FIRST INSTALMENT In Elmer Henderson's bungalow on top of the thirty-story Highart Film Company's building on East Fifty-sixth Street near Fifth Ave nue, four men were playing poker on a cold January night. "This is a slow game," growled big Dan Flaherty. The Chief In spector in charge of the homicide squad of the New York police force was taking one of his rare nights off, and he wanted his fun to come fast and furious. "Four handed poker's no good. Isn't any one else coming?" "Fitz ought to be here any min ute now," said Martin Frazier of the District Attorney's staff. "He's usually the first to arrive." "Some skirt called him up, I suppose, and it's all off," grunted Dan Flaherty. "Funny, the way dames fall for him." "He's a choosy picker at that, responded Frazier. "Only falls for the live ones. Lydia Lane's his latest." Even poorer poker players than Dan Flaherty and Martin Frazier would have noted the instant change of expression which came over the faces of the other two at the mention of Lydia Lane's name. Henderson, their host, was the first to speak. CfJMfV Mulford Scud. Class "A" IM/f * Outboard Motorboat Champion says: /lN A RACE, I EXPECT CIOSE CALLS. AND WITH ( HEALTHY NERVES, I FEEL READY FOR THEM. I UKE fflSf . % jipL' / A MILD CIGARETTE THAT OOESNt JANGLE MV V NERVES. THAT MEANS CAMELS TO ME JsfflMjjSk DON'T MISS OUR AMAZING Kf _. r» „J*iU FRIGIDAIRE ICE-ABILITY DEMONSTRATION! • Come in today and see the many exhibits of Frigidaire's Greater / IX. ' Ice-Ability. See how Frigidaire with the Meter-Miser makes ice / / \ cheaper than you can buy it at retail! See its revolutionary new I Ui \ I All-Metal Quickube Tray! See ah actual exhibit of the tremendous / '■ /A /A I quantity of ice Frigidaire can freeze in a single day! And many / 1 other fascinating exhibits. I // / 7\r I Meter-Miser freezes ice faster and cheaper, protects food better / I I as it slashes current cost because it's the simplest refrigerating I / Y /7 nfi) I mechanism ever built! Has only 3 moving parts, including the / I motor. Runs quiet, trouble-free year *fter year! Protected for 5 / frees f» « ■ years against service expense. 1 I * *" C «be» ■ * And it's built and backed by / Kr * ■ General Motors. Only Frigidaire with the I Am I Meter-Miser is Complete In / ™"'CK(/Bf Tftfl V I ALL 5 BASIC SERVICES / MsrWr"c««'., I E) '»f Home Refrigeration! I Jce f rec I ■Fr "~T 3 1- CHEATER ICE-ABILITY J nfn " f»«er in w , w | t 2-G«»TER STORAGE-ABILITY / - oSe' I ■ | 3. GREATER PROTECT-ABIUTY / QVIQ^pV B a Q f I 4. GREATER DePEND-ABIUTY I W,th f I Only Frigidaire with the Meter-Miser ■jl I gives you these important advantages » i»'" IM«-lta«r Simplest Re- Mmtc Tnj-RtIMM »- . ■ V • reiterating Mechanism # , f p-l-aa m "" built t-m MN* laMtr —2- I 1 ItowWMhWlWctaHTnrwid, ™ le ° St ,°£* e ■ mortcno^ mj ■ I thr taitint §■!■■■■ Compartment—2«Wtf I Easy Terms J ** coia-storage Tray-j- VSMK- 1 f WtartK n OH M- W.y Slidin* Shelf-2- ItftttDMr Way Multi - Storage HMI V Jl ' F-114—The Safe Low-Pre*- Secdon It I sire Refrigerant Prefect *1 Gaaarcl MM Harris Electric Company Phone 250 Elkin, N. C. "Studio gossip, nothing more," he said. The words were simple enough, but there was an under tone in his voice which made Dan Flaherty lift his left eyebrow questioningly as he glanced quick ly from the speaker to Frazier. "Miss Lane has been rather an noyed by his attentions. Of course, I can't speak for her, but that is the imoression she gave me quite distinctly, this afternoon. She was up here, having a voice test, and I took her home." Archie Doane, the fourth man at the table, had colored deeply at Frazier's careless mention of the popular picture actress. Dan Flaherty's quick glance revealed to the Inspector that he was bit ing his lips and holding his head rigidly as if trying to control his voice. "I'd be obliged, gentlemen, if you would leave Miss Lane's name out of it," he said, as Henderson finished. "You will understand why when I tell you that she has promised to marry me." "I'm sorry!" exclaimed Frazier. "I had no idea. I hope youH over look my loose tongue, old man. You've won a prize, from all I hear, though I haven't the pleas ure of the lady's acquaintance." "Congratulations, Doane!" cried THE ELKIN TRIBUNE, ELKIN, NORTH CAROLINA Henderson. "You'll make the handsomest couple in pictures. Miss Lane is quite the most charming lady I have ever known. And one of the very few whose voice registers as well as her love ly face does." "So, that's how it is, eh? said Dan Flaherty. "Well, boy, I wish you luck, I've never tried it my self, but I hear matrimony highly spoken of by those that have sometimes. But I wish the rest would come, whoever's coming." "Max Michaelis said he'd be over about nine," said Frazier. "Somebody call up Fitz," sug gested Henderson. "Anybody know his number?" "I'll call him," said Doane. "All right Frazier; no harm