Mason Lillard Class To Meet The Mason Lillard Bible Class of the Sunday school of the Methodist church will meet at the home of Mrs. Jones Holcomb on Bridge street. Monday evening at 7:30. All members are invited to attend. Mrs. Wall Is Hostess To Young Matrons CIMS The Ydung Matrons Class of the Sunday school of the First Baptist church met at the home of Mrs. W. M. Wall, on West Main street Tuesday evening, with six teen members present. Mrs. L. M. Stewart read the scripture les son and Miss Lee Mae Lowery of fered the opening prayer. Matters of interest to the class were discussed during the busi ness hour. A social hour was enjoyed at the close of the meeting. The hostess served a tempting salad course, followed by a sweet course. Thursday Book dub Meets With Mrs. Edworth Harris Mrs. Kdworth Harris delightful ly entertained the Thursday af ternoon Book Club at a social meeting at her home on West Main Street Thursday. Rook and dominoes were enjoyed during the afternoon. The club award for high score went to Mrs. E. Carl Boyles. Club members enjoying Mrs. Harris' hospitality were: Mes dames E. Carl Boyles, George Royall, J. P. Xpock, P. W. Gra ham, W. W. Whitaker, H. C. Sal mons, J. L. Hall and Mason Lil lard A salad' course with Russian tea and a sweet course was served when the games were completed. DONT PASS UP THESE * W A f l^T SPECIAL VALUES! m^A\m PINEAPPE JUICE, 3 Cans —2s c Selects Our Store I TOMATO JUICE, 3 Cans 25° ctapi E and FANCY GRAPEFRUIT JUICE, 3 Cans 25 c G R O CERIES LARGE SNOW KING fY To Be Used in The Cooking School to BAKING POWDER 19c 86 He,d at WITH BOWL _ | A Free Glide-O-Plane for The Kiddies With Every Purchase! | ra ra ur T^ P L^WL CLEAN-UP U| „ JiSLSVSL JtL- CLEAN-UP SPECIALS! EMM concentrated super SUDS SPECIALS! OCTAGON SOAP Giant Size SUPER SUDS, In the Red Box 5 For OQc For Washing Dishes Q For OCc 10 Extra Coupons Free! OCTAGON SOAP POWDER ° Ctag^^on^j, t pS ChiPS Giant Size _ _ 5 For 23 c 2 For 19 c 10 Extra Coupons Free! OCTAGON CLEANSER v "Save the Coupon" OCTAGON TOILET SOAP o For \Ac "Valuable Coupon" " 3 For 14 c Octagon Granulated Soap For Washing Clothes SAVE ON THESE SPECIALS! 3 F ° r 27 c YOU'LL ALWAYS FIND BIGGEST VALUES IN OUR MODERN WHITE MARKET "EVERYTHING AN UP-TO-DATE MARKET SHOULD OFFER" PHONES WE |j 4 DELIVER E. MAIN STREET ELKIN, N. C. Group Meeting: of Baptist Circles Monday Evening The group meeting of the cir cles of the Woman's Missionary Society of the First Baptist church will be held at the church Monday evening at 8 o'clock, with the Pearl Johnson Circle in charge of the program. A social meeting will be en joyed at the conclusion of the program. All members of the or ganization are cordially invited to attend. , The Sunbeam Band, Mrs. Oscar Darnell, leader, will meet in the church Monday afternoon at 3:30. Hamby-Berry Wedding Announced Announcement has just been made of the marriage on March 27, of Miss Annie Lee Hamby, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. J. E. Hamby of State Road, and Earl Hanes Berry, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Berry, of Madison. They were married in Reidsville. The bride is a graduate of Ap palachian State Teachers College, Boone, and is a member of the faculty of North Elkin school. The bridegroom is an engineer and is with the Soil Conservation Service at Camp Hancock, near Dobson, where he has been locat ed for the past year. For her wedding the bride wore a lovely spring model of navy blue with harmonizing accessor ies. v Mrs. Gwyn is Hostess to Two-Four Club Thursday Mrs. Paul Gwyn entertained the members of the Two-Four Bridge Club at the regular fort nightly luncheon meeting at her home on Gwyn Avenue Thursday. THE BXJPN TRIBUNE, KLKIN. NORTH CAROUNAB Spying flowers -were used as a centerpiece for the luncheon ta ble, where covers were placed for eight. During the afternoon bridge was played at two tables. The club award for high score went to Mrs. E. S. Spainhour at the conclusion of the play. Members playing were: Mes dames A. O. Bryan, E. S. Spain hour, Ruohs Pyron, James Poin dexter and Miss Maude Green wood. Additional guests were Mesdames Raymond and Alex Chatham. Mr. yd Mrs. Folger Honor Guests at Bridge-Dinner Honoring their week-end house guests. Miss Helen Long of Bur lington and George Long of Gra ham, Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Fol ger at an enjoyable bridge-dinner at their home on Church street Saturday evening. The living room was beautifully decorated with a wealth of spring flowers. Dinner was served upon the arrival of the guests at seven o'clock. During the evening bridge was played at tnree tables. The high score awards went to Mrs. Edwin Harris and Thomas Roth at the conclusion of a series ing progressions. Each of the honor guests was presented a re membrance. The guest list included Miss Long, Mr. Long, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Farrell, Mr. and Mrs. Ed win Harris. