THE ELKIN TRIBUNE Published Every Thursday by ELK PRINTING COMPANY, Inc. Elkin, N. C. THURSDAY APRIL 1, 1937 Entered at the post office at Elkin, N. C., as second-class matter. C. 8. FOSTER. -President XL F. LAFFOON , Soeretary-Treaanrer SUBSCRIPTION RATES. PER YEAR In the State, $1.50 Out of the Stete, $2.»0 It's difficult to make out just what the warriors in Spain are trying to make the world safe for. While English papers describe our con stitution as unworkable, we can say this for it: It has never fallen in love and abdicated. Nay, nay. Pauline! Glenn Frank was only president of the university of Wiscon sin and not the football coach, although you'd think so from the fuss that was stir red up about him. A Whopping Victory Of the six bills introduced in the Gen eral Assembly, designed to permit munici palities to participate fully in the public works program of the federal government, the Senate slaughtered five of them before you could say scat, and loaded the sixth down with amendments that nullified its purposes. The house took it out of its misery by kill ing it. The bill was drawn to authorize muni cipalities to issue revenue bonds for con structing revenue producing undertakings. Revenue bonds are payable only from reve nues of the projects for which they are is sued and are not payable from taxes, and therefore they are not a debt upon the mu nicipality as are general obligation bonds. Hence the accommodating senators could not justify their action by the cry of taxes, tax es. The fact in the matter is that the amendments tacked onto the bill by an ac commodaitng senate were at the behest of power lobbyists, and designed by them to throttle municipal power developments and the rural electrification program as well. These lobbyists didn't pay the House much mind. They never do. It is too unwieldy. But they turned to the Senate with a vim, and earned their keep by this single master stroke. It would be interesting to note the num ber of attorneys on the payroll of the power companies who happen also to be members of the State Senate. You'd probably be sur prised at the answer, and probably more sur prised to know that some of them were aid ed in their campaign by long-sighted con cerns that knew this to be a good invest ment. But that is water under the bridge. The damage has been done and the door shut in the face of federal aid for such projects. The sole beneficiaries are the power companies. And come another election we will disre member this and other delinquencies on the part of our representatives and vote them in again without pausing to question them about their connections. Fire and Forests We are wondering if there is to be a repetition of the inexcusable and unneces sary destruction of material values that have marked the forest fires in this section in recent years. Wondering if we shall look up to see the skies darkened with smoke from fires that will leave lonesdme and blackened sentinels that once were trees, proudly growing for future service and value to humanity. For this is the period when this sort of loss becomes a monument to our stupidity. Three years ago, at this time, we were be holding a sight that was tragic indeed. It will take years to efface the blackness and dreariness left by those fires in this north western area; many years to entice the beauty of those mountainsides back again. As for the material values represented in that destructive conflagration they are gone forever. We should remember that experience when we go into the woods for whatever purpose. Matches or cigarettes carelessly dropped could easily; bring it all back again; deserted campfires or careless burning of brush could darken the skies again and turn homes into ashes. v 1 It is a responsibility that should weigh heavily on those who might thus cause an other disaster, and it becomes the concern of all, whether we own a tree or not, to take every precaution against fire, for upon these very trees may depend the future employ ment of some of us, and from them will be traceable some good for all of us, if we will only see to it that they are allowed to stand proudly in the sunlight and grow into values, instead of withered by relentless and inex cusable flames. Let's vow to do our part in preventing this destruction—in every way that is with in our power. North Carolina newspapers have been busy praising the legislature for its accom plishments and particularly its speed. Most of them credit Mr. Hoey with having put across his entire program with a bang and say that his influence was sidestepped in mighty few instances. That being the case the Governor will be due the main applause, or, conversely, it will be up to him to do the apologizing, if apology is needed. There is no purpose here to detract from the real accomplishments of the legislature just adjourned. There have been many commendable achievements, but there have been some dismal failures too. One cannot make full appraisal of the merits of all legis lative action: it was too speedy to keep up with. But among the accomplishments of which Mr. Hoey has a right to be proud is