Th—far. Agrfl 1, 1»37 QSOCT ETY. Patsy Ruth Windsor Celebrates I First Birthday Mrs. Howard Windsor enter tained at a small party at her home Saturday afternoon from two until four o'clock, in cele bration of the first birthday an niversary of her little daughter, Patsy Ruth. Games were en joyed by the little guests. Ice cream and cake were served. Those invited were: Dorothy Jean, Clara and Sallie Transou, Ivory Norman and Mary and Charles Windsor. Methodist Circles To Meet Monday The circles of the Woman's Missionary Society of the Metho dist church will meet Monday af ternoon at 3:30 in the following homes: Circle number one will meet with Mrs. J. S. Atkinson on West Main street; number two will meet with Mrs. Chas. G. Ash by on Bridge street and number three will meet with Mrs. E. E. Hayes on Church street, with ROYSTER'S Premium Grade Fertilizer At No Extra Cost! F. A. Brendle & i Son Elkin, N. C. StT "XMB igj OFFEK HO. I OTTER KO. S 'I I Thi* Newspaper, 1 Ti. I Newspaper, 1 Yr.| Only I I 6 2Z2SS B ($2-103 Si*SfiSA ($2-40 I I ThU Newspaper. 1 Yt.\ Four ThU H?\ All Six I *> Magazine* » f For Only f% Magazine* « I For Only I ■ dC from Group r% Arm trom Group H mg% K 1 B $2- 25 3 B 52- 50 I ■ dm from Group mm / mttk Xroxn Group %& J ■■■ 1 Americas Bar J2.00 Q Modern Mechanlx & Inventions 2.25 American Frull Grower J. 75 □ Motion Picture 2.00 American Magazine , . 2.95 □ Open Bead lor Boys a yrt_,_ 2.00 Better Home* and Garden* _ 2.00 □ Opportunity Magazine _____ 2.00 BreedeT"* Gaxette _____ 1.70 □ Parent*' Magazine ______ 2.49 Capper'* Farm** ________ 1.75 □ Pathfinder (weekly) M 0 ChUd Lite 2.95 □ Physical Culture 2.85 CnrUtinn Herald 2.50 O Photoplay 2.95 Collier'* Weekly 2.50 Q Pictorial Herlew 2.00 Country Home. Syr*. 1.7S O Popular Mechanics 2.95 Delineator 2.25 LJ Popular Science Monthly 2.25 Dixie Poultry Journal 1.75 □ «adle New* (technical) 2.15 Fat* Journal, 2 yr*. 1.90 □ Bedbook Magazine 2J5 Field and Stream 2.55 □ Rerlew oi Beview* _MS Flower Grower __________ 2.45 □ Scree niand 2.00 Home Arts4feedlecraft 1.10 □ Screen Play 2.00 House and Garden 3.45 □ Slhrer Screes 2.00 Household Magazine 1.70 □ Sports Afield 2.00 liberty Weekly _________ 2.50 □ SnccewhU Farming ______ 1.70 Literary Digest 4.50 □ True Story Magazine 2.25 McCaU's Magazine 2.00 □ Woman • World , - . 1.90 R Gentlemen: I enclose 9 for which please send me 5 the magazines I have checked, together with a ■ year's subscription to your newspaper ■ Street or R. F. D jj Town and State ' - * % -- -i- r-j . - ■- - , Mrs. O. P. Dockery, associate hostess. All members are requested to attend. Greenwood-Webster Of interest to friends of the couple here and in Virginia is the announcement just made by the bride's parents of the marriage of Miss Mary Gertrude Webster of Pulaski, Va., to James Robert Greenwood of Elkin and Pulaski. The marriage was solemnized March 7, at Hillsville, Va., with Rev. A. C. Brabston officiating. • The bride is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Webster of Pulaski. The bridegroom is the son of J. L. Greenwood and the late Mrs. Greenwood of Elkin. They will reside in Pulaski, where Mr. Greenwod is employed. Bessie Jean Brown Celebrates Sixth Birthday Thursday Honoring her little daughter, Bessie Jean, on her sixth birthday anniversary, Mrs. Ted Brown en tertained at a lovely party at her home on Church street Thursday afternoon. Forty-five children shared the enjoyable event with the honoree. Games were enjoyed and later an Easter egg hunt was engagd in. Mrs. Brown was as sisted in entertaining by Mes dames Anna Harris Shugart, Vance Brown, I. C. Yates and D. L. Kelley, the latter of Yadkin ville. 'ln the dining room a color scheme of pink and blue was car ried out in the decorations. A handsome, two-tier birthday cake was the- central adornment. Ices ~ " ■' THE ELB2N TRIBUNE, ELKIM, NOWTH CAMUNA and cake were served. Favors were Easter rabbits. Newman-Harris Wedding is Event at Saturday Coming as a surprise to friends was the wedding Saturday even ing at eight o'clock in Boon ville of Thomas Harris of this city to Miss Mary Newnrn, also of Elkin, Rev. Mr. Coram, a former pastor of the bride officiated, using the ring ritual of the church. For her Wedding the bride wore a spring suit of navy, with gray accessories and a shoulder cor sage of sweet peas. Mrs. Harris is the daughter of Mr. and Mr. Thomas Newman of Elkin, formerly of Yadkinville. Mr. Harris is the oldest son of Mr. snd Mrs. T. G. Harris of this city. Both have a host of friends. They will reside on West Main street. Mr. Harris is employed at Chatham Manufacturing com pany. Garden Club Meets With Mrs. J. L. Hall Thursday Members of the Yadkin Valley Garden Club enjoyed a