April 22, 198? NBAS FROM THE II Dobson, April 19.—The Dobeon Woman's Club met Thursday evening In the Club House. Mrs. Hancock, the president, was pres ent and presided. The meeting opened with the club song, "With Joy We Meet," with Miss Edythe Reece afr the piano, followed by the collect by the club in unison. After the roll call to which a good number re sponded, minutes of last meeting were read and approved. Commit tees and departments gave re ports and plans were made for a banquet at the May meeting, which is the final meeting of the club year. Subject for the month was Music. Mrs. Grady Cooper intro duced to the club Miss Prances Folger of Mount Airy, pianist and F. A. Brendle & Son HEADQUARTERS For LAWN AND GARDEN SEED Elkin, N. C. PAUL GWYN PHONE 258 All Lines of INSURANCE Representing Strong Stock Companies Only—No Mutuals ESS Urf x\*r ...asmashing. W J rfmrnW' i H vALutf 1] $202*50 111 Hi -/PROOF l|| TERMS /OF ALL 5 BASIC SERVICES ■ for Honra Refrigeration ■ MjLjEHSnMSIMMM Endsf' Cube-Struggle" and "Ice j | | InHHMMHMMBHMP i ■ i^Laj Only Frigldalre has the Vip%V99VMVIIM»IIMi^Hi i"* l —■■■■■! miVANnciuitt-RELEASii B Hy^yQ^^^^Q^ninn You Get ALL These Genuine W ONLY FWGIDAIAE HAS THE "SUPER-DUTY" FRIGIDAIRE aire. Inst&ntly'releases I /J/f.f —4- v l/1/1 0 ADVANTAGES: jT?fe£??tTtl!s! /nOUM>~ ffu&Ckj/Bm NEW INSTANT CUBE-RELEASE Yields 20)1 more ice by CUTS CURRENT COST TO _'-/ METER-MISER ending faucet meltage „., op THE SON! FOOD-SAFETY INDICATOR ™f®s* ~®™LsL' XVTOTk In Im4 ecmpartmant quick, easy action. Simplest refrigerating Mtcb- "Nr s^ AUTOMATIC ICE TRAY RELEASE ———- ANUM wo builtt Only 3 SUPER-DUTY HYDRATOR JFFFFIIL moving parts, including the motor . . . per- S-YEAR PROTECTION PLAN _ -—-fSS?!t-— —j-, manently oiled, waled against moisture and BACKED BV QENERAL MQTOWS ;irfiSBBT FRIG I DAI R E iSSLq dtrt - 5™ SUPER-DUTY at amazing saving. ... And many othTtthmt ONLY SEE THE PROOF with an electric FRfaiOAIRE can glvm you I u-*'"' HUgUi* meter test! Harris Electric Company Phone 250 Elkin, N. C. Mr. Louis Blanco, of Mount Airy, vocalist, accompanied at the pi ano by Miss Virginia Moore, who rendered a delightful musical en tertainment. K was a rare treat to have these talented and splen did musicians bring the club such a highly entertaining program. Miss Folger and Mr. Bianco proved themselves worthy of their reputations as some of the State's best musicians, both in piano and song. Mrs. C. G. Comer won the at tendance prize. Mrs. W. L. Reece presented to Miss Folger, Miss Moore and Mr. Bianco gifts in appreciation of their musical con tribution to the pleasure of the evening' During the social hour a salad course, sandwiches and tea were served by the entertainment com mittee, Mrs. Grady Cooper, Mrs. W. L. Reece, Mrs. W. M. Jackson, Mrs. J. W. Crawford, Mrs. W. A. McCraw, Mrs. Daisy Norman and Miss Minnie Chandler Mrs. Dr. P. B. Folger and Mrs. Edwin Reid returned last week from Nashville, Tenn., where they visited friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Folger of Elkin spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Fol ger. Court opened this morning with Judge W. F. Harding presiding, and Solicitor Allen Gwyn prose cuting the criminal docket. Me morial services were held at one o'clock in honor of S. Porter Graves. Mrs. Phillips of Alabama, who has been spending a few days with Mrs. Paul Folger, returned to her home Sunday. Mrs. Knowles of Winston-Sa lem is spending several days with TBB EUgN TRIBUNE. KLKIN, NORTH CAROLIN A her sister, Mrs. F. F. Riggs on Kapp street. The high school pupils of Beu lah School rendered a splendid, play in the Dobson School audi torium last Monday evening enti tled "The Hobgoblin House." The Junior-Senior banquet of 1937 was held in the gym last Wednesday evening. The Seniors were highly entertained and the tempting refreshments climaxed a delightful evening. The Bible class of the Dobson Baptist church, taught by Mr. J. T. Threatte, enjoyed a fish and oyster supper, supplemented toy other palatable accessories, last Thursday, evening in the Home Economics room. They reported an evening of "good eats" and a splendid talk by Mr. J. H. Gentry, and Mr. Threatte was voted a most hospitable host. v Mrs. F. F. Riggs entertained Saturday evening at 3 tables of contract, honorihg her house guest, Mrs. Knowles. Mrs. Emma Mock won the high score prize, a box of Worcester stationery. At the conclusion of the games