the social security program which provides a modicum of relief for the aged, the unem ployed, the blind, and indigent mothers, all of which was prompted by national action. Education was given a boost in increas ed salaries for teachers, free text books and safer and better transportation service. The reorganization of the school commission may or may not prove a blessing. Later it may be found that legislative action looking to liquor control will prove a blessing, and thus be added to the list of achievements. After refusing to ratify the national child labor amendment, the General Assem bly made a stab at regulating work hours for children and adults. Slot machines were banned, the highway and public works com mission was reorganized, and there were other accomplishments that may be listed among the worthwhiles. But there is another side to the pic ture, a view that Mr. Hoey if he has the good of the state and of his party seriously at heart, will not be overy proud to claim as a part of his program. In spite of the Governor's inaugural pronouncements, the legislature refused to follow the mandate of the constitution and provide increased representation for certain sections of the State in conformity with population. The legislators pitched Mr. Hoey's reapportionment program out the window. In spite of the recommendations of the State Democratic executive committee, and in the face of an impressive protest in the June primary, the legislature refused to purge the election laws of faults that make it next to impossible to expect fair elections in North .Carolina. The General Assembly turned down every effort to make the elec tion machinery conform to decency and po litical cleanliness, and defended itself by saying that the various instruments of crookedness are needed to keep the domi nant party dominant. We don't believe the Democratic party is so weak as that. The General Assembly grudgingly ex empted certain items from the sales tax schedule, but left no hope that there will be any further surrender of this source of rev enue, which was saddled on the people un der promise that it was to be only tempor ary. Although an amendment at the last election authorized the legislature to dig deeper into incomes, the members failed to use this authority, which would have enabled -issaoau,, auiu usq; ajoui ;no ajSuis o; uisq; ties of life" in a program of sales tax relief. The legislature authorized from SIOO to S3OO exemptions on five sources for the ben efit of individuals and groups who count their dollars in the higher brackets, but steadfastly refused to grant exemptions on homesteads for the benefit of the humble who need this sort of encouragement to home ownership. So when one takes a careful look into the legislative record it will be found that while many commendable objectives were met there is much room to chide the mem bers for what they did not do—or should we say, what they refused to do. Next to the speed with which legisla tion was rushed through the General As sembly like the devil a-beatin' tanbark, the most surprising thing was the lack of op position that was predicted after 216,000 Democrats had thrown such a scare into the party machinery. The answer, we think, will be found in the fact that opposition leaders studiously avoided controversy, knowing that a steam roller was handy, and probably because it was considered better policy to pay out plenty of rope. And we are just as certain that administration lead ers have left the gap dcwn for trouble, when they easily could have mended the fences in a manner that would keep the sheen in th fold. But lawmaking is now water that is over the dam for another two years and that is something to be thankful for. Quite Right The Greensboro Daily News says: "It may be that if and when the issue is put at, the end of Mr. Bailey's term to which he was elected last November, he will be re pudiated. That is as may be, but just now he does represent a sizable segment of North Carolina thought—a minority, perhaps, but one which has a right to a spokesman." Quite right! Senator Bailey is repre senting a "sizeable segment of North Car olina thought" but a segment that even the able editor of The News must admit, con stitutes a minority. But under the Ameri can political set-up which lays great store by majority rule, when the minority wants to be heard it is supposed to rent its own hall and hire its spokesman. THE ELKIN TRIBUNE, ELK IN. NORTH CAROLINA TO LAY CORNER STONE SUNDAY Arlington Baptist Church, When Completed, Will Seat 350 People IS FIRST OF ITS KIND The corner stone of the Arling ton Baptist church, which will be laid Sunday at 2:30 p. m., will contain a number of things of in terest and value. In a sealed copper box, placed in a slot in the stone, will be placed a Bible, a complete copy of the records of the church, a history of the church, especially prepared for the purpose, a number of pictures of the building taken during the process of its erection and of the place of the organization of the church, and various other things of interest. The new Arlington church has the