most de lightful meeting Thursday after noon at the home of Mrs. J. L. Hall on West Main Street. The home was lavishly decorated with japonica, forsythia and jonquils. Mrs. E. C. James, program chairman for the month, present ed Mrs. W. W. Whitaker and Mrs. J. L. Hall, speakers for the meeting. Mrs. Whitaker told of the International Flower Show which she attended in New York last week and Mrs. Hall told of famous gardens in and around St. Petersburg, Florida, which she recently visited. During the business hour the club voted to donate $lO to the fund for beautifying the grounds at the new high school building. A three corse supper was served late in the afternoon. Members presest were: Mes dames W. W. Whitaker, J. S. At kinson, George Royall, J. H. Beeson, E. C. James, M. A. Biggs, E. G. Click, H. C. Salmons, J. F. Hendren and H. P. Graham. Mrs. R. L. Harris was a special guest. Miss Mary Lorene Long' and Herman Royall. are Married Sunday Of interest to friends of the young couple was the wedding Sunday morning at nine o'clock at the Baptist pastorium on Church street of Miss Mary Lorene Long and Herman Q. Royall. Rev. Eph Whisenhunt, pastor of the First Baptist church, officiated, using the ring ritual. Mrs. Eph Whisenhunt rendered the wedding music. As a proces sional she used "The Wedding March" f r om Wagner's Lohen grin. During the ceremony she played "Ah, Sweet Mystery of Life." The only witnesses to the ceremony were Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Jennings and Miss Margie Long. For her wedding the bride wore a spring suit of navy blue with white accessories. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Zura E. Long of this city. She graduat ed from the local school with the class of '32. Mr. Royall is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Royall of Roar ing Gap. After next week Mr. and Mrs. Royall will be at home at an apartment in the home of Mrs. J. H. Tharpe on Owyn Avenue. Woman's Club to Meet Tuesday at Hotel Elkin; Mrs. Taylor to Speak The group njeeting of the de partments of the Woman's Club will be held Tuesday afternoon at Hotel Elkin. The program ior the meeting wiil be in charge of the Garden Department with Mrs. C. H. Brewer program chairman. Mrs. Wesley Taylor of Greens boro, past president of the State Garden Clubs, and at present one of the vice-presidents of the or ganization, will be guest speaker for the meeting. Mrs. Taylor will use as her subject, "Present Gar den Movements," or flowtr shows as applied through recent garden schools to the community and home. Mrs. Taylor, who is an ex pert on gardens will be at the ho tel from luncheon until the club meeting at 3:30 and will be glad to meet and talk to interested parties on gardening. She also re quests that questions be prepared by those attending to be askr at a round table discussion at „he close of her talk. The club extends a cordial in vitation to the public, particular ly members of the local garden dubs and others interested in ge -dening, to attend the meet ing. Engagement of Miss Harris and Mr. Terrell Is Announced at Party Friday Mrs. T. a. Harris entertained at a charming dinner party at her home on West Main Street Fri day evening at which time the an nouncement of the engagement of her daughter, Miss A Mary Eliza beth Harris to Malvern Terrell was made. The lovely ta ble was centered wife a bouquet of jonquils and bridal wreath in a crystal bowl, which was on a reflector. White candles in cxys -37-.. WINTER HAVEN, Fla. Gail Armour, famous danscuse, re hearses for her Gardenia Dance at) Florida Cypress Gardens where thousands of the fragrant waxy blossoms are now in full bloom. jtal holders were used on either end of the table. A color scheme of yellow and white was carried out in detail in the appointments. A three course dinner was served. The announcement was made when the dessert course was ser ved. The plates were adorned with wedding bells, topped with a miniature bride and bridegroom with a card attached bearing the announcement. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Harris and is a very popular member of the younger set. The bridegroom is a i native of Wilmington, Delaware, but has resided here for the past two years. The marriage will be solemnized in a home ceremony on April 30. , Quests for the dinner were Miss Harris, bride-elect, Miss Thoburn Lillard and her guest, Miss Eleanor Clayton of Char lotte, Mrs. Gladstone Carter, Mrs, Irwin Wade, Miss Maude Masten, Miss Hoyland Harris, Mii& Mar garet Sale, Miss Elizabeth Shores, Miss Hazel Byrd, Miss Minnie Ruth McNeill and Miss Blendon Byrd. BURCH Rev. E. B .Draughan of Union Cross preached at Little Rich mond Baptist church Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Judge Carter of Winston-Salem was the Sunday guest of his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Carter. Mr. and Mrs. Jim White, Miss Lucy White, Miss Marie White, Royland, and Wade White, all of Thomasville, were the guests of relatives here over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Tilden Martin and family of Elkin were the guests here Monday of Mrs. Mar tin's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Axsom. Several people from here at tended the funeral of Mrs. Lydia Brown at Boonville Sunday. Rev. Ora- Griffith of Ararat visited relatives here Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Shoemaker of Arlington, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Barber Monday. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Evans of Shady Grove attended the birth day dinner here in honor of Mrs. Charlie Humphries Sunday. M. A. Galther of Winston-Sa lem was a business visitor here Tuesday. Clete Jenkins and daughters, Misses Loretta and Cleatus, of State Road, were the week-end guests of his mother, Mrs. R. A. Jenkins. Mr. and Mrs. Numa Coe visit ed Mr. Coe's mother, Mrs. Betty Coe, at Rockford, this week-end. Mrs. Carl Ashburn is spending several days in Winston-Salem, the guest of her aunt«, Mrs. D. C. Collins. Jimmie Atkins is seriously 111 Expert Repairing Watches, Clocks, Jewelry We Now Have Equipment to Make Any Kind of Duplicate Keys. W.M. Wall, Jeweler Phone 56 ElWn, N. C at his home at Patrvlew, bis friends will regret to know. Columbus Williams of High Point visited relatives here last week. Mrs. W. H, Sneed returned to her home Monday from Boonville, v/here she was called last week on account of the illness and death of her mother, Mrs. Lydia Brown. SWAN CREEK Mr. and Mrs. Coy Harris and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Erwln attended the Easter sunrise ser vice at Winston-Salem Sunday morning. We are sorry to note that Mrs. Will Bell, who has been confined to her room for sometime, will enter a Statesvllle hospital this week for an operation. Mrs. Dora Mathis and daughter, Maxlne and Mrs. Louise Vestal of Martinsville, Va.,' spent the East er holidays with relatives here. Paul and Annie Lee Swaim of Ronda spent the Easter holidays here with their grandmother, Mrs. Vina Swaim. Mr. and Mrs. Clay Macey of Hamptonvllle and Mrs. Omar Walker and little daughter, Bar bara Jean, were the dinner guests of their mother, Mrs. Vina Swaim Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Osborne and children, Wayne and Vina, visit ed Mr. and Mrs. Walter Osborne in Elkin Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Sale of Cycle were the guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Cook. The many friends of Mrs. Joyce Myers of Cycle will be sorry to learn that she is critically ill at 1 Ui JJ : NORGE CONCENTRATOR RANGES Norge leads with a thrilling new line of ranges...models, colors NORa 5 R ? L^ TO t ? , ," EFB,a ? UT| ON and available extras provide wide L New! Flexible Interior Arrange- WIUC ments for greater usability, lm - choice in style and equipment. And proved Rollator—the famous 3- every one is a sound investment moving-parts Rollator j a savings in time, work, actual mechanism—produces , ft , ~ - , even cold for the cur- doUars aad cent 3' V>» ba T rent used. »■ *■ »*■' * range, be sure to see the Norge; B Among many new features E8^88B5H8HB8B9^^9(88| I ers is the exclusive Pressure- j^Bit: ' jPSSS^^SSnI Indicator Wringer which in- ll Mi fl » J sures scientifically correct pres- ■■jUh .&jL JI [ll sure for every kind of fabric. ,:'|N I [;• ■ Heat, pressure and speed under ■ finger-tip control. The Norge j HI Duotrol Ironer exceptionally m easy to learn to use —fast and WM efficient. I Hinshaw Cash Hdw. Co. I BH HfcAP-337 JJ her home, suffering from a stroke of paralysis suffered last Thurs day. Several people from here at tended the funeral in Winston- Salem Sunday of Mrs. V. M. Swalm. Mrs. Swalm was before her marriage, more than fifty years ago. Miss Minnie Sparks. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Swalm of Winston-Sajem were week-end visitors here. Miss Pansy Bell was the week end guest of Miss Ruby Shore at Cycle. Read Tribune Advertisements! Farm Land About 133 acres good farm land with buildings and barns located about 8 miles from Elkin, just off hard surface road, situated in Trap hill, Wilkes County (known as A. P. Haynes property). Mine Ridge school located on property. Other farm properties for sale. A. L FINE Liquidating Agent, Elkin National Bank Elkin, N. C. F. A. Brendle & Son HEADQUARTERS For LAWN AND GARDEN SEED Elkin, N. C.

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