« --Li-—J —■ L.Uii -I ■! —.— ■ r.j i i jaißinnniai ► News of Jonesville Mrs. Gurney Wagoner, Editor Phone 48-W _ ► Master E. L. Swaim had the misfortune to break his left arm in the elbow on Sunday after noon while he was in swimming at Elkin creek. Misses Jettie, Ohna and Lala Triplett spent Wednesday in Charlotte attending to business matters. The friends of Mr. Bent Mar tin will regret to learn that he is ill this week. Miss Margaret Holcomb, stu- i dent at Draughn's Business Col lege, spent the week-end here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Hugh Royall FIRE - AUTOMOBILE - LIFE INSURANCE TRAVELERS ACCIDENT TICKETS FOR ONE DAY OR MORE PHONE 111 OFFICERS M|| £ • /• ' DIRECTORS W. B. LANKFORD ■ ■ ■ JHWk mW t PAUL OWYN jzrzL klkintp Kiwanian iipp SECRETARY-TREASURER Vol. 9, No. 7 ELKIN, N. 0. PUBLISHED MONTHLY \ w —— —— ■ NU-WAY CAFE 1 «/ITATTT > T , i? C irrTV TAIVC Dr. P. W. Green The Best Food in Town 1- MINUTE SAFETY TALKS BEER AND WINES fty Don Harold 4 Optometrist Visit Us Often 'Thon U/hv ic i"f- Kiwanian ro „ shwrt MomMe Sydnor- & a!T\ Duke Power Spainhour Company Company U\J{ LIGHT AND POWER Electrical Appliances "Eikin's Finest Store ... « All Kinds E. S. Spainhour, Kiwanian R.-M. Hudgins, Kiwanian 1900 1937 SPOTTED FERVOR MCDANIEL'S Reich-Hayet-Boren Automobile accident prevention im- spots, they can be Equally decreasec DEPT. STORE proved greatly in spots in the United nationally .... eventually. If the\ _____ Funeral Directors : : : States in 1935, although the country as can be decreased in spots, it prove: tcii • • ni • a whole was almost as bad as it was the they CAN BEdecreased. MklH S OilOPPlltlir ome year before. As soon as the public accepts the faci Ppntpr Ambulance Day or Night / . autora . o t , ile a c cidents that automobile accidents are a diseas t^eilter y * for the whole country in 1935 totaled that can be stamped out like smallpo> E. E. Hayes, Kiwanian ? 6,l0 °. acc sT din 8 t0 The Travelers a nd are not merely a calamity that ha; E. W. McDanlel, Kiwanian Insurance Company-one per cent to be TAKEN, then the battle will b more than in 1934. But five per cent j, a |f won ' more cars were registered, so the V lL ',. ~, , , national record was slightly improved " et behind rr ! ovemen lr THE -not much. your town. Make-or keep-youi T> A \TT7 An UT ITTXT ' n certain localities, however, the town one of the spots. len deaths sub B AJN KOr JiiLIYIJN TON WAS REDUCE BY AT LEAST ONE- TRACTED H ? R ® AND TH , ERE WL " S ? ON ? DD V! nfrfSft HALF. to several thousand on a national basis II j|P I mi j 1 1 i , K _ Exceptional records were made by And you, yourself, can be a safet* All deposits guaranteed by Providencei R . L> Evanston, 111., "spot" all by yourself. You may no the Federal Deposit Insur- Lynn, Mass., Syracuse, N. Y., Allen- be able to improve on your 1935 record Sinclair Gasoune and Oils ance Corporation. own > a > Greensboro, N. C., Hobo- but you may be able to improve o- "The grade that makes :en, N. J., Lansing, Mich., and Pitts- your 1936 record. Most of us have ou jj,- yield, Mass. accident and death or injury AHEAI Garland Johnson, Kiwanian This spotted improvement is some- OF US—and THAT is the acciden H. P. Graham, Kiwanian ________———— hing about which to be glad. If acci- prevention in which we are most inter ____________________ .ents can be markedly decreased in ested, after all. WHITE SWAN —: ABERNETHVS LAUNDRY W\ M" - "The IM It Best" I luilTA Whit. F.ooUin mm V ~ Vlf MJi "A Good Drue store" W. O. Klwmlm UI ITV J. o. Klw^d*. Elk Printing Co. t 11 f I Chatham t, ™~ e tareiully! "was* Beat Weekly Newspaper g# C. C. Poindexter „ „ , M W. A. Neaves H. F. Laffoon, ___________ Thomas Roth Kiwanian Kiwanians ——' SISIVP A Turner Drug Co. ™ Elkin Lumber "The Friendly Drug Store" »mm A & Mfg. Co. I If AY "Everything t* Build CURB SERVICE ■ COAL , v We Desire To Please Yen Geo. E. Royall, Khranian (This Ad. Paid for by Elkin Kiwanis Club) '• c. Yates, Kiwanian ' O. Holcomb. A number of friends from here attended the last rites of Mrs. Pete Groce at Pall Creek church on Monday morning at 11 o'clock. Mr, and* Mrs. Joe Paris and Edwina Hemric and Mary Green wood spent last Friday in Wins ton-Salem attending to business