LARGE PLANE IS COMING TO EKIN Giant Ford Trl-Motor Plane to Carry Passengers; Here Three Days ELKIN MOTORS SPONSOR A huge 16-passenger Ford air liner will arrive in Elkin Friday afternoon and will be located on a large field about seven miles distant on the Elkin-Brooks Cross Roads highway Saturday, Sunday and Monday for the purpose of giving local residents an oppor tunity to enjoy a 12-mile sky ride over Elkin at a nominal cost. This opportunity is being made possible by Elkin Motors, Inc., lo cal Ford dealers. The giant ship is one of the largest of its kind in America, with 1,000 total horsepower. Among the crew are two nation ally known transport pilots, Capt. J. M. Gilmour, former airline pilot, who has safely carried over 175,000 passengers, and A. J. YOU'LL H|CLOTHING M J'Jfif NEEDAT M C DANIEL'S Y # It's white you need for graduation, and white it is at McDaniel's. White trousers in almost any material and in all sizes . . . white'shirts . . . shoes . . . every thing-! And the good part about it is, you're ready to step into summer as you step out of school. Come in to day—we'll fix you up! White Flannel Pants \ J Pine quality white flannel trousers for 1? young men, ready for graduation and jmsummer wear. Excellent values, too, at |p'; this low price— s4.9B Gaberdine Trousers f Creamy white washable Gaberdine trousers that are sanforized shrunk. Finely tailored and excellent values, f; We have your size. Pair— Ims 1 $1.98 /!' \ \ ' Pique Cord Trousers' I 111 iv You'll like these white pique cord Ir/ \ll trousers. Sanforized and a real slave \f J \VI for wear. Fine for graduation and sum yH *1 mer wear. & $1.49-$.198 White Duck Gaberdine White Shirts Boy's Sanforized Boys' white wash- e& W white shirts, white duck trousers, able Gaberdine f U n shrunk with size 6 to 18. trousers, size 6 to non-wilt collar. 98 c -$1.39 $1.79 98 c Ritz Shirts Eitz fine silky finish broadcloth shirts in white. Excellent values. 7 // $1.49 ~ $1.95 Small Boys' Shirts Sfjl White Shirts 49c vf'N SaTi/ Glad Rag White Shirts 79c I^P// Boys' E & W White Shirts' iff/,I lill with Duroized c011ar.... [l\ l Hi * W^f White Shoes Boys' White White Shorts Shoes Men's white shorts White shoes of all for wear under description for men. white shoes rou„sers and sport shoes— Standard cup pep- FTO a ok mAO perell fabric. Each q.98t054-98 ggctos2-98 29® ; NATIONAL HOSPITAL DAY Visit Your Hospital on May 12 th Men's and Boy's Department McDANIEL'S DEPARTMENT STORE I E,kl "' NC - Hart man, who has had nine years commercial flying experience. Safety of the passengers riding in the plane is assured by use of three independent motor plants, all metal construction throughout and the ship's being manned by a pilot and co-pilots at all times. The big plane cost $56,000 and is capable of carrying sixteen pas sengers. It is equipped with three Wright whirlwind motors of over 300 horsepower each. Some of the modern conveniences Include lavatory, electric lights, dressing room and heat. It has a wing spread of 76 feet and weighs 10,- 000 pounds when loaded. It is ca pable of a top speed of 150 miles an hour and has a cruising speed of 125 miles an hour. The visit of this plane is offering the people an opportunity to ride in abso lute safety and luxurious comfort. What does it profit a gent to have superior wisdom? Friends will only say what a lucky guess er you are. Fishing towers are used along the coast of Japan. They are constructed of bamboo poles. Read Tribune Advertisements! THE ELKIN TRIBUNE, ELKIN, NORTH CAROLINA LOUISVILLE, Ky. . . . Lovely Ellen Bently has been chosen Queen of the Kentucky Derby Festival WILL SHOW FREE MOVIE AT LYRIC "Three Women," Starring John nie Mack Brown, Sponsored by By Local Plumbing Concern "Three Women," a thrilling mo tion picture beautifully filmed in technicolor and starring Johnnie Mack Brown, Sheila Manners and Hedda Hopper, will be shown free of charge at the Lyric Theater here Friday morning, May 14, from 9:30 to 11 a. m. The motion picture is to be sponsored by the Elkin Plumbing & Heating Co., of this city. Free tickets to the movie are available at the showroom of the 'Elkin Plumbing & Heating Co., and everyone who desires to see an excellent movie without cost, In addition to the movie, valuable is invited to call and secure them. In addition to the movie, valuable free attendance prizes will be awarded during the show. BURCH Rev. A. B. Hayes of Mountain View will fill his regular appoint ment at Union Cross Baptist church Saturday evening and Sunday morning. The public is in vited. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hampton spent the week-end at Ararat, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hall. Mrs. Charlie Key, who has been ill at her home at Union Cross for sometime, is improving, her many friends will be glad to know. M. A. Gaither, of Winston-Sa lem, was a business visitor here Monday. Rev. and Mrs. T. M. Chandler and family spent Sunday in Hills ville, Va., the guests of relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Chappell and little daughter, spent the week-end in Harmony with Mrs. Chappells parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Shore. Members of the Intermediate class of the Mount Pleasant Bap tist Sunday school enjoyed a pic nic here Friday evening. W. A. Brown of Jonesville was the overnight guest of his daugh ter, Mrs. W. H. Sneed, Wednes day. Rev. Ora Griffeth of Siloam preached here Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Ax som. A large crowd attended the service. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Burton spent the week-end at Union Cross with Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Burton, the former their son. Mr. and Mrs. Wade Hampton spent the week-end at Rockford with Mrs. Hampton's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Coe. Mrs. Noah Walker gave a birthday party Wednesday after noon in honor of the birthday anniversary of her sister, Miss Louise Felts. Spring flowers were used in the dining room, where the guests were invited for re freshments. Mrs. Oliver Dockey was able to return to her home Tuesday from the Elkin hospital, where she re cently underwent an operation, her many friends will be g»M to know. Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. Sneed were the Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Troy Medley of Harmony. Mrs, Tom Pruitt of Friendship, who has been ill for several days is improving, we are glad to note. May 15' has been set to clean the cemtery at Little Richmond. Every one who has loved ones buried there is requested to meet there at nine o'clock to clean the cemetery and to decorate the graves with flowers. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Swink of Friendship and J. A. White of Thomasville were the guests Sun day of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Car ter. Charlie Humphries will be in charge of the prayer service which; will be held at Little Richmond Baptist church Sunday evening at 7:30. Hie public is cordially in cited to attend. Very few .omen f.™ kind of a w*r unless it is their own war on wrinkles. MIDGETS WIN 4 STRAIGHT GAMES Defeat Chatham Mill Nine 5-2 and Have No Trouble With Other Three BEAT RONDA 18 TO 4 The Elkin Midgets have won four straight games in the past week. Tuesday they beat the Chatham Mill nine by a score of 5-2. Harris pitched a neat game for the Midgets and Pardue was on the mound for the mill nine. Thursday they took the Gwyn Avenue nine to the tune of 18-7. Sparks pitched for the opposing team and Powers and Shumate hurled for the Midgets. Harris - ET Thoughtful "* K « ' EVERYDAY GIFTS Ml- MOTHER'S DAY JL A A ws \+\ / A glft that wiU prove useful V\/ •- - \ and serviceable will make jQI* \ Hfc ' 4 Why not make Her Day hap j/H pier b y selecting a gift that she % ' 111 ** J j can wear or use? You'll find A many attractive gift items at * sure to P lease and bring her 11 OTti F RS 7 ' Ml She Will Appreciate % She'll appreciate a new bag. Patent ■ leather and kid. Black, navy, brown ; | I I I "98 ct0 51.98 , f '"-a J I IV GLOVES... . dM Gloves will please. Fabric and kid in P P ' blac k and navy. Nice assort- A J W L XT i. 1 ■ A New Hat WiU Go Straight I v ilFir* * Why Not to Mother's Head \ dBBWfe a n_„u.r I We've just the style to become 4* A j am \ OW&h A " ret ty her. Both young and mature QQ . l._ fiJJ AO ' ' V IXJmmW-\ \ models. A nice gift like this Tflfl IX I \ PRINTED SILK I will go Straight to her head. lv l|; AtvU Li» Here's A Very Special jHB JJreSS GIFnORMOTHER /f thoughtful gift for Mother, regart^^ess °* a E®- See these VJ^O^^IIS Vn Pajamas IEJIM || I a _ JV/% Lovely new printed silk y /Jy Wjs>f ff' *-4jß 11/ \ / UV gowns and pajamas that f ill I (DuiUU lO have ust arrived - An ideal /• \ •£ MM {~l j. ■ gift for every mother. And /J///h \ . i at very special prices. 'H $12.95 I 51.98 - $2.98 fiSffjffi Linen Handkerchiefs . Shadow Proof Slips l\\\ 4 Mother never h M 100 many handkerehiefi. j A large assortment of linen hankies from A gift this is sure to ; I NATIONAL HOSPITAT, °o n *t fail to gtfe mother hosiery. jffcSk I n AHViimj nwril ALI Beautiful silk chiffon and service i- I DAY! weight in every stylish new shade. Visit Your Hospital On "Tr*! I'-SIH Wednesday, May 12th 49 ct0 51.25 McDaniel's i|,l| DEPARTMENT STORE >F|| \ M M and fehumate led the Midgets at bat. The Ronda nine was defeated 18-4 on th* local playground Sat urday. Powers for the Midgets pitched a five-hit game. 'The Ronda pitchers, Byrd, Rumple and Vanhoy, yielded 24 hits to the local nine. Harris and Couch starred in the batting for the Midgets. Monday the Midgets won their fourth consecutive game by de feating the West Elkin Stars 19-5. Harris and Shumate again starred at bat. Eidson was reached for 22 hits by the Midgets. Shumate pitched a six hit game and struck out fourteen of the opponent's batters for the winning Midgets. Maybe Mr. Parley could mod ernize his department by offering curb service to those desiring to buy postage stamps. WEEDS STUMBLING BLOCK TOFARMERS Plant Diseases Also Stand in Way of Growers in Pro- _ duction of Small Grain Mixed varieties, plant diseases, and common and noxious weeds compose three stumbling blocks for North Carolina farmers in the production of quality small gram. However, declares A. D. Stuart, extension seed specialist at State College, these Obstacles dan be overcome to a large extent by good farm practices. The use of pure seed will elim inate the low yield and poor quality of mixed varieties, -he pointed out, as well as control Thursday, May 6, 1937 most weeds, since a large portion of the weeds produced in tilled fields are planted with the seed. Stuart says that the North Carolina Crop Improvement As sociation gives the opportunity of both using and producing pure seed. Applications are now being received for the inspecting of small grain fields for certifica tion. If a grower's crop passes field inspection by the Association, threshing should be done careful ly. All equipment should be cleaned thoroughly before work Is begun so that no mechanical mixture will result, the seed spe cialist advises. v After threshing and cleaning, a small sample of the grain must, be submitted to the Crop Improvement Association for of ficial purity and germination tests by the State Department of Agriculture. *