THE TRIBUNE HOLDS THE TROPHY CUP AS THE BEST NEWSPAPER IN NORTH CAROLINA OUTSIDE THE DAILY FIELD | MMA | elmn "The Best yjmdr Little Town In North Carolina" VOL. No. XXIV, No. 39 MAY GET TWO NEW SCHOOL BUILDINGS AND MAIL DELIVERY Commissioners Take No Action On Resignation of Board Members ARE TO SEEK LOAN Two new school buildings for Elkin, city mail delivery, and the resignation of three members of the Elkin school board came in for their share of attention at the monthly meeting of the board of town com missioners Monday night. French Graham, a member of the Surry county board of education, ap peared before the town board and stated that the county school board and the board of county commis sioners had approved application to borrow money from the state liter ary fund for the purpose of con structing school buildings, including two for Elkin, a colored building to cost $2,700, and a white school build ing which would cost $27,270. Mayor J. R. Poindexter appointed a committee made up of F. M. Nor man, member of the local school board, and H. P. Graham, to ascer tain conditions of the loan. Mr. Graham also stated that Elkin could get city delivery of mail pro vided certain conditions were com plied with, among them being num bering of the houses. As postmaster, he was assured that steps would be taken to have houses numbered if necessary. Errol Hayes, president of the Elk in Merchants association, and A. O. Bryan, were present and stated that the merchants association could not afford to maintain a full-time office and secretary and suggested that the secretary move her office the town tax office. This was agreed upon and the sum of $lO per month is to be paid by the town towards the secretary's salary for services rendered in the tax office. Only one vote was cast against this con solidation, that being registered by Commissioner C. C. Fulp, who re quested that his vote of opposition be recorded. The resignation of three members of the local school board, Dr. R. B. Harrell, Mrs. Grace Click and Mrs. Mason Lillard, was discussed, but no action was taken, the matter being deferred until the next meeting. A town tax rate of $1.50, the same as last year, was officially adopted. Following a discussion of water and sewer extensions for North and East Elkin, the mayor was authorized to file application to the Federal Emergency administration for a loan and grant to aid in financing con struction of the extensions. SOIL SERVICE MEET TO BE HELD AUG. 14 Farmers To Gather At Dobson To Discuss Important Work O. P. McCrary, district farm agent and a representative of the Soil Conservation Service, will discuss thte work with the farmers of Sur ry county at the courthouse at Dob son Wednesday, August 14, at 10 o'clock, it was learned Wednesday from J. W. Crawford, Surry farm agent. In discussing soil conservation Mr. Crawford stated that many Surry farmers have the mistaken idea that land would be terraced and unie, fer tilizer and other things furnished without cost to the farmer. However, he stated, the Soil Conservation Service is taking the place of the Soil Erosion Service and all the work done will .be on a 50-50 basis with the farmers. The Soil Conservation Service will not do any teriacing, as the terrac ing must be done by the farmers, Mr. Crawford said, through the County Soil Conservation associa tion, however, there are certain things the Soil Conservation Service will do. It is understood that CCC employees will be used part of the time in building terrace outlets, building dams across gullies and otherwise aid in making the ter races permanent. They will also do some work in connection with for estry and other lines of agriculture In the county. It is hoped that as many farmers as possible will attend the meeting in Dobson. A ton of water from the Dead Sea contains 187 pounds of salt. THE ELKIN TRIBUNE Shakes Up Crime Winners In Annual Speedboat Regatta BP*:.;.. MMHM : VAV.•. . |H 3Bw& - vY JfiESI ■ jH^p|| ST. TAUL . . . Wallace Jamie, 27, (above), crime student at the Uni versity of Chicago, is the young man who brought about the shake-up of the police department here and was made Deputy Commissioner of Pub lic Safety. ROOSEVELT BACKS FLANNAGAN BILL Tobacco Grading Meas ure Passes House and Goes To Senate Washington* Aug. 6.