Thursday, Apfti 22. 1937 News of Jonesville ! . f Mrs. Gbrney Wagoner, Editor Phone 48-W Mr, 4nd Mrs. R. H. Apple, Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Apple, of Wins * ton-Salem and Rev. T. O. Will iams of ZSlkin, were visitors of Rev. and Mrs. P. L. Smith on Sunday. The friends of Mrs. C. J. Hol comb will regret to learn that she has been confined to her home for several days and they wish her a speedy recovery. Mr. John Hinson, of Arlington, has been very ill with pneumonia . for a week and at this writing seems to be resting better. Mrs. L. S. Weaver, Mrs. P. L. 'Smith, Miss Rosalee Minnish and' Dewey Smith attended the Wo man's Missionary Institute at Mt. Airy last Wednesday. The many friends of Tyree Harris will regret to learn that he is ill this week. Mrs. John Mayberry and son, Gayle, left Tuesday to join her husband in Henderson, where they will make their home in the future. Mr. Mayberry is now op erating the "City Cab" company in Henderson. * Miss Margaret Renegar spent the week-end in Wake Forest and attended the Fraternity dance on Saturday night. Mrs. Charles Jones, of Ronda was the guest of Mrs. W. F. Mc- Bride on Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Dett Underwood and son, Bobby, of Winston-Sa lem, visited the former's mother, M?s. P. H. Underwood on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Holloway and son, Bobby, of Ronda, spent the week-end here with Mr. and Mrs. Hr C. Lyons. Mrs. V. L. Renegar, of Arling ton, underwent a major operation at Davis Hospital at Statesville last Friday and is getting along as well as could be expected. Mr. and Mrs. Q. w. Haliburton of Rutherford College, were the week-end guests of their daugh ter, Mrs. L. S. Weaver, and Mr. Weaver. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Chappel and daughter, Dorothea, spent Sun day with the former's sister, Mrs. Elwood Teague and Mr. Teague of Winston-Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Creed and chil dren of Mt. Airy, were guests of Mrs. Creed's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Seagraves, on Sun day. Miss Doris Thompson was the guest of Miss Nellie Moxley, of Boonville, from Tuesday until Thursday night. Mr. Kim Vestal is confined to his home this week with an in jured knee. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Brown and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Brown and daughter, Bessie Jean and Mast er Johnnie Davis visited the for mer's daughter, Mrs. A. C. Davis, who is very ill at Wesley Long hospital afr Greensboro. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Macy and children, Ethel, Millie and Clar ence, of Cycle, visited the form er's uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Macy on Sunday afternoon. The many friends of Miss Beu lah .Smith will regret to learn that she is sick again. The Boy Scouts defeated the seventh grade boys in a baseball game at the school on Monday, score 10-0. Batteries, for the Scouts, Swaim and Woodruff; seventh grade, Burgess, Mayber ry and Bray. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Castevens, Carrie Taylor, Jean Teal, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Vestal and Worth Ves tal spent Saturday in Charlotte, while there they made a visit to Radio Station WBT and also at tended the dog show. Mrs. Max Anthony and son, Staley, are spending this week at Hamptonville with relatives. Little Betty Jean Finney, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Coy Finney of Arlington, is sick this week. Mrs. Robert Brown had as her guests, her mother, Mrs. Sallie Greenwood, Miss Cora Messick and Robert Messick on Sunday. Thompson Greenwood, of Ral eigh, was a week-end visitor in the home of his mother, Mrs. Maude Greenwood. Rev. P. L. Smith attended the Christian Education Institute at Rose Chapel Methodist "churfch, Statesville, last Friday. Misses Phosia Shore, of Wins ton-Salem, and Martha Smith of Arlington, were the guests of Misses Jessie, Beulah and Sallie Smith on Sunday. Miss Dorothy Feimster, of Winston-Salem, who has been the house guest of Miss Ruth May berry for several weeks returned to her home on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Chilton and Miss Mary Shore of High Point, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gilliam and Mrs. Sam Ray of Statesville, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Ray