FINE PROGRAM IS HED AT DOBSON Surry Federation of Home Demonstration Clubs Holds Meeting FREE CANNING SCHOOL The Surry County Federation of Home Demonstration Clubs met in the Dobson school au ditorium Wednesday afternoon at 2:00 o'clock, with Miss Ruth Cur rent, State Home Demonstration agent, and Mrs. Lydia Lynde, a specialist in parent education of Washington, D. C., as the prin'- cipal speakers. An interesting program, under the direction of Miss Verna Stanton, county home demonstration agent, was carried out. A free canning school will be held at Dobson, Monday, April 26, at 2:00 p. m., which will be under the direction of Mrs. Helen B. Zoller, a specialist in canning. The monthly 4-H club county council meeting will be held in the Woman's Club building in Dob son, at 10:00 a. m. Wednesday, April 28, for the purpose of plan ning the work of the various clubs of the county* the county council being made up of the various clubs of the county. The meet- Ladies' New Spring _*««» * COATS and SUITS REDUCED! WL We're Taking- No Chance of Carrying igKßiHy Them Over! Down Come Prices To Move rMHSPPaHBr Them Quickly! We're not going to carry these new Spring coats and WwnmWKm suits over until next spring. •jK r ~ a ~'y\ IB To sell them quickly ings on a new spring and MblehK summer outfit. One group of NEW spring namw , f=n colors and materials. Imag- J f j $9.90 and $10.95 r J|\ Ladjes , Newg . Now £-L I, i A J.. „ 77 [/ SUITS ■l™ m II 1 / II One group of beautiful NEW I I M spring suits to go at this worth- M gLJ |n[ while reduction. All are the very ■l# IV a mw 0 W 11 mm newest styles, colors and materi ~ mm ials. You can see for yourself they're worth much more. «. #gq Were $9.90 to $12.95 fey NOW- S 6.9 5 wmmmk —— ! XgfeSfW SILK CREPE ®t TJa DRESSES rn% ft I'U mr'rriM A lovely group of new silk crepe dress gj*£, te jfin m J& i es at give-away prices. Breath-taking. WW % new styles, colors. You should buy at Wk% J I>i\u IP i 0 A least three for spring and summer wear jlfp' ! v « our special low money-saving prices. J!- 98 $2.98 I®Wsl IwlL.m- LINEN SPORT SUITS M*P%m ft /wf/J if i us t the thing for sports or street r a wear. In all wanted colors. Nicely rWFi % ! iFfftt I. tailored and styled. And priced very (typM >v i low - Each — T\TT/ urr $2.98 McDaniel's Dept. Store ELKIN, N. C. A Blind Reader WASHINGTON, D. C. . . . Miss Frances Wright, 8 yeafrs old and blind, reads a Braille book during a Congressional hearing on a bill to aid the nation's physically handicapped. ing will be in charge of Miss Frances McGregor, Assistant State Club leader. The 4-H clubs of the county have shown a remarkable growth during the past year and now number 11 clubs with a total membership of 654. Last year there were only nine clubs with only 34! members. Patronize Tribune advertisers. They offer real values. * THE ELKIN TRIBUNE, ELKIN, NORTH CAROLINA NEW SANITARY OFFICER BEGINS SURRY DUTIES E. L. Hinton, of Raleigh, has been named as Surry county san itary officer, succeeding E. P. Hale, who resigned recently to assume a new job 1 at Leaksville. Mr. Hinton began his £urry job last week. The new sanitary officer has come to Surry highly recommend ed. He holds a degree in sani tary engineering and has had ex perience with health departments in several other locations. He has also been connected with the Rockefellow Foundation in the capacity of a sanitary engineer REV. BALDWIN TO BE AT PILGRIM CHURCH Special services will be held at the Elkin Pilgrim church each evening this week, beginning Wed nesday, April 21st and continuing through Sunday. Rev. M. A. Baldwin, of Greens boro, N.-C., the oldest minister in the Southern District of the Pil grim church will do the preach ing. Special singers will be here Friday night from Liberty. The public is cordially invited to at tend these services. He: "I suppose you dance." She: "Oh yes, I I6ve to." He: "Great. That's better'n dancing." CHAPLAIN NAMED FOR C.C.C. CAMP Captain George R. Bobo is Named Chaplain for Six Other Camps BEAUTIFYING GROUNDS Captain George R. Bobo, whose temporary headquarters are at Salisbury, has been appointed chaplain of the Dobson CCC camp and the other six camps which make up this sub-district of CCC camps of the state. Captain Bobo will be an itinerant going from camp to camp in his circuit, and will be at each camp one day out of each week to conduct religious services and to look after the re ligious life of the boys generally. The six