—President Roosevelt today expressed an en thusiastic approval of the Flannagan tobacco grading bill and this together with the support" of Chairman E. D. Smith, of the Senate agricultural committee, practically assures pas sage of the legislation at this session of the Congress. The Chief Executive gave his ap proval to the bill at a conference with Representative Flannagan, of Virginia; Representative Hancock, of North Carolina; Representative Cool ey, of North Carolina, and Represen tative Vinson, of Kentucky. After the White House conference, which was proposed and arranged by Hancock, and lasted for over half-hour, Flannagan, author of the bill, stated he was expressly author ized by President Roosevelt/ to an nounce that the bill has the "un qualified approval of the secretary of Agriculture and that the Presi dent concurs in that view." The Flannagan bill has already passed the House and it will be con sidered by the Senate agricultural committee Thursday. Chairman Smith is strong for the measure and expressed the opinion yesterday that he would have little trouble in put ting it through the Senate. tobacco inspection bill, H. R. 8026, is designed to aid and protect tobacco growers in the sale of tobac co at auction. It provides the neces sary authorization for official stan dards of quality, known to buyer and seller alike, by which tobacco may be graded before it leaves the pos session of the grower. It is estimated that mQre than three-fourths of the tobacco grown is sold at auction. The bill leaves to the judgment of the farmers as to whether the ser vices of the government are desired by requiring a referendum of grow ers, with two-thirds approval, before inspection may be required in an auction market and also provides for the issuance of official market re ports showing current market prices on a quality basis as an aid to farm ers in tile sale of their crop. Yadkin Boy Injured Accidentally By Gun Allen Moxley, five-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. John Moxley, of near Boonville, is a patient in the local hospital suffering from a cheat In jury sustained Friday when a load from a revolver pierced his chest and came out through his shoulder. The accident occurred when the older members of the family were away from the house and the lad found the gun and was playing with it. According to hospital attaches his condition is regarded as very favor able and he is expected to recover despite the seriousness of the wound. County Tax Rate Set At 85 Cents / At the monthly meeting of the board of county commissioners held Monday at Dobson, the county tax rate was officially set at 85 cents. The commissioners also took fic tion on matters concerning new school structures for the county, however, details were not disclosed. The Italians are considered the most talkative people in the world; the American Indians the most re seived. ELKIN, N. C., THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 1935 gfiL j I 9b 1 HE jjm pp LAKE GEORGE, N. T. . The designers of the speed boat, "El Largarto'* did a good job of it thirteen years ago. The old boat, with owner George Reis (left), and Anderson Bowers (right) in control, defended her Ameri can motor boat championship by winning the annual Gold Cup Regatta for the third consecutive 'year. Photo shows Reis and Bowers with the famous Gold Cup trophy. Mass Meeting Is To Be Held Here To Organize FHA Housing Committee Meeting To Be Held In Kiwanis Room, Hotel Elkin, August 12th at 7:30 P. M.; Representative States SIOO,OOO Could Be Loaned Here For Building and Remodeling In 60-Day Period If Committee Functions Properly A meeting for the purpose of or ganizing a Better Housing committee under the governments Better Housing program has been called here for Monday, August 12, at which time a representative of the federal Housing administration will be present to offer assistance and complete information, it was learned the latter part of last week from G. Allen Rady, of the FHA, Washington, D. C., and J. M. Bolick, FHA field representative, who were in Elkin. The meeting will be held in the Kiwanis room of Hotel Elkin at 7:30, and it is highly important that every person interested in remodeling, re pairing or building be present. It is also to the interest of every mer RECEIVE 5 TIMES AS MUCH IN 1934 1934 Crop Yields Much More Than Tobacco Crop of 1932 Surry County farmers received five times as much for their tobacco crop in 1934 as they got in 1932, ac cording to a report issued by J. W. Crawford, county agent. The 1932 crop sold for $464,077. With benefit payments of $159,149 from the AAA, the growers received a total of $2,289,403 for their leaf in 1934—an increase of $1,825,326. Crawford pointed out that In 1932, the year before the AAA programs started, the growers raised 6,177,800 