Thursday. Jnly 15, 1937 ETY, Fortnightly Bridge Club Meets With Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gwyn Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gwyn en tertained members of the Fort nightly Bridge Club at a lovely bridge-dinner at their home on Gwyn Avenne Friday evening. Summer flowers were artistically arranged throughout the home and small bouquets were used as centerpieces for the card tables, where a tempting dinner was served. During the evening bridge was played at three tables. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Allen won the club award for high score. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Brewer, Dr. and Mrs. R. B. Harrell, Mr. and Mrs. Marion Al len, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Somers, Mrs. Raymond Chatham and J. R. Poindexter. Mrs. Spainhour is Hostess at Bridge-Luncheon Mrs. E. S. Spainhour entertain ed the Wednesday Bridge Club members/ at a delightful luncheon Wednesday at one o'clock at her home on« West Main Street. Snap dragons, roses and shasta daisies were used in profusion in the liv ing room, where the tables were placed for the games. Following the tempting luncheon, which was served upon the arrival of the guests, bridge was played at two tables. Mrs. Carl Poindexter won the club award for high score. Members playing were: Mes dames Raymond Chatham, Har din Graham, Alex Chatham, Thomas Roth, Richard Chatham and Carl Poindexter. Additional guests were Mrs. Leßoy Campbell and Mrs. Errol Hayes. Friday Bridge Club Meets With Mrs. A. B. Somers Members of the Friday Bridge Club were guests of Mrs. A. B. Somers at an enjoyable bridge luncheon at her home on Church street Friday morning. Bril liantly colored flowers made a pretty setting for the two tables which were placed for the games. In the progressions the club award for high score went to Mrs. Errol Hayes and the visitor's prize to Mrs. Marion Allen. A beautifully appointed lunch eon was served at one o'clock. i Members enjoying Mrs. Som- Responsibility We know that the majority of people have little—if any —knowledge of the prob lems which arise when a .loved one passes away. i We accept the responsibility this enforced faith in us en tails, with a confidence founded upon many years of satisfactory service. * t Ambulance Service DAY OR NIGHT ▲ " HAYES &SPEAS Funeral Directors Elkin, N. C. Phones: Day 70—Night M—2B2 ere' hospitality were: Mesdames Paul Gwyn, Errol Hayes, Ray mond Chatham, C. G. Ashby, R. C. Freeman and R. M. Hudglns. Additional guests were Mesdames E. F. McNeer, Marion Allen and H. C. Graham. Misses Byrd Entertain Edith Adair Circle Misses Hazel and Blendon Byrd entertained the members of the Edith Adair circle of the Woman's Missionary Society of the Baptist church at their home on Elk Spur street Tuesday evening, with twelve members present. Miss Blendon Byrd conducted the devotionals and was in charge of the program. She was assist ed jta the program by Misses Dor othy Hampton, Emma Cooke, Wil lie Guyer, Flora Royall, Minnie Ruth McNeill and Hazel Byrd. Special personal service for the month for the circle is the send ing of magazines to the county home. A tempting refreshment course was served during a pleasant so cial hour at the conclusion of the program. Charles Dean Edwards is Honor ed at Ronda Home Charles Dean Edwards, small son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest T. Ed wards, was honored at a delight ful birthday party at his home at Ronda Thursday afternoon, when his mother entertained a number of his little friends In celebration of his second birthday anniver stary. The children were led in a number of indoor and outdoor games by Mrs. R. L. Jones and Mrs. Marvin Spencer. Sarah Delia Jones won a prize for her skill in the games. Late in the afternoon the little ( guests were invited into the din- ( ing room where ice cream, cake and lemonade were served. The central decoration in the dining room was a handsome birthday cake iced in white and topped with two pink candles. Favors \ were pink baskets filled with mints. Nine children of a similar'age were invited to share the after noon with the honor guest. He was presented a number of love- \ ly and useful gifts. Out-of-town . guests were Billy Edwards of j Charleston, s. C., and Bettye Lou . TOE ELKIN TRIBUNE, ELKIN, NORTH CAROLINA OLD CHRISTIANA HUNDRED, DEL ... Mr. and Mrs. rrankQn DL Roosevelt, Jr., immediately after the wedding ceremony. They are going to spend their honeymoon abroad. - Spencer and Bennie Lee Davis of El kin. Mrs. Davis Honors Bride at Party