on Sunday. Mrs. Horace Feimster and chil dren and Mrs. W. F. Reece, Jr. and children of Winston-Salem were guests of the former's moth er, Mrs. W. P. Reece, Sr. on Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Spainhour had as their guests the former's sister and family, Mrs. Will Tuck er on Sunday. Boles—McfJride The many friends of Pete Mc- Bride will be interested to hear of his marriage on Friday, April 16, 1937, to Miss Kate Boles, of Winston-Salem, the ceremony was performed at Danville, Va. After a honeymoon trip to Wash ington, D. C., Mr. and Mrs. Mc- Bride will return to Winston- Salem, where they will reside. Delia Woodhouse Circle Meets With Mrs. ML H. Helton The Delia Woodhouse circle of the Baptist W. M. U. met Wed- /// t, - leg lengths A Merely to provide dif ferent stocking lengths is | not sufficient. ARCHER rcher offers three carefully chosen FUU FASHIONED lengths correctly propor^ SILK HOSIER tioned throughout to insure exact individual fit from top to toe. Sheer, clear and ringless in the season's newest shades. SYDNOR-SPAINHOUR COMPANY Elkin, N. C. ■XTTSM T~ Inff ll'JM'if-fi if-filM Slips eome and slips go, but wear lor years wjf You'll often hear an enthusiastic \ /\ / /§ ! I ■ woman -say "Barbizons wear for- y/ /\/'I \ V■ ever" "Forever" is an exaggeraiton, j ,| jl Satin 1 of course, but Barbizons last so long I / I I \ ® ar, '^ re that it seems forever. That's because f 11 I they re made of pure silk, the strong- I \ 11 est fibre known, and pure dye, with IJ V. 1 absolutely no metallic weighting to /M\ I injure the threads. So they stay beau- // \ \ I tiful and, shapely through innumer- // \ able washings and are really the // I most economical lingerie to buy. MADE IN 3 LENGTHS \ SHORT MEDIUM II \l j 29* to 43*. 30 to 44 JJ * 32 to *44 11 - 1 Blush • white • black II I W 1 • navy • brown • 1 1 ■ , BRYN VEE, Crepe Dasche $2.98 j| Others $2.25 to $2.98 jfci 'I. SYDNOR-SPAINHOUR COMPANY * Elkin, N. C. r-W ' - • THE ELKIN TRIBUNE, EtKIN. NORTH CAROIJNA nesday afternoon at 3:30 at the home of Mrs. M. H. Helton with nine members present. The meet ing was in charge of Mrs. D. G. Reece and an interesting discus sion of the religious work among the French people was given by members of the circle. After the program and a short business discussion the hostess served de licious refreshments. Mesdames Jack Brown and Alex Biggs Entertain Seniors Mesdames Jack Brown and Alex Biggs entertained the seniors of Jonesville High School Thursday evening, April 15, at the home of Mrs. Brown with a bingo party. Mr. Swaringen and Mary E. In gram received honor prizes. Min iature diplomas tied with red and white ribbon, class colors, were used as place cards. Class colors were also carried out in salt d and sweet courses. Lovely spring flow ers were used as a background for party. The party was given in honor of the hostesses' brother, Dothan Reece. Mrs. A. J. Martin Honored on Hpr 71st Anniversary The children of Mrs. A. J. Mar tin inft at the home near Brooks Cross Roads, Sunday, April 18, 1937 to celebrate her 71st birth day anniversary. They are Sant ford Martin, of Winston-Salem; Zeno Martin, of Marion; Leroy Martin, of Raleigh; Albert Mar tin, of Boonville; Joe Martin, of Lansing; Mrs. Maude M. Green wood, of Jonesville; Mrs. Clinton Wallace, of Hamptonville and Mrs. Raymond Vanhoy of Brooks Cross Roads. - He: "You know last year the doctor told me that if I didn't stop smoking I'd become feeble minded." She: "Why didn't you stop?" Patronize Tribune advertisers. I Thrilling New Styles In Beautiful Summer Materials WILL MAKE YOU WANT TO SEW! ffk 30 SEW! JLJL. SEW! «S§i^ SEE THEM NOW AT 1 ( jHs/ Spainhour A new shipment of sheer Rhapsody crepe in 25 c lovely new summer patterns. It's washable, too! Alld Up Sydnor-Spainhour^^H - - "John!" "Yes, my dear." "There's a corner torn off from your pay check. What did you spend it for?" IJfxIoWER!^^ Cut Flowers—Funeral Designs Potted Plants I Mrs. Grady Cockerham I Phone 22 Elkin, N. C. Eyes Examined Office: Glomes Fitted EUrtn National Bank Boildin* DR,P.W. GREEN OPTOMETRIST Offices open dally for optical repairs and adjustments of all hinds. Examinations on Tuesdays and Fridays from 1 to 5 p. m. By Appointment Phone 14# Hugh Roya l ' INSURANCE FOR EVERY NEED PHONE 111 ELKIN, N. C. TRIBUNE ADVERTISING GETS RESULTS!