Elkin, N. C. R. C. Lewellyn ' Garland Johnson President Cashier