NBtfS FROM THE BS Dobson, March 1. —Dobeon was blanketed in snow Sunday, the first of the winter. The boys were wild and wet all day, reveling in 2 PIECE TAPESTRY LIVING ROOM SUITE $35.00 THE EAGLE ————————— Spring ... the most glorious season of the year .. . takes on a new *■> j meaning when you see the many new spring things at McDanlel's, I .A.Kn Each day brings thrilling new shipments designed to set your heart * dV * fluttering—and you'll be more than pleased to learn that prices are Fashion RgVU6 80 please come Ixl tod »y and have a first view. Manish Coats J i - ■ Siting? S2jf i New, stylish, mannish suits! Youll mm t go for them the minute you see them! yft :^ llWrnk We have them in navy, brown and xkjt W Wtjm grey of newest materials and the best »§ V / \ wp? . of tailoring. By all means include ' i/X&L' 'f one these suits in your new spring 1 $5.95 10 $ 19.75 BLOUSES Lovely linen blouses that are hand-$> V* I i / / :;ii!l||iV||lu(A x made to wear with that suit. Every I u A l|sl!iLl:lVi®V : vl color that's new and fashionable. r ?TI JtM ■ I , 98—'51.98 Hp 1 " Crepe and all-Silk Tailored Shirts and / \ / Blouses I I ll . You'll like this group of crepe and all /t»« AQ AA AQ / 1 I silk tailored shirts and blouses. They are NJ[ ,»/0 " tbZ.«/0 I In a variety of pleasing colors for spring. No, 1206—This striped HATS Ro«®wnf»rl I Hab - have never 1)6611 80 st y lish nosewood print with /= and becoming. See the new spring pique vestee and Straws and felts in new spring col- Cllffa. Contrasting but- , [by \ * ors, shapes and brims. Prices are tons, wide skirt „ mil B phasing, too. Black and White, * J/k H 98 C to $5.95 / Navy and White, SWAGGER SUITS V. Swagger suits will again be popu- / $10.95 afe-Hs $9.90 to $16.95 fit you. Grey, blue, navy and beige. ( YOU'LL THRILL WHEN YOU SEE THE NEW SPRING REDDENGOTES! Don't miss these stylish new ensembles. Includes both m "7T O . Af coat and dress to make it easy for you to get variety T I I m*vD out of one outfit. We have them in navy, brown and B B VI grey, and in awide range of sizes. McDanlel's Dept. Store ELKIN,N.C. V. the exhilarating game of snow ball. Rev. C. W. Russell preached at the Methodist church Sunday morning. Miss Lela Gordon of Pilot Pilot Mountain, spent the week end in Dobson with her sister, Mrs. P. P. Riggs . Jack Polger of Mount Airy, was a week-end visitor at the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Reece. Little Bertha Jewel Hemmings was hostess to 18 little friends Thursday evening, upon the occa sion of her 9th birthday. Games and contests were in order of amusement, after which the hon oree's sister, Mrs. J. G. Lewellyn, served refreshments. Bertha Jewel showed enthusiastic appre ciation of her gifts for a birthday remembrance. Attorney George Holton of Winston-Salem, attended court last Thursday. He is a son of the late A. E. Holton, who was a prominent lawyer, and ofter at tended Surry court. James Sawyers, Jr., and family, of Washington, D. C., are spend ing sometime with Mrs. Spon and Mrs. Selectman, sisters of Mr. Sawyers. Mrs. Carl Folger entered the Elkin hospital Friday and was op erated on Friday afternoon. Her friends in Dobson will be inter- Turner Drug Company "" i " ' ' ' ..r • : " ' , ,V ... . _"■ £■ . * r *' ": TRR FT .KIN TRIBUNE. ELKIN. NORTH CAROLINA e«ted to hear of her sure and speedy convalescence. Wade B. Hampton returned to Washington Thursday, after spending some days with his mother, Mrs. Emma Hampton. Mr. and Mrs. Qrady Stelle, who have been residing in Pennsyl vania for some months, have re turned to Dobson, to occupy rooms in the home of Mrs. Ida Riggs. Mrs. Emma Reece Mock of the Welfare Department, has been confined to her home with an at tack of "flu." Miss Vera Sawyers of Westfield, spent the past week in Dobson, with her sisters, having suffered an attack of "flu." An epidemic of influenza has settled upon quite a few victims in and around Dobson, especially at the C. C. camp. Tom Martin, who was tried last week at Dobson, and convicted of burglary in the first degree, and sentenced to death, is the first capital conviction which has been in Surry county since the electro cution of a man named Cain about twenty years ago. BETHEL | Ronda, route 2, March I.—lt seems more like winter while the snow lasts. The earth was cover ed here last Sunday morning with a blanket three or four inches deep, and made the forest a beau tiful picture. Every bough was bending low with a heavy load. Mrs. C W. Gilliam, Sr., has been confined to her bed with ill ness for the past two weeks, but seems to be improving some, "we are glad to note. Farmers say that snow Is a great help to small grain, stand ing in the fields waiting to grow. Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Triplett of this place, had as their guest the past week-end their daughter [ and family, from Elkin. Eugene Jones spent the past Saturday and Sunday in Win ston-Salem. Blanche Pardue has been absent from school for several days, due to illness. • Mr. J. P. Mathis, whose dwell ing house was destroyed by fire recently, contemplates rebuilding at the same place, and has most of the material ready to begin building. Some of the folks from here are attending court at Wilkesboro this week. Ralph Pinnix, who works at El kin, spent last Saturday night and Sunday here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Pinnix. Mrs. J. B. Armstrong of Win ston-Salem, visited her mother, Mrs. C. W. Gilliam, here, last Fri day. Mrs. W. A. Stroud, of Wil kesboro, daughter of Mrs. Gil liam, spent from Saturday until Monday with her, and Mr. and Mrs. Don S. Gilliam. Wayne Stroud visited his sister,' Mrs. Seaman Dobbins and Mr. Dobbins, at Elkin, last Sunday. Mrs. J. G. Gilliam and Mrs. Clint Gilliam of Elkin, were the guests of Mrs. J. T. Tripiett and Mrs. C. W. Gilliam one day last week. Mrs. A. C. Orsborn has been very ill, but i 3 much better, we ore glad to note. Mrs. Orsborn was able to come to the church for services at our last meeting. She most always attends services, es pecially the Saturday meetings. MOUNTAIN PARK The members of the Mountain' Park school faculty attended the teachers' meeting held in Dobson Friday afternoon, February 26. The friends of Mrs. Will Shores are glad to know that she is now able to resume work. Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Cockerham and family spent last Saturday in Sparta. Miss Viiena McOee spent last week-end at her home near Mount Airy. Mr. P. B. Isaacs has been con fined to his bed with a slight at tack of pneumonia. We hope for him a speedy recovery. We are glad to note that the condition of Mr. Sherman Nixon is improving. He was operated on for appendicitis last week. Mr. R. W. Walters of Mount Airy, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Walters, last Saturday. Miss Bertha Byrd spent the week-end at her home in Mount Airy. Read Tribune Advertisements! NOTICE State of North Carolina, County of Surry, IN THE SUPERIOR COURT BEFORE THE CLERK Ruby Norman, Admx. of S. L. Norman, deceased, PETITIONER, vs. Ellis Norman and wife, Orace Norman, Albert Norman, George Norman and Charlie Norman, Hollie Chones and children: Hazel Chones, Gertrude Chones and Robert Chones, the husband and children of Ester Chones, de ceased, Martha Johnson and hus band, Stanley Johnson, Lillia Scales and -husband, Jack Scales, Heirs at Law of S. L. Norman, deceased, DEFENDANTS. The above named defendants in the above entitled special pro ceeding, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Surry County, North Carolina, to sell the lands belonging to the estate of the said deceased, loca ted in Marsh Township, of the aforesaid county, containing 37 acres of land, more or less, to make assets to pay the debts of the said estate, and for the dis tribution of any balance among the said heirs; and each of the above named defendants will fur their take notice that he or she Is required to appear within 10 days after the completion of service of this summons by publication be fore the Clerk of the Superior Court at the aforesaid County, at his office in Dobson, North Caro lina, and answer or demur to the petition which has been filed in the office of the said Clerk, or the relief demanded therein will be granted. This the Ist day ef March, 1937. F. T. LEWELLYN, 3-25 Clerk of the Superior Court. 3 PIECE ~ Bed Room Suite SOLID MAPLE on,y $35.00 I THEEA F Old-Time Taste — Schlitz in "Steinies" \ • • FOR the delicious, old time taste flavor once...and you will demand that recalls bygone days and rich it always. . mellow beer in deep, cool stone Schlitz in "Steinie" Brown Bottles steins ... taste Schlitz in "Steinie" ...in familiar Tall Brown Bottles...? Brown Bottles. or Cap-Sealed Cans, brings yoai Schlitz brings you the fid, «UWy- j" s ","' J" 1 h «">> ! ing goodness of rich malt...and benefito of Sonatina Vitamin D. the world's finest hops ... brewed Schlitz "Steinie" Broun Bottles are to ripe, mellow perfection, winter compact—light in weight—easy tocarrf i or summer, under Precise Enzyme —take less space in your refriger* Control. Enjoy that real old- time ator- Contents same as regular bottle,, You don't have to cultivate a taste for Schlit*.. .you will like it on first acquaintance ... and ever after. / JOS. SCHLITZ BREWING COMPANY, MILWAUKEE, WIS.. Brings thrilling \ SIIO.OO I j "B Q new Completeness \ BASIC I nBB3 I For Home Refrigeration 9 f H 1. GREATER ICE-ABIUTY I JB Ends "Cube-Struggle"and "Ice-Famine"! H I pBBBfj || 2. GREATER STORAGE-ABIUTY ■"l J p ll , T New 9-Way Adjustable Interior! | 3. GREATER PROTECT-ABILITY I M Keeps food safer, fresher, longer! ■ mm 4m GREATER PEPENP-ABiUTY ■ 3-Year Protection flan, backed by Got- I 5. GREATER SAVE-ABIUTY W OMIV nwMni Ml TNI § J Omfy Simplest refrigerating meek- I anlsm ever built . Only 3 I**"222!W/ 2o« dozea " • I moving parti, including the \ttgrW I &ncet tnrlJ 00 ** ** h «hW / motor .. . permanently oiled, sealed against moisture / See it* ~ Gomel? I ' and dirt Gives SUPER-DUTY at amazing saving, in " I yuck, easy j THE PROOF with aa actual electric meter test. J 7?M/on6/OM7luntfo£supoi-flufy . . JUS SAVE MONEY FOR YEAR TO SOME! Some refrigerator* may five you part of of Super-Duty. Without eye-witness evi ;lggl the Service-Ability yoa need. Bnt Frigidaire deace of All j BASIC SHRVICBS, yon cannot gives yoa PROOF of thrilling com- be sure of getting fall 1937 value. See oar Wj rift* iPPEsLBI P letene,s >» ALL S BASIC SER- Frigidaire Proof-Demonstration befers yam VICES! Thafs SUPER-DUTY! buy-AND SAVI MONEY FOR YEARS To n. 1, Play nfei Boy only on proof COMBJ , Harris Electric Company Phone 250 _ . Elkin, N. C. m . = .. • •• Thursday, March 4,1937

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