matters. Mrs. Fanny Mason of North Elkin, spent Sunday with her son, Claude Mason and Mrs. Mason. Miss Ruth Mayberry and little Mrs. Mary Boles and small daughter, Barbara Anne, were j THE ELKIN TRIBUNE, ELKIN, NORTH CAROLINA able to return to her home from Hugh Chatham Hospital on Tues day. Miss Nancy Maybexry left Tues day to visit relatives in Winston- Salem for an indefinite time. Mrs. Noah Helton, of Fruitland, was the guest of her brother, Mr. W. I. Shugart and Mrs. Shugart on Sunday. Mrc. E. P. Hartsell has as her guest, Mrs. Mary Coble, of Moor esville, this week. The friends of Mrs. Robert Brown will regret to learn that she is ill this week. Mr. and Mrs. Kim Vestal and children, visited Mr. and Mrs. Roy Benton last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Weaver and sons, Stacy, Charles and Walter, spent Sunday at Warrensville. Miss Magdalene Martin, Doro thy Colhard, Prances Hendrix, Cora Hall, Messrs. Charlie Arm field, Charles Harris spent Sun day afternoon at Bryan's Lake and had a picnic supper. Misses Lucile Vestal and Dixie Chappel spent Tuesday in Char lotte. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lanning visited relatives in Winston-Sa lem on Sunday. Master O'Neal Lineberry is spending this week with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Lineberry of Boonville, Route. Marion and Sonny Boy Groce underwent tonsil operations at Hugh Chatham hospital last Fri day and they are getting along nicely. The friends of Mrs. Will Love lace will be glad to learn that she is improving from her recent ill ness. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Macy and Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Macy and children spent the week-end in Sparta with their daughter and sister, Mrs. Buster Cummin gs and Mr. Cummings. Mrs. Virginia Pelts and son, Don, of North Wilkesboro. spent the week-end here with Mr. Felts. Rev. D. d. Reece. pastor of the Salem Pork Baptist church in the Surry Association, had with him at the 11 o'clock hour, Mr. A. V. West, (Mr. West is Moderator of Surry Association), of Mt. Airy. He spoke to the congregation in a very interesting and timely way on the subject of "Safe, Perman ent and Profitable Investment in Laying Up Treasures in Heaven." Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence dough spent Sunday in Yadkinville vis iting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Pittman and son, Oscar, are spending several days at Atlanta, Ga. with rela tives. Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Lineberry spent Sunday in Winston-Salem and attended preaching service at First Baptist church at the 11 o'clock hour. Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Lineberry and daughter, Virginia, Hazel Brandon, Bertha Adams, Mrs. M. A. Holcomb, Dessire Reeves and Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Casstevens at tended the fellowship meeting held at Yadkinville Baptist church last Thursday evening.. 4 Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pox of Hud son, were here Sunday visiting friends and relatives. Kemp Reece left Saturday for Washington, D. C. to attend the Boy Scout Jamboree held there this week and next. Mr. and Mrs. Evan Martin and daughters, Marion and Mary, Norma Jean and Bennie, Mrs. Clyde Shugart, Miss Mae Vestal, Mr. and Mrs. Ura Ross, of Arl ington and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Eldridge of Elkin, spent Sunday at Boone, Blowing Rock and Grandfather Mountain. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Lyons, of Winston-Salem, were guests of his brother, H. C. Lyons and Mrs. Lyons on Sunday. Miss Evelyn Arnold, of North Wilkesboro spent the week-end here with her sister, Mrs. Ivory Johnson and Mr. Johnson. Misses Dixie Chappel and Vir ginia Lee Holcomb have returned home from Greensboro after vis iting the latter's aunt, Mrs. R. J. Hudson for two weeks. Master Kern Peimster returned to his home at Winston-Salem after visiting relatives here for two weeks. He was accompanied home by his cousin, Lott May berry, who will be his guest for several days. The friends of Mrs. Wade Tal ley will regret to learn that she is ill this week. Miss Margaret Warren, who Is taking training at