Thursday, March 14, 1935 MISSIONARY GROUP HAS MEETING THURS. Midget Basketball Team Defeats Flat Rock; Other News Dobson, March 11.—A joint meet ing of the Woman's Missionary So cieties and pastors of this zone was held at the Methodist church last. Thursday. A large crowd was in at tendance and the prog cam during the day was most interesting. Dur ing the morning program a soloj was rendered by Misses Ola Bryant and King returned Missionaries last year from the Orient, now of Wilkesboro, 1 were the principal speakers of the day. Mr. King related in detail! many interesting experiences of' struggles of Mission teaching in the Foreign Fields. Mrs. King spoke! chiefly of home-life and its influ ences. Lunch was served at the noon hour, after which they as- 1 sembled and a pastor's conference' was held, led by Rev. Mr. Gibbs, presiding elder of this district., A business meeting of the Missionary Societies was led by Mrs. J. L. Woltz, 1 of Mount Airy. The entire meeting was inspirational in every way, and was termed a red-letter day for the j Methodists of this and surrounding districts. The Dobson Midget Basketball team defeated Flat Rock boys in a spirited game at Dobson Thursday by the score of 26 to 16. Slay don stood out for Dobson with 12 points. Midkiff proved a threat for Flat Rock with six points. This junior team is composed of the following boys: Robert Cleve Folger, Frank Comer, Robert Slaydon, Lon Folger, Jr. and Lincoln Copeland. These boys carry a great incentive to be come future stars. The Texas Crystal Cavaliers, of Greensboro, appeared in person on the Dobson stage last Monday even-: ing in a rollicking program of string music. 40 per cent of the proceeds went to the school. Mrs. Wade B. Hampton, of Wash Doctors Know! ... and they use liquid laxatives You'd use a liquid, too, if yon knew how much better it makes you fed. A liquid laxative can always be takeu in the right amount You can gradually reduce the dose. Reduced dosage is the secret of real and safe relief from constipation. Just ask your own doctor about this. Ask your druggist how popular liquid laxatives have become. The right liquid laxative gives the right kind of help —and the right amount of help. When the dose is repeated, instead of more each time, you take less. Until the bowels are moving regularly and thoroughly without aid. People who have experienced this comfort, never return to any form of help that can't be regulated 1 The liquid laxative generally used is Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. It contains senna and cascara, and these are natural laxatives that form no habit. It relieves a condition of biliousness or sluggishness without upset. To relieve your occasional upsets nfely and comfortably, try Syrup Pepsin. The druggist has it. 1 SYRUP PEPSIN 1 Suppose This Was YOUR Home? Don't Delay Longer INSURE TODAY! Paul Gwyn Phone 258 All Lines of Insurance Repreaeniin* Strong Stock OoM yulw only No Hstekk ington, D. C., was a visitor in Dob son on last Wednesday in the home of her mother-in-law, Mrs. W. W. Hampton, Mrs. Hampton came to Winston-Salem last* Monday from Washington to deliver a lecture to the Monday Afternoon Book Club, on the "Legal Status of American Womanhood". The club meeting was held in the home of Mrs. Robt. D. Shore. The Dobson school girls basketball team defeated the Sharon girls of Iredell county in the Winston-Salem Journal-Sentinel tournament Friday afternoon. The score was 25 to 19. They will return to the tournament floor Monday at 6:30 p. m. in con test with the girls of Pilot Mountain: Ben Folger returned to Dobson Thursday from the Mount Airy hos pital where he has been for a month for treatment following a wreck in jury. Mrs. .Tnhn Hardy and Mrs. Stultz of Rural Hall, visited the family of R. E. Collins Thursday. Guy Norman, of the Relief Office staff of North Wilkesboro, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Norman. Attorney J. L. Kennedy, of Wise, Va., was in Dobson on legal business concerning the settlement of the Golden Estate Saturday. W. E. Cox, insurance agent of Roanoke, Va., was in Dobson on business Saturday. Miss Alice Folger of Mount Airy, spent the week-end with the family of Attorney and Mrs. A. D. Folger. Miss Marie Copeland, a pupil of Campbell College, at Buies Creek, spent the week-end here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Cope land. Mrs. P. T. Long and little daugh ter, Betsy Jane, returned home Wed nesday from the hospital at Elkin. Marvin Folger, of Asheville, spent a few days with relatives in Dobson last week. Miss Thelma Shore, of the Dobson school faculty, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Shore, of Boonville. Mrs. Maude Freeman is spending some time with her sister, Mrs. Met ta Townsend, who is very sick at Lenoir. Mrs. P. B. Folger returned last week from the Mount Airy hospital where she has been a patient for a week. Friendship News The Willing Worker Class met at the home of Mrs. T. L. Harmon Saturday evening, March 9th, at 7 o'clock. The meeting was opened with songs by the class. Prayer was offered by Ike Gentry. The scripture lesson, read by Ruth Park, was taken from the 9th chapter of St. John. The minutes of the pre ceding meeting were read and ap proved. A theme entitled "The Will ing Workers", was read by the presi dent. Following a short talk by the class leader, Delia Holbrook, she presented each member a Willing Worker badge, signifying the class colors of white and blue and the motto "We Will". A number of songs were sung by the Greenwood quartet, accompanied by music. Re freshments were served in the din ing room to twenty-seven members of the class and fifteen visitors. Two prizes offered \to the ones who made the most words out of "Willing Workers", were won by Bessie Hampton and Esta Whitaker. The class adjourned with the benediction by Ike Gentry. The next meeting will be held at the home of Charlie Gentry on Saturday night, April 13. As a complete surprise to Nelson Park the young people of the com munity met at his home at a birth day dinner Sunday. A tempting di;mer was served in the dining I x«.om. Mr. and Mrs. Crawford Hurt and Mrs. Alvin Dockery and children spent the week-end with Luther Greenwood. Ed Mounce spent two weeks in Virginia. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Park and Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Gentry were the Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bar ney Caudle. Cleopatra's Needle in London is crumbling from the dampness and the sulphuric acid in London's fogs. By heating the soil under hotbeds, plant growers find that geraniums root in 18 days instead of about 30. FISH FERTILIZERS EAST COAST FERTILIZER CO., WILMINGTON, N. C. The advantages of HIGH GRADE FISH FERTILIZERS We are sole agents for EAST COAST FISH FERTILI are apparent to the thousands of farmers who have used ZERS in this section and we humbly solicit your patron them to great success. We, too, believe that YOU will age. We have a formula for tobacco. Come to see us find FISH FERTILIZERS ideal for your crops. and feel at home. CASH & CARRY STORES THE ELKIN TRIBUNE, ELKIN. NORTH CAROLINA GREEK REBEL LEADER WOUNDED A report that ex-Premier Eleu therois Venizelos, asserted rebel leader, had been wounded on the is land of Crete reached Athens, Greece Friday shortly after the gov ernment intercepted other messages indicating insurgents in Macedonia were "at the end of their rope." NOTICE An advance bid having been filed ion the former sale of the land here inafter described, arid an order hav ing been made by the Clerk of the Superiof- Court of Surry County for a resale of the samfe, as commission er I will sell at public auction on the on Saturday, the 23rd day of March, 1935, at one o'clock P. M„ the following real estate lying and being in Surry County, N. C„ ad joining the lands of J. R. Strange, the Alberty lands, Lincoln White and others and being known as the ,XTI&IV 'JJAU- MUL *>■">•■' y»- : . iySB ,® Wf~T , *fk mm v * SR ?0R * ■BK— te . iMBBi EHBHie «mqhsl» iwMl THIS ON-YOUR-JOB TEST GETS YOU Instead of TODAY truck operators want results —not New weight distribution, obtained by claims. Facts—not opinions. And the way mounting the front springs ahead of the axle to get facts is to make this on-your-job test and moving the V'B engine forward, improves with your own loads, over your regular routes, operation throughout. with your own driver at the wheel. Ford offers you the exclusive low cost engine We are so confident of the outstanding per- exchange plan and other exchange features formance and economy of the new Ford V- 8 that mater ially reduce maintenance cost, truck for 1935 that we will gladly place a - . « w ~7 Ford V- 8 truck at the disposal of any respon- °» «>▼ road "7 th an ? ,oad ' th . e F ° rd Y' 8 sible truck operator for an on-your-job test truck «•"» U P to for without obligation. more ton8 ' tnore mileß mor£ satisfaction The time-proved V-8 engine gives you 80 an * at k 54 COSt * full horsepower with the economy of a "four/ But let your own judgement decicje-call It gives you speed for fast delivery, power to us for an on-your-job test and then check, the pull the heavy loads. results. Pfx I ISeui FORD VS TRUCKS .935 • : T ll>> . E art Terms Through Universal Credit Company— _ /£lJ| 111 BmA The Authorized Ford Finance Plan 1 FBCJLJLJMFLF ON THE AM—FORD SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA SUNDAY EVENINGS —FRED WAKING, THURSDAY EVENINGS—COLUMBIA NETWORK. THE FORD V-8 PICK UP ' pllr||) |Vffltf}l°S OF THE USED CAR CROP Thi» unit find# a place in almo»t every buiineM from Ulla'U ® The tremendous demand for the 1935 farming to manufacturing. I '^«'®' d k ,l, « ce, flncoroor&tad) Ford V-8 enables us to offer excep- JLo ticnaj values in used ejus. It pays r. •.%£*••PHONE 25 ELKIN, N. C. buy a used car (nan an anther ized Ford dealer, where you are cer- Immediate Delivery All Models ,he """ c " at the 119.6 acre lot of the William White lands. /Terms of sale: one-third cash upon confirmation of the sale one-third in one year and the re mainder in two years. Sale will be made for assets to pay debts and for partition. This the sth day of March, 1935. N. W. WHITE, 3-14 Commissioner. Positive Relief From Itch In 30 Minutes Bissett's S-L solution will quickly relieve the most severe cases of itch and similar skin troubles. S-L is very soothing to the affected parts. This solution is also highly recom mended for poison oak,, jiggers, sores, insect bits, mange and other skin eruptions. Get a bottle today and you'll be convinced of its won derful healing qualities. For sale at Abemethy's Drug Store, Elkin, N. C. (Adv.) Eyes Examined Office: Glasses Fitted Elkin National Bank Buildinf DR. P. W. GREEN OPTOMETRIST Office open daily for optical repairs and adjustments of all kinds. Ex ■ animations on Tuesdays and Fridays from 1 to 5 p. m. By Appointment - Phone 140 HUGH A. ROYALL INSURANCE Fire Automobile Casualty Your Business Solicited, Appreciated and Protected. office: HARRIS-BURGISS ELECTRIC CO. TRIBUNE ADVERTISING GETS RESULTS!