other camps of Captain Bobo's charge are at Danbury, Madison, High Point, Lexington, Salisbury arid Statesville. The appointment of Captain Bobo as chaplain of this district completes the appointment of chaplains for the seven districts of the state, and all of the 42 camps of the state are now being served by a duly appointed chaplain. The ministers of Mount Airy and others have been holding services at the camp in the past, and will continue to do so in the future. An extensive beautification program Is now being carried out at the camp, and the place prom ises to become a veritable garden of beauty. SUNDAY SCHOOL MEET ' TO BE HELD MAY 1-2 The Edwards Township Siin day school convention will con vene with Rachel Baptist church, May 1 and 2. The program fol lows: Saturday Night 7:30 p. m., Sermon, Rev. G. W. Curry. Sunday 9:45 a. m„ Devotional, Rev. G. W. Privette; 10:00 a. m., Sunday School Lesson, Genesis 12:1-9; 13: 14-18; 10:45 a. m., song; 15:50 a. m. f Reports of Sunday Schools; 11:10 a. m., Sunday school address, L. F. Walker, El kin; 12:00 to 1:00, Dinner on the grounds; 1:00 p. m., Song service by Happy Day and Cool Spring Quartet; 1:15 p. m., "Child Train ing for Christ," by Mrs. Mable Newman and Mrs. Conrad Har ris; 2:00 p. m„ Address "The Life of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden," Earl C. James. Elkin. ECKENROD'S STUDIOS TO OPEN HERE MONDAY Eckenrod's, new photographic studio, featuring portraiture, com mercial photography of all kinds, and kodak finishing, will open for business here Monday in the former Farmers & Merchants bank building on Main street, the studio to be located on the second floor, opposite the Lady Fair Beauty Shoppe. z. The studio here will be man aged by W. R. Eckenrod, who also operates a studio in Mount Airy. Mr. Eckenrod is an experienced photographer, having been in the business practically all his life, serving a year as photographer with the 30th Division in France. The studio will do all types of photography, including oil paint ing and tinting,*' enlarging, etc., producing a high type of work. It will be open for calls at all times for wedding pictures, family re unlins, etc. GLADE VALLEY FINALS TO BEGIN APRIL 24TH Commencement exercises will begin at Glade Valley high school Saturday, April 24, with the mu sic recital at 8 o'clock in the even tag. Sunday morning, April 25, at 11 o'clock Rev. Watt M. Coop er, pastor of the North Wilkes boro Presbyterian church, will preach the commencement ser mon. Monday April 26 at 10 a. m. Rev. J. W. Witherspoon, pastor of the First Presbyterian church at Lexington, will deliver an ad dress to the graduating class and diplomas will be presented the graduates. The final exercise will be the class play, "Rainbow Cottage," which will be presented Monday evening, April 26, at 8 o'clock. WILKES MAN IS FOUND DEAD IN SAGE FIELD The dead body of Clyde Hamp ton, 33, was found Sunday in a broom sage field near his home in Somers township, Wilkes coun ty. According to Coroner I. M. My ers, who investigated the death, Hampton had been drinking heav ily and lay down in the field with another man, who left him later, and when relatives went to awaken him they found him dead. He is survived by his mother, Mrs. Minnie Myers Hampton; two sisters, Mrs. Ora Lee Crater, of Jonesville; Miss Marjorie Dean | Standard Oil Employee BA YONNI'J, . eighteen months, Minnie the Cat, has received a pay check of $3.20 a month as official mouser for the refinery* She spendß it for milk and salmoh to supplement her . mouse diet. TIMELY FARM QUESTIONS ANSWERED AT STATE COLLEGE Question: How can I protect my baby chicks from intestinal worms? Answer: When brooding chicks, the area under the brooder can opy should be thoroughly clean ed every day and replaced with clean litter. Beginning the second week, the entire house should be cleaned every four days. The chicks should also be kept off ground that has been inhabited by fowls within at least two years. If the house cannot be moved to clean ground, a wire bottomed platform should be built on the south side of the house and en closed on the sides with half Inch square mesh wire. This will keep the chicks off the ground and, at the same time, give them access to sunshine and fresh air. Question: What spacing should be allowed in planting sweet pota toes in a garden? Answer: Plants should be spac ed 12 inches apart in rows from three to three and one-half feet apart. Close