' News of Jonesville Men. Gttrney Wagoner, Editor Phone 48-W ' Mr. and Mrs. Earl Fox, of Hud son, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ivory Johnson on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Holcomb and Mrs. O. B. Boies and son, Junior, left Monday for points in California to spend an indefinite Unw with relatives. They will be accompanied home by Mrs. Boles and Mrs. Holcomb's mother, Mrs. M. C. Mayberry, who has been spending the winter there in the interest of her health. The many friends of Mrs. Will Holcomb will regret to learn that she is confined to her home this week with "flu." i Mrs. A. C. Davis left Friday to spend the Easter holidays with her daughter, Mrs. H. C. Wishon of Winston-Salem. Mrs. Marvin Mayberry, who was confined to her home last week with "flu" Is improving this week. r , Miss Bknma EUer left Monday to wend an indefinite time with her sister, Mis. M. C. Pittman and family of Madison ville, Tenn. Mr. Wilson Reece of Mt. Airy, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Ray on Easter Monday. Mrs. Edna Talley altered Da vis hospital last Thursday for treatment. Mr. and Mrs. Kim Vestal and children spent the Raster holi days with Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Groce of Cyole. Mr. and Mrs. Lon Morgan of Winston-Salem, visited the tat ter's mother, Mrs. Maggie Ashley who was right sick last week, but is improving at this writing. Mr. and Mrs. Hank Kennington moved into the apartment at Mrs. C. G. Bryant's on Monday. Mrs. Rufus Wagoner entered Hugh Chatham hospital on Sun day for treatment. The many friends of Mrs. C. L. Kerley will be glad to learn that she is improving some this week from an-attack of "flu." Misses Sara Mae Renegar and Evelyn Arnold, students at Draughn's Business College, of Winston-Salem, spent the Easter holidays here with their parents. Rev. and Mrs. D. G. Reece had as their dinner guests on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Alston Boles and daughters, Jerry Lee and Mary FLOWERS Cut Flowers—Funeral Designs Potted Plants Mrs. Grady Cockerham Pb*ne it Elkin, N. C. " ° = ■■■ "P" Now Is The Time To PAINT And Now Is The Time to Buy BENJAMIN MOORE PAINTS Prom Us We Carry a Complete Stock. Try It Once and You Will Always Use It! ELHN LUMBER & MFG. CO. "Everything to Build Anything" Phone 68 Elkin, N. C. NOTICE! On April Ist we will have a fresh carload of mules and mares for sale or exchange weighing from 1,000 to 1,500 pounds, and ranging in age from 3to 8 years. Come early and get your choice. Some extra nice mares broke and ready to work. W. M. Dickerson HORSE AND MULE COMPANY Elkin, N. C. *■ w • . Patricia and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brown and daughter, Jacqueline and Miss Eva Adams. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Chappel and daughter, Dorethea, visited Mrs. Chappel's father, Mr. Leander Nicholson of Cycle on Sunday af ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Roberson of Whitneli, were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Holcomb on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Felts and children of Winston-Salem, spent the Easter holidays here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bent Mar tin and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Baugess, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Ervin and daughter, Daisy Mae, Mr. and Mrs. Coy Harris spent Sat- urday night in Winston-Salem and attended the Easter service. Mrs. Martha Hemric entered Hugh Chatham hospital on Sun day for treatment. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kiker and son, Billie Fraiser, of near Ashe viile, spent the Easter holidays with Mrs. Kiker's parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. Y. Jester. Mrs. Robert Brown and grand daughter, June Wells, spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. Sallle Greenwood of Island Ford community. Little Miss Jean Madison is sick with "flu" this week. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Pinnix and son, Jimmie, of Winston-Salem, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Ray, the latter his aunt, on Sunday. Mr. R. G. Boles is confined to his home this week with "flu" his friends will regret to learn. Mrs. D. G. Reece and daughter, Sarah Lou and Mrs. Jack Brown and daughter, Jacqueline, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Moxley on Monday. Mrs. J. L. Wood, of Arlington, was the week-end guest of her son, Brady Byrd of near Mt. View. Mrs. Leonard Smoot has been confined to her home several days with "flu." Mr. Wiley Seagraves spent last week In Mt. Airy with his son, Herman Seagraves. Mrs. Evelyn Mayberry and son, Gayle, spent the Easter holidays In Henderson with Mr. Mayberry. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Mcßride and Mrs. Charlie Gilliam visited Mrs. Mcßride's father, Charlie Stroud, of Ronda on Sunday af ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Simmons and family of Arlington spent Sunday in Greensboro the guests TUB MW TOBTOK. BIJOU. NORTH CABOUKA Martin Luffman and Mr. Luif- A number of people from here attended the funeral of Greene Smith at Pall Creek church o.\ Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Reece and children and Kern Feimster, of Winston-Salem, visited relatives here during the Easter holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Parks of Raleigh visited Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Holcomb on Sunday. Mr. Lawrence Oough is con fined to his home here with "flu." Mr. and Mrs. Russell Bauguess moved into the Speas apartment on Owyn Avenue in Elkin on Tuesday. Mrs. Haugut Shaw and chil dren and Mrs. R. E. Holcomb and children were in Greensboro last Sunday visiting their sister and aunt, Mrs. Robert Hudson. Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Nicks of Winston-Salem, were the guests of Mrs. Julia Wagoner on Sunday. The Sunbeams enjoyed an egg hunt on Friday afternoon and Cornelia Lineberry won the prize for finding the most eggs. Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Macemore and children and Mr. and Mrs. Wllmoth Swaim spent Sunday in Hillsville and Galax, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Jones and Miss Lucile Phillips spent the Easter holidays in Gaffney, S. C. with the former's relatives. Mrs. W. L. Hudspeth, of Cycle, Mrs. Ruth Harding, of Cana, Mrs. L. G. Carson of Charlotte, Mrs. D. D. Hudspeth of Winston-Sa lem and Mrs. W. R. Hudspeth of Yadkinville, were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Wagoner op Sun day afternoon. Mrs. Wagoner, who has been very sick with a deep cold for two weeks, is improving some this week. Stanley Anthony, small son of Mr. and Mrs. Max Anthony, has been very HI with pneumonia, but is improving at this writing. Miss Bonnie Dickson, member of the J. H. S. faculty, spent the Easter holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnson of States ville. Mr. John Douthert of Balti more, Md., and his daughter, Bet ty, of New Mexico, were guests of Mrs. D. D. Mcßride on Sunday. Prof, and Mrs. L. S. Weaver and children spent the week-end in Rutherford the guest of Mrs. Weaver's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Haliburton. Miss Lorraine Lineberry, who has been very ill this week enter ed Hugh Chatham hospital Tues day night for treatment. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Boles and son, Joe, of Lexington, S. C., and Mr. and Mrs. James Taylor and son* Jimmie, of Snow Hill, N. C., and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Snow and daughter, Jessie and son, Glenn, of Pilot Mountain, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Boles during the week-end. A number Of people from here and Elkin attended the funeral of H. M. Holbrook held at Liberty Grove Baptist church in Wilkes county on Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Rjv. R. E. Adams and Rev. J. L. Powers conducted the funeral. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Brandon left Tuesday for Winchester, Va„ to visit their son, J. R. Brandon. Miss Pearl Greenwood of Wash ington, D. C., who has been visit ing relatives here for several weeks, has to her home. BOONVILLE The newly organized Beta Club of Boonville sponsored a Baby Contest Friday night at the Boon ville school. The entrants and their sponsors were: Little Miss Faye Baitey; Carl Martin and Nell Castevens; Little Miss Betty Lou Moxley; Minnie Spainhour and Jenny Lind Brown; Master Jimmy Stinson; Hugh Transou and Hope Comer; Little Miss Janice Mat thews; Jane Craver and Marshall Taylor; Little Miss Betty Jo Smith; Blanche Vanhoy and James Dobbins; Little Miss Fran ces Deal: Jean Riden and Foy Moxley; Little Miss Mary Burrus: Joy Riden and Frank Hlnshaw; Master E. E. Hood, Jr.: Kathleen Vestal and Orville Snow; Little Miss Barbara Jean Combs: Mary Jewel Burton and Everette Owyn. The first prize was awarded Little Miss Foy Baitey and the second prize went to Little Miss Betty Lou Moxley. Miss Blanche Vanhoy of Jones ville was the guest Tuesday of Miss Lucy Dobbins. Mrs. Mary Frown is ill at this time, her friends will regret to know. Patronize Tribune advertisers. They offer real values. ROYSTER'S Premium Grade Fertilizer At No Extra Cost! F. A. Brendle & Son Elkin, N. C. Rontia, Route 2, March 29. Several members of Bethel church and neighbor max are placing a new roof on the building today. Mrs. G. P. Pardue and daugh ters, Misses Nora and Pauline were in Winston-Salem last Tuesday shopping. Mrs. Jesse Jhurch and Mrs. Sam Price of Greensboro spent last Monday here visiting their parents and grandparents, Mr. Mrs. N. B. Burchett. Eugene Jones and Wayne Stroud attended the Moravian Easter service at Winston-Salem last Sunday morning. Miss Louise Morrison was the guest the past week-end of Miss Lucille Mauldin of Arlington. Little Imogene Pardue, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Pardue has been right sick for the past week. Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Gilliam and children. Norma, Kathleen, Flake! Charles and Bobby went to Wins ton-Salem last Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Gilliam attended the Sunrise service Sunday morn ing and remained for the day to be there to join the other mem bers of the former's family, that included Mrs. C. W. Gilliam, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. T. Jones, Eugene Jones, Mrs. J. T Stroud, Mr. and Mrs. Seaman Dobbins, Wayne, Kenneth and Thomas Stroud, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Gilliam, Jr., and little son, Charlie, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Armstrong and Ray Stroud, who all met with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ferlazzo at their home 500 South Main street to have their Easter dinner and to celebrate Mrs. Ferlazzo's birthday anniver sary. One sister of the honoree, Mrs. W. A. Stroud and Mr. Stroud of Wilkesboro were absent, they having attended the funeral rites of Mr. Bumgarner at Wilkesboro. Miss Grace Burchett of Ronda spent the week-end here with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Burchett. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Johnson and children of Greensboro were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Par due last Saturday night and Sun day. Mrs. Wm. T. Morrison and soh Elmer, went to see Mrs. John Holcomb at Benham Monday and to be with her during the sale. Mrs. Holcomb was a former neigh bor of Mrs. Morrison. Mrs. W. A. Pardue visited her daughter, Mrs. A. P. Woodruff near Boonville who is ill, we are sorry to learn. Mesdames W. H. Jones and J. T. Stroud and C. W. Gilliam at tended the funeral of Mrs. V. M. Swaim held at Southside Baptist church, Winston-Salem, last Sun day afternoon at 3:00 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Jones Vanhoy of North Elkin were the guests of Mrs Vanhoy's mother and fam ily Easter Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Triplett spent a while last Sunday with the former's parents at Jonesville, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Triplett and family. Mrs. Ulas Vestal and little daughter, Mary Bell, of the Pall Creek community, spent part of last week here with her mother, Mrs. Elza St. John who remains seriously ill, suffering with a head trouble. Mr. ari Mrs. J. M. Pinnix had as their guests for Easter, their daughter, Mrs. Hubart Hays and children, Nell, Harold and Betty Jean and Hughes Pinnix all of Sparta and Miss Estha Pinnix of Winston-Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Eb Bradley of Si loam, have been visiting the lat ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Burchett near here. Mrs. D. M. Mathis and daugh ter, Miss Maxine of Martinsville, Va., have been here visiting rel atives during the Easter season. Mr. and Mrs. T. N. Green ac companied by Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Walker spent a while in Winston- Salem last Sunday. Mr. J. T. Triplet? and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jones were business visitors at the Wilkesboros Mon day. Mrs. Grover Johnson and small son, Ray, visited her son and family, Mr. Joshua Johnson at Roaring River the past week-end. Miss Lucy Burchett entertain ed some of her friends at an egg hunt. Misses Hazel, Mae and Bertha Johnson had as their guests last Sunday afternoon, Miss Estha Pinnix of Winston-Salem, Miss es Margaret Daye and Dessie Cothern and Brady Osborn of El kin. We had a very good Sunday school at Bethel last Sunday and a wonderful lesson that anyone would enjoy studying. It makes us grow stronger. Several were ab sent Sunday morning. Time A visitor to the nut house was trying to find out the right time ... He had to catch a train . . . His watch had stopped and he hurried into the office ... No one was there but an inmate . . . The visitor looked at the wall clock. "Is that clock right?" he asked. "Don't be silly," the jiut replied in Uisgust. "if that clock was right, d'ya think it would be hers?" There was a box supper at Pleasant Hill school house last Saturday night, A large number of boxes were sold. Miss Irene Day's box brought the most. The contest for the prettiest girl re sulted in Misses Gladys Couch and Gladys Transou getting an even number of votes. Both girls cut the cake. Mr. D. E. Broome, the principal of the school was voted the ugliest man present. The last contest was to find the lovesickest man. David Day, Jr. was unanimous winner. The Car olina Mountaineers, Messrs. Colin Kelly, Linvllle and Wilburn Couch provided the music. Miss Edna Stout and her brother sang a duet. The Sunday school met Sim day as usual, with a large crowd. Mr. C. B. Eller, the superinten dent of schools is expected to be present at Sunday school next Sunday April 4. Everyone Is in vited to attend, Mr. D. E. Broome was in charge of prayer service last Sunnay night. Next Week Only! You've been waiting for it . . BWrTTiI V3il ■pHU^^njhnr, Everyday Drug Needs and Home Remedies, Toiletries, Stationery, Rubber Goods and Sundries. _ Turner Drug Co. CONNECT IT auct * FORpnT/ I ' '"' ' ' J p The modern electric water header is so com pletely automatic that you simpSy connect it and forget it. You never have to give it a thought. You never have to worry about it. , \ You never even have to go near it. And it is ECONOMICAL. The average family can have a constant supply of hot water 24 hours of the ' k day, every day of the year at a daily cost much ' v -* less than the price of a package of cigarettes. i Investigate electrical water heating for your home now. Depend on P 'T He it your most Roddy sy inexpensive Kilowatt. • ima>t. «■ W fm Mt m Small Farm For Sale ■ ' 3.2 acres of good farm land located in Ed wards Township, Wilkes, County, former ly owned by J. B. Luffman. Buildings lo cated on premises. A. L FINE Liquidating Agent, Elkin National Bank •/ Elkin, N. C. H. E. KIMELI Representing The GLOBE TAILORING CO. Will Be At Our Store ALL DAY TODAY (April Ist) Come In and Let Him Measure You For A New Spring Suit * McDaniel's Department Store ELKIN, N. C. I

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