Thursday Evening Honoring Mrs. David Brown, a recent bride, Mrs. C. L. Davis en tertained at a lovely party at her home on West Main street Thurs day evening. Three tables were placed for bridge. Bridal place cards marked the places of the players and roses in pastel shades were used in decorations of the home. Mrs. Roscoe Poplin won the high score award in the progres sions. Mrs. Brown was present ed a lovely gift as guest of honor and Mrs. Gilbert Meed, another bride of the summer, was given a remembrance. An ice course was served at the conclusion of the games. Guests were: Mrs. Brown, hon oree, Mrs. Gilbert Meed, Mrs. Claude Farrell, Mrs. Roscoe Pop lin, Miss Virginia Price, Miss Chloe Holcomb, Miss Dixie Brown, Mrs. Clyde Hall, Mrs. Vance Brown, Mrs. Ted Brown, Mrs. Hugh Royall, Mrs. Jack Brown and Mrs. J. R. Brandon. Methodist Circles Meet Monday Afternoon The circles of the Woman's Missionary Society of the Metho dist church met Monday after noon at 3:30 in the following homes: Circle number one met with Mrs. W. M. Cundiff on Bridge street with twelve members pres ent. Mrs. J. F. Hendren con ducted the devotionals and Mfs R. G. Smith led the Bible study. Circle number two met with Mrs. H. P. Graham on Gwyn Avenue with fifteen members present. The devotionals were in charge of Mrs. E. F. McNeer and Mrs. J. Mark McAdams led the Bible Study. Circle number three met with Mrs. C. N. Bodenheimer on West Main street with Mrs. J. B. Parks associate hostess, with eight mem bers present. The devotionals were In charge of Mrs. R. M. Chatham and Mrs. Mason Lil lard led the Bible Study. At the close of the programs a social hour was enjoyed. Each hostess served a tempting re freshment course. Miss Neaves is Hostess at Dinner Party to Honor Guests Honoring her guest, Miss Mar ilyn Caldwell of Wyncote, Pa., and Miss Betty Armfield of Roanoke, Va., guest of her grandmother, Mrs. W. E. Paul, Miss Rosamond Neaves entertained at a lovely dinner party at her home on Bridge Street Monday evening. Garden flowers were used throughout the lower floor of the home. In the dining room roses were used. The table was cover ed with a lace cloth and center ed with a bowl of roses. Covers were placed for fourteen. Following the dinner bingo and dancing were enjoyed. Bingo prizes were won by Miss Edwina Lawrence and Bobby Chatham. The guest list included Misses Caldwell and Armfield, honorees, Miss Harvison Smith, Miss Mary Sale, Miss Edwina Lawrence, Miss Betty Lou Evans, Miss Geraldine Couch, Bobby Chatham, Joe Gwyn Bivins, Billy Graham, Dicky Smith, Sammy Gambill and Billy Salmons, the latter of Winston- Salem. Miss Reeves Is Hostess to D. A. R. at West Jefferson Miss Ruth Reeves of West Jef ferson entertained members of the Jonathan Hunt Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution at her home Friday at a delightful luncheon to honor her guests, Mrs. Broomfield of New York, Miss Pettus of Ken tucky and Mrs. A. V. Foote of Chi cago. Members from here attending were: Mrs. Wm. R. Wellborn, Mrs. Richard Chatham and Mrs. Joe Bivins. others present were: Mrs. R. A. Dough ton, Mrs. Chas. Myers and Mrs. Clay Thompson, Sparta; Mrs. Graybeal, Mrs. Whit tington, Mrs. B. E. Reeves and Mrs. Nan Wellborn Hoyle, West Jefferson. Following the luncheon a busi ness meeting was held. Miss Reev es, the regent, presided over the meeting which' opened with the ritual, led by the chaplain, Mrs. Clay Thompson. Mrs. R. A. Doughton read a splendid paper on "The Beginning of the Revolu tion." Miss Pettus also spoke briefly on the restor&tion of some of the historical places in Ken tucky. ARLINGTON Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Long and Mr. and Mrs. Quincey John son visited Stone Mountain Sun day. , Mr. and Mrs. Everett Lawrence and family of Pleasant Hill, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mos sie Wilkins Sunday. The many friends of Miss Sara Mae Renegar regret to learn she is ill at Hugh Chatham Hospital, and wish for her a speedy recov ery. Many friends and relatives at tended the birthday dinner given for Rev. Bradley Mathis, near Swan Creek, Sunday. Mrs. H. A. Tilley and children, Joan and Mary Besse, returned Sunday from a month s vacation near Asheville. Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Byrd of Winston-Salem, were the week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Pardue. Mr. and Mrs. Gaither Key of Long-town, spent the week-end "with Mrs. Charlie Long. Miss Zollie Leath of Galax, Va„ spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Reece. Mr. and Mrs. Freel Flynn of Ronda, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Felts. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Reece and son spent Sunday in Galax, Va. | ST. PAUL | People in this section are thank ful for the nice rains Sunday and Monday. Mrs. Ruebin Allred and chil dren have returned to their home in Richmond, Va., following a vis it to her parents here. We are glad to note that Mrs. Sina Walker is improving from an illness of several days. Mr. and Mrs. Clay Macey and Mrs. Omar Walker and little daughter, Barbara Jean, attended the funreal of their uncle at Swan Creek church Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Thurman Nichol son and little daughter of the Shi loah community spent the week end with his father, W. C. Nich olson. Mrs. W. E. Macey spent a short time in Jonesville Sunday, visit ing her daughter, Mrs. W. V. Hol comb. Several people attended the funeral of Sis Todd at Grassy Knob church Tuesday. Walter Wellborn and a number of friends are spending sometime at the beach on a pleasure trip. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Proctor and Porter Proctor of Winston- Salem, were the week-end guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Proctor. OFFER $lO FOR NAME FOR NEW POOL ROOM A prize of SIO.OO in cash is be ing offered by J. S. Hudspeth, of Elkin, for a suitable name for a new pool room located in the Greenwood building on East Main street. Entrants in the contest are ad vised to deliver their entries to Mr. Hudspeth or mail them just so all entries are in not later than Saturday night at 9 o'clock. The new pool room opened this morning (Thursday) and is one of the most modern in this sec tion of the state. Six modern new tables have been installed, as has an electrically refrigerated counter from whicn will be sold soft drinks, beer and wines. Eugene Eller is manager of the new business. TOWN OF ELKIN Elkin, N. C. r •«- .7 PROPOSED BUDGET FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1938 ESTIMATED INCOME: Assessed Valuation Estimated $3,000,000 Debt Sinking General School Rate Service Fund Fund Fund Total Interest .75 $22,500.00 $22,500.00 Sinking Fund .15 $4,500.00 4,500.00 General Fund, .45 $13,500. 13,500.00 School Fund .15 $4,500. 4,500.00 Licenses 1,000. 1,000.00 Polls 380. 380.00 Street Assessm'ts 1,000.00 • 1,000.00 Miscellaneous ( 100. 100.00 $1.50 $22,500.00 $5,500.00 $14,980. $4,500. % $47,480.00 Less 5% uncollectible 1,125.00 275.00 • 749. 225. 2,374.00 Net. Est. Income 21,375 5,225.00 14,231. 4,275. 45,106.00 ESTIMATED EXPENSES: Police Department 2,070. 2,070.00 Fire Department 1,830. 1,830.00 Streets ' 4,600. 4,600.00 General 2,350. 2,350.00 Executive 1,570. 1,570.00 School Fund 3,700. 3,700.00 Debt Service 19,000.00 5,000.00 24,000.00 Refunding Expense 2,000.00 2,000.00 Contingencies 375.00 225.00 1,811. 575. 2,986.00 Total $21,375.00 __ $5,225.00 $14,231. $4,275. $45,106.00 The budget in detail may be examined by any tax payer upon application at the City Tax Office. * Published by order of the Board of Town Commissioners. PAUL GWYN, Clerk. July 7, 1937. Has This Ever Happened to You? I FAKE PRINTING CONCERN: A party posing as the representative of , A „ f the Wake Printing: Company of Raleigh has (An excerpt from .. . , . , , , the Statesville solicited and secured from merchants in chants various sections of the State numerous jobs Bulletin dated for printing at ridiculously low prices. Pay lst, 1937) ment for printing job is usually demanded in advance because the low price is stated to be given for cash only. So far no such printing company is known in Raleigh. Before You Buy PRINTING From A Peddler Give Us A Chance The skip-in and skip-away salesman for outside print ing- plants promises you a 10t... and gets your order ... then sends you what may be 0. K. or may not be. You fall for the "low-price" talk but often get inferior stock, standardized forms, no proof and delivery when he has secured a volume job lot. We sell you Quality Merchandise, show you the stock, furnish proofs, make any and all changes you require, carry you on the books like friends, often "scratch your back" in a generous reciprocal manner . . . and always strive to please you from start to finish. Elk Printing Co. prices of printing are based on stand ard price lists used by good printers. We figure each job and make no "guess" prices. We know our cost and add only a fair and reasonable profit. We invite you to compare prices and quality of work. Elk Printing Co. QUALITY PRINTING Phone 96 Elkin, N. C.

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