Mrs. Riggs served a salad course and hot tea. Mrs. J. T. Threatte will return today from Baltimore where she has been for two weeks a visitor in the home of her brother, Mr. Bill Brasihgtore. Mrs. W. L. Hutchins of Con cord, spent Tuesday night with Mrs. W. L. Reece. She was in attendance of the Methodist conference in Mt. Airy. Mrs. A. D. Folger and Mrs. H. H. Lewellyn of Mt. Airy, Mrs. Emma Reece Mock and Mrs. W. L. Reece attended a sale in Yad kin County Saturday at the home of Mr. Watson Craft. A large crowd from Winston-Salem and nearby towns were in attendance. Several pieces of antique furni ture were sold, and lovers of an tiques were enthusiastic bidders. Rev. W. V. Brown of Cycle, Yadkin County, an outstanding I Baptist minister and singer, is | conducting a singing school at Salem Fork Baptist church. Rev. D. G. Reece is pastor of this church.. The singing will close Sunday, the 25th, at which time there will be preaching at 11 o'clock. Mr. Brown is having a successful school and a large crowd. ASKING PLENTY Bobby had been reading Treas ure Island and other pirate stor ies, and his mother was quite sur prised when he went to say his prayers to hear him say: "Give us this day our daily bread, Yo, ho! and a bottle of rum." ■■l 11 in i..., 111 r COOL SPRINGS The Saturday night prayer ser vice in charge of M. L. Pettyjohn was well attended. Devotionals by J. D. Luffman, song service by choir. Special song by some of the young people. We were glad to have our choir director pres ent. Owing to the serious illness of his mother-in-law, he cannot always be present. The Sunday service was well at tended, 118 being in the classes, with several visitors. The Sunday night service for young people was given to Rev. Ely Jordan of State Road. A large congregation came to hear Broth er Jordan. He was with us last fall in our protracted meeting, and our young people admire and appreciate this humble servant of God. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Harris re turned Saturday from a visit to their daughter, Mrs. Leonard Hanes of State Road and Mrs. Byrd Jefferson 01 Thurmond. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Eidson of Elkin were Sunday guests of Mr. Buddy Fields. Mrs. Jonas Benge, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Benge of Jonesville were also guests of the Fields. Mrs. Maggie Mathis and daugh ter, Mrs. Robert Swalm were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Coy Hanks Sunday. Mrs. John Walker of Hampton ville was the week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Walker. Among our visitors for the even ing service were Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Pinnix, Mr. and Mrs. Coy Hanks and Rev. Harrison Hayes. We are very glad that Mr. O. P. Holbrook was able to be back again yesterday at his beloved task of teaching his class in the Sunday school. Mr. Holbrook has been seriously ill from the effects of a fall through a trap door in the new pack house he was build ing. Mr. Ottie Brown and his Sacred Singers of Boonville will be at Charity Methodist church Sim day morning and Shoaly Branch in the afternoon. The program at Cool Springs is in charge of A. C. Wall for Sat urday evening. Be sure to be present. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Will Vanhoy will be glad to learn that Mrs. Vanhoy is return ing home today. She has been seriously ill for sometime. She has been in the Davis Hospital at Statesville. We wish for Mrs. Vanhoy a speedy recovery. Their infant son is doing well. Rev. I. W. Vestal filled his ap pointment here Saturday and Sunday, also stayed for the young people meeting Sunday evening. We enjoyed his sermons and also his short address at the meeting in the evening. Miss Lulamae Luffman was the week-end guest of Lucy and Des sere Newman. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Linder and children of Salisbury, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Wilson and children of Kannapolis were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Loyd B. Linder. The following poem was writ ten for Mrs. Thelma Benge, mem ber of our 4-H club at Cool Springs. KEEP TRYING I joined the 4-H club my friends 'Cause there's things that I don't know And State and county workers Can always help us so. You know I'd rather try and fail Then try and try some more Than be among the number Who never seek to know— A better way to plant a lawn, A more convenient plan Of doing things about the home And building up the land. Tis best to do the best you can Whatever be the task And when we've done our very best Tis all that God will ask. My daddy asked me with a smile What he could do for me. He thought to tease me just be cause, I'd joined the club you see. "Oh move the road and grade the lawn" My answer swiftly came And though he meant it for a joke He proved that he was game. The lawn 1s graded now and green The road is moved away And I try to do a little bit To improve things day by flay. Oh sure those who try will fail And the doubters scoff and smile But those who try and try and try Will get somewhere afterwhile. Oh yes I still am trying And though my part is small I'd rather try and try and fail— Than never try at alii A female lecturer said: "Since women adopted modern cottumes, street car accidents have de creased SO per cent." And a male voice iyi the back row called out, "Why not cut out street car ac cidents altogether?" SWAN CREEK | Farmers are taking advantage of the beautiful spring weather and preparing the land for the planting of crops. Our Sunday school is making nice progress. Rev. Sanford Cook of Cooleemee made an interest ing talk at the school Sunday morning. Miss Mattie Osborne of Elkin, was the week-end geust of Miss DeEtte Swalm. Mrs. W. C. Bell, who has been a patient' at Davis Hospital, Statesville,. for sometime, shows some improvement, we are glad to note. Mrs. Vina Swalm is spending sometime with her sister, Mrs. Gene Haynes, who is very ill. Noah Bell, of Fort Bragg, has returned to resume his duties, af ter visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Bell. Mrs. Glenn Swaim had as her dinner guests Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Myers, Ml-, and Mrs. Guy Myers, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Myers, Miss DeEtte Swaim and Miss Mattie Osborne. Prof, and Mrs. Earl Nance of Shady Grove were the dinner guests Sunday of Mr .and Mrs. Tom Mr. Nance has been teaching a singing class for several weeks and the school will continue for sometime. Miss DeEtte Swaim of Swan Creek, Mrs. Clint Wilkins of Jonesville and Mrs. Glenn Bailey of Elkin, spent last Saturday in Statesville. ONLY PLACE Bertha: "Well, I know one wo man who thinks her husband is perfectly wonderful." Beatrice: "So you've just come from a wedding?" Stranded Motorist: "Say do [you know anything about auto mobiles?" Suburbanite: "Sure! That's why I am riding the street cars." /j, IT IS PEE/ An electric range is simple as well as being automatic. Any housewife can easily operate her electric range the first day it comes into her kitchen. The out standing feature of electric cookery is its automatic heat ing controls. You simply set the controls at the tempera ture desired ... leave your kitchen, come back at the set time and you will find your cakes, roasts or any other de licious food you might have been preparing properly cook ed just the way you want it. |ust think of the economy, the safety and the pleasure of knowing that you are no longer faced with baking failures, over-cooked meats and improperly cooked foods. Discover today how easy it is for you to have this modern cookery in your kitchen. So many thousands of women have al ready discovered this new freedom from kitchen worry and drudgery through the use of electric cookery. Come in and let us show you how you Can have an automatic electric range in your kitchen. ( Jo ' . 'ffi/,, POWER COMPANY JF Js|? YM SAME MODERN REFRIGERATION I n sift C,TY HOMES EMJOY! LA -*- SERVEL ELECTROLUX HI RUNS 0N KEROSENE {COAT ON) 9 tooi '"*' |' L. Y. Haynes, Dealer, Mt. Airy, N. C. fftwwn duMftl | Geartrf Pie—c wd M, withoat obfl—tfcm. coaptete i»- | —fee eobet ■ fannirtnn about Semi gfaiwit, the Kcnane Bi ™ I h— * •No dally attOo- I Street or lUPJD. I tfcm needed ' " ■ •No BHUaay to I T ' n*-*- • WORKS UNDER HUDSON RIVER Camel to sot Aim right tor hoarty eating M&jg jj§} He fights compressed air, mock, and 100-degree B||i|| 111 beat—at 65 feet below tbe surface! "I play safe Hls »fd«mokeCamelf,"My«SidneyS.Wettel."CameU lyl don'tfrazzle my nerves. With Camels,my digestion I B J „ '' runs plentysmooth." Smoking Camels at meals and MM after belps digestion in tbis way: the flow of diges tive fluids — alkaline digestive fluids —is increased. Vcm ViGESTION'SSAKE-SMOKE CAMEtft TRIBUNE ADVERTISING GETS RESULTS!

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