done," he went on, offering the Assistant District Attorney his hand. "Where's your telephone, Elmer?" Henderson motioned toward the foyer which separated the room they were in from the rest of his quarters, and accompanied his guest to the cabinet' in which the telephone directories were cased. "Here it is; Stephen Fitzgerald, Plaza 00004," said Henderson. "You understand how to use a dial phone?" "Excuse me a minute," he said to the others, as Archie Doane be gan to whirl the telephone dial. "I'll be with you again right away." He crossed the foyer and went into another room. "Nice little guy, Henderson," said Dan Flaherty. "Good nerve, too; the way he backed his bust ed flush just now and got away with it was as good poker as I've ever seen. I'd have sworn he was holding a kicker with threes, or had two big pair at least." "What does he do? Teach sing ing? There must be money in it, the way he's fixed up here." He glanced appraisingly around the luxuriously furnished room. "No; he's an inventor," replied Frazier. "I thought I told you about him." "Only that you'd played poker with him once or twice and that he played" a good game," said the inspector. "What does he invent?'' "His latest is a new way of making talking pictures," said Frazier. "Brings out the natural voice much better than anything yet, I understand. I don't pretend to know anything those things, but they say the Highart Film people paid him close to a million cash on account of royalties, and a salary of a hundred thousand or so to supervise the working of of his device. He'B got a labora tory back in the other room." "That's what he meant by giv ing the Lane dame a voice test, then," grunted Dan Flaherty. "I thought he didn't look like a singer. Ouess that skirt's all right, eh?" He glanced over his shoul der at Doane still at the tele phone. "Archie isn't falling for any rotten ones. For an actor, he's as square as they come. Pretty hard hit, I should say." "Head over heels in love, the way he flared up," grinned Fra zier. "I made a bad break there, but he took it like a sport. Guess i Henderson's right; it was just studio gossip about her and Fitz. Natural enough, with Fitzgeralds* known susceptibility and her good looks. Fife directed her last two pictures, and you know how gos sip travels." Doane came back from the tele phone. "You were right," he said to Frazier. "Some girl got hold of him and he'd forgotten all about his engagement here. At least, his man says that a lady called him on the 'phone about quarter past six and he hurried out and hasn't been home since." Henderson came is as Doane was speaking, followed by a man servant with a tray on which re posed a siphon, several glasses with their quota of ice cubes, and a couple of bottles. "Too bad. Couldn't come, eh?" he said. "Well, here's something to take the curse off. Wonder if we can't hurry Mr. Michaelis up." . "He's probably just finishing dinner at the club," said Dan Flaherty. "I'll call him." "Ask him to bring along anyone else he thinks would like to sit in," said Henderson. "Six are better than five." He glanced at the glasses in front of the others. "All filled, gentlemen? Then here's to the prospective bridegroom and his lovely lady." Doane colored again as the others drank the friendly toast. Flaherty went to the telephone and returned in a few minutes with the information that Max Michaelis and a friend were just getting into a taxi to come over. "Mind if I use your phone again?" asked Doane. "I'll just call up Miss Lane. She wasn't sure whether she would be going out tonight on not; half expected a summons from a dowager aunt or something like that." "Surely. Help yourself," replied Henderson. "Give her my compli ments, won't you?" "Tell me about Michaelis," he went on, addressing Frazier. "I've heard something about him, of course. You see," he added, turn ing to Inspector Flaherty, "this is really Frazier's party. I don't know many people in New York— too busy in my laboratory until lately to make many friends. Doane and Fritz, of course—got to know them in my picture work. If it hadn't been for meeting Fra zier here, through Fritz, I would n't have had the pleasure of knowing you, for example." "There isn't much to tell about Max Michaelis," said Frazier, "ex cept that he's the shrewdest law yer in New York." "That's saying a good deal, I should think," said Henderson. "He's rather on the inside of things, isn't he?" "If by that you mean that he has the confidence of the District Attorney's office and the Police Department, I should say that he's very much on the inside. He's that rare bird, a criminal lawyer who is absolutely on the level." "I'll say he is," Dan Flaherty growled. "Gets my goat some times, butting in on police mat ters. But, damn him, he's always right. Got the best set of brains of any man I know. Probably that's Max now." The doorbell