pounds on 14,285 acres. The average price per pound was 9.1 cents, and the return per acre averaged $32. Last year, only 9,761 acres were put in tobacco, but heavy yields boosted the crop to 7,678,368 pounds. The average price per pound was 27.5 cents, and the average return per acre was $209, In 1933, a crop of 9,082,500 pounds was harvested. The price averaged 15.1 cents, and equalization payments of $122 were paid. The value of the crop was $1,407,900, or $lO9 per acre foi* the 12,975 acres. Crawford stated that these figures did not show the total increase in the fanners' inline, since the price of other farm commodities has been rising too. chant and business man of Elkin to be present. In discussing the FHA program, the two FHA representatives here last week stated that in their opinion if a Better Housing committee could be organized to function properly, loans totalling SIOO,OOO or more could be made locally within 60 days. Under the provisions of the Bet ter Housing program, property own ers may borrow through approved banks and other financial institu tions which are insured against loss by the Federal Housing administra tion, and repay these loans over a long period of time." Complete de tails will be given at the meeting to be held here. SURRY BAPTISTS HOLD MEETING 33rd Annual Session Meets With Mt, Airy Baptist Church In the 33rd annual session of the Surry Baptist Association which met with the Mount Airy First church on Friday and Saturday of last week, 44 of the 48 churches of t.he asso ciation were represented by dele gates, it being the largest delegation in many years. And one new church, Simmons Orove, was received into the association, coming from the Pilot Mountain Association. a The meeting was called "to order by the Moderator, Mr. W. L. Reece, of Dobson, and after a brief period of worship the regular business pro gram of the session was entered up on. Delegates were enrolled from the churches represented, and offi cers were chosen for the following year. A. V. West, of Mount Airy, was elected Moderator to fill the vacancy of Mr. Reece, who retired. E. C. James, of this city, was elected assistant Moderator; J. H. JJall, of Mount Airy, was re-elected clerk, and F. T. Lewellyn. of Dobson, was re elected treasurer. All were elected by acclamation. The body gave a rising vote of thanks to the venerable retiring moderator. Various reports and talks were given by L. B. Pcndergraph, M. A. (Continued On Last Page) —To Commerce Post SBsfr WASHINGTON . . . former Rep resentative, Charles West, of Ohio t (above), is the Assistant Secretary cf Commerce. He was appointed by President Roosevelt, whom he was serving as "contact man" with Con gress. I ATE NEWC from the State and Nation GEORGIA TOBACCO AVERAGES $21.07 Atlanta, Aug. 6. —Reporting 10,730,420 pounds of tobacco were sold during the opening week of the Georgia bright leaf auctions, the state department of agricul ture today said 21.07 cents a pound was the average for a total of $1,260,570.48 paid the growers. Sales at 38 warehouses were in cluded in the report, six ware houses failing to make returns. On the opening week of the market last year, 6,966,738 pounds were sold at 22.62 average, Gar land Bagley, statistician of the de partment said. The average price for the entire season of 1934 was 18.73. MUCH INTEREST IN RURAL POWER Raleigh, Aug. 6.—The state rural electrification authority will tmeet here Monday? to elect an executive secretary and discuss many important matters of policy to be followed in planning con struction of lines in the state, Dudley Bagley, chairman, an nounced today. Bagley said that representatives of power companies will be called to meet here the middle or latter part of next week to go over the situation as shown in survey fig ures available in the authority offices with a view of construc tion by the companies of some of the units. DEMOCRATS LOSE CONGRESSIONAL SEAT A sharp Democrat set-back in Rhode Island's special congres sional election appeared certain early today as a vehement anti new -dealer maintained an un shaken lead over a pro-RooseveK Democrat. With the administration's poli cies a campaign issue, former Judge Charles F, Risk, Republi can, ran steadily ahead of State Treasurer Antonio Prince, Demo crat, with only a handful of pre cincts still to be counted. The race for Rhode Island's vacant house seat was the first ballot box test of new deal activities since last November. BONUS PAYMENTS SAID ALMOST CERTAINTY Washington, Aug. 6.