News of Jonesville Mrs. Gumey Wagoner, Editor Phone 48-W Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Mathls and children, Sarah Nell, John Wes ley and Charles and Mrs. Baxter Mathls, of Washington, D. C. spent last Wednesday at Shatley Springs. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Felts and children, of Winston-Salem spent Sunday here with relatives. Mrs. I. Y. Jester, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hydei) and their guest of At lanta, Ga., Mrs. Ernie Hyden, Mrs. Fred Hyden and children spent Sunday in Boone and Blowing Rock. Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Stout and Miss Sadie Brendle of Winston- Salem, visited Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Mathis on Sunday. Mrs. W. R. Hudspeth and daughter, Peggy Anne, of Yad kinville, spent the first part of the week with her sister-in-law, Mrs. G. S. Wagoner. Miss Virginia Anthony, of Hamptonville, was the guest of her brother, Mr. and Mrs. Max An thony on Sunday. Mr. Aaron Speer, of Boonville, was the guest of his niece, Mrs. Myrtle Castevens. Rev. and Mrs. D. G. Reece and daughter, Sarah Lou. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Mcßride and' son, Billy COMPLETE Foundry And Machine Shop SERVICE Electric and Acetelyne Welding CALL ON US FOR YOUR EVERY NEED DOUBLE EAGLE SERVICE CO. Phone 43 Elkin, N. C. "Every Day Is JJfL Bargain Day With iP Me!" j I Hare so surprise for you! Lots of my employers don t realize just how cheaply I work. Get this: After you have used 50 kilowatt hours per month of my service (minimum that any family should use for ordinary lighting, ironing, etc.)— I operate the electric refrigerator at an average cost of around $1.50 per month. 1 I cook your food on an electric range for an average approximately 10c a day (for thousands of families the cost is much less). I operate your radio, bringing you the world's best in music, entertainment, etc., at a cost of from one to three cents a day. I furnish you light from a 300-watt lamp for less than one cent per hour. I burn a 100-watt lamp four hours for one cent. Some of my friends think I am foolish to work at such low wages but I get a great kick out of it. I enjoy making life easier, and brighter and happier for YOU! . Your Servant and Friend, Reddy Kilowatt POWERj COM PAN Y A■* n ■ .arMf! l It r r iliitfui' attended the revival service at Bethel church last Sunday. Miss Fannie Nicholson, Mrs. Ivory Cockerham and daughter, Juanita, returned Monday after spending ten days at Marion, at tending camp meeting there. Mrs. Worth Burgess, of Cycle, was the guest of Mrs. Paul Gray on Saturday. Miss Pauline Hudspeth of Yad kinville, visited her aunt, Mrs. G. S? Wagoner the latter part of last week. Mrs. Melvin Vestal is listed among the sick this week. Mr. and Mrs. Wilmoth Swaim and Mrs. P. W. Macemore and children spent the week-end in Durham with Mr. and Mrs. Thom as Swaim. Mrs. Macemore remain ed for an indefinite time. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Brown had as their guests one day last week, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Vanhoy and son, Billy of Asheville. Mr. and Mrs. John Mayberry and son, Gayle and Mrs. Myrtle Brown and Joe Gentry returned home Friday night from a visit to relatives in Warren, Ind. I ' Misses Lucile Vestal and Ger ald in e Gentry and Mr. Edworth Freeman spent the week-end with THE ELKIN TRIBUNE, ELKIN, NORTH CAROLINA 1 111 ... ." 1 .. Mr. Donald Adcox at his summer home in Statcsville. Mrs. R. S. Gray, of Ronda, vis ited her sons, Burrus and Paul Gray on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Helton were the guests over the week-end of their son, Elmer Helton and Mrs. Helton in Asheville. Mrs. El mer Helton and daughters, Jerry Ann and Shirley accompanied them home to spend several days here with them. Mrs. J. H. Mathis and Miss Mary Mathis spent Swutey in High Point visiting Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Mathis. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hyden have as their guests this week the for mer's mother, Mrs. Emie Hyden and Mrs. Fred Hyden and chil dren of Atlanta, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. Quincy Johnson and daughter, Edith, and Mrs. T. E. Johnson and Norman Porter visited their brother and son, Mr. Dewey Johnson and-Mrs. John son of North Wilkeßboro on Sun day. Miss Mary Feimster, of Wins ton-Salem, is visiting relatives here this week. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Brown and Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Brandon left Wednesday morning for ffinox ville, Tenn. and other points to visit Mr. Brown's brother, Mr. Richard Brown and Mrs. Brown's brother. Prof. John T. Paris. Miss Hazel Brandon and other relatives left Monday for New Castle, Ind. to visit relatives there. Miss Mary Elizabeth Ingram is spending this week in Luray vis iting her aunt, Mrs. Ada McCog nelly. Miss Sudie Finney and Master Tommy Pegram of Statesville spent Tuesday with her sister, Mrs. Marjorie Eskerage. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Blackwood arid daughters, Rama and Peggy, spent the week-end in Boone and Blowing Rock. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Felts had as their guests, Messrs. J. W. Smith and Horace Barbee of Goldsboro, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Kizer of Yadkinville, visited in the home of Mrs. J. W. Arnold on Sunday. Mrs. Maggie Ashley accompan ied her daughter, Mrs. Anne Whit ner of Tobaccoville, to her home last week to spend some time. Master Robert Apperson, of Winston-Salem, is visiting rela tives here this week. During the storm on Monday afternoon lightning struck the chimney on the home of Mr. J. O. Ray. Mr. Foster Brown and son, Har ry, of Warren, Ind., accompanied Mr.' Brown's father, Mr. Tom Brown, who has been visiting them for a month home here Friday night. Mr. Eugene yartin entered Hugh Chatham Hospital on Monday and underwent an oper ation on Tuesday. Misses Iris Minish and Cath erine Boles, students at A. S. T. C. at Boone, spent the week-end here with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Odell Mayberry, of Pulaski, Va., are here this week visiting relatives. Mrs. John Weaver and son Jack Ray, spent the week-end in Winston-Salem with her mother, Mrs. Johnson. - Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hudspeth moved into their new home at North Elkin on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Ray visited in the home of Mrs. J. c. Pinnix on Sunday afternoon. Mrs. H. L. Holcomb, Mrs. M. M. Mayberry and daughters, Ruth and Nancy Ann, spent Wednesday afternoon in Winston-Salem. Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Holcomb visited her mother, Mrs. W. E. Macy, of Hamptonville and also Mrs. W. C. Perry and small son, Kyle of Martinsville, Va., who is the guest of her mother for an in definite time. Mrs. Baxter Mathis has return ed to Washington, D. C., after spending a week here visiting rel atives and friends. Miss Burcham Gives Birthday Party Miss Beatrice Burcham enter tained at 8 o'clock at the Lucy Hanes Chatham club house, cele brating her eighteenth birthday. The spacious reception room was beautifully decorated, the co lor soheme being a variety of bright colors, streamers of vari colored crepe paper and balloons hung from the ceiling and chan deliers, while beautiful summer flowers were used" in profusion throughout the entire club house. Tables were placed for bingo and many attractive prizes were won, after which the guests gath ered around the table where the huge three-tier birthday cake stood and were served a delight ful ice course by Mrs. W. E. Bur cham, mother of the hostess, Miss Claudia Austin and Mrs. Hope Brown. After the refreshments were served the hostess opened her numerous presents. The floor was cleared and dancing was en joyed, music being furnished by an electric v)°trola. About forty quests were present, including members of the young er set of Elkin And Jonesville and members of the Lucy Hanes Chat- New Naval Aide i » WASHINGTON, D. C. . . . Captain Walter B. Woodson of Lynchburg, Va.. whom the Navy Department has announced will become Naval Aide to President Roosevelt ham club of which Miss Burcham is a member. Sunbeams Meet Tuesday Afternoon The Sunbeams met at the church for their regular meeting on Tuesday afternoon, August 10 with the following members pres ent: Jury; Boles, Cornelia and Jean Lineberry, Sarah Lou Reece, Nancy Ann Mayberry, Dorothea Chappel, Jean Madison and two visitors, Peggy Anne Hudspeth of Yadkinville and Jerry Anne Hel ton of Charlotte and the leader, Miss Carrie Taylor assisted by Miss Lorraine Lineberry. W. M. S. Meets With Mrs. Boles The Woman's Missionary So ciety of the Methodist church met with Mrs. O. E. Boles Tuesday evening, with eight members pres ent. Miss Mildred Ingram di rected the program, assisted by Mrs. O. E. Boles. Misses Rosalee Minnish and Weeta Elliott dis cussed "Christian Service in Rural Districts." During the business hour Mrs. L. S. Weaver was in charge of the meeting. An ice course was served during a social period. COOL SPRINGS Mr. and Mrs. Paul Darnell and Mrs. Clay Darnell of Washington, D. C., were guests of Mr. and Mrs, Leßoy