rang as he spoke. Doane rejoined the others. "No answer," he said. "Guess she's gone to see her aunt." To Dan Flaherty's shrewd eyes, however, the actor seemed a trifle disturbed under his outward calm. "Doesn't like it because Fritz was going to meet some dame and the Lane frail's gone out too," he whispered to Frazier, as they all arose to greet the newcomers. Max Michaelis and his friend, a stockbroker named Williams. "Afraid I've got your rugs soaked," apologized the lawyer as an avalanche of snow cascaded from the shoulders of his fur coat. "Quite all right, Mr. Michaelis," said Henderson, as Frazier intro duced him. "Nothing but water, after all, is it? I'm not quite sure, you see, because I've never had any experience with snow."- "Where did you come from queried Michaelis, slipping out of his great coat. "Never have seen snow before?" "No. It may sound odd, but I was born and raised In southern California, and my only visits to the North and East have been in the Summer. I've only seen snow at a distance, on the mountain peaks," retted Henderson. "Southern California eh?" said Michaelis, moving over to the Dpen fire. "Los Angeles? Oh, Pas adena. Don't happen to know a fellow named Everett, Joseph Everett, a lawyer, do you? Great trlend of mine." "Why, I've met Mr. Everett, though I can't say I know him well," Henderson 'answered. 'Here," he continued, as his man came in with fresh glasses for the newcomers, "I don't suppose you gentlemen will object to a drink?" "Not I," said Williams, the stockbroker, "Br-r-r! Winter's here, all right. This would be a great night for-a murder." "Hear that Dan?" said Michaelis to the Inspector. "What are you doing, taking a holiday on a night like this? Williams says it would be a good night for a murder." "Well, here's success to crime, then," rejoined Flaherty raising his refilled glass. "I've never no ticed the weather made much difference." "Success to crime," echoed Max Michaelis, glancing around the room as he drank. "Cozy place you've got here, Mr. Henderson. Nobody'd dream that it was storming outside." "We had no idea there was a storm on until you came in look ing like Santa Claus," said Archie Doane. "It has to be sound-proof—as sound-proof as possible," Hender son explained. "My work is in the talking pictures, you know, I have to have absolute silence in my laboratory." "Good place for a murder, too, as well as a good night for it," i said Michaelis, setting down his I empty glass. "Just think what the newspaper men would do with a sound-proof room as the scene of a crime. 'Screams of the victim smothered by padded walls' and a FREE » WW ■ "*■ THIS NASH HEG • f MORE THAN 100 PRIZES IN CASH ■ 107 WEEKLY PRIZES |/}^ Ml L All for the best weekly sets of 1 , vTirii IN qU " tion » for Kelvinator's Pro / Ilj/A CAR fessor Quiz r*dio program. S KELVIN AT OR |[ Get official entry blank, full information 1| REFRIGERATOR, RANGE. '& here FREE! Come in today! - WASHER, IRONER AND [ THAN 100 PRIZES IN CASH! ' jj J)JJKE POWER CO dp/p xjg/ lerfection On Ice! -Foment all summer long be sure ognize its fine quality and outstand- mands of the hot summer months... |BE| >.'/>) ripe perfection and wholesomeness to SCHLITZ, since 1849, the Beer that Made Milwaukee Famdus. JOS. SCHLITZ BREWING COMPANY I : : M f Milwaukee, Wia. i ■ EE=j §i ~ 3 V Yau rfo " Y Aire to cultivate J a taste for Schlltx. You Uke mm it on first acquaintance... ' ana ever after. ->Sf\ ' mIgSBW W A Hm. WM Mbbbbbm |H ■ n ■ ■gpfjlt ■ Ww 19 Isnili H I ■y«| all gyjs «*JHB |v2 all 111 I g-Tlm that sort of thing, you know. Won der some fiction writer hasn't pulled off a murder in a 'talkie' studio. Ideal setting,, eh, Dan?" "And for that reason the last place to expect it," growled In spector Flaherty. "Most murders are unpremeditated. They happen as the result of a sudden impulse combined with opportunity. That's what makes it hard to convict a murderer, if he has set his stage for the job he's bound to leave clues we can pick up, and once we prove who set the stage we've pretty nearly got a conviction. It's the hit-and-run killers that do most of the murders and leave fewest clues behind." "My, what a gruesome turn our party is taking!" interposed Ar chie Doane. "Murder! Ugh! It even makes me shudder to see it in the pictures. I'm supposed to shoot a tough hombre in the film I'm working in now, and it gives me the creeps even to pick up the property pistol." Continued Next Issue Thursday, July 15. 1937 Stuck "What Is that deaf-and-dumb carpenter so frantic about?" "He just hit his thumb with a hammer and he can't find his pad and pencil." 866 V V V COLDS Liquid, Tablets first day Selve r Nose Drops Headache, 30 minutes Try "Rub-My-Tism"- World's Best Liniment FLOWERS Cut Flowers—Funeral Designs Potted Plants Mrs. Grady Cockerham Phone 22 Elkin, N. C.

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