Thursday, July 1, 1937 NBMS PROM THE BE Dobson, June 28.—The farm ers of this section are terribly upset regarding the slow growth of tobacco and other vegetation. They are lost in wonder. Is it the fertilizer, worms, bugs, or what ever can it be? They are asking in every vicinity and they would appreciate a remedy or suggestion by some expert agriculturist. Many are plowing up tobacco WtSfJ&szl "Buy a Week's Supply of Fresh Vegetables... I'll Keep Them Fresh In Your Electrical Refrigerator," Says Reddy Kilowatt Owners of Electric Refrigerators are able to buy their week's supplV of fresh vegetables and fruits and keep them fresh and crisp'at all times. There is a definite savings in doing this as if you can buy in quantity for less and buy at special prices. The J J savings in quantity buying, prevention of spoilage and sav ■ W ing of leftovers will pay for your Electrical refrigerator. In -3L vestigate it today. Electrical WBT 11:30 A. M. Mon.-Wed.-Friday Refrigeration CNt i Definitely Cut# « , POWER COMPANY ; 1 • ;.. i 7 * GOsS/s ...iy iar W/;.. WSESESr // ' ' i I'i in-ii j I, if I ji ■■ ... tmn ... \ 1 - - r«b-. Pa lam siJ aiiaarfhUfwpfc iHI l IsLT'ißk \ |BpM \ Thl« Surprise Car of the year U the easiest car in YH America to boy and operate. With iU astonishing economy, Willys offer* all the worthwhile featurea . *—found in other car*. All-steel top and body... SsBSIHHHH // yn / large luggage apace... Safety Glaaa all around « Ltrgn luggage compart- HI*" ...2 to 5 inches wider front aeat than In the next m«m ofl«r» of ramn three earn...two extntlarge glove " r 7 compartments in dash... the New Willys has OWNERS Af* il„ brought to motorists,in ONE ear,thevery thing. REPORT 99 0 Mfte they hare long wanted. Come in—tee fad drive UP T0... t/ fl/ Snutriue** UeS®ryriaeC«r of the yew. J MILES MR QAUON bowntowajAuto Sales Company 'hone 179 East Main Street Elkin, Ni. C. fields and replacing with corn, tomatoes, etc. Attorneys B. A. Freeman, W. L. Reece and W. M. Jackson of Dob son, John H., A. D. and Fred Fol ger and Judge Bivins of Mt. Airy, O. E. Snow and W. R. Badgett of Pilot Mt. attenfled the 11th Dis trict Bar Association meeting held at Roaring Gap hotel Sat urday. A four-course dinner was served at 12:30, after which a business session was held. A. D. Folger was voted president of the new 21st district. The Woman's Missionary Socie ty of Dobson Baptist church met on last Thursday, evening with Mrs. R. A. Freeman. The meeting opened with old mission song "Ready for Service." The presi dent, Miss Elizabeth Norman read the scripture lesson, follow ed with prayer by Mrs. Booker. The leader, Mrs. D. T. Sparger an nounced the subject for discus sion, "The Italians," and preced ed the different phases relating to the Italians by a talk on Rome, the magnificent city, on seven hills. Mrs. Rebecca Lamont led the program, speaking on "Ro man Christianity." Mrs. W. L. Reece followed, discussing "The Italians of Today" and the ef fect of Southern Baptists in Italy. Mrs. Stanley spoke of the Amfer THE ELKIN TRIBUNE, ELKIN, NORTH CAROLINA lean Italians, and Miss Ruby Norman concluded with stories of Italians christianized. Mrs. W. E. Reid gave briefly a review of the proceedings of the annual meet ing at Fancy Gap. The president urged the members to stand by the 100,000 club and the members thereof. During the social hour Mrs. Free man, assisted by her daughter, Elizabeth and Miss Mary Betty Norman, served an ice course with cookies. Next meeting will be held with Mrs. Brady Norman. Mrs. Edwin Reid entertained for Mrs. Howard Snow, in a mis cellaneous shower Friday evening. Hearts was played at five tables. Miss Eva Hancock was prize winner. Mrs. Snow showed great appreciation for the number of attractive and serviceable gifts presented her. Mrs. Reid, assisted by Mrs. Paul Folger, served a frozen salad course with tea. Those sharing the pleasure of Mrs. Reid's hospitality were: Mes dames Winfield Snow, B. F. Fol ger, J. W. Crawford, P. B. Folger, J. W. Comer, W. E. Hancock, A. P. Cobb, Herman Coe, Thedford Sprinkle, J. W. Lewellyn, Colon Spoon, Carl Folger, Jim Folger, the honor guest, Mrs. Howard Snow and Misses Thelma Comer, Elizabeth and Mary Betty Nor man, Emma Comer, Eva Han cock and Elizabeth Freeman. Mrs. C. O. Comer, Mrs. Daisy Wright, Miss Emma Comer and Mrs. W. M. McCraw spent Thurs day at North Wilkesboro. Miss Katherine Folger, who Is studying for six weeks at Chapel Hill, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Folger. Mrs. S. K. Harkrader and Mrs. Fletcher Harris and small daugh ter, Elise, spent last week in Dur ham, with Mr. and Mrs. Z. A. Ro chelle. D. R. Riggs and daughter, Mir iam, arrived Saturday to visit rel atives for some time. Mrs. Riggs will follow soon to visit her mo ther, Mrs. Lula Lewellyn. Rev. C. W. Russell is holding a series of meetings at Siloam Methodist church. Rev. J. M. Fol ger of Mt. Airy filled Mr. Rus sell's appointment in the Meth odist church here Sunday. Misses Mazie Comer and Mabel Williams of Raleigh, spent the week-end with Miss Emma Comer. Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Coalson and children spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Engle at Ronda., Little Norma Aim Harkrader is spending this week with her aunt v Mrs. Poy Blalock at Cary, N. C. BURCH Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Sneed of Burch and Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Dezern of Boonville, spent the week-end near Jonesville, the guests of their father, W. A. Brown. Mrs. Sam Buelin and son, Mar shall, spent Friday at Rockford, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cola Bryant, the latter a sister of Mrs. Buelin. Grover Patton of West Virginia, had the misfortune to lost one of his eyes while working in a coal mine. Mr. Patton is a native of this section and formerly resided i near Boonville. „ • Mr. and Mrs. A. Z. Phillips qf Fairview, had as their guest Sun day, Luther Nance of Shady Grove. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Sneed had as their guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Burton of Friendship, and Mr. and Mrs. Coney Burton and family of Union Cross. M. A. Gaither of Winston-Sa lem, was here Monday and Tues day attending to business mat ters. The following officers and teachers were elected at a meet ing Sunday for Little Richmond Sunday school: Assistant super intendent, N. E. Wilmoth; adult class teacher, Mrs. John W. Mar tin; assistant, Miss Emma Wil moth ; intermediate class, Roy Chappell; junior class, Mrs. Clyde Burch; beginners class, M. L. An thony, and secretary-treasurer, W. J. Chappell. Several people from here at tended the funeral of John W. Davis at New Home church Sun day. Miss Ethel Wood returned to High Point Sunday, after spend ing a week here with her mother, Mrs. Dora Wood and other rel atives. D, D. Holyfield, Mrs. R. W. Snow and daughter, Miss Vertie, of Zephyr, spent the week-end at Fairview, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Alberty and family. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Evans and family were the Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Corder. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Layne, Mrs. Jane Layne and Miss Bessie Dod son spent Sunday in North Elkin, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Luther Cockerham. Mr. and Mrs. Clete Jenkins of State Road, were the guests of relatives and friends here Mon day. Little Miss Mary Hutchins, who was rendered unconscious by be ing shocked by lightning last week at her home near Fairview, is recovering, her .friends will be glad to know. Miss Geraldine Gentry of State Road, was here a short while Sunday, the guest of Miss Flor ence Carter. Rev. W. L. Burras of Roekford, will preach at Mt. Hermon Baptist church Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. The public is cordially invited. Mrs. Tom Fraitt of Friendship, who has been ill for several days, is Improving, her friends will be glad to know. Mrs. Joe Layne will conduct prayer service at Little Richmond Baptist church Sunday evening at 7:30. The public is cordially in vited to attend. Another thing about money is that when it talks, it doesn't mut ter. ADMINISTRATION NOTICE Having qualified as Adminis trator of Mrs. Florence A. Shores, I hereby notify all persons in debted to her estate to come for ward and make payment; and all persons holding claims against said estate will present them to me within twelve months, or this notice will be plead in bar of recovery. This 15th day of June, 1837. R. C. HALSEY, Sparta, N. C., Administrator c. t. a. of Mrs.. Florence A Shores. 7-8 Peoples' Column The Tribune does not neces sarily endorse any article un der this heading but welcomes at all times communications of interest to Its readers and the general public. MR. MARTIN ENDORSES ARTICLE OP MR HAYNES I have just read the article that was written by Mr. Haynes. our representative in regards to the protection that has been thrown around Yadkin County's finance. T heartily endorse the whole measure, and feel that the law creating this office was one of the greatest constructive pieces of legislation that has ever been en acted for Yadkin County. There are thousands of Republicans and Democrats who are enthusiastic over what has been done, and they are thankful to Mr. Haynes for his forethought and Judgment' for legislation that gives this protec