planting reduces the number of "Jumboes" and also checks the losses from stem rot. Where extra early potatoes are desired, the plants should be spaced at least eighteen Inches apart in three foot rows. Better stands .will be secured if the plants are set on high ridges. A 3-8-8 fertilizer mixture, applied at the rate of 600 to 800 pounds an acre is also recommended. Question: How can I get rid of the grubs and snails that are damaging my tobacco plants? Answer: A mixture made with 25 pounds of wheat bran, one pound of Paris Green and enough water to moisten will control these insects. The bait should be broadcast at the rate of 10 to 12 pounds (dry weight) to each 100 square yards of bed. Spread the bait evenly. Do not allow the bait to fall on plants any more than possible. This same mixture will also control the slugs sometimes found in the beds. Several appli cations of the mixture may be necessary for complete control. ELKIN YOUTHS MAKING GOOD AT N. C. STATE At the 12th annual Scholarship Day, held at State College Thurs day, April 15, A. M. Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Smith, of Elkin, was awarded high honors in scholarship. The Elkin youth, a sophomore in chemical engineer tag, has marked up a scholastic average of 94.5 v the highest aver age possible to make being 95. J. R. Burcham, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Burcham, also of El kin, a sophomore in textiles, has been nominated for vice-president of the rising junior class at State. Last week he was chosen the "Most Military" sophomore in the third battalion of the R. O. T. C. regiment, and he has received a bid to Phi Psy, honorary textile Fraternity. Women stenographers lose out at 30 years of age, says author ity. But where is the stenogra pher who will admit she is even near 30? Patronize Tribune advertisers. Hampton, of Call, and one broth er, Claude Hampton, of Concord. Funeral services were held at Shady Grove church Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER EXECUTION NORTH CAROLINA, SURRY COUNTY. John D. Lewis, Assignee, Elkin National Bank -vs- J. N. Steele. In The Superior Court By virtue of an execution di rected to the undersigned from the Superior Court of Surry coun ty in the above-entitled action, I ■ will, on Monday, 24th day of May, 1937, at 12 o'clock noon, at the courthouse door of said county, sell to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy said execution, all the right, title and interest which the said J. N. Steele, the defend ant, has in the following describ ed real estate, to-wit: TRACT 1: Beginning on a white oak. old corner runs S. 50 deg. E. 7.50 chains to a stump; thence North 70 deg. E. 9.25 chains to a red oak, thence North 74 deg. E. 13.50 chains to Mitch el's River, thence s. 18 deg. E. 10.50 chains to a stone on bank of river, thence S. 78 deg. W. 6.36 chains to a sassafras, thence West 23.65 chains to a point in West Main Elkin Street H N. C. iTHEyreE It's New! Novel! Different! You Too Will Say ... Truly a Good Show! ■ HAYWORTH PLAYERS PLAYS VAUDEVILLE MUSIC SINGERS DANCERS In The Howling New York Success 'Too Many Babies' ( (For Laughing Purposes Only) A COMPANY OF 12 PEOPLE ON THE SCREEN MIRIAM HOPKINS In "MEN ARE NOT GODS" Two Complete Stage and Picture Shows Starting at 6:45 . and 9:15 P. M. Doors Open at 6:30 Admission 15c-30c Friday and Saturday— Matinee Friday 1:00 P. M.—Matinee Saturday 12:30 P. M. GENE AUTRY in "RED RIVER VALLEY" Also Chapter 8 of "Tarzan" and Selected Shorts Admission 10c-25c , NEX T WEEK Monday-Tuesday— Wednesday Only— DMNIGHT TAijfftJjEY h * > m d be^ /* Beatrice Roberts \jL 'M ~ / Directed in/ David Howard. A -«( A MT «!){■■, SrwLa&jKs ll :1m R CM**. Jlwl Wf *KO - RADIO Picrutc JS/Lmm Selected Shorts ■wii 11 im i ui.f i imgECEEiB Admission Only 10° TO ALL ■\V4 \ Thursday, April 22, 1937 old line, thence North 10.00 chains to the beginning. Containing 23.57 TRACT 2. Beginning on a water oak on South bank of Creek runs South with a marked line 5.00 chains to a stone on West side of a small branch. Thence N. 20 deg. W. 1.32 chains, S. 63 deg. E. 2.00 chains, N. 1 deg. W. 2.27 chains to a road Thence with as mean ders, 19 deg. W. 8.58 chains to bank of creek, down the creek N. 64 deg. E. 7.15 chains to the be ginning. Containing 8.30 acr6s. This 21st day of April, 1837. H. S. BOYD, Sheriff of Surry County, N. C. By W. J. Snow, Deputy 5-13 Sheriff.

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