Thnrsday, June 24, 1937 {ft) OCALA Mrs. L. I. Wade is spending this week in Mount Airy, the guest of Mrs. Thomas Mackie. Mr. and Mrs. Grover Graham and family of East Marion, are spending sometime here visiting relatives. Miss Alma Reece of Pasadena, California, spent the week-end he/e the guest of her cousin, W. M. Reece. Mr. and Mrs. Van Poindexter will leave this week for Elk Creek, Virginia, where they will spend the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Davis and little daughter, Frances Jean, spent Sunday with relatives in Galax, Virginia. Mrs. Charles Myers of Sparta is the guest this week of Dr. and Mrs. R. B. Harrell, at their home on West Main street. Miss Blendon Byrd returned Saturday from a stay of a month in Dallas, Texas, where she vis ited relatives. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Davis had as their guest for a week recently, Mrs. Davis' aunt, Mrs. Clara Briggs, of Pontiac, Michigan. Miss Mary Burdge of Red Bank, New Jersey, was the week-end guest of Miss Emalene Neaves at her home on Bridge street. Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Meed, Jr. moved last week into one of the houses recently completed in North Elkin by John Hudspeth. Mrs. L. J. Bray returned Friday from Ocala, Florida, where she spent the winter the guest of her daughter, Mrs. M. K. Pleasants. Mr. and Mrs. Allen McNeill of Greensboro, were the guests Sim day of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Young, at their home on Elk Spur street. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Church spent the week-end in Marion, Virginia, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clay Church, the former their son. Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Walker and family visited Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Walker in Winston-Salem Sim day. They also visited Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Walker in High Point and Mr. and Mrs. Marshall An derson in Greensboro. Tailoring Drew M«H»H All Kinds of Sewing Mrs. C. W. Laffoon West Main St. Phone 101-R FLOWERS Cut Flowers—Funeral Designs Potted Plants Mrs. Grady Cockerham Phone 22 Elkin, N. C. DRIVE SAFELY- WALK SAFEY AND INSURE IN THE TRAVELERS Hugh Royall INSURANCE FOR EVERY NEED PHONE 11 ELKIN, N. C. TWO VACATION SUGGESTIONS 1. Put your valuables in a safety deposit box. 2. Put your Ifunds into American Express Trav eler s Checks before starting on your trip. /GUI The Bank IP of Elkin R. C. Lowellyn, Garland Johnson Franklin Folger President Vice-President Cashier Dicky Shugart left Saturday for Edgemont, where he will spend the summer with Dr. and Mrs. Roy C. Tatum, the former his uncle. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Wilmoth and son, Bobby, and Graham Reich, all of Winston-Salem, were the week-end guests of W. S. Reich, at his home on Vine street. Misses Adeline Jones and Jane Whicker of North Wilkesboro, are the guests this week of Miss Eliz abeth Shores at her home on Bridge street. Miss Carolyn Salmons of Wins ton-Salem is spending this week here with her grandmother, Mrs. Fannie Salmons, at her home on Gwyn avenue. Mrs. E. C. Whitt of Pickens, S. C., is spending sometime here with Rev. and Mrs. L. B. Abernethy, the latter her sister, at their home on Hospital Road. Miss Helen Wood of Savannah, Georgia, arrived Saturday for a visit of several days to Mrs. J. H. Beeson at her home on West Main street. Miss Frances Chatham, Miss Lucille Cox, Bob Robbins and Bill Harris will leave Friday for Myr tle Beach, S. C., for a week's va cation. Miss Betty Jean Miller of Greensboro, Is spending sometime here with Mr. and Mrs. Smith Williamson at their home on Elk Spur street. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Laffoon and daughters, Louise and Grace, spent Sunday at Champion, with Mrs. Laffoon's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Ed mis ten. Miss Marilyn Caldwell of Wyn cote, Pa., arrived today for a visit of two or three weeks to Miss Rosamond Neaves, at her home on Bridge street. Robert Sale, of Marietta, Ohio, will arrive Saturday for a visit of several days to his mother, Mrs. W. S. Sale, at her home on Bridge street. Mr. and Mrs. Alston Boles of Jonesville, announce the birth of a daughter, Barabara Ann, at Hugh Chatham Memorial Hos pital, June 19, 1937. Mrs Mable Doughton Davis of High Point was the week-end guest of Dr. and Mrs. R. B. Har rell, the latter her sister, at their home on West Main street. Mr. and Mrs. L. I. Wade and Miss Mattie Mae Powell spent Sunday in Asheville. Mr. Wade remained for the week to attend to business matters. Miss Margaret Cragan, home economics teacher for the high school who has been conducting special summfer classes here, will leave the first of July for a va cation of two months. She will visit in Ruffin and Maryville, Tenn., and "father points. THE ELKIN TRIBUNE, ELKIN, NORTH CAROLINA^ Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Greene re turned to their home in States ville Wednesday following a visit to Misses Jennie and Auba Gray at their home on Vine Street. Jimmy Meed left Sunday for Wheeling, West Virginia, to be associated with his father, L. G. Meed, who is in charge of a Dr. Pepper Bottling Plant there. Mr. and Mrs. Joe L. Bray of At lanta, Georgia, were the week-end guests of Mr. Bray's sister, Mrs. S. O. Maguire, and Mr. Maguire, at their home on Gwyn Avenue. Mrs. J. T. Burrus and Miss Es sie Glenn returned to their homes in High Point Wednesday, follow ing a visit to Mrs. A. G. Click at her home on West Main street. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Nichols of Morganton and Jim Lewellyn of Albemarle, are spending a lew days here and at Dobson, the guests of relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Paul S. Cragan and daughters, Anne and Jane, of Ruffin, were the guests Satur day of Miss Margaret Cragan at her home on Gwyn avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Bartlett and Mrs. M. S. Chandler of Wins ton-Salem were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Meed, Jr., at their home on North Bridge street. Mrs. E. S. Spainhour had as her guests Thursday at her home on West Main street, Mrs. Sloane Payne of Taylorsville and Mrs. Henry Moore of North Wilkes boro. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Boyles and daughter, Johnny, of Pilot Moun tain, were the Sunday guests of their son, Max Boyles and Mrs. Boyles at their home on Gwyn avenue. Mrs. O. R. Tharpe and little daughter, Mary Blanche, of Lex ington, Va., are spending some time here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Parks, at their home on West Main street. Mrs. E. E. Harris and Mrs. An na Harris Shugart and children spent Wednesday in Shelby the guests of the former's daughter, Mrs. William Andrews, and Mr. Andrews. Garland Johnson, active-vice president of the Bank of Elkin, is spending two weeks at Rutgers University, New Brunswick, N. J., taking post-graduate work in banking. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Laxton have returned from their honey moon and are temporarily at home at Hotel Elkin, prior to moving into their home on West Main street extension. Miss Barbara Hinson of Wins ton-Salem has been spending two weeks here the guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Davis. She will leave next week for Camp Shirley Rog ers, at Roaring Gap. C. C. Triplett and daughter, Miss Gertrude Triplett, of Long Beach, vCalifomia, arrived Satur day for a visit to his sister, Mrs. J. C. Gilliam, in Jonesville, and other relatives in this vicinity. Errol Hayes and H. P. Graham left Sunday morning for Indian apolis, Ind., to attend the annual convention of Kiwanis, Interna tional. Messrs. Hayes and Graham are representatives of the local Kiwanis Club. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Freeman have as their guests at their home on Church street, Miss Lu cille Freeman of Dobson, and lit tle Misses Lillie Susan Freeman of Randleman and Susie Waugh Riddle of Sanford. The many friends of F. A. Brendle, prominent Elkin business man, will be glad to know that he is gradually improving from an illness that has kept him con fined to his home for the past several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Gale White and son. Jack, and Buddy Ashe and Brockman Earle, all of States ville, were the Sunday guests of Mrs. White's sister, Mrs. E. A. Harris, and Mr. Harris, at their home on West Main street. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Byrd and daughter, Miss Mary Jane Byrd, left Monday for Tulsa, Oklahoma, where they will spend a month with Mrs. Byrd's sister, Mrs. Frank Rogers. They will also visit places of interest enroute. Mrs. Fred Colhard has as her guests at her home on Church street, her brother, C. E. Mar shall and Mrs. Marshall and daughter, Sally, of Logan, West Virginia. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall will go from here to Thaxton, Va., to visit relatives. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Gwyn and son, J. P. m, of Birmingham, Ala., and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gwyn and little daughter of Roa noke, Va., are spending sometime here the guests of Messrs. Gwyn's sisters, Mesdames E. G. Click and Hugh Parks. —^ Mrs. W. E. Bohannon and little granddaughter, Patty Rue Young, returned Saturday from Raleigh, where they visited Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Long, the latter her daugh ter. They were accompanied home by Mr. and Mrs. Long, who were her guests for the week-end. Mrs. W. O. Gilbert and daugh ter, Mrs. Elizabeth Edge, of San Antonio, Texas, arrived last week for an extended visit to Mrs. Gil bert's sisters, Misses Annie and Minnie Chatham, at their home on Surry Avenue. Mrs. Gilbert was formerly Miss Julia Chat ham of Elkin. to/ and Mrs. Alan Browning, Sr., of Hillsboro, were the Sun day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alan Browning, Jr., the former their son, at their home on Church street. They were accompanied by Ralph Thomas, also of Hills boro. Mrs. J. R. Poindexter returned Saturday from Richmond, Va., where she spent sometime with her sister, Mrs. H. A. Zinzer, who is critically il} at St. Luke's hospi tal there. Friends of Mrs. Poin dexter will regret to know that no hope is held for her sister's recov ery. Mrs. Errol Hayes of this city, accompanied by Miss Orace Hay es of Boonville, left Sunday morn ing for a pleasure trip to New York. They expect to be away a week. They will be accompanied home by Miss Ellen Hayes of Boonville, who has been spending sometime in New York. Dr. and Mrs. Douglas Hamer and daughters, Sylvia Ann and Gwendolyn, R. o. Harbin, Mrs. L. H. Wall and Marion Hamer, all of Lenoir, Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Sronce, Mrs. J. J. Maroney, Mr. and Mrs. Benton Leinster, all of Statesville, were the guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rash. Denzil D. Cockerham, of State Road, North Carolina, Junior in the school of pharmacy, Medical College of Virginia, made the dean's list for the semester 1936- 37. In order to attain this honor the student must have made an average of ninety on the work of the year. Julius L. Hall left Saturday for Chicago, HI., to attend the wed ding of Miss Lily Way Rutledge and Alexander J. Hayes, both of Chicago, which was solemnized in a church ceremony at Bond Chapel, University of Chicago, Tuesday. Mr. Hall was best man to Mr. Hayes for the ceremony. He will return here the latter part of the week. J. Mark McAdams left Wednes day for Chapel Hill to attend a three-day educational conference at the University of North Caro lina. The theme of the confer ence will be "Taking Stock and Looking Ahead." Mr. McAdams will have a part on the program and discuss "The Educational Needs of the Principal." Mrs. McAdams and daughter, Mary Vance, will visit in Greensboro during his absence. