Thursday, July 29. 1937 ETY. Methodist Circles to Meet Mon day Afternoon The circles of the Woman's Missionary Society of the Meth odist church will meet Monday afternoon at 3:30 in the following homes; Circle number one will meet with Mrs. Fred Colhard on Church street; number two with Mrs. R. L. Hubbard on Surry Avenue with Mrs. W. M. Evans associate host ess and number three with Mrs. J. G. Abernethy on West Main street'. All members are requested to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Errol Hayes Enter tain for Out-of-Town Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Errol Hayes en tertained at ah enjoyable inform al buffet supper at their home on Churoh street Tuesday evening, having as guests the following from out-of-town: Mr. and Mrs. John Rusher and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Roberts, Salisbury; Mr. Expert Repairing Watches, Clocks, Jewelry We Now Have Equipment to Make Any Kind of Duplicate Keys. W. M. Wall, Jeweler Phone 56 Elkin, N. C. West Main I lElkin, LLIi - c THEATRE THURSDAY, JULY 29 "Behind the Headlines" With Lee Tracy—Diana Gibson Selected Shorts Adm. 10c-25c Friday-Saturday— Monday-Tuesday— Matinee and Night Matinee Monday 1:00 P. M. Cartoon - Comedy - Serial Also Selected Shorts Adm. 10c-25c Adm. 10c-25c WEDNESDAY—DIME NlGHT— "Border Cafe" With Harry Carey—John Beal Comedy 1 Adm. 10c To All and Mrs. T. W. Crickett, Mrs. Ira Q. Tuttle and Leon Hall, Raleigh; T. A. Slack, Greensboro; Mr. and Mrs. Wade Moody, Mount Airy; Mr. and Mrs. Ed Need ham, Pilot Mountain and C. H. Hunter, A&heville. Mrs. Lanier Honors Visitors At Party Thursday Mrs. Archie Lanier entertained at a lovely party at her home on Gwyn Avenue Thursday morning to honor Mrs. Ralph Parks of Ra leigh; Mrs. L. A. Parks, Mrs. Elgie Hamet, Mrs. Harold Fowler and Mrs. Russell Sherrill of States ville. Guests from Elkin were Mrs. E. C. Grier, Mrs. Conrad Hock and Mrs. Leßoy Campbell. Bridge was played during the morning at at one o'clock a course luncheon was served. Scoring honors went to Mrs. Elgie Hamet at the conclusion of the play and Mrs. Ralph Parks ,was also presented a remembrance. Baptist Inspirational Meeting Features Playlet The monthly inspirational meeting of the circles of the Wo man's Missionary Society of the First Baptist church met at the church Monday afternoon with twenty-four members and two visitors present. The meeting featured a playlet, "Mrs." Hope Teaches Civics" presented by Miss Amy Catherine Myers and her guest. Miss Addie Lee Wright, of Rome, Georgia, and Mrs. E. C. James. Mrs. T. L. Parnell con ducted the devotionals and di rected the program. Mrs. F. M. Norman, general president, presided over the busi ness session.* W. W. Harris Family Enjoy Annual Reunion The family of W. W. Harris gathered in annual reunion Sun day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Grady Harris on West Main street. Approximately forty mem bers of the family were in attend ance and four generations of the family were represented. A bountiful dinner was served picnic style on the spacious lawn. In addition to members of the family who reside here the fol lowing from out-of-town atend ed: Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Harris and Mr. and Mrs. Gwyn Harris and children, Winston-Salem; Miss Jeannette Fulp, Raleigh; Oene Fulp, Statesville and Mr. and Mrs. Dock Fulp of Sarasota, Flor ida. THE EUTIN TRIBUNE, ELKIN, NORTH CAROLINA Baptist Circles to Meet Monday Afternoon The circles of the Woman's Mis sionary Society of the First Bap tist church win meet Monday af ternoon, August 2, at 3:30 in the following homes: The Emma Leechman circle will meet with Mrs. T. L. Parnell on Surry Ave nue; the Naomi Shell circle with Mrs. Grady Harris on West Main street and the Neal Young circle with Mrs. C. A. McNeill on Bridge street. The Pearl Johnson circle will meet with Mrs. Leslie Relnhardt on Elk Spur street Tuesday even ing at 8 o'clock. All members are invited to at tend. Mrs. Harris Is Hostess To Study Club Wednesday Members of the Wednesday Af ternoon Study Club enjoyed a de lightful meeting at the home of Mrs. Fletcher Harris on West Main street Wednesday in the regular monthly session. Contin uing the study of world-wide con ditions, Mrs. Errol Hayes present ed a well prepared program on Spain. Current events of interest were given by Mrs. R. B. Harrell. During a social hour the hostess served a tempting collation in two courses. Members present were Mes dames R. B. Harrell, Errol Hayes, Hugh Royall, A. B- Somers, C. H. Brewer, Fred Neaves, J. H. Bee son and