Burrus Hos pital, at High Point, returned this week after spending two weeks here with relatives. Mrs. M. M. Mayberry had as her guest her mother, Mrs. W. P. Reece and her aunt, Mrs. W. O. Gilbert of Winston-Salem, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Chappel and daughter, Dorethea and Mrs. Wil moth Swaim, visited Mrs. Chap pel's brother, I«Er. Max Nicholson and Mrs. Nicholson at Greens boro, last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Reece and son, Mark and Tommy Woodruff visited Mrs. Reece's aunt, Mrs. Lee Holcomb, at Center, last Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Max Anthony and son, Staley, Miss Virginia An thony and Eloise Osborne and Junior Anthony, were the guests of Mrs. Mildred Anthony at High Point, on Sunday.* Mrs. D. R. Casstevns has as her guests two of her sisters, Mrs. Paul Woodie and Mrs. W. J. Reeves and daughter, Nancy, of Statesville and Mr. C. L. Reeves, of California. Mrs. Julia Wagoner visited her father, Mr. Leander Nicholson, of Cycle last Sunday. Picnic Is Enjoyed at Williams' Park Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt Sparks and Mr. and Mrs. Reece Cocker ham and Mr. and Mrs. John Mayberry chaperoned a group of young people on a picnic at Wil liams' Park on Monday evening. The following young people en joyed the evening: Misses Hazel Brandon, Hilda Gae and Margar et Renegar, Rama Blackwood, Pauline Gilliam, Carrie Taylor, Ruth Mayberry; Messrs. Sam Gray, Lon Dillon, Clyde Cotheran, Dick Harris, Cleve Laster, Curtis Hall, Charles Harris, Bill Pardue and the out of town guests were Misses Elizabeth Brown, of War ren, Ind., Gertrude Triplett, of Long Beach, Cal. and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Brown, of Warren, Ind. and Mr. and Mrs. T. P. May berry of Winston-Salem. Juniors of B. T. U. Enjoy Social Monday Evening Mr. D. R. Casstevens, leader of the Junior class in the B. T. U. entertained the juniors with a so cial at his home on Monday eve ning. A number of games and a treasure hunt were enjoyed during the evening. The following jun iors were present: Eloise and Madge Sparks, Doris Shugart, Peggy Blackwood. Cornelia and Jean Lineberry, Mary Thompson, Daphne Harris, Lorraine Draughn, Sue Martin, Helen Brown; Marshall and John Prank Pittman, Leo and Allen Wagoner, Kenneth and Elton Casstevens, Mark Reece and Garland Rober son and Mrs. D. R. Casstevens and Dessie Reeves. COOL SPRINGS A larger crowd than usual at tended our church Sunday. Those who were at the young people's meeting Sunday night enjoyed the songs sung by the Cool Springs quartet. Next Sunday night's meeting will be conducted by Miss Ruby Ray Holbrook. Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Holbrook visited Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Petty john Sunday. Miss Made Rae Harris had as her visitors Misses Beatrice, Reda and Virginia Ross and Miss Lula May Luffman and Miss Ruby Ray Holbrook visited Miss Sylvia Dar nell Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Wall visited Mr. and Mrs. Croeger Wall near Bessie's Chapel Sunday. Mrs. R. C. Harris has been vis iting with her brother, Mr. Rich ard Adams, at Sparta, since last Thursday. We are glad to hear that "Un cle" John Cox is much Improved after a recent severe illness. Rev. Harrison Barker will preach here Sunday morning. Termini iloirv "What does the bride think when she walks into the church?" "Aisle, Altar, Hymn." *g H-U-R-R-Y JSeO A& Z FTf: STO.RE LADIES'DRESSES i Beautiful Summer Styles BEMBERG SHEERS «|F And only— -51.94 ly Ladies' Full Fashioned SILK HOSIERY W£Wf[) 47 c Pair §9 : &kM Lovely New Voiles \ 7 19 cto 29 cYard \|v LADIES'PANTIES 1 A Excellent Quality at a I I Very Low Price, Well Made * Vlir' MEN'S MEN'S ffi S SHOES 11 HiW 'lt Buy Several , _ c l\Wf/ pl Pairs for Many Styles From Mil Summer Which to Select &§ 88c $1.94 t0 $4.95 Ladies' WHITE SHOES m All New Summer Styles n A^(7 $1.94 W 1 JS™ MEN'S HATS F ii r t Straws and Felts Full Cut 47 c 97 c MEN'S SUMMER WASH SUITS $2.98 - $3.88 Men's Men's Shirts and Shorts Dress Shirts 25c Value Excellent Values 15° A & Z STORE Next to Basketeria Main Street ELKIN, N. C. Thursday, July 1. 1937

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