tion. It appears that the editor of, the Ripple has been troubled with hallucination and nightmares ever since he has learned that the law was a reality. Yadkin County's sinking fund represents money that has been collected from the hard-working farmers of the county. They paid that money for the purpose of meeting an obligation. That obligation is hanging over the people of Yadkin County and has to be met. I will not accuse those people of dishonesty in handling the funds, but I will frankly say that it shows a woeful lack of business ability. According to the audit there are thousands of dollars that have been wrung from the tax-payers to be placed in Insecure invest ments. This is a total loss. I feel that these thousands of dol lars that had been collected should have been placed with substantial banking institutions. The people of Yadkin County are not interested in the financial success of the individual members of the Dixie Bond Co. We care not whether they are pleased or unpleased. We care not how many tears they shed by night or day. What we are interested in is the protection of the tax-pay ers of Yadkin County. It is absolutely wrong for any county official to place the coun ty's funds with a small banking institution without requiring them to give ample security. Security that will assure the tax-payers that every dollar plus interest will find its way back into the' county treasury and will be avail able for meeting county's indebt edness when bonds mature. Our county officials made a great financial blunder when they invested so much money in property located in Winston-Sa ilem. We understand that a large | amount of this money has been loaned or invested on what we might call negro property in Winston-Salem. The average cit izen of Yadkin county who is fa miliar with the section of Wins ton-Salem in which negroes live knows that the buildings are the most inferior class and do not represent excellent security for money loaned. It might be well for the citizens of Yadkin county to Investigate thoroughly the loans that were made to the Dixie Bond & Mort gage Co. and other individuals, and discover any irregularity in making these loans. If such ir ■ regularities are found, then legal action be taken to force said parties to make an honest settle ment with the county and pay back to county any funds that might have been loaned in any irregular way. 1 The larger per cent of the tax ! payers of Yadkin county are anx ' ious for the county officials to co [ operate 100 per cent with Mr. ! Casstevens in straightening out , as best he can some of the awful ; blunders that • have been made by Incompetent acts of some of our county officials of bygone days. | Under the present set-up our money is absolutely secure. Mr. , Casstevens is under bond for the Expert Repairing Watches, Clocks, Jewelry We Now Have Equipment to Make Any Kind of Duplicate Keys. W.M. Wall, Jeweler Phone 56 ElMtl, N. C. I ' ~ proper handling of this money. This Is not a fictitious band, but It is substantial and makes our funds secure from every angle. S. O. MARTIN. Jonesvllle, N. C. June 21, 1937. Patronize Tribune advertisers. They offer real values. No Matter Where You Go On YOUR VACATION Put Your Money Into American Express Travelers Checks There's no danger of loss accidentally or by theft when your vacation funds are in form of American Express Travelers Checks. Before you take that trip, drop in and let us explain the many advantages of these checks. We'll fix you right up! The Bank of Elkin B. C. Lowellyn, Garland Johnson Franklin Folger President Vice-President Cashier gp£ck>lSa£e 1 Quart Cod Liver Oil CJ Mint Flavor, Only i/OC MINERAL OIL Thor T^ min Quart 65c 60c size OQ~» Gal 52.25 only Oi7C ALARM CLOCKS $1.19 NYAL ASPIRIN, 100 Tablets 39c MILK OF MAGNESIA, Pint 39c Squibb's Shaving Cream, Lg. Tube 25c ALMOND LOTION, Pint Bottle 39c ®— ————— Neede Cleansing Goggles Tissues 1 49 C to Special loc Ny-Naps Sanitary MONEY |G|(flP EPSOM SALTS VALUES! 5 Pounds 39c KODAKS Nyal Antacid $1.75 to $3.00 Powder Film In All Sizes THERMOS JUGS Tl _ ¥ m 49 1-Lb. Jar Cleansing CREAM Thermos Bottles QQ^. Pint Size Cleansing Tissues Chigger Lotion 25c 500 for 29c Sunburn Lotion 39c B ath Powder 49c 50c Prophylactic Tooth TTT^™ Brush and 25c Can of We Carry a Complete Line Tooth Powder, 75c Value of Yard ley's, Max Factor's BOTH FOR 49c an VS/ r ,S nB Turner Drug Co. . y ) Incorporated Phone 64 Elkin, N. C. Dr. Chas. W. Moseley Diseases of the Stomeh Office over Brame's Drug Store North Wlfteaboro ' Mondays only beginning Jane 14th Hours 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. Read Tribune Advertisements!

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