Darnell the past week. Miss Madeline Newman re turned to Mooresville Sunday, af ter spending the week-end at home. Mr. Raymond Carter of Atlan ta, Ga., is spending a few days here visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Pettyjohn of Winston-Salem, spent the week end here the guests of Mr. and Mrs. ,M. L. Pettyjohn. Mrs. Lean der Hanes of Kannapolis, who has been visiting relatives and friends here returned with Mr. and Mrs. Pettyjohn to Winston- Salem Sunday, afternoon. Among our visitors Sunday V Hr bhL . So good it's used mmk 1500.000 CARS ',-wH Agent Sinclair Refining Company (Inc.) H. P. Graham, Elkin, N. C. — w were Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Absher, Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Wishon, Mrs. Grady Carter, Mr. and Mrs. Ar thur Wall, Mrs. Joe Wishon, Aunt Lodemia Harp, Mr. and Mrs. Mil lard Wishon, Messrs. R. L. Wall and Walter Darnell. We're sure they were not disappdinted in the sermon delivered by our pastor, Rev. I. W. Vestal. Mrs. Frank Carter and son, Qllvln, visited Mrs. Carter's sis ter, Mrs. Isobel Pettyjohn, Satur day at Winston-Salem. Plans are going forward now for the proposed addition of the Sunday school room > to Cool Springs church. We trust that we may by the help of the mem bers of our church and the bless ing of our God upon the work be able to finish this much needed addition. A special call meeting of all members of the church will be held Saturday afternoon at six o'clock. All members urged to attend. Misses Vergie and Zollie Hager man of Winston-Salem, were the week-end guests of their sister,' Mrs. Paul Walker. Miss Pansy Darnell has re turned home from a two week's visit to her sisters, in Winston- Salem. A large crowd of relatives and friends attended the burial of one of Cool Springs' members here last week, when our brother 1 , Joe M. Wishon, was laid to rest. A lovely floral offering bore silent tribute to his worth as a husband and father, a neighbor and friend. It was the second funeral held from this home in the past month. ' , ARLINGTON | Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wall and children spent the week-end in Marion, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Rose, Mrs. J. M. Rose, of Arlington, and Mrs. J I^OMINGp* WINSTON-SALEM j AND FORSYTH COUNTY - FAIR - ■iiUKv Old Allen and Mrs. Lee Shutt of Winston-Salem, spent Sunday af ternoon at Kapps Mills. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Rose had as their guest Saturday, Miss Ber nice Strdivant of Pea Ridge and Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Rose. We are glad to note that Mr. Herbert Clubb Is very much im proved after a severe Illness. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rose left Sunday for a week's vacation in Washington, D. C. The Woman's Study Club of the Arlington Baptist church met Friday night at the home of Miss Elizabeth Pardue, with twelve members and one visitor present. PAUL GWYN PHONE 258 I All Lines of INSURANCE Representing Strong Stock Companies Only—No Mutuals THESE TS BIG SUMMER NEWS! CLOSE- VSI. OUT EXTRAA VALUES EXTRA?® Will Save You EXTRAS Money At SMITHEY'S W' LADIES'MESSES t REDUCED 1 Rack $3.98 £Q Values, Now V"'"" 1 Rack $1.98 £•§ Values, Now 1 Rack $1.98 AA Values, Now Shoes Reduced Men's Oxfords 1l One Lot Two-Tone Oxfords ■*^l $2.48 Values, Now Only One Lot Ladies' White Oxfords, $1.98 Values, Now SI.OO One Lot Children's Oxfords, 97c Values, Now 79c Close Out! Entire Lot LADIES'SUMMER HATS 25c V-j* Each / • SPECIAL VALUES IN NEW MERCHANDISE LL Sheeting, yard 8c One lot AAA Sheeting, 40 in. wide, yd 9c Extra heavy Domestic, 40 in. wide, yd. 10c Yard wide fast color prints, broadcloth and gingham, yard 10c Men's good quality work shirts 39c—48c—59c Men's Overalls 59c—90c—$1.10 Children's anklets, pair ,1 5c and 10C Men's new dress oxfords, pair $1.94 to $2.95 Men's work shoes, pair : : $1.48 to $2.95 Smithey's Dept. Store The Great Bargain Givers Elkin, N. C. Thursday, August 12» 1937 Mrs. James Dunman was in charge of the program. Readings were given by Miss Mardell Wall and Mrs. Carl Rose. At the close of the meeting watermelon was served by Miss Elizabeth Pardue and Mrs. Charlie Long. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Darnell and little daughter, Catherine, and Mr. and Mrs. John Wall and daughter, Mardell, spent Sunday j at Blowing Rock and Boone. Mr. and Mrs. R. G.' Hagwood. accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Ingfam and family, of Jones ville, motored to Blowing Rock and Grandfather Mountain Sun day.

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