—Practical ly full cash payment of veterans' adjusted compensation certificates early next year appeared almost a certainty today as Senator Byrnes and Senator Steiwer in troduced a new bonus bill and the Democratic steering committee in the senate agreed to make bonus legislation the unfinished business within two weeks after the next session of Congress convenes the third day of the new year. ETHIOPIA ORGANIZES RED CROSS Addis Ababa, Aug. 6.—Ethiopia with elaborate ceremony Inau gurated its red cross today, a fact generally accepted as a promise bj Emperor Hailc Selassie his warriors would not mutilate cap tives in events of war. Headed by the king, a retinue of many visiting chiefs, the caM mt, clergy and other dignitaries turned oat for the exerciser I; v ; . - Mtiaß ELKIN I" Un a Gateway to Roaring Gap and the Blue Ridge T-ZZ, PUBLISHED WEEKLY G. P. DOCKERY, JR., FATALLY INJURED AS RIFLE DISCHARGES Funeral Services Held From the Home Tues day Morning 13 YEARS OF AGE \ ————— Seldom has Elkin sustained such a shock as the tragic death of Gar-, land Pholey Dockery, Jr., 13, which occurred Sunday afternoon wheA the boy was killed by the accidental dis charge of a rifle at his own hand. The tragedy occurred in the living room of the home of his aunt, a few miles out in the country, where the family was visiting. The lad, with his cousins, was sit ting on the couch in the living room examining the glin, when he looked into the barrel of the rifle to see if it was clean, unmindful that the gun was loaded, it was accidentally dis charged, the load going into his brain. He lived about twenty min utes after the accident but was never conscious. Perhaps no boy in Elkin com manded more love and respect than G. P. He was admired by friends of his own age and older people alike for his kind, courteous and gentle manly manner. He was a member of the Methodist church and a regu lar attendant at Sunday school. He was also a loyal member of the Boy Scouts. He would have been an Bth grade student in the local school during the coming year. Funeral services were held from the home on Bridge street Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock in charge of Rev. E. W. Fox, pastor of the fam ily, assisted by Rev. Eph Whisenhunt, pastor of the First Baptist church, Rev. L. B. Abernethy and Prof. Z. H. Dixan. Interment was in the Hollywood cemetery. The beautiful and profuse floral tribute and the messages of condolence from many sections of the country were evidence of the esteem in which the deceased and his family are held. Pallbearers were Elbert Howard, Walter R. Schaff, J. A. Carpenter, Edwin Harris, Jones Holcomb and Jimmy Meed. Honorary pallbearers were the fol lowing friends and classmates of the deceased: Fred Shores, George Grier, Herman Sale, Edwin Royall, Joe Gwyn Bivins, Robert Nicks, Jim my James, Eugene Aldridge, Billy Reece, Sammy Gambill, Charles Neaves, Edwin Evans, Dicky Gra ham, Frank Walker, Bryson McKee, Hugh Holcomb and Earl Pardue, He is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Dockery, one brother, Charles Dockery, his paternal grand mother, Mrs. Lena Dockery, of this city, and his maternal grandmother, Mrs. C. H. Somers, of North Wilkes boro, and other relatives farther re moved. GEORGE ROYALL IS NAMED COMMANDER Local Man' Heads 13th Legion District; Dan iels Is State Head George Royall, prominent Elkin business man and a member of the George Gray Post, American Le gion, was elected commander of the 13th Legion district at the state American Legion convention held the first of this week in Fayetteville. The 13th district is made up of El kin, Winston-Salem, Mocksville, Walnut Cove, Rural Hall and Mt. Airy. Josephus Daniels, Jr., of Raleigh, was selected as stat£ commander and Asheville was picked for the 1936 gathering. Daniels, business manager of the Raleigh News and Observer and son of the wartime secretary of the navy, was without opposition and was named as successor to Hubert Olive, of Lexington, by acclamation. Ashe ville won the next convention over Winston-Salem by a 217 to 74 vote. The "bonus" issue came In for the major share of attention at the wind up business session, National Com mander Frank L. Belgrano, Jr., prin cipal speaker of the day, devoting a considerable part of his time to it and the state convention adopting unanimously a resolution asking its immediate payment. Belgrano flew from California to Atlanta and came to Fayetteville by train in order to address the con vention. The British Isles are made up of over 5,000 islands.

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