distinction of being the first of its kind in this section of the state, it being of rock-veneer, constructed from unquarried na tive stone. This type of rock work is practically distinctive of Arl ington, and is steadily growing in popularity. The church, when completed, will seat 350 people, and will con tain lour basement rooms for Sunday school purposes, with ad ditional space in the auditorium for Sunday school classes, and will be one of the most attractive and conveniently arranged churches in this section of the state. The services Sunday afternoon will be in charge of the pastor. Rev. L. O. Burgiss, with Rev. R. E. Adams, of Mayodan, delivering the principal address, and with other ministers assisting. The public is cordially invited to attend. WIFE OF REV. SWAIM CLAIMED BY DEATH Mrs. Carrie Sparks Swaim, 68, wife of Rev. V. M. Swaim, pastor emeritus of the Baptist churches of Winston-Salem, died at a Win ston-Salem hospital Friday morn ing at 11:50 o'clock. Mrs. Swaim was born in Yad kin county, April 3, 1868, the daughter of Benjamin and Mary Jane Sale Sparks. She spent her early girlhood in Yadkin county and was educated at the public schools in Jonesville. She was a member of one of the best-known families in Yadkin county. She was married to Rev. Mr. Swaim on September 9, 1886, and for 10 years after their marriage they lived in Iredell county, mov ing to Winston-Salem on Decem ber 10, 1910. Mr. Swaim accepted the pastorate of the Southside Baptist church at that time, hold ing this position until several years years ago when he was made pastor emeritus of the Baptist churches. Survivors include her husband, one daughter and three sons, one sister and three brothers. The sister, Mrs. M. C. Dobbins and one brother, Carl Sparks reside in Yadkin county. Funeral services were held Sun day afternoon at 2:30 at the home and at Southside Baptist church at 3:00 o'clock and interment was in Salem cemetery. Rev. Mr. Swaim, himself a na tive of Yadkin county, is widely known throughout Yadkin and adjoining counties as very pop ular minister for the past 40 years. AUSTIN Miss Eudra Crabb of Winston- Salem spent the Easter holidays here with her mother, Mrs. J. B. Crabb. Mr. and Mrs. Qrady Collins of Cycle are spending sometime here with Mrs. Collins' parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Z. Adams. Miss Paye Cockerham of pleas ant Hill spent the week-end here with her brother, Ray Cocker ham. Mr. and Mrs. Roosevelt Snow and family spent Sunday In Boon ville, visiting relatives. • Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Key spent the Easter -holidays in Boonvllle, the guests of relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Hayes Dameron and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dameron of Danville. Va., and Chalmers Huff of Schoolfield, Va., spent the Easter holidays with friends in this community. / Robert Dameron entertained at an Easter egg hunt for a number of his friends Saturday after noon. NOTICE By order of the Mayor and Board of Town Commissioners in their meeting of March 1, 1937, a mass meeting of the citizens of Elkin was called for April 2, 1937, at 7:30 P. M., in the school audi torium, for the purpose of nomi nating a Mayor and Board of Commissioners for the election to be held in May, This March 17. 1837. 4-1 1 PAUL OWYN, Clerk, j cAnother tylood Uictim — by A. B. CHAPIN CALVIN G. SMITH PASSES SUDDENLY Arlington Man, Retired Cafe Operator, is Victim of Heart Attack FUNERAL HELD SUNDAY l Calvin Greene Smith died sud denly Saturday morning at his home in Arlington, from a heart attack. Mr. Smith, a retired cafe operator, was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Smith, j He is survived by five sons and daughters, J. D. Smith and R. E. Smith, Elkin; W. D. Smith, Win ston-Salem; Roy S. Smith, Port j Bragg, and Miss Martha Smith, of ' Elkin. Three brothers, Eli Smith of Brooks Cross Roads; Claude Smith of Winston-Salem and Ira , Smith of West Virginia, also sur vive. Funeral services were conduct ed Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from Fall Baptist church, with Rev. P. L. Smith in charge. Interment was in the church cemetery. AGED YADKINVILLE LADY DIES SATURDAY Mrs. Sarah Martin, 89, died at her home two miles west of Yad kinville at 11:30 Saturday morn ing, after an > illness of one week with pneumonia. She was the widow of the late "Uncle Mack" Martin, who died December 21, 1932. She was a daughter of Daniel and Winea Holcomb Long. Mrs. Martin was a native of Yadkinville, being born in the house where she died, April 24, 1848. She was a consistent mem ber of Harmony Grove Friends church for many years. Except for a few years spent in Missouri, she has spent her life in Yadkin county. Survivors include one sOn, M. A. Martin, Yadkinville, and Mrs. W. F. Sherry of St. Joseph, Mo., a daughter. Two sisters, Mrs. Jane Long of Yadkinville and Mrs. Mat tie Long of Greensboro, also sur vive. The funeral was held at Har mony Grove, Friends church Sun day afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, and was in charge of Rev. Wade Adams and