Marion Allen. Addition al guests were Mrs. Ira Tuttle of Raleigh, guest of Mrs. Errol Hayes and Miss Emma Comer of Dobson, guest of Mrs. Harris. Charles Brewer, Jr., Is Honored On Birthday Anniversary Honoring her son, Charles, Jr. on his seventh birthday anniver sary, Mrs. C. H. Brewer was host ess at a delightful party at Hotel Elkin Tuesday afternoon. The play yard in the rear of the hotel was converted into a fairyland for the amusement of the guests. Numerous games were enjoyed. The climax of the party was the cutting of the birthday cake, which contained symbols of for tune. Ices were served with the cake. Guests were: Charles Brewer, Jr., honoree, Lucy Brewer, Peggy and Charles, Jr., Haywood, Anne Harris, Peggy Chatham, Charles Dockery, Dale Aldridge, Libby Ann Royall, Owen Gwyn, Patsy Lanier, Floyd Brendle, Gene Click and Tommy Smith, the latter of Lenoir. Dr. and Mrs. Harrell Entertain Fortnightly Bridge Club Dr. and Mrs. R. B. Harrell en tertained members of the Fort nightly Bridge Club at a delight ful bridge-dinner at their home on West Main street Thursday evening. Dinner was served at seven o'clock, and during the eve ning bridge was played at three tables. The club award for high score, a flower print, went to Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Brewer at the close of the play. Mr. and Mrs. Frank lin Folger, special guests of the club, were also given a lovely print. Club members playing were: Mr. and Mrs. Marion Allen, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Brewer, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gwyn, Mr.-and Mrs. A. B. Somers, and Dr. and Mrs. Har rell. Mr. and Mrs. Folger were the only outside guests. nlrs. Hock Is Hostess To Honor Mrs. L. W. Laxton and Visitors Honoring Mrs. L. W. Laxton, a bride of the summer, and a bevy of visitors in town, Mrs. Conrad Hock entertained at a lovely bridge-luncheon at her home on Gwyn Avenue Friday morning. A beautiful collection of summer flowers made a pretty setting for the six tables which were placed for the games. In the progressions the high score prize went to Mrs. Leßoy Campbell. The honor prize went to Mrs. Ira Tuttle. Mrs. Laxton was presented a lovely gift as guest of honor. At one o'clock a beautifully ap pointed luncheon was served. Out-of-town guests were Mrs. Ira Tuttle and Mrs. Ralph Parks of Raleigh; Mrs. John W. Ross of Jacksonville, Florida, Miss Julia Comer of Dobson and Miss Cath erine Payne of Lenoir. "Peace Garden" is Theme of Garden Club Study Members of the Yadkin Valley Garden Club enjoyed a study of the "Peace Garden," established on the borderline between Canada and the United States as a pact between the two countries that there would never be need of sol diers and guns along the border line. The garden was established in 1814. Mrs. Mason Lillard di rected the prograih and she was assisted by Mrs. J. F. Hendrei ■ and Mrs. M. A. Biggs. The meet ing was held at the home of Mrs George Royall on Church street Thursday afternoon. At the conclusion of the pro gram a salad course and a swee course was served by the hostess Members present were: Mes dames E. G. Click, M. A. Biggs [ W. W. Whitaker, J. F. Hendren J. S. Atkinson. H. C. Salmons am | Mason Lillard. Mrs. H. F. Laf Ijfoon was a special guest. Mrs, Ross Is Honored At Bridge- Luncheon By Mrs, Poindexter Mrs. John W. Ross, of Jack sonville, Florida, who is spending some time here the guest of Mrs. R. L. Poindexter, was guest of honor at a lovely luncheon Thurs day, given by Mrs. Carl Poindex ter, at her home on Gwyn Avenue. Sharing honors with Mrs. Rossi was Mrs. M. E. Motsinger, of Winston-Salem, guest of Mrs. Alex Chatham. v Summer flowers were used in' the decorations of the home. Bridge was played at two tables, beginning at ten o'clock. Mrs. C. L. Haywood, Jr., received the high score award at the conclu sion of the play. Those making up the two tables were: Mrs. Ross, Mrs. Motsinger, Mrs. Alex Chatham, Mrs. R. B. Harrell, Mrs. Marion Allen, Mrs. C. H. Brewer, Mrs. C. L. Haywood, Jr., and Mrs. E. S. Spainhour. Additional guests for luncheon were: Mrs. R. L. Poindexter, Mrs. Wm. A. Jenkins, Mrs. Mason Lil lard and Mrs. M. A. Biggs. Mrs. Jenkins drew the prize for the luncheon guests and Mrs. Ross was also given a remembrance. Wedding is Solemnized Saturday Of interest to friends in North Carolina and Kentucky is the wedding of Miss Doris Anthea Martin of Rusk and Taylor Gab bard of Berea, Kentucky. The wedding was quietly solemnized at the home of the officiating minister, Rev. C. W. Russell, pas tor of the Dobson Methodist church