NEWS FROM THE IS Dobson, May 10.—Henry Hamp ton, Robert Badgett and Emory Freeman returned Thursday from Federal Court in Winston- Salem, where they served as ju rors. Jack Folger of Mount Airy, spent the week-end in Dobson. Misses Kathryn Comer and Mamie Whitlock of Bluefield, W. Va., spent the week-end with Miss Emma Comer. Miss Lucille Freeman of Ran dleman, spent the past week-end with her mother, Mrs. Maude Freeman. Little Miss Marianne Mock spent Sunday with her aunt, Mrs. A. D. Folger, in Mount Airy. Mr. and Mrs. D. Marion re ceived a wire Thursday informing them of the critical illlness of ROYSTER'S Premium Grade , Fertilizer At No Extra Cost! F. A. Brendle & Son Elkin, N. C. Radio Service BY AN EXPERT , RADIO SERVICE MAN Complete Line of Tubes and Parts Hayes & Speas (Incorporated) PHONE 70 ELKIN, N. C. | Remember! || FREE MOVIE! LYRIC THEATRE, FRIDAY May 14, 9:30 to 11:00 A. M. Johnnie Mack Brown —in— ' Three Women" FILMED IN TECHNICOLOR Call At Our Showroom Foiv FREE TICKETS VALUABLE FREE ATTENDANCE PRIZES SPONSORED BY ELKIN PLUMBING & HEATING CO. Elkin, N. C. | their daughter, Miss Maude Ma rion, of Philadelphia, who under went an operation for acute ap pendicitis. A later message came that her condition is satisfactory. A musical program was given in the school auditorium Friday afternoon by the primary and grammar grades, under the effi cient supervision of Mrs. Freder ick Smith, with Miss Edythe Reece, accompanist. The pro gram consisted of songs and dances, and the children showed very careful and efficient train- 1 ing. Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Riddle and daughter, Susie Waugh, of San ford, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Poole and Sam, Jr., of Greensboro, spent Mother's Day with Mrs. Sallie Folger. Mrs. J. W. Crawford enter tained at six tables of hearts Friday evening, honoring Mr§. Alton Cobb, a recent bride. Mrs. Edwin Reid wOH high score prize, Yardley's dusting powder, while Mrs. B. F. Folger a runner up, re ceived a Dußarry week end set. Mrs. J. H. Gentry received n3 consolation a box of yardley's sachets. Mrs. Cobb, honor guest, was presented a silver ice tray. At the conclusion of play the hostess served a delicious salad course with tea, suplemented with sweets. Attorney and Mrs. A. D. Folger, Attorney and Mrs. W. L. Reece and Miss Edythe Reece went to Winston-Salem Thursday after noon, to attend the wedding of Joseph M. Reece to Miss Ann Brown Nash, in the First Baptist church at 8 o'clock Thursday ev ening. The ceremony was per formed by Dr. Ralph Herring, pastor of the bride. Immediately after the ceremony a reception was held at the bride's home, af- HBB BLBIN TRIBUNE. ELKIN. NORTH CAROLINA ter which the newly weds left for northern cities. Mrs. Paul Folger and Miss Kathryn Folger were joint host esses to 40 invited guests Satur day evening in honor of Mrs. Cobb. Bridge contract and Pol lyanna were played, while others enjoyed dancing. Miss Edythe Reece scored highest at contract and received a double deck of cards. Miss Hazel Martin was given cards for high score in Pollyanna. R. C. Lewellyn re ceived the prize for men's high score in contract, a box of men's Yardley powder. J. W. Crawford was winner of the Pollyanna high score for men and was also pre sented Yardley powder. Mrs. Folger and Miss Folger gave to their honor guest, Mrs. Cobb, a loyely vase. A sumptuous re freshment course was served by the hostesses, consisting of sal ads, sandwiches, sweets and cof fee. Punch was served during the games. Out-of-town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Dick Free man, Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Folger of Elkin, Miss Lucille Free man of Randleman and Captain Anderson. Complimenting Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Cobb, recent bride and groom of Dobson, Miss Verdye Jackson entertained at the home of Mrs. W. E. Reid Thursday ev ening. Beautiful cut flowers made a colorful background, in the living room and dining room, where' tables were placed for contract. The high score prize for ladies went to Mrs. A. D. Fol ger of Mount Airy. Gentle man's prize was awarded to A. D. Folger and the runner-up to Miss Emma Comer. The hostess presented to Mir. and Mrs. Cobb silver in their selected pattern. Tempting refreshments empha sizing the bridal motif were served by the hostess, assisted by Miss Myrtle Burgess, Mrs. F. F. Riggs and Mrs. W. E. Reid. BETHEL j Ronda, route 2, May 10.—The fine services held at Bethel church here last Sunday were well attended by a large congregation including many visitors both at the morning and evening meeting, also a good crowd at Sunday school. The pastor, Rev. R. J. Pardue, preached at both servi ces. An offering was taken for the Baptist hospital at Winston- Salem at the eleven o'clock hour. Temporarily, the Saturday af ternoon service has been changed to Sunday evening every second Sunday. Mrs. D. W. Burchett is right sick at her home here, we are sorry to note. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Pardue, of jthe Maple Springs community, I were here seeing friends awhile Sunday afternoon. Billy Mcßride, of Jonesville, visited his grandparents, Mr. and and Mrs. John Mcßride, last week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ferlazzo and Mrs. J. B. Armstrong, of Winston Salem, attended church services here last Sunday, and visited their mother, Mrs. C. W. Gilliam, and Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Gilliam. Mr. and Mrs. Coy Vestal of Greensboro, were the guests of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Vestal, last Sunday. Attorney Dumont Eskridge of Hillsboro, visited his father, Mr. S. T. Eskridge, and brother, Mr. Norfleet Eskridge and Mrs. Esk ridge, last week-end. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Jones and family had as their dinner guest last Sunday Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Mauldin and daughter, Miss Lu cille Mauldin, and Mr. D. M. Holcomb, of Arlington. The graduating exercises of the Ronda school will be held next Thursday evening. This will close the commencement, which began last Friday evening, with the high school play. Miss Elean or Melton and Fred Melton of this place, are members of the senior class this year. Mr. B. R. Pardue and mother, Mrs. W. A. Pardue, went to Stat esville today (Monday) to be with their sister and daughter, Mrs. A. P. Woodruff, who is undergo ing a serious operation at the Da vis hospital. Mrs. C. L. Morrison returned to her home here last week, after spending several weeks visiting her daughter, Mrs. Weaver Hin son and family, of Hamptonille. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Bishop, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Johnson and Henry Smoot, all of Monroe, Michigan, who are in this state visiting relatives, spent last Tues day afternoon here with their great aunt, Mrs. C. W. Gilliam, Sr., and other relatives. The Casstevens brothers from the Mitchell Chapel community, spent a while here Sunday after noon with Charles and Eugene Jones. Rev. Mr. Gilley will preach here at the church next Sunday ev ening. A good congregation is ex pected. Mr. and Mrs, C. S. Pardue had for their guests last Sunday the former's mother, Mrs. A. J. Par due, and Mr. and Mrs. Grant Wagoner and son, all of the Ma ple Springs community. Miss Thelma Gilley visited her ■ sister, Mrs. Rossie Cockerham, near Motint Airy, last Sunday. Singing To Be Held At Union Church Sunday, May 30th The Ronda singing convention will be held at Union church, near New Castle, Sunday, May 30th, beginning at 10:30 A. M. All singers are invited to be pres ent and have a part in the ser vices. "FOUR BITS" The teacher was testing the knowledge of the kindergarten class. Slapping a half dollar on the desk, she said sharply, "What Is that?" Instantly a voice from the back row, "Tails." Schlitz r Steinies"— Toast to Good Taste YHOUR guests will like HSchlitz on first acquain tance and ever after, winter and summer , Schlitz is always uniformly deli cious ... its mellow perfec tion assured by Precise Enzyme Control. Serve and enjoy it modern compact "Steinie" Brown Bottles. Also available in the IrH familiar Tall Brown Bottles and Cap-Sealed JOS. SCHLITZ BREWING CO. [I MILWAUKEE, WISC. Copyright 1937, Joi. Schlitz Brewing Co 70^ Why Not Enjoy the EXTRA ADVANTAGES of Electric Cookery?" Asks Reddy Kilowatt! 'lt's just as easy to purchase an electric range as it Is an « ordinary cook stove. "And, according to the testimony of thousands of house wives for whom I have been cooking for a long time, it will Di^ViyAM cost you no more to use my service on your electric range Jfc I^3JP than it is costing you to cook with other fuels. V "I am in deadly earnest about this thing. I can literally pAfttiiftltiy ransform your Kitchen, saving you hours of labor, making your kitchen comfortable, making your work pleasanter. Madam, you can't afford NOT to have me in your 430 Ctowdh St kitchen. 7 _ s Phone 4112 Reddy Kilowatt ROYSTER'S Premium Grade Fertilizer At No Extra Cost! F. A. Brendle & Son Elkin, N. C. QAVF tin !■*> ton ™ IS week ° N V Li «p I\J 10 bed room suites |— T iffl 'I ' x I I We have made a fortunate purchase of Bed Room Suites at slight ly more than last year's prices and we are glad to pass this saving on to you, but please see us immediately as our stock is limited and prices will be higher when this shipment is gone. Convenient Discount Terms EBB YOU CAN DO BETTER AT THE EAGLE Hugh Royall INSURANCE FOR EVERY NEED PHONE 111 „ ELKIN, N. C. Thursday. May 13, 1937