Rev. Mrs. Lucy Ves tal. Interment followed in the church cemetery. Nephews acted as pallbearers. YADKIN MINISTERS' ASSOCIATION TO MEET The Yadkin County Ministers' Association will hold its regular meeting next Sunday afternoon at 2:30 at Harmony Grove Friends church. All the ministers of the county are urged to be "present. A good program is prom ised. This association, which was recently organized, has for its membership all ministers of all denominations who reside in the county and those who have churches in the county, and live outside. The following officers were elected for the association: Pres ident, Rev. I. L. Sharpe; vice president, Rev. J. P. Davis; sec retary, Rev. Chas H. Hutchens; I treasurer, Mrs, M. A. Cox; chair man of program committee, Rev. J. G. Algood. LEROY MARTIN OFFICER IN NEWLY FORMED BANK North Wilkesboro, March 29. Consolidation of four banks into the Northwestern Bank, an insti tution with resources of approx imately $3,000,000, serving north western North Carolina and hav ing head offices in North Wilkes boro, was completed at a meeting of directors today. Congressman Robert L. Dough ton, of Laurel Springs, was elect ed chairman of the board of the new bank; his brother, Rufus A. Doughton, of Sparta, president; C. C. Hunter, North Wilkesboro, vice president; Leroy B. Martin, Raleigh, executive vice president; and Edwin Duncan, Sparta, sec retary. The bank has an authorized capital stock of $500,000, and be gins business with a fully paid-in capital of $150,000 and a surplus of $75,000. Charter was issued Saturday by Secretary of State Thad Eure and adopted at today's meeting. Chagrined Asker—When the Judge ruled that Bjones had to pay alimony how did he feel about it? Tellett—Chagrined. Asker—And how did his wife feel about it? Tellett—She grinned. WANTS Kerosene—Up to 50 gallons, lie per gallon; 50 gallons and up, 10c per gallon. Greenwood Auto Company, end of new bridge. tfc. We bay scrap Iron and steel. Double Eagle Service Co.. Elk in, N. C. tfc Squlbbs Mineral Oil, quart size 89c. Antacid Powder, large size 50c. Nyseptol, pint 49c. Gallon Mineral Oil $2.25. Turner Drug Co., Elkin, N. C. tfn Pianos—Small grand, well known make, used only a short time, as good as new. Also used up right. To be sold to reliable party for unpaid balance of or iginal account. Cash or liberal terms to reliable party. For in formation as to location, ad dress Lee Piano Company, Lynchburg, Va. 4-lc Large size Aeroplane Type Fan complete with motor, $15.00. Ed Church, at the Rendezvous, Jonesville. tfc. Squibb* Mineral Oil. quart atse 89c. Antacid Powder, large size 80c. Nyseptol, pint 49c. Turner Drug Co., Elkin, N. C. tfn Used "A" model Ford and Chev rolet parts for sale for models from 1926 to 1930. Also, we do topping and upholstery work. W. M. Reece Garage, Elkln, N. C. 4-8 Protect your buildings or roof with GUARD WELL, a semi liquid roofing. Makes new roofs last longer, old roofs like new. Four months trial, no money down. Guaranteed 10 years, see or write Colin Couch, Elkin, N. C. 4-1-p foke of Cattle for sale or trade. Six years old, weight 1000 to 1300 lbs. Will sell or trade for mules. J. B. Hudson, Elkin, N. C. 4-8-ltp Thursday, April 1, 1937 For sale: Choice Porto Rico seed potatoes in large or small lots. A. S. Speer & Sons, Boonville, N. C. 4-8-p Sturdy, selected, blood tested. Reds, Barred Rocks, White Rocks, Leghorns, 100, $7.95. Heavy Mixed, $6.95. Prompt shipments. Prepaid; live deliv ery. Carolina Hatcheries, Greensboro, N. C. 4-15 c REAL ESTATE For Sale: 50 acre farm, good six room house, new feed barn about 25x30 ft., two tobacco barns. 1-2 mile hardsurface road, 5 miles from Elkin. Price $1750, $750 cash, balance over period of 10 years. Remember Arlington, the pro gressive building little town, with no town taxes. Select your lot before someone gets it first. Also good close-in residence lots in Elkin. Will build your own selection and give you easy terms.' D. C. MARTIN Realtor and Contractor FREE! If excess acid causes you Stomach Ulcers, Gas Pains, In digestion, Heartburn, Belching, Bloating, Nausea, get free sam ple doctor's prescription, Udga, at Turner Drug Co. fl-3p Do you want plenty of eggs from strong, fast growing young chicks? If so feed Pan am in. we' have it. Abernethy's, A Good Drug Store, Elkin, N. C. tfn Castevens Hardware Company will save you money on Men's and Boys' shoes and Oliver farm equipment. Castevens Hardware Co. tfn Wanted to repair radios. Our expert thoroughly knows his business. Prices right. Harris Electric Co., Elkin, N. C. tfc HOMES FOB SALE 7-rm. home on Gwyn AT. $2850' 8-rom. home in Chatham Park $1350' 8-rm. home in E. nnun .... $1650 6-rm. home in W. Elkin $2750 6-rm. W. Elkin extension SIOOO 5-rm. E. Elkin ...i slsoo' 8-rm. N. Elkin SIBSO 5-rm, in Jonesville SIOOO 10 rm. home and out buid ing 8 miles out on hard surface with 8 acres SIBSO On easy terms. Now to the time to bay choice lots In the Hamby development, priced low and good terms. ROYSTERS Premium Grade Fertilizer At No Extra Cost! P. A. Brendle & Son Elkin, N. C.

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