Saturday morning at 10 o'clock and was attended only by a few close friends. For the ceremony the bride wore a becoming ensemble of gray with harmonizing accessories. The bride is the eldest daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Mar tin of Rusk. She was educated at Dobson high school and Berea! College, Kentucky. The bridegroom is a%on of Dr. and Mrs. Gabbard of Berea and is engaged in business in Berea. Following the ceremony the wedding party was entertained at luncheon at the country home of the bride's parents. Immediately afterwards the couple left for Be rea, where they will make their home. Engagement of Miss Nancy Ruth Reeves is Announced at Luncheon One of the prettiest parties of the week was the luncheon Thurs day at one o'clock at the home of Mrs. Richard Chatham on East Main street, when members of the Jonathan Hunt Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revo lution were hostesses. The party was to announce the engagement and approaching marriage of Miss Nancy Ruth Reeves of West Jef ferson, regent of the chapter, to Samuel. Pannill Wilson of Cas cade, Virginia. The wedding will take place in September. The lower floor of the home was beautifully decorated with a wealth of garden flowers. Lunch eon was served from three tables grouped on the spacious dining room. The bride-elect's table was centered with red, white and blue tapers in crystal holders, arrang ed in the shape of a star. The smaller tables were centered with crimson candles. The announcement was made with the serving of the ice course, the fancy, individual cakes bear ing the announcement. Miss Reeves was presented linens as a gift from the hostesses. Miss Reeves is a daughter of Dr. and Mrs. B. E. Reeves a prominent Alleghany county fam ily. She was educated at Salem College and Columbia university, and for .several years has success fully edited the Skyland Post at West Jefferson. Mr. Wilson is a member of a distinguished Virginia family and was educated at Washington and Lee University. Five governors of Virginia are included among his ancestors. Following his gradua tion he was associated with an oil company with headquarters at Detroit, as foreign salesman, spending much time abroad. For the last three years he has de voted his time to the family home "Windsor," one of the historic homes for which Virginia is fa mous, and which is a family in heritance. Members from here attending the luncheon were: Mrs. Fred McNeely, Mrs. Wm. R. Wellborn, Mrs. Chatham and Miss Sadie ■ Franklin. Out-of-town guests were: Mrs. B. E. Reeves, mother ' of the bride-elect, Mrs. Carl B. Graybeal, Mrs. B. B. Graybeal, ' Mrs. John T. Hoyle, Mrs. Blanche Our FRYERS Are the nicest and best dressed in town See Us For Proof! Modern Food Store Phones 89—309 Fleas, Miss Ruth Tugman and Miss Laura Gambill, West Jef ferson; Mrs. R. A. Doughton, Mrs. Charles Myers, Mrs. Ben Reeves and Mrs. Roy Burglss, Sparta; Mrs., O. L. Slayton and Mrs. Bill Gwyn, Leakesville and Mrs. A. V. Foote of Chicago. I Read Tribune Advertisements! I SPAINHOUR'S 'JULY | /I T ■ 1 CONTINUES WITH MANY /m ■ BH VALUES IN EVERY U J ■ J DEPARTMENT! Many Items Have Been Repriced for Quick Clearance! Further Reduction on Dresses That Will Move Them Quickly! Values To Values To Values To $4.95 $6.95 $7.95 Now Now Now—— $2.00 $3.00 $4.00 Values To A A Values To AA $8.95 Now tb«S«UU ? 14 - 95 Now «b | «UU All Cotton Frocks, Nelly Don and Georgiana Included, Repriced for Greater Savings! Values To Values To Values To Values To $1.98, Now $2.98, Now $3.95, Now $5.95, Now $1.48 $1.94 $2.94 $3.94 All Evening Dresses Now 1-2 Price! Odds and Ends in Curtains. Ruffled and Tailored Styles. Cream and Ecru VALUES TO SI.OO I VALUES TO $1.69 $1 1A NOW t>/C J NOW Jfrl.lJ) SLIPS AND PAJAMAS Regular fm H White and Tea Rose - SI.OO " / ' / Tailored and Lace Trim Values m m DON'T MISS THESE BASEMENT VALUES! CREPE DRESSES CREPE DRESSES White and Pastel White and Pastel Regular Price $1.98, Now Reg. Price $2.98 and $3.95, Now $1.48 $1,94 MEN'S SHIRTS SANDALS A . ...... , a One Group Sandals, Whites, Blue, Pink One Group Stripes, Solid Colors and Some and Red Regular Price S L9B and $ 2 .45 White. Values to $1.50. Now— -79c 81.19 Sydnor-Spainhour Co. ELKIN, N. C. i— Eyes Examined Office: GIMM Fitted EBdn National Bank 801 l dine DR. P. W.GREEN OPTOMETRIST Offices wen daily for optical repairs and adjustments of aD kinds. Examinations on Tuesdays and Fridays from 1 to 5 p. m. By Appointment - " Phone 149 TRIBUNE ADVERTISING GETS RESULTS!

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