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Roth, Miss Frances Chatham and Robert Robbins. "Child Welfare" is Legion Aux iliary Topic The Woman's Auxiliary of the George Gray Post of the Ameri can Legion met at the home of Mrs. F. W. Graham on West Main street Monday evening with Mrs. Dixie Graham associate hostess with seventeen members present. Mrs. George Royall, auxiliary president, presided over the meet ing which opened with the ritual and a prayer by Mrs. B. L. Har ris, chaplain. During the busi ness session routine reports were heard. It was voted to plant an evergreen tree, with fitting cere monies. on the grounds at the new high school building, the tree to be a memorial to Elkln's war dead. The program on "Child Wel fare" was In charge of Mrs. Boy all and consisted of a Question naire among the members and a paper "Youth Must Know," by Mrs. Buth Byrd crater. During a pleasant social horn' the hostesses served tempting re freshments. Mrs. Wade and Miss Harris Are Honorees at Tea Miss Mary Elizabeth Harris, bride-elect of the month, and Mrs. Irwin Wade, a recent bride, shar ed honors at a lovely tea given Thursday afternoon from 4:30 to 5:30 by Misses Blendon and Ha zel Byrd at their home on Elk Spur street. Potted blooming azaleas and amaryllis were used in the living room while the bridal motif of green and white was observed in the dining room with an artistic arrangement of plum and apple blossoms. In the receiving line were Miss Hazel Byrd, Miss Har ris, Mrs. T. G. Harris, mother of the bride-elect, Mrs. Wade and her mother, Mrs. W. F. Beece. Miss Flora Royall directed the guests to the dining room where Miss Blendon Byrd, Mrs. Fred Harris and Miss Mary Jane Byrd served fancy sandwiches, individ ual decorated cakes and salted ] nuts. Mrs. W. W. Byrd, mother | of the hostesses, presided at the punch bowl. Each of the honorees were pre sented crystal in their wedding pattern. About forty guests called dur ing the receiving hours. Mrs. Anna Graham Celebrates Eightieth Anniversary Members of the immediate family of Mrs. Anna Graham gathered at her home on Gwyn Avenue Sunday to celebrate the eightieth anniversary of her birthday. Mrs. Graham, who is one of the most beloved of Elkin's elderly citizens, is unusually ac tive and keeps abreast of the times ,in spite of her years. Children of the honoree at tending the dinner, together with their families, were: Mr. and Mrs. IH. P. Graham, Mr. and Mrs. H. IC. Graham, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. I Graham, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. | Graham, Mr. and Mrs. Dixie Gra j ham, Mr. and Mrs. Sheffie Gra ham, all of Elkin, and Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Halsey of Mouth-of- Wilson, Va., and Rev. and Mrs. G. C. Graham, of Marion. An other daughter, Mrs. L. E. Os borne ,of Pittsburgh, Pa., was un able to attend due to illness. Others attending were: Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cox of Mouth-of-Wil son, Va., the former a brother of Mrs. Graham; Virgil Cox and family of Mouth-of-Wilson, Va., and Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Neaves and Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Cox of this city. Dinner was served picnic style. The affair came as a complete surprise to Mrs. Graham. Methodist Circles Meet Monday The circles of the Womans' Missionary Society of the Meth odist church met Monday after noon in the following homes. Circle number one met with Mrs. J. S. Atkinson on West Main Street with twelve members pres ent. Mrs. J. F. Hendren, circle chairman, conducted the devo tionals and presided over the meeting. The Bible study x was in charge of Mrs. R. G. Smith. Circle number two met with Mrs. Chas. G. Ashby on Bridge street with fourteen members present. Mrs. E. F. McNeer, cir cle chairfiian, led the devotionals and presided over the business session. The Bible study was un der the direction of Mrs. R. C. Freeman. Circle numbes three met with Mrs. Errol Hayes on Church street with Mrs. G. P. Dockery associ ate hostess, with eleven members present. The tfevotionals were in charge of Mrs. Richard Chatham and Mrs. Mason Lillard led the Bible study. Circle number four met Thurs day evening with Mrs. Roscoe Poplin on West Main street, with sixteen members present. Mrs. Ralph Fletcher was in charge of the program and devotionals. She was assisted in the program by Mrs. Harold Click, Mrs. Edworth Harris and Miss Mamie Pruitt. A social hour. was enjoyed