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. McNeer had as their dinner guests Sunday at at their home on Church street, Mrs. W. C. Fields, Cam Fields, Miss Anna Halsey, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Fields, Misses Pearl and Clyde Fields all of Mouth of Wil son, Va., Mrs. Talmage Smith, of Independence, Va., Dr. Sam Hol brook, Statesville, Miss Beatrice Holbrook, Traphill and Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Neaves and Miss Betty Allen of Elkin. WITH THE SICK The following patients have been admitted to the local hospit al during the past week: Alma Callahan, Dobson; John Stout, Sr., Jonesville; John Stout, Jr., Jonesville; Eva Lee Wagoner, Ronda; Mrs. Hattie Seagraves, J Cycle; Mrs. Pearl Elliot, Smith port; Gale York, Rusk; Bill Bry ant, Glade Valley; Mrs. Alston Boles, Jonesville; Walter Lee Dix | on, Stratford; Harvey Groce, 1 Jonesville; Mrs. Herbert Madison, Arlington; Mrs. Shade Bell, El | kin; Mack Dowell, Sparta; Mrs. ' Fannie Hanes, Arlington; Ray [ mond Sidden, Sparta; W. A. . Darnell, Elkin; Mrs. Charity ; Couch, Elkin. Patients dimissed during the [ week were: Betty Boplin, Ronda; I Mary Burchette, State Road; Dor . othy Barker, Boonville: Woodrow t Woodruff, Glade Valley, Mrs. . Doris Eidson, Harmony; Mrs. : Lenora Luff man, Ronda; Chas. Minton, Elkin; Mrs. Hazel Sale, 1 Ronda. 1 THURMOND > . Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Dejournette r and son, Joe, made a business i trip to Wilkesboro Saturday. Mr. Henry L. Lassiter, a South -1 ern Railway employee, spent a few hours here with his family 1 and friends Wednesday. • Mrs. Etta Baugus has returned to her work at Elkin after spend -1 ing a. few days here with her • mother. ' The highway force is topsoil ' ing the road leading from here ; out toward Reynold's summer ' home. Mr. Jack Simmons of Albemarle spent the week-end here with his B mother and sister. Miss Mabel Simmons visited relatives and friends at State J Road last week, j Mr. Doughton Thompson spent 3 the week-end here with his lath is er and sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Billings j are spending a few days with Mr. i Billings' parents here. Rev. Spencer filled his regular i appointment at White Rock Sun e day, delivering a wonderful mes t sage on the subject "Be sure your - sins will find you out." The White Rock folks were glad to have the brethren and sisters of union Hill visit them Sunday. Hope they will come again soon. Rev. Spencer expects to begin a series of meetings at Union Hill Methodist Church the third Sun day in July. The public is cor dially Invited to attend these ser vices. Sunday school at White Rock is progressing very nicely, having an average attendance of about 60 pupils. Miss Edna Thompson is spend ing a few days a* Mountain Park with her aunt Mrs. P. B. Cocker ham. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Cocker ham of Mountain Park visited at Mr. W. S. Simmon's Sunday. A number of people from this community attended the Decora tion service at Mountain View church Sunday. There are more Doctors of Philosophy In the United States per square mile than in any other country in the world. Mayonnaise 25c Jello An Fiavors pkg. 5c Del Monte Fruit Cocktail no.icahlsc N. B. C. Luscious Cream Cakes pound 19c Libby's TOMATO JUICE *M>z.CAK IQC Green Beauty PICKLES s ° ur ° r Diu — qt. jar 15c Wesson —————————| OIL Pi»t23 c B,iss TOWELS 11011 10° -TEA 1-4 LB. PKG. 15C OLIVES 61/4 ozs -27 c CTCUmtQ Sue _ a R«.IS 23c TUNA FISH can 18c KLn, 2 T k ' 25c Grape Juice pint 19c PINEAPPLE- 19 c Shivar 11 FLAKES 2 Pkgs. ]jjc Ginger Ale QT. 10c II CORN 3 Cans £sc (Plus Deposit) All Star Coliee 2 POUNDS 37c CHEESE - - pound 21c VEGETABLES MEATS LEITOCE Nice 2 Heads 15° I BACON Home Slice Lb. Jgc I CUCUMBERS Pound 5 C VEAL CHOPS Lb 25 c squash Pound Cc BEEF ROAST Lb -23 c UilM D SAINAGF (Mixed) Lb. Tftc POTATOES N*. i New, pk.3sc c« ujT THESE PRICES FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY ONLY Joe Bivins Foley Norman No. I—ELKIN No. 2—JONESVILLE Tribune Advertising Gets Results We Carry All Kinds of Builders' Supplies Brick for your foundation on through to finish hardware and paint. ( ELKIN LUMBER & MFG. CO. "Everything to Build Anything" Phone 68 Elkin, N. C.