at the close of the program. Each hostess served a tempting refresh ment course. Mrs. Taylor Speaks to Woman's Clnb; Mrs. Gwyn is Elected President The regular open meeting of the Woman's Club was held Tues day afternoon at Hotel El kin with a splendid attendance. Pre ceding the afternoon session a {luncheon was held in the main 'dining room of the hotel In honor of Mrs. Wesley Taylor of Greens boro, guest speaker for the after noon. Guests for 'the Itfacheon in addition to Mrs. Taylor were the club officers, department chairmen and members of the Garden Club. Covers were placed for fourteen. The program fpr the afternoon was In charge of Mrs. C. H. Brew er of the Garden Department and the subject for study was "Gar dening in the South." Mrs. Tay lor, who has served as president of the state garden clubs and is now one of the vice-presidents of the organization, 1s a widely rec ognized authority on gardening. In her talk she stressed the falue of beautifying the approaches to towns as well as private gardens. Her talk was informal, instruc tive and highly enjoyed. An added feature of the pro gram was- a vocal solo "I Know Where a Garden Grows," by Mrs. E. G. Click, accompanied at the piano by Mrs. Franklin Folger. During a. brief business session Mrs. Paul Gwyn was elected pres- I ident of the club to fill the unex- J i plred term of Mrs. Chas. G. Ash by, who resigned. Other officers will remain the same for the next year. The final meeting of the club year will be held May 4, at which time National Music Week will be observed. I ———— Baptist Circles Meet Monday Afternoon The monthly meetings of the circles of the Woman's Mission ary Society of the First Baptist church met Monday afternoon in the following homes: The Eipma Leechman circle met HiSjiliiiiil, ™' s DAYS I THURSDAY—FRIDAY SATURDAY |j« j| etg A money-saving event in honor of James C. Penney, the man whose little country store became the key- A Ciumf stone of a nationwide institution. It takes values BargtdnJ such as these to give a store the recognition and pres- Of crisp marquisecte! tige that is Penney's. Come in and see them—they're Unbelievable at this rea j bargains! price—but true! *Not much left! 'T\ ' I ' OLADIO PERCALES ' ' ——T/j\ 8 A quality yon usually pay .much /I \ I A JH&SG more for. Almost any type of pat- V / /1 \ 1 P* * crna y OOll wanl or frocks and I i \ fl "F 001 Faat color, of com*! b™ 1.00 Cu " * Silk HOSIERY Perfect styles—at an al« Full VK (most unbelievable price! Fashioned V 9 m. V and bodice top models. Just received a new y either smartly tailored or shipment both chif- / / W trimmed with dainty lace. fon and service ( / >s*§l Adjustable straps! 32-44. Weights. All siSes. jgS l| wamXfriiJiiL ** ' FROCKS M A /fi}k Av Boy-' WM Hade I Shirts, Shorts CZ 39 \y" SiHUI "I jA| These frocks just can't be ™ beat at this lower-than /fjMi Sanforixed shrank broadcloth t ° f I " shorts! Swiss ribbed cotton shfetsJ AVENUE vat prints—> ' /jJ-Li[Y\ yijx Top quality! What a price! but just a few left! S K M ' Sizes 14 to 44. L Eaßt mi " atrwt — — igtto ' N c ~ j with Mrs. C. R. Alexander on Surry Avenue, with Mrs. James Hemrip associate hostess, with fourteen members present. Mrs. T. L. Parnell, circle chairman, was in charge of the business ses sion, and Miss Ella Cocker ham conducted the devotionals. The program topic was "In His Name, Among All Nations," and was pre sented by Mrs. E. C. James. The Naomi Shell circle met with Mrs. T. O. Harris on West Main street, with Mrs. Harris in charge of the devotional period. Mrs. J. P. Mosley, circle chairman, presided over the business session. An interesting program, featuring current events in W. M. D. work, was presented by Mesdames H. Q. Harris, P. M. Norman, Roy West and George Chatham, twelve members of the circle were present. The Neal Young circle met with Mrs. Eph Whisenhunt on Church Hugh Royall INSURANCE FOR EVERY NEED PHONE 111 ELKIN, N. C. Thursday, April IS. 1937 street, with twelve members pres ent. Mrs. C. I. Boger was in charge of the devotionals and Mrs. T. W. Church was in charge of the program. She presented Miss Emma Cooke, who made an interesting talk on the French people. Mrs. Whisenhunt told of the activities of Miss Neal Young, a native South Carolinian, for whom the circle is named, and of her work on the mission fields of Africa. i The personal service project for the month for the entire society is donations of linen to the Bap tist hospital in Winston-Salem. Each hostess served a tempting/ refreshment course during a pleasant social hour. \ The average funeral in the United States costs $lB